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Everything posted by lezlers

  1. I remember on the "Being Maci" special that Ryan was trying pretty hard to hook up with her while she was out with her friends. If I remember correctly, he was dating Dalis at the time as well. He was following her around a club like a freaking puppy dog. It was messed up.
  2. I was also wondering why the henchmen weren't pale at all. I also wonder how black skin is affected by the zombie virus. Does it look albino? Also, why were the henchmen in the freezer after being shot? Are zombie brains ripe for eating? My mind is boggled!
  3. He probably didn't want Maci to meet his current girlfriend. I've seen lots of guys play up animosity between their ex and current partner in order to feel big and bad themselves.
  4. I don't want to defend Ryan AT ALL, but the way he was asking "why didn't you call" or something along those lines made me think he was expecting her to call or text before he went out to meet them, presumably to let him know they were there. Both of them were kind of stupid, him for not texting HER if he was wondering why she wasn't there yet and her for sitting there nearly an hour with a five year old and not just texting him to see where HE was. I mean, he lived RIGHT NEXT to where they were! The whole thing looked like a passive aggressive power struggle from both sides.
  5. I want to make a drinking game where you have to drink every time someone says the word "prison." It was said approximately 851 times during this episode alone. I can't stand Tyler, he's such a little punk. Cate just sitting there chewing off her nails as he did something that could've resulted in them never seeing their biological daughter again was heartbreaking. I honestly believe it's only a matter of time before he hits her. A good friend of mine adopted her son in an open adoption. Apparently the birth mother was emailing my friend too often wanting updates (for a while there it was multiple times per week soon after the birth) so she just cut off all contact, just like that. I remember being surprised that she was allowed to do that. It really is on the whim of the adoptive parent so Tyler better watch it. And Ryan is a total douchebag. I don't understand everyone saying how good looking he is, either. I mean, he's not ugly but he's not a god or anything. He's certainly not good looking enough to make up for his general douchiness. I also don't think Maci's current boyfriend is BAD looking like everyone says. If he'd shave that damn caveman beard he'd probably be handsome. He's definitely an improvement over Kyle. Oh yay, next episode we get to see more fat shaming of Catelynn. I can't WAIT. Sigh.
  6. Also a criminal defense lawyer and this ep was KILLING me. The chain of custody argument was ridiculous (like any judge would keep those photos out based on that argument) and sustaining a leading question objection during cross examination? Huh? I get that not everything is going to be totally accurate, but why put something totally incorrect in there that doesn't otherwise serve any purpose? And then the whole attempted assault ruling. Um, what? Assault is basically attempted battery and there WAS clearly a battery here, the only question was if there was an affirmative defense of others claim. I just...it's like they're not even trying.
  7. Now now, everyone knows the BEST time to go to college is when you have a newborn. As for Amber: I've worked in a number of treatment courts. The one thing EVERY treatment professional says is the best way to keep an addict clean is lots of support and keeping busy. In drug court, they strive to fill up as many hours in the clients' days as humanly possible with the belief that if they're busy, they're not using or thinking about using. It's completely logical. Amber is just WAITING to relapse.
  8. I remember that episode. Maci and her posse of friends strutting down the beach with their shades on, I almost sprung an eye socket rolling my eyes so hard at that. It was really obnoxious. I was firmly Team Ryan when that went down. It was Ryan's time, I don't care if Maci just "wanted to see him for a minute." Sorry, he's on vacation with his dad. You can see him when he comes back. Call him tonight if you miss him. It was clearly just a ploy to scope out Dalis and make sure she knew MACI was Bentley's mother. Crazy immature. Re: Cate and Tyler. Does anyone know what they DO? Before Cate had the baby, did they work? Obviously they weren't in school. So were they just sitting around all day every day, a la Amber? I mean, they didn't even have a kid to take care of, so what were they DOING? These kids sure do know how to turn into another statistic, don't they?
  9. I read that as she not wanting Larry to embarrass her or talk shit about Ryan on camera. More of a saving face thing, than anything else. Not that I think she's a good mom. I think Ryan is the way he is for a reason.
  10. Shocking. I totally agree with this. Larry's reaction told me everything I need to know about their relationship (between him and his parents as well as him and Bentley.) That was not staged. That was a 100% real, raw reaction of someone who is clearly at the end of his rope.
  11. Sadly, in the ten years I've worked in the criminal justice system, I've seen my fair share of prosecutors with this exact attitude. I've seen judges have to shame them in open court before they'll let go of a case when it's been more than proven that the person being prosecuted did not commit the crime.
  12. Wait, what? Amber went to prison because she didn't want to go to rehab and stay on probation. How was that choice made so that she "could be a better mother?" Consciously choosing to NOT better oneself does not make you a better person and mother. It makes you childish and stubborn. Whenever I have a client who elects not to go to rehab and just do time instead, I always know they're not yet done with their addiction. Amber is no different, it's just a matter of time. Better person and mom, indeed.
  13. It's clear that Ryan's parents are the primary caretakers of Bentley when he's at their house. Every time Ryan comes into a scene it's like he's just kind of seeing Bentley there for the first time; he clearly hasn't been the one caring for him all day. He's, at most, a resentful older brother, not a father. I'm not a huge Maci fan, but I get where she's coming from. Bentley looks uncomfortable around Ryan (probably because he hardly ever sees him) and I'm sure it pisses her off that she is the primary parent 90% of the time while Ryan doesn't do shit even with the very minimal visitation he has. If I were in her position, I'd probably be a little pissy about it, too.
  14. Forget sleeping, imagine having sex with him.
  15. I thought the Caddillac was Amber's. I was wondering why the cousin was driving her car.
  16. Not everyone reacts to pregnancy the same. With both my kids, I gained 10 pounds as soon as the line on the stick turned pink, it was ridiculous. I also had really bad morning sickness and the only things I could keep down were pretty unhealthy (I think with my daughter I subsisted on nothing but french fries for two weeks. It was literally the only thing I could keep down.) And have you tried exercising when you're puking every hour? Enough with the armchair doctoring about her weight, it's obnoxious, whether it's from Tyler or random people on the internet.
  17. I wanted to jump through the screen and punch Tyler's skinny ass in the face when he was giving Cate shit about her weight. Hey asshole, SHE'S PREGNANT. Some people's bodies react differently to pregnancy than others. I had easily gained 20 lbs by 4 or 5 months with my son and topped the scales at 70 gained by the time I had him (10 of that was him. He was a BIG boy.) I lost it all within 4 months, so shove it, Tyler. Amber actually had me proud of her during the scene where she was telling her cousin (who squicks me out. That chick looks trashy as hell and I totally believe Amber's mom that she only shows up for the cameras) that it's better for LEAH to stay with Gary. That was really mature. But then she had to go and ruin it by acting like a pouty child over Kristina being at the school dropping off her OWN kid. Also, Gary is nasty. It's clear he just enjoys playing head games with Amber. So he's grotesquely obese, mentally abusive and conceited as hell. Who is attracted to this man?? I totally cried when Maci was driving home after dropping off Bentley at school. That'll be me in a couple of years and I know I'll be the exact same way. I did roll my eyes when she was saying he was going to be messed up by Ryan not showing up to school. Dramatic, much? I have no recollection whatsoever of my first day of kindergarten, much less remember who was there and who wasn't. I think he'll get over it. I enjoyed Maci's boyfriend's "not serious" advice to drink a beer and get over it. That'd be my "serious" advice to her. Ryan IS an ass, tho. His father's anger at the restaurant scene made that pretty clear.
  18. Thank you for clarifying! I only know California law, since this is where I practice and apparently we're a bunch of sensitive flowers over here with the whole not requiring injury. :)
  19. I practice in California. In California, simple battery is Penal Code section 240. The jury instructions for that section specifically state that the touching does not have to case pain or injury of any kind. In the civil code system, however, it requires that the plaintiff show harm. Could be different in NY, though.
  20. His grandpa had that conversation with him and Bentley just kept saying "because it's not gonna be fuuuuun!!!!" Typical 6 year old stuff. I think Ryan handled it in an appropriate way. There's a time for talking things out with a kid and there's a time for just laying down the law. This time was the latter, in my opinion.
  21. I'm a public defender. Trust me when I say it DOES. Lord, it does.
  22. Every time someone proclaims "there's no WAY this case wouldn't have been thrown out!" I want to bang my head against a wall. I have defended cases stupider than this in criminal court. You don't need proof of injury to be guilty of battery. Hell, I've defended attempted battery cases where there WEREN'T any injuries! Judges don't just throw cases out of court willy nilly, if you have a cooperative victim and the d.a. has some evidence of the crime, the case can go to trial. All this armchair lawyering in these threads is killing me.
  23. What? Those pictures were his personal property, not under subpoena and he is not a party to the case. There is nothing illegal about what he did, it's akin to a random bystander recording someone getting jumped on their cell phone, then deleting the recording weeks later. I think it goes to show that this whole trial and arrest isn't for Hugo at all, it's for her. I'm guessing to help ease her guilt about abandoning him when he was still an infant.
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