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Everything posted by lezlers

  1. The garage sale: LOL. Reminds me of when Jenelle had to drop out of school because...wait for it...she was MOVING. To another apartment in the same town. Ugh. These girls.
  2. 6+ years for a 2 year degree is ridiculous, no matter what your circumstances. It's not like she's working 60 hours a week to try and make her tuition payment not to mention the fact that Bentley has been in school for at least 2 years (I'm counting the daycare he was in previous to kindergarten.) Come on, now. She has no job and her child is at school every day, yet she hasn't completed in 12 semesters what is meant to be completed in 4. There is NO excuse for still not finishing a 2 year program over 6 years later. Maci hasn't finished because she's lazy as hell, pure and simple. If she put as much effort into school as she puts in to roping a man, she would've been finished years ago.
  3. If Maci hasn't even earned her Associates yet, that would be REALLY pathetic. It's only supposed to take you two years to do that and she's been going to school for more than 6! It took me 6 years to get my BA instead of 4, but I was working full-time and putting myself through school (at times working multiple jobs.) Maci is one of the laziest people (other than Amber) I think I've ever witnessed on one of these franchises. Probably because she's putting all of her efforts in trapping a man so she can give up on the whole school charade and stay home. Christ, if you want to stay home then just STAY HOME, but quit trying to make people believe you're honestly trying to get an education. Gah that girl bugs.I also agree that she's not pissed Farrah did porn, she's pissed because she plain doesn't like her and princess is used to getting what she wants. And Amber. Oh, Amber. It's like she's going down the list and TRYING to do everything a recovering addict is not supposed to do. 1. Don't go to meetings. 2. Don't get any counseling. 3. Don't get a job. 4. Start a serious relationship with another recovering addict. Come on, girl. You're trying to stay sober as hard as Maci is trying to graduate college.
  4. I didn't get that impression from Laura at all. The cake statement was a joke, she didn't appear angry at all. Not quite sure where you're getting the "shaking with rage" from. Not that I think their relationship is going to last due to a plethora of other reasons. Nadine is a joke. I wish they'd do a follow up on them after the baby is born because girlfriend has NO IDEA. I didn't sleep more than an hour at a time for weeks after my second was born. Even 4 months in, I consider 5 hours straight of sleep a successful night and my daughter isn't a bad sleeper! And 10K for a baby? Seriously? How do they think all the low income families with 4+ kids manage? I just can't with those two. I also thought Kirk was very sweet this episode and I was thrilled everything went well at the ultrasound. I continue to have a total crush on Ravoun.
  5. I'd hate to see her ex-husband if she left him for GARY.
  6. I agree with this. I also moved in with my husband after 5 months, we were married a few months shy of our two year dating anniversary and our son was born a couple of weeks before our first wedding anniversary. 6 years and 2 kids later, we're all good. The difference being, we were absolutely on the same page from day ONE. I think we may have discussed kids ect on our second date. People like Maci (and Leah) never really have this conversations, they just kind of let things happen then the rest of their relationship tends to be more reactive than proactive (get pregnant within months of dating, get married because you have a kid, ect.) If you never talk about these things and just have the attitude of "oh well, two years is good enough, let's have a baby even though we're not on the same page with any other life decisions!!" things aren't going to end well for you. I agree with this. I also moved in with my husband after 5 months, we were married a few months shy of our two year dating anniversary and our son was born a couple of weeks before our first wedding anniversary. 6 years and 2 kids later, we're all good. The difference being, we were absolutely on the same page from day ONE. I think we may have discussed kids ect on our second date. People like Maci (and Leah) never really have this conversations, they just kind of let things happen then the rest of their relationship tends to be more reactive than proactive (get pregnant within months of dating, get married because you have a kid, ect.) If you never talk about these things and just have the attitude of "oh well, two years is good enough, let's have a baby even though we're not on the same page with any other life decisions!!" things aren't going to end well for you.
  7. Holy crap, so she basically immediately got pregnant once he moved in. So much for the "can't get pregnant due to PCOS" theory. I do blame Taylor for not taking any personal responsibility in using protection himself, but guys that age aren't really the brightest tools in the shed and I can definitely see Maci telling him she couldn't get pregnant and him buying it. Also, I'm surprised at people who think that dating for 2 years makes you ready to have a baby. Really? Two years is nothing. The honeymoon period is barely over at that point. You really think you're ready to have a BABY, even when your partner balks at the idea of marrying you? Sigh. Plan a wedding? He freaks out when the idea of getting married is even mentioned. Just because MACI wants to get married, doesn't mean a wedding is happening. Maci is one of those girls who just wants to be a SAHM and be married, she's not really even particularly picky about with whom. She just wants to lock it down so she doesn't have to worry about anything else, like supporting herself or trying to etch out a career (reminds me of Leah from Teen Mom 2 in that respect, which is why she's in her early twenties with 3 kids and soon to be two ex-husbands. This is what happens when you marry for the wrong reasons, kids.)
  8. That's all well and good, assuming your partner feels the same way you do about it. I don't think that was the case with her and Taylor. My guess is she told him her doctor said she couldn't get pregnant again so he didn't bother with protection. The guy looks like he's about to puke when she mentions marriage, why would he be a.ok with having a baby with her?
  9. As soon as she mentioned she was an alcoholic, it all made sense to me. Addicts are the most selfish people you will ever meet and I'm not sure all of that selfishness goes away once they begin recovery. His mother is insanely selfish and it's sad that even after getting sober, she still chose herself over her son. Typical addict mindset. Erik makes me sad. He is so starved for love and attention, it makes my heart hurt. He really crosses me as still being that lost, neglected little boy.
  10. The whole point is that Maci said they weren't trying to have another baby. She said that like 3 times on the show (in front of Taylor. I'm still convinced this is a Man Trap baby.) So if you're not trying to have a baby, you USE protection. That's where the irony of the safe sex talks come in. I don't care if you're 35, married with a professional career, if you don't want to get pregnant, you use protection. You also don't "accidentally" get pregnant by someone who balks at the idea of marrying you.
  11. Well sure. Don't you know that the more you post pictures of your kids on facebook, the better parent you are? Ask anyone whose kids have been removed from their custody. It's fact.
  12. Why did Farrah even come back? She was acting like she couldn't STAND production being in her house but she was obligated to do it or something. No one is forcing you, honey. Why don't you dial back the bitch just a smidge, huh? Even Sophia was like "wtf mommy, what is your problem?" Gary is the douchelord, king of all the douches. I have no doubt in my mind that he was making those calls to Amber. He gets off on the idea of two women wanting him (why ANY woman would want him is beyond me.) He's also clearly emotionally abusive. Who sits there and justifies telling their ex "you never know" to their current girlfriend by insisting "you never know!" WTF is that? I do blame Kristina for just taking it, though. You picked him, honey. She knows where the door is. Jen and Larry are the best. The way Larry lit up when Maci told him she thought of them as second parents was adorable. He was truly touched. And Ryan got pissed because they had obviously told him they wanted him to talk about the new baby and that he didn't have to talk about his girlfriend, who he was having problems with. That was pretty obvious, in my opinion. I did like how Larry reminded him that he's the one who signed up for this, though. I also thought it was super ironic that Maci was giving a safe sex speech whilst "unintentionally" pregnant after having sex with no protection.
  13. Yeah, I think it's safe to say the only character more annoying than Juliette is Adalind, but I've always hated her. The whole Alice in Wonderland in the castle thing almost made me stop watching the show. I think the whole Royals storyline has got to be one of the longest, most boring dead end story line in any show I've ever watched. They're supposed to be super powerful but I haven't seen them actually DO anything other than kill random people for even more random reasons.
  14. Uh, I don't think someone toying with someone else in a bar and then turning into a raging bitch and trying to traumatize them for fun by woging is "funny in a great way." The guy wasn't being a jerk or anything like that, he was merely responding to what she was putting out. You think he deserved that? Wow. I actually said to my husband when we were watching "damn, Hexenbeist Juliette is even more annoying than normal Juliette and I didn't think that was possible. Maybe her and Adalind can kill each other in an epic Hexenbeist showdown. That'd be awesome.
  15. Yeah, the sheer number of zombies we've seen the past 5 episodes make it hard to see the current set up of the show going long term. At the rate they're going, it's going to be The Walking Dead by season 2 and that is SO not the vibe, here.
  16. Exactly this. Why would someone on the run take a shower curtain and leave a casserole baking? She was obviously killed.
  17. Or when Sandy, Carole's boyfriend on Growing Pains got into an accident drunk driving?
  18. I pretty much couldn't think of a MORE inappropriate show for a young child to watch then The Walking Dead. I give your friend props for not smacking any of those "parents." As for Kristina, didn't she also say she switched brands of BC, two months prior? Wouldn't it have only taken one full cycle for the new pills to have been effective? Also, her doctor would've told her to use a secondary form of BC during the switch. She's full of crap. That right there was clearly a man trap baby.
  19. I'm sorry, what? First graders watching The Walking Dead? I weep for our future.
  20. That's what I kept telling myself, that this was obviously a reenactment and that Gary's first thought couldn't have actually been "how do I tell Amber." Right? RIGHT?!
  21. Holy shit, are you serious? That's insane. If I were B&T, I'd close that shit in a heartbeat. How did the fans even figure out their last name? Also, all the fat shaming of Cate needs to stop, it's really annoying. I gain weight like CRAZY when I'm pregnant. First time 70 lbs, second 50. Like ghoulina, for my whole first trimester with both pregnancies I had that awesome kind of morning sickness that was only cured by stuffing my face with carbs. All day long. It was that or puke all day long and I didn't have the luxury of being able to stay home and puke for 3 months, I had to work and had a toddler to raise. So anyone who said boo to me about weight gain got a hearty "fuck off and mind your own business" reply. I lost the weight pretty quickly after my first, this time it's a little harder but I'll get there. I also know what she meant about wanting to enjoy her pregnancy. For those of us who have issues with weight (I gain weight VERY easily even when not pregnant), having to constantly monitor what we eat freaking SUCKS. The LAST thing you want to do when you're pregnant is count calories. So yeah, I get it. She's pregnant and she just wants to be able to eat what she wants without anyone looking over her shoulder or judging her. I can't say I blame her and I sure as hell won't judge her for it. The only person who's going to suffer for it is her (the whole "it's dangerous for the baby!!" thing is a bit of an exaggeration. If she gets GD, she'll have to go on a special diet. She might have a big baby. She's hardly going to keel over and die or miscarry because she gained 20 lbs in 4 months.)
  22. I totally agree with you about Crystal (and everything else, but her the most.) That girl looks rough. And the single mom excuse doesn't fly since she doesn't seem to have any problem at all ditching her kids when the cameras are around. She also looks like she's no stranger to drugs herself.
  23. For sure. I remember how much pressure she was putting on Kyle to get married and have another baby and that was when she was what, 19 or 20? It was ridiculous. Thank god that boy had some sense. And I hate the whole "I didn't think I could get pregnant so we weren't using protection!" excuse. That's a bunch of bullshit. Women with PCOS get pregnant all the time. It's harder for them, yes, but it is very possible. So if you don't want another baby, then USE PROTECTION. She clearly wanted to get pregnant. Hell, I've had a tubal ligation and my husband STILL wants to use protection. Those are the actions of someone who truly doesn't want another baby. I had to give Amber props for her reaction when Gary was giving her the news. I felt really bad for her, actually. I also felt it was totally inappropriate to give her the news with Leah right there. And Gary is such a manipulative prick. It's so obvious that he plays the two women against each other. Why would he even have to have a conversation with Kristina about how Amber's going to react to the news? That's not Kristina's problem. And way to tell Leah the baby is an accident. God, I can't stand him. And Tyler and Cate are in for a rude awakening. Brandon and Theresa do not need to put themselves in Tyler and Cate's shoes because IT DOESN'T MATTER. It's amazing to me that after all this time, Tyler and Cate still seem to think they wield some kind of power over seeing Carly. No, it doesn't matter that she was born to MTV parents. Brandon and Theresa are under no obligation to share her AT ALL. They can absolutely hide that from her for the next 12 years. Looks like we get crazy ass Farrah next week! Her face was downright frightening.
  24. Nadine is exhausting. Knowing what a diva she is about sleep when that scene came on with her friend talking about how horrible you sleep with a baby, my sleep deprived ass was laughing hysterically. I haven't had a full night's sleep in over 14 weeks. Oh Nadine, you are going to lose your ever loving mind. More so than you already have. Erick irritates me as well. I know he's just a big dork but he tries too hard. It's exhausting in it's own way. I'd be LIVID at Toi for making them miss their flight. I cannot stand chronically late people. If you're so late you're missing flights, you have a problem. You're going to spend the day in airports and on a plane. You do not have to have your full hair and make-up done. GAH. I'm guessing part of the strain between her and her eldest son is drug related. He screamed addict to me. I'm glad I'm not the only one here who thinks there's something....off...about Sam and Laura. I mean, they've been together for eight years so they're clearly compatible, I just don't see them together for years and years. Sam seems like the type to get bored and wander off to greener pastures. Her kissing one ex at her wedding and sending chocolates to another for her birthday? Come on, now. Those are not the behaviors of someone who will stay faithful for life.
  25. Re: the way Shelby was smirking every time Ryan was an ass to Maci: I always love when new girlfriends get all uppity and smug with their partner's exes, like they're not going to be treated EXACTLY the same way eventually. Honey you're not special, you're just there. I've been in child support contempt court for years as a part of my job and can't help but shake my head at all the girlfriends accompanying their boyfriends to their court dates, nodding emphatically when the boyfriend explains that he's not paying his support because the mother of his child is such a bitch and won't let him see the child. Oh sweetheart, you don't even know.
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