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Everything posted by lezlers

  1. Naw, she never stays with anyone long enough for them to have to worry about her growing old with them.
  2. I'm in CA too and people get a little nutty about the car seat thing. I've seen SIX year olds in rear facing car seats. Yes, it's safer to keep them rear facing for as long as possible but as with most things, sometimes practicalities get in the way of doing what is the absolute safest possible thing for your kids. Just because one way might be slightly safer past a certain point, doesn't mean having them forward facing after age 2 (or between 1 and 2 for an especially large child) is UNSAFE. The booster seat laws are nuts too. I know some high schoolers that still fit the height and weight requirements for a booster. It's unreal.
  3. Also, isn't little Adderal at least 2 now? I can't remember. If she is, I'm not hating on Leah for having her forward facing. Especially given the craziness of her car and that the twins are forward facing on each side of her. I mean, could you imagine colored pencil-gate if those girls had a better angle to throw shit at her?
  4. Except she threw both twins in the tub and insisted they eat their crappy "snack." Poor little Alli was so sleepy, stupid Leah had her by the arms and was shaking her like a rag doll to wake her up. Come on, now. There was no need to wake that little girl up. Let her sleep. That right there was some drug addled behavior. Also, I have a lot of experience with kids peeing themselves. It was nothing a change of clothes and some wet wipes couldn't have handled until the next morning. And if my kids are passed out at nearly midnight on a school night, you best believe I'm putting them straight to bed and can deal with the bath crap the next morning. Leah's too strung out to think logically tho.
  5. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Omg, THIS! Was it really THAT necessary for the girlses to get a bath right then? It was almost midnight! They were already asleep! Just carry them to bed. That was a perfect example of how she's an incompetent mother. She was trying to look good for the cameras by bathing them and feeding them, but ended up looking even worse because any parent with an ounce of common sense knows if your kid is dead asleep and it's ALMOST MIDNIGHT, you put them to bed. You don't wake them up and act like it's 6:00p.m. I just can't with her. She is the WORST. Other than Jenelle, of course.
  6. "The truth will come out" is something people say when they don't have an explanation for bad behavior being seen. They think if they just keep alluding to the "truth" at some future date, then people will actually believe what's being shown NOW isn't actually the truth, or is falsely edited, or whatever else. I really don't think the Messer clan WANTS the truth to come out. I can only imagine how bad it actually is.
  7. She said she was a vegas showgirl on the Amazing Race.
  8. Am I the only one who gets insanely annoyed listening to Liz and Julia talk to each other? They speak in whine. "omggggggg, I can't believe you did thaaaaaaat..." "I knooooooooooowwwwww...." UGH. Speak normally! My toddler whines less than those two.
  9. Ugh, tell that to my two bottle fed kids. I'm so fucking tired.
  10. That baby needs to get a job! LOL. My six month old sat in front of my closet mirror looking at herself and playing with her stuffed bear this morning while I got ready. That's pretty normal behavior for a six month old, actually. I guess you have an overachiever baby. ;) I remember seeing him kind of boxed in, tho? Maybe that's why he wasn't all over the place. That's not to say Kaiser isn't totally genetically screwed coming from Jenelle and Nathan. That poor baby doesn't have a chance.
  11. I don't get all the heat about the word "commode." It's a different word for toilet or bathroom used regionally. Get over it, people. It's really not that big of a deal. There's plenty to harp on Leah about (including those godawful sugar barrels she plies her kids with then wonders why they're little terrors) than her use of a particular (correct) word. Jenelle and Nathan. I can't. They're just SO freaking trashy it kills me. And they harp on Barb because people like that cannot take responsibility for their own actions, they NEED to blame someone else for all of their mistakes. Jenelle will never be able to admit she doesn't have Jace because she's unfit so she has to demonize Barb and act like it's all some sort of evil plot of Barb's to keep her away from Jace. And Kail and Javi. Wow. I remember having those fights with boyfriends in high school and in my early twenties, which is why I'm grateful I wasn't getting married and popping out kids that young. They're just not mature enough to be married with children. If you're "at your breaking point" after a year of marriage, you never should have gotten married in the first place.
  12. I think it's actually worse to expect Austin to take the heat from the whole house for not using the veto than to just throw the comp and force Vanessa to choose a different houseguest to evict. Vanessa could make up any reason to put anyone else up on the block (like she did with Jeff) while Austin would be forced to totally show his hand and his alliance with Vanessa if he didn't use the veto (could you imagine the hissy Vanessa would pitch if he said he wasn't going to use it per the HOH's wishes at the veto ceremony??) She was kind of reminding me of Amanda Zuckerman with that meltdown.
  13. I was really rooting for Vanessa but started to give her the side eye after her hissy fit to Austin for not winning the veto. Like someone said above, she just expected him to show his hand and do her dirty work for her by not using the veto and that wasn't cool. You wanted to stay HOH, you can't pitch a hissy when someone hesitates for a second before deciding if they want to be your puppet. Also, Jason and Johnny Mack NEED to work together. That would make my life. I want dual diary rooms. Johnny Mack had me rolling during his post veto DR. I couldn't stand him at first but now I kind of adore him. I'm scared one of these weeks he's a pawn he's going to end up getting voted out.
  14. You have to remember, Dawn is just an older version of Leah. She had Leah when she was 16 and Leah seems to be following her exact same path. You're basically looking at Leah in 20 years (except Leah will likely have about 10 kids by that point.) i'm not surprised in the least at the way she acts. It certainly explains a lot about Leah.
  15. Of course that baby was just born. They were still in the hospital. Baby still had langao (sp?) on her. What made you think she was fake??? Having given birth to two babies myself, that's pretty much what mine looked like when they came out, especially via c-section. I also feel for Vicki. I don't think she's faking anything. I'm going to be a hot ass mess whenever my mom passes, so I'm not going to snark on that. I can't even think about my mom passing without crying. I do think it was tasteless for Bravo to air this storyline, though, permission from Vicki or no. Megan is obnoxious, as is her stepdaughter. Quit calling yourself a mom. You've been married to this guy for a hot second and haven't dated him much longer than that. You're also just a few years older than her. Give it up, honey.
  16. That's interesting. I'm familiar with gas spectrometry/chromatography but I've seldom seen it used in cases like Leah. Usually it's reserved from criminal court when someone is on trial for driving under the influence of drugs or on probation, ect. That'd be AWESOME if they'd use it in Leah's case since she is so obviously abusing prescription drugs.
  17. Obviously Leah's drug test is going to come back positive for Opiates, which is why her lawyer made a point of saying she has a prescription for her "headaches." That's the problem with addicts like Leah. Their addiction may be "legal" but it's still an addiction. Unfortunately if you have a prescription for opiates, there's no way of proving you're abusing them vs. taking them as prescribed. I could feel Corey's frustration through the screen and I sympathize with him.
  18. I think you might be reading a liiiiiiitle too much into it. Why does accusing someone of being "sneaky" (which was lame in and of itself) automatically equal racism? Because she's black? We've SEEN racism in the BB house and it was ugly. But just because some shit gets started between a white guy and a black woman doesn't mean race is at issue. "Sneaky" is not an adjective reserved for people of color. I mean, is Audrey ALSO racist because she tried to pin her ridiculous shit stirring on Day?
  19. I'm well aware that it takes time to adopt a child out of the foster system. However, it doesn't take long to get placed as a foster and the child can remain with the family for the amount of time it takes to get formally adopted. I agree, however, that Jenelle would've made it very difficult. It's a shame she's too damn selfish to do what's right for her children.
  20. I'm not excusing Jenelle's behavior by any means. She's responsible for her own actions. I just think you might have an overly simplistic view of the situation. If you are raised in a fucked up environment, the marks left on you don't magically disappear on your eighteenth birthday. I deal with a lot of messed up people as a public defender and the vast majority of them came from abusive homes. That's not a coincidence. Many people that come from messed up childhoods go on to be normal, functional adults and that's awesome. But a very large number of them do not and there's a reason for that. Jenelle clearly has a host of emotional problems. She is not normal. When I look at the fact that her two siblings also seem to have problems, I naturally think those problems likely sprung from their childhood. It's an explanation, not an excuse. Personally, I think Jace would've been a lot better off had he gone to foster care as a baby. From there he likely would have been adopted into a stable, loving home. At least then he would have had a CHANCE at a normal upbringing.
  21. I disagree. Jenelle has two other siblings and they are just as fucked up as her. That's a HELL of a coincidence. I'm more inclined to blame the common denominator in all of their lives: Barb. I agree that you can't blame your parents for your mistakes forever, but if your childhood was so screwed up that you're damaged as a person deep down to your core, the person who damaged you does shoulder a lot of the blame.
  22. It wasn't a probation meeting, it was a surrender date to serve a sentence in jail. Still totally eye-roll worthy, tho.
  23. OMG, THIS. This this THIS. It makes me crazy when women claim they're not trying to get pregnant, yet are having regular, unprotected sex with their partner. Newsflash: that's trying to get pregnant. For women under 30, you have a 90% chance of getting pregnant within a year of having regular, unprotected sex. 90%. You have to be a special kind of stupid to play those odds.
  24. I really hope Leah goes through early menopause, or else that chick is gonna have more kids than the Duggars.
  25. I totally agree. She says it in front of Jace, too. How confused does that poor baby have to be? I have a three year old son who is super sensitive and I can't even imagine how he would react to some of the shit Jace is exposed to every day. It's maddening. Jenelle is just fucked up as a person. I blame Barb, which makes the whole situation even sadder, as Jace is likely to turn out just like Jenelle and her siblings.
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