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Everything posted by lezlers

  1. Except Leah doesn't have a criminal record so that wouldn't do anything. As many posters have attested to in this thread, toddlers are great escape artists. It happens. I'd imagine CPS would be pissed if the cops contacted them every time a kid walked out of a house. They're busy enough as it is. The child neglect cases I've seen where CPS got involved is usually when the child is brought home and the conditions of the home (or the "responsible" parent) warrant CPS getting involved. The only details I've seen about the incident are from that US Weekly article where Leah commented "she was outside literally a second." Misuse of the word "literally" aside (that drives me FIGURATIVELY insane), it really gets me curious regarding the actual circumstances of little Adderal's escape.
  2. I thought the exact same thing. The baby was left on Kevin's doorstep. Nora answered the door and the baby was sitting there in a carrier.
  3. Well yeah, there was about 2 minutes devoted solely to her putting the hearing aids in. ;)
  4. Liv Tyler was also in the credits again. I think.
  5. I think the minister cut off Matt's sermon to keep him from saying that Miracle cured his wife or some such thing. Creepy Fire Chief seems on a mission to expel anyone who "brings evil" or whatever into the town. Minister looked really nervous when Creepy Fire Chief asked about it again after the sermon and visibly relieved when Matt simply said they feel safe. That's what I gathered from it, anyway.
  6. Also (I finally got around to watching the show this morning while on the treadmill, a surprisingly effective way to watch since it keeps me from throwing shit at the TV) but what is up with this "I'm saving lives!" bullshit from Jenelle? I'm not dissing medical assistants at all, it's a reputable job, one my sister in law who I love dearly has, but all I've ever seen them do is take my blood pressure, weight and temp when I go to the doctor. If anything was going sideways? That's when I'd see a nurse and/or doctor. Even if by some miracle she DOES get a job as a medical assistant, the closest she's going to get to "saving lives" is going to be saying "HEY CAN SOMEONE COME IN HERE AND CHECK THIS OUT?" if someone's blood pressure is high. You know, when she's not busy stealing pills from locked cabinets.
  7. Drew always rides Jo and Corey's asses. It's weird, he only comes down on the good, responsible fathers. He coddles everyone else. I really don't understand it.
  8. He actually said he was happy to not do the 6 weeks in the summer because it was rough on him and by the time he got used to it, it was time to give him back. Going from every other weekend to full-time for 6 weeks is a huge adjustment. I don't think he agreed to not do it to appease Kail, I think he agreed to not doing because he didn't want to.
  9. Well we all know she cooks bacon..... (or was that Jermy? I don't remember if he was the one cooking it or just grabbed some)
  10. Stassi deserves to get her ass kicked for no other reason than her name is STASSI.
  11. I think Leah is INSANELY jealous of Corey. He had the audacity to leave her (what? It was just one little affair: ON THE EVE OF THEIR WEDDING) and find someone ten times better than her. He lives in a nice house on a lot of land, has a supportive family and is stable. Everything Leah wishes she had. I don't think she'll EVER get over him leaving her (not over HIM, but over him leaving her. Big difference.) Don't be silly. Everyone knows rules don't apply to our Kail! She makes the rules, she doesn't follow them.
  12. OMG THIS. SO MUCH THIS!!!! This is exactly how I feel about it. You can hate Kail without making excuses for Jo.
  13. Why is it that we give Jo the benefit of the doubt absent any evidence whatsoever to support our claims, yet we don't give that same benefit to anyone else? Everyone keeps saying "if Jo was in arrears, they would've said so!!" (which I agree with) but if he were in school, don't you think he would've mentioned that when Kail was harassing him about a job? He said it's because he wanted to spend time with Issac. Yet, when he was at Kail's house and they were talking about sharing Issac they both agreed they weren't going to do the 6 week thing. So why are we assuming the opposite is true of what was actually said? I get Kail hate, but come on. ??? I have a small gig in child support contempt court and many of my clients are paying arrears from when their partners were on aid. The difference is that the mother can forgive back support if she wasn't on aid but if she was, she can't forgive any back support, as it's paid back to the state. That's only if there's arrears, tho. I was the one who originally speculated on it. It was just that, speculation. The same kind of speculation people use to assume nefarious motives from Kail and helpless/angelic ones from Jo. If we can do it for some of them, why not others? We know Vee isn't working (and is coming from a minimum wage daycare job, so it's unlikely she has anything saved up) and is sitting at a table crying over potentially not being able to support the baby she chose to bring in the world. They're not married. Neither of them are working. Doesn't seem too far of a stretch to me.
  14. Oh, I don't think he's a deadbeat at all. I think he's a great dad! Next to Corey, the best of the bunch for sure. I just think he's very immature and has a lot of growing up to do, but that's true for all of them.
  15. My opinion is based on Jo's attitude towards Kail saying she wanted to go to court (his begging her not to on the verge of tears) and his statement that "how can I take care of my son if I can't take care of myself?" You might very well be right about this being made up for a storyline, tho, all things considered.
  16. Well yeah and that still makes me side-eye him about his decision to not work. Child support is supposed to get reviewed periodically. If you're that freaked out about what you're paying being raised at ALL, then maybe you should go get a job. There's no excuse for him to choose to sit at home all day when he is an able-bodied young man with a child on the way. Jo gets no passes from me.
  17. And thanks for the well wishes, Kazu. :D
  18. I'm a public defender and I see this shit All. The. TIME. It makes me insane. My favorite is when the protected party initiates contact over a period of time but the minute the other person doesn't say/do what they want, they're on the phone with the prosecutor, complaining that the no contact order has been violated. Special place in hell, I tell you...
  19. I agree that Kail was acting like an idiot at the park by refusing to give any actual numbers. That was lame. But Jo seemed PETRIFIED of his child support being raised, even a little. If you're that scared of even a minor increase in child support your ass needs to go out and get a JOB, Jo. I'm guessing he's got some money saved and very strictly allocated to cover his expenses so he doesn't have to get a job. That's dumb. Shit comes up, especially when you've got one kid and another on the way and your partner isn't working (how much do you want to bet Vee will try to get benefits now that she's pregnant since she and Jo aren't working and aren't married?) I used to LOVE Jo and despise Kail and Javi and although I'm still not a Kail or Javi fan, Jo is very rapidly falling out of grace with me. He's acting really irresponsibly. There is no good reason for him not to be working right now, none. He already said he's not asking for more time with Issac so he's only seeing him every other weekend. It's insulting to everyone's intelligence to claim he's not getting a job because it would cut into his time with Issac. That's a load of bull. I have little respect for people who choose not to work when they don't have any responsibilities that would require them to stay home. That's just pure, unadulterated laziness. Kail has two small children and is a full time student. I don't blame her for side eyeing Jo's lazy ass.
  20. The problem is, Jo is getting pissed that Kail wants child support. I'd have no issue with Jo not working if he didn't appear to want sympathy and a break from child support. You can't have your cake and eat it too, Jo. He was definitely talking like he had no intention of getting a job. If he had actually been looking for one, he would've said so. Instead he got all uppity with his "I COULD go out and get a 9 to 5 job or work some retail job (like a shlub is what I imagine he said to himself afterwards.) Jo was definitely showing his ass in that scene. I'm surprised people are still cutting him breaks. He came off as an entitled jerk.
  21. 3 children by 2 women that he doesn't have custody of? A rap sheet a mile long? Looks like a meathead? HE'S PERFECT FOR OUR JENELLE!! She'll DEFINITELY be having his baby.
  22. So....how are we explaining Jo's text that he didn't go to the graduation because of the tension between all of them? It's not like she was making the text up, the camera panned to it and we saw the actual text. Honestly, I hate Kail as much as anyone, but not to the point where I'm blinded as to Jo's shortcomings. I started side-eyeing Jo when he said he didn't want any extra time with Isaac. Who moves 3 hours to be closer to their child then doesn't want anything more than every other weekend with said child? Every other weekend is NOTHING. That's four days out of the entire month. I'm more inclined to believe he's just tired of the drive.
  23. She said in the episode that she texted him the picture of the sign that had all the info written on it. Just like she read Jo's text that claimed he didn't go not because he didn't know about the graduation, but because he didn't like the tension between him and Kail. Again, I know everyone hates Kail and likes Jo, but I really don't think she was the bad guy in that scenario, as much as we'd all like her to be.
  24. ^^^^^ THIS. They're both at fault here. I know we all love Jo, but he's not blameless in the graduation thing, as much as I'm sure we all wish he was. There's also the text he sent Kail afterwards. He clearly knew about it, since he said he didn't go because of the tension. Had he not known about the graduation he probably would've actually SAID that. He didn't go because he didn't want to deal with Kail and Javi. He straight up said that in the text. I don't understand why we're still trying to ascribe motives to him when he spelled out why exactly he didn't go.
  25. Except we know Jo drops off and picks up Issac from school, too. Before that scene where Jo came to the house he said he was going to come over after he dropped Issac off at school. So chances are pretty good he saw the sign up close and in person on more than one occasion. Kail likely texted that pic to him as a reminder, which she didn't even have to do. I actually thought it was nice of her to inform him.
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