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Everything posted by bref

  1. What a weird season. But hey, thanks to these forums, I now know exactly what Jeana's genitalia look like!
  2. I also hate the LA shows and hit the "change channel" button as soon as I realized they were on location, but not before I thought I saw Jax Taylor's stupid, greasy face on stage with Andy. Did I just imagine that?
  3. Jax, great in bed? I suppose anything is possible, but when I think about Jax and sex, I also remember he has a sweaty, smelly-foot fetish, which kind of turns my stomach. Apologies to anyone with similar inclinations.
  4. Jax--excuse me, "Jason"--has the worst therapist ever.
  5. I don't get how SheriLea's observations are ugly or closed-hearted. A lot of people agree with her--me, for instance. Humility is a good quality. Beth lacks it. Doesn't mean we don't appreciate what she did, but her bringing attention to it is as off-putting to me as filming herself sobbing over her dog. (And no, I didn't like it when other people did it either.) This is not a forum for criticizing other posters, by the way. We are supposed to confine our remarks to the people on the TV box.
  6. I seriously need to know how these women pop out eight or ten kids and still look like they do!
  7. I have to admit, I did laugh like hell at Enoch telling his wives on the way to the rally "Try not to look oppressed." They are not without a sense of humor about their situation. A lot of these folks actually seem to be likable people, but I just cant get past the imbalance in the relationships and what I consider the nonsensical justification for their polygyny, which Pepper described so well in the previous post.
  8. @goodbunny, were the stage and venue as enormous as they appeared on TV?
  9. On a more serious note, I also wondered about why they blasted into rock to create their homes, specifically whether there was some religious or Biblical meaning behind it. Anyone know?
  10. This sent me to Amazon looking for it. Read it and then sell it if you need some money, you're sitting on a goldmine!
  11. I want to like Eureka, but I don't. Kalorie seemed really sweet, though. Yes, they were both OTT with the tears, but Kalorie's feelings just seemed more authentic to me, I guess? I'm enjoying getting to know the queens. The sponge-outfit jokes on Untucked were a bottomless well. :)
  12. Absolutely NOTHING about this was authentic. Rio's personality has changed so many times that I'm absolutely certain she has been following a script all season. "This week we need you to be nice and complimentary to the others." "This week be bitchy and pouty." "This week emphasize how you and Jeana are besties." "Now in this episode, you'll turn on Jeana only to be replaced by her in the competition." Yawn. The only thing that might have been genuine was Rio being pissed at someone being brought back. I don't like that shit either.
  13. Yes, he said they were the best of the Bravo-verse right now. Because he loves marriages breaking up, I guess. VPR is more of a silly confection, but the MTM cast are professionals and Andy seems to delight in seeing them down in the gutter. He has always encouraged the most ratchet aspects of these shows.
  14. Enjoying the updates, thanks to everyone who contributes. I haven't really watched BB since around season 5, but I'm intrigued by the celebrity aspect. Also enjoying the porn star names. There's some great ones in this group! Mine: Missy Harvard. Classy, right? *snaps gum*
  15. Katie said on WWHL that she and some friends were playing Monopoly (I think?) and drinking wine on a rooftop and she fell through a skylight that she leaned against. Her mouth was wired shut (sorry, can't remember if that was on VPR or not) and her face cut up, not sure about the extent of other injuries but she said she has traumatic amnesia about much of the event. Pretty horrifying stuff.
  16. I've definitely warmed to Lala, but I do wish her brand of feminism didn't include the "trading your body for private jet rides is empowering" aspect. Her loyalty to James, who doesn't deserve it, is actually kind of sweet. Scheana is just a miserable person, in every sense. It sure didnt take much persuading for Mama Brittany to "forgive" Jax, did it? I'd accuse her of pimping out her daughter if it weren't all fakey-fake anyway.
  17. Exactly. Used to be called a "continental accent" in a character breakdown (and perhaps still is.)
  18. I laughed when Brendi corrected someone (Christina?) for saying her name wrong--"It's Brendi K!" Girl needs to calm down. You're not living in your car right now, try to relax and have some fun in that fly house. She's no model but she does have an interesting look, and I would rather she stuck around than Crazy Liz, but take it down a few levels. Rio does a ton of THs, so I'm guessing she's the winner or the only one of them that speaks well on camera. I still can't get over Liberty's Eric Cartman-esque tantrum about how horrible gingers are. :D
  19. I missed the very beginning. Was Coura saying she didn't like the picture that got her first call out last week? I happen to agree but that's pretty ballsy. WTF, Liberty. You're gonna go ballistic over getting red hair? Can't stand her. I'm trying to ignore her political positions, but please God don't let her win. Brendi K and Liz annoy along with obvious troublemaker Christina. Kinda digging Rio, Sandra, and Rhiyan (although that spelling of RYAN makes me want to die). Meh on the rest for now. I didnt think the video challenge did anyone any favors, but at least Tyra isn't tryna involve social media anymore in the deliberations. That was a low. Law looks a million times better without the long hair.
  20. Jimmy Smits is my free pass, or whatever it is you call the person you're allowed to sleep with outside your marriage. :D Closer to topic, I'm one of the few people who enjoys Dorit's cavalcade of hairstyles, but that chin-length bob does her no favors. Very unflattering. And of course, her personality is heinous. I've really been enjoying Teddi and I wish she weren't now entangled with Dorit story-wise. Did I really hear Lisa Rinna in a LBD decry Kyle's PJs as "not casual?"
  21. FWIW, I think it's entirely possible that pasta just means pasta.
  22. I know a few polyamorists out on the west coast. They tend to have one primary partner they may or may not cohabit with (a couple bond) but both are open to dating others. They don't tend to have threesomes or to date the same person--things are complicated enough already. The Snowden's situation would be very atypical among these folks; I daresay most of them would consider it unbalanced and not something desirable to them.
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