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Everything posted by bref

  1. According to the captioning, it was. :D
  2. The editors also chose to end on that extremely unsexy and unflattering shot of scheana sucking pasta into her gob. They really do hate her.
  3. I've not been a fan of Bethenny's for a very long time, but I did like Carole. Now I think they both suck. They both look terrible in this fight, IMO.
  4. Mexico is Mauricio's home country. He has family there. If he feels confident that it is a safe place to continue raising his family, I tend to trust his judgment. I can also see why he and his family might feel increasingly uncomfortable in the US. I actually thought Kyle's reference to keeping their options open was fairly understated.
  5. I kinda liked the flea and tick, too. They walk away at the end with their arms around each other! Adorable!
  6. @festivus, hopefully by now you have heard the good B99 news! :) SEVENTY episodes? That almost seems like they're pranking us?
  7. I would like to have seen where they went with the Others, but who knows--maybe the writers didn't even know yet. :(
  8. It is absolutely possible to critique Bethenny's behavior, including her actions WRT Puerto Rico, and not be a jellus hater. Liking or not liking her does not confer moral superiority on any of us. Good grief.
  9. They cancel this and revive Last Man Standing?
  10. I cannot STAND the voice over on that ad. I must mute it immediately
  11. Wasn't there one season that was a gas-induced hallucination, though? And we all agree it didn't happen? ;)
  12. Yeah, I've softened a lot on Lala, but she did herself no favors tonight. I'm with the "Scheana sucks but Jax has an anger problem" crowd. And is it just my cold, black heart or did it seem like some of those "wiping away tears" during all that were suspiciously dry-eyed? WRT to Ariana, I know it's fun to rag on her, but I actually do know a lot of women with that specific hangup. I'm glad she got over it.
  13. If you present questionable links, people may question them. *shrug* @RedheadZombie, my daughter went to school with a D'Artangan. He was called DAR for short, which always landed with a thunk on my ears. :D I only watch this show occasionally, but I am obsessed with Lila. She is such a character!
  14. Damn, Gian wasn't playing. No "do better next time" for Barry. WAY too much Tamica and her "I JUST SPEAK TRUTH". I won't be able to keep watching if it stays at that level. I also feel kind of uncomfortable watching the Jeff/Rachel's husband stuff. CTE and early dementia are way too serious for a mindless (no pun intended) confection of a show like this. Gotta admit, I snorted at what I perceived to be Nichelle's utter obliviousness to how her "Out of Africa" theme was landing with T. She was like a caricature of a clueless white lady. :) Several years back while staying at Disney World, I met a fellow from the bayou by the hotel pool. I was fascinated by his dialect, especially his recurrent use of the phrase "by the house", which I inferred by context to mean "in one's neck of the woods." I seriously could have listened to him for hours.
  15. If Tom and Tom are each in 50k for 5%, then Ken and Lisa are in for 900k, and the total cost is 1m. (The two Toms together owning 10% at a cost of 100k leaves Ken and Lisa with 90% at a cost of 900k)). If I have misunderstood how much the Toms own, I am incorrect. :)
  16. She opined that Kim is not racist and would be welcomed on RHOBH. D'oh. http://www.tmz.com/2018/04/26/kyle-richards-kim-zolciak-not-racist-real-housewives/
  17. The rabbi's hair-twirling more than likely had a significance beyond a nervous habit. I think he does it to keep his payot curled. He was still super weird and distinctly untalented, though. "I'm a Holy Man", oy!
  18. I've skimmed all 13 pages looking for more info on this; please excuse me if I missed it. Why was Dorinda insisting to Sonja that "You're not seeing Rocco!!"?
  19. New to this show. Why do some of you call Chelsea "Cheltsie"?
  20. Oh noes, and I had such hopes for their romance! :D
  21. Hey, I missed Shep's explanation of what became of his "relationship" with that girl from NY, was it? Anyone want to recap it for me?
  22. Right? Why should he get *any* money back, since it was paid on his behalf to begin with?
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