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Everything posted by rozen

  1. How does Remy *start* to fix his mouth to say literally any of that shit to Charley? He's up in his feeling for Charley *daring* to question his word by having the cane farmer sign paperwork and pay up front when she's sunk how many millions into this mill? Nah, boy, get out. Davis has clearly been hoping to run out the clock and have Charley forgive him so they can get back together. Her leaking their impending divorce to a big publication means the likelihood of that happening drops to < 1%. I like how Micah clearly orchestrated the whole thing too. You know he barely got in the door before dragging Davis off to Bed, Bath & Beyond. So Ernest only forgave Vi due to his guilt over failing to perform his job as 'protector'. No, Ernest Bordeleon was indeed not a good man. Charley didn't eve have a room at the house when she came down? Nova was stuck being a mom to RA, throttling her own potential? No, he drove those girls out with his own toxicity. If Charley hadn't married a famous baller he could brag about, he probably wouldn't keep shit from her either. RA's self-loathing has eaten him up, inside and out, and he's projecting it on literally everyone. He's mad everyone is pointing out he can't run the farm because, deep down, he knows he can't run the farm. He knows he can't execute his father's hopes for him. He knows he's stunted and is worried if he'll ever grow into the man he'd hoped he'd be. And when he crashes and burns, he'll blame it on the women in his life for not dropping everything to support him. Bianca Lawson is killing it as Darla. Every time she has to decide between being stepped on, or standing up for herself, you can see her, like, physically shaking under the weight of the possible repercussions of what she's about to do. And then she does it anyway. I'm starting to fangirl for Darla a little, not going to lie. Hopefully she and Charley can turn into a powerhouse together.
  2. I think Sansa is perfectly capable of running the North. She just tends towards a more conservative strategy than Jon, and frankly the lord of the North have pretty much always agreed with her before Jon overrules. I'm excited to see her get to work. I imagine she will also establish a council and freaking listen to them, instead of making decisions based on which way her piss flew that morning. I think Littlefinger's goal was to throw Jon off as much as possible before he sails off to meet Dany. He reminded Jon that he's leaving his dear baby sister in the hands of a lecherous traitor that Jon owes his life too. Littlefinger will only rise in chaos, if the Lannister's are tidily disposed of by Dany then he has no ladder to climb higher than he already is. He's trying to desperately sow as much instability as he can so Varys can't sail in and crush all his plans. I imagine Jon will unilaterally decide to marry Dany, and then Sansa will unilaterally decide to marry LF, and they'll both reunite and be hellishly pissed with each other. I wonder if the 'valonquar' (sp?) thing could also be a mis-translation? Arya is the little sister, after all. At first I was really made because Yara's fleet mad such a poor showing it made her seem incompetent. But I guess it makes sense in the context of Yara running the Iron Fleet and mostly raiding the coasts. Euron was forced to learn how to sail and ambush further out at sea, which is what Yara had to do to ferry back and forth from Dorne. Her man-to-man combat was epic, though. Poor Theon. I'm pretty sure Ellaria is fully capable of killing herself, if necessary, so I doubt anyone is going to hold her long. Euron is very...Mountain-esque in his beserker fighting style. I think he's actually the perfect husband for Cersei, I've always felt like she's had a thing for The Mountain (maybe dipped on the side when Jamie was away).
  3. Kudos to HBO, because I legit double-checked to make sure I wasn't replaying an old episode during that cold open. Arya murder-palooza is at full speed, and I love it! The only thing that could have made it better would have been for the The Man to appear in the back corner and roll his eyes at how ostentatious Arya is being. I like how they transitioned the Lannister guard scene from Arya scoping out arms and strategizing the best way to slaughter everyone, to her realizing they are harmless peons. They were kind of comically innocuous though, took me out of the show a little. Hmm, nope still Team Sansa on this one. He's literally handing two well-manned keeps back to a couple of kids who are going to be surrounded by the same advisors that decided to ignore their obligations to House Stark. Like, dude, at least keep them at Winterfell in a very polite hostage situation to raise them to not be turn-coats like their parents. Jon's issue has always been that since *he* understands the magnitude of the situation, everyone *else* should fall in line and fight for the common good. That didn't work when he was Lord of the Night's Watch, it didn't work when he was collaborating with the Wildlings, and it won't work now as 'King' of the North. You'd think he would learn from his experience of literally being murdered by his direct reports for moving too fast, too soon, but nope. He beat the White Walkers, but he didn't beat the humans. Which is why he should stfu and listen to Sansa about Cersei. Also, the optics of basically shrugging at two houses that sat on their hands while House Bolton desecrated the Stark family, figuratively and literally, are terrible. Also, please gdiaf for rolling your eyes at the idea of listening to Sansa, when she gave you great strategic advice, which you ignored, then bailed your ass out when you were about to die. Baby Jon would have had no business trying to run the Stark house, nevermind the whole North, and baby Sansa knew shit all about politics. You're both different now, obviously. Sansa has had more than enough skin (forcibly) put in the game to have opinions whenever she feels like it. This whole storyline infuriates me. My favorite part of the whole Euron versus Jamie exchange is that Jamie was that exact asshole a few years ago. He would have preened like a peacock at the opportunity to take a shot at a washed up warrior with one hand. I almost cried when that cabin came into view. "They'll be dead come winter" indeed. Podrick's going to be feeling that shoulder check for a minute. Lol.
  4. I figure the uber rich bachelorette party they entertained a while back have been raving about the 'service' ever since. Of course, I expect not many in that economic circle would be brave enough to wander down to Palmetto, so Gina Torres' character may be the first of many upscale clientele to show up randomly. I have no qualms about the girls hustling a hustler. Gina's character was also super disdainful of having to actually take care of her husband, and talked him down every chance she got. Polly never said any such thing about her mark. I don't dislike Polly because I feel like if she made good and became a trophy wife she would give it 110%. Her old husband with dementia would have had the cleanest butt known to man so no one could impugn the quality of her work. Somehow, I feel like Uncle Daddy knows precisely what happened and doesn't care. I feel like his woe-by-baby-boy is dead act is bs. I wouldn't be surprised if Roller got cheated out of his inheritance of the Dixie Mafia by Uncle-Daddy killing his brother and taking the son under his wing. And made sure to keep him too high and stupid to think of moving too far up. I think Russian mafia lady knows it too. I bet Desna is going to end up getting flipped by the Russian mafia head just to get protection for her and Dean from Uncle Daddy. I fully expect it will be eventually revealed Roller did indeed have a plan to take care of Desna, just to add the crushing thrust to Desna's psyche. He said he would do right by her, and he understands cash, so I don't believe he'd leave his old lady in such dire straits. If he really considered her his woman, which he apparently told everyone she was, I wouldn't be shocked if he had some custom nail salon being built out on the beach or some dumb shit, and expected her to just sit pretty until he was ready for the surprise.
  5. Aunt Vi gave him his number, but he won't listen. He's letting his pride do the talking and override what little common sense he has left. Even if he managed to snag the farm out from under Charley, he'd be run out of business in under a day by the Landry's. He's a walking sack of liabilities, ranging from his record, to his girlfriend, to his son who he helicopter parents out of inadequacy. It's telling that for all his boasting about being the one at the farm every day, he still needed Prosper to point out that 30% of their cane was infested with a common parasite. What is he doing everyday, exactly? If Charley was as messy about constructing this mill business as RA is at running the farm, she'd be bankrupt and living on Davis' porch right now. Pathetic how she literally had to save him from jail in order for him to man up and apologize to Micah. Also, Davis & Charley raised Micah 'soft'? Says the man ready to fight the world if anyone looks at Blue sideways, even when it's for being an over-indulged spoiled brat (which he can be). I can see why Darla would be fired, but I can also see why she risked it. As she said at recovery, all she has wanted since she got clean was to be a part of that family. Any opportunity to appear useful and functional, she will take to try to prove herself to them and scrape out a place. RA is being really un-empathetic by placing all these requests on her time, as if she can make an objective yes/no decision. Darla is basically on parole with the Bordeleon family, one slip and she's out, never to see her son again. RA needs to use his brain, but he's too busy using what few brain cells he has to focus on how oppressed he is by everyone. Vi and Hollywood pie business? YASSSSSSSSS, do eet!! I love that they shot Vi lotioning up with a wrap on her head. Just these little moments of authentic blackness you almost never see on tv. It's wonderful.
  6. They probably can't, because this is one of the few seasons where the format was even feasible. Bob & Chi-Chi would have straight murk'd Kim Chi and Naomi in a head-to-head lip sync battle. The instagram fanclub would have been even more outraged than they already were. I was rooting for my dark horse, Trinity, for her surprising versatility and can-do attitude, but sadly it was not to be. I then cheered for Shea for destroying nearly every challenge, but my application was rejected. I then cheered for Pep, who embodied the spirit of the song as one of strength and redemption, rather than deranged frustration, but was denied. I had picked Sasha to win at the start of the season, but man was it unsatisfying. I think I got sick of hearing 'I AM SO UNIQUE IN THE DRAG WORLD' over and over and over again*. But her fashion is ferocious and she has a good message, so it's fine. Sasha is the queen I'd want to have hosting an intimate dinner party followed by a book discussion. I would pay money to watch any of the other queens perform. Bob needs to stop rolling his shoulders and stand up straight. *Which, tbf, I'm sure she's said twice ever and they've just spliced it into the show a billion times.
  7. I dunno, I can see where Charley is coming from. It was firmly established in E1 that Charley was actively trying to give Micah a dose of reality, but Davis was on his 'pssh, we're so rich we're not black' train and wouldn't allow it. Confirmed by his buying his son such a flashy car when they no longer live on his 'home turf' where everyone knew who he and his family was and adored them. Also, he waited to spring it on her when she was most vulnerable and not expecting it, because he's trash. You don't just show up to mediation and say 'hey, jk, I want half our son, and we already talked about it behind your back, swish! 3 pointer! In your face!' And when things spiral, Charley immediately wants to lock everything down and exert more control, and Davis knows this as still took this opportunity to destroy what little balance she had built for herself. I'm impressed she actually backed off Micah and let him have his space. He seems very similar to her in that he hates to show weakness and wants to go hide somewhere to lick his wounds and save face. Ok, Vi and Hollywood. You two better stop playing with my emotions and stay together now! I like how he looked at the crowd like he wanted Vi to be there, but was already turning away because he didn't expect it. No hesitation to go run to her arms. You two are maaaaaaaade for each other (hearts and sprinkles!). Hoberta better not push up on him again if he comes back home *wags finger*. Ugh, RA is so annoying. He was ready to flip the farm for cash not but 2s ago, and now he's sanctimoniously complaining about having to check in with a woman, who is providing money to run the farm, to spend money. 1s ago he wasted thousands of dollars are fungus-infected cane and is grouchy that Charley will not immediately check off his newest schemes? Oh hell go here come, dude. I give him points for the ferocity with which he defends Blue's ownership of that doll, but he also needs to learn how to balance that with discipline. I am not 100% Team Darla because I somehow suspect she would totally send that doll to a nice farm in upstate NY if it were up to her. Nova apparently stays blowing dude's minds. She was almost doing the MJ 90-degree lean to get away from that barber shop dude. Her face had 'dude, it was not that great' written all over it. She didn't even say it was fun, like for White Dude Calvin Substitute #47, she said it was cool. You've been friendzoned, man, sorry not sorry. Looks like she's stopped dealing weed, so I'm glad we've retired that bit of hypocrisy. Glad Remy apologized for his tantrum. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Charley will be able to shake Davis anytime soon, so I don't know what that means for their relationship. Also, he has a strangely huge house for a professor at a small local college. Does he even teach? He's always seems to be at the farm, or leaning seductively against a post somewhere.
  8. It seems like every god or hallowed figure, etc had an actual purpose to their believers...other than Bilquis. Like, why? Go participate in one of her orgies and get absorbed in the world's grossest reverse period? Wednesday keeps harping on the believers give their faith and the gods give back a gift, but Bilquis so far hasn't been shown to do anyone any good. Wednesday saying his name was a little too much. But I think Secret World had the best creepy old name reveal for Lillith, so everything feels cheesy by comparison. I love how Easter was constantly struggling to keep her PG-13 appearance so her truce with the Jesus Confederation would stay safe. I love how pumped she was when Wednesday dedicated deaths in her name. Perfect flourish to win her little pagan heart. Laura is The Worst, but I love how she rapid fires through all the connections with minimal fuss. Her figuring out who murdered her could take all season on a lesser show. Instead she figures it out instantly and pays Mad Sweeney back what he's owed in good measure. When she asked what would hurt Wednesday, I feel like Mad Sweeney 100% fell in love with her. She's got a proper fighter's spirit. Could totally see the New Gods making Old Gods fight a mini battle royale over who gets what domain. Can't have too much conflict in your mass-produced belief systems.
  9. When Benvolio looked askance at Rosaline and said, "Are you plotting, Capulet?" the actors had 1000x chemistry than Rosaline and Escalus have had in any of their scenes. They should def be end-game.
  10. I figure to be the god of guns, Vulcan has to make a moral compromise to re-align himself with what the majority of his 'worshippers' want. And they went over the top to show the town as extraordinarily conformist. Wednesday can barely makes the cut in this 2.5 Nuclear White Supremacy Family fantasy-land, Shadow certainly doesn't. Being nice to someone like Shadow will be literally breaking the pact with his followers, no? They buy guns to kill people exactly like him. Thematically, Vulcan has always been kind of a dumbass, but I don't get why he thought he'd make it out alive after forging a sword for Wednesday. Maybe he assumed he'd be immune because he forged it? It'd be kind of hilarious if 'franchising' his business diluted his power such that an old school weapon like a sword answers to the most old-school God instead of directly to him. I honestly wouldn't be mad if Laura made a full-ditch effort to try to murder Mad Sweeney, he's earned it 100x over. Clearly no men in this writer's room with that bullshit anal sex soliloquy.
  11. I think Mr. World absolutely values and respects Wednesday. He is older than all of them put together, if Mr. World can seduce him into a 'merger' he can absorb all of Wednesdays' knowledge for himself to tighten his grip on his audience. Wednesday wouldn't be anything else other than an empty husk with a cool name to attract the kids afterwards. I don't get why Technical Boy is all aboard the all violence all the time train. Trying to go toe to toe with a (old) literal God of War seems kind of stupid, generally speaking. Shounen manga alone should inform him that Young Punks shouldn't mess with Old Grizzled Veterans Looking for a Reason to Dish Some Out. Mad Podunk Cop had to die, because she was sharp as hell. Please revive and stick her with Misty Knight in some copy mash-up, it'd be great. Mad Sweeney cursing out Laura as she pretended to be dead was hilarious. Though I'm a little confused because she's pretty obviously a dissected corpse, so what crime is Sweeney really committing there?
  12. Harriet needs to gtfo here with this mooning over Mr. North business*. You already bilked the woman out of her money, threatened her and her children's lives, let her husband guilt trip her into taking you back, and now you're going to try to sleep w/ her man? Girl, shut up and be happy you have your kids back. Hopefully Lucy keeps going back to Nancy for domme lessons, otherwise she's going to wind up killing someone. There doesn't seem to be a 'high class' version of Nancy in any of the houses we've seen, so Lucy could be very popular very quickly. Not surprised Emily Lacey's house would take off. She's good at her job, and now she's got baby-face George's contacts to come by and visit. Looking forward to S2 of her nipping at Margaret and Quigley's heels. *Also tired of writers introducing one male and one female PoC character, and then forcing them to fall for each other. There's nothing about Norths' character thus far that makes me think Harriet is even his type.
  13. I dunno, this episode makes me look sideways at Shadow and his 'true love' spiel. Seems to me he settled down because he was ready to settle down for a bit and Laura was passive enough to let him glom onto her and the sex was good (for him*). This version of Shadow literally never understood Laura on any fundamental level, she was spiraling down faster and faster and he was happy to bro out at the grill with Robbie. He used her as driftwood and never considered she might be drowning. Audrey is hysterical. I demand they find a way to incorporate her into everything, because I <3 her with the fire of a thousand suns now. How is Anubis saying the most benign and innocuous shit and still scaring the crap out of me? That actor is as amazing! *Like seriously, two sex scenes later he's back to the sweet puppy sex when she made her preference perfectly clear in their first encounter. Girl seriously didn't get anything she wanted, eh?
  14. I think Nina was actually kind of a bad influence for Valentina. Valentina seems like someone who has to relentlessly self-talk herself into being fearless, but has a ton of self-doubts that got sucked right out when she was stuck in Nina's orbit. Nina knows how to live and work under the heavy cloud of depression she has built around herself, Valentina didn't. Nina also goes straight into 'oh, I guess I'm/we're just not good enough' and seemed to drag Valentina down that rabbit hole with her. Does Alexis really think she's going to win being RuPaul's Best Stage Production Manager? And the way she always weasels away from her attempts to throw others under the bus when the other Queens call her out for her shit is even grosser. Trinity is doing that shit! She dishes it out, but she can take it, and she focuses on giving her best work without screwing over other people. Girl, I wish you'd made it to the other side too, Peppermint. She'd have Toe It Up acting as their old black church lady spy handler or some other shenanigans. Sasha begging Shea's toes not to jump was literally one of my favorite acting challenge moments, ever. Her gangly side-rolls had me busting a gut too. She is really quite good at subtler body comedy, even her facial expressions during the roast elevated her so-so jokes to hilarious. Shea is going to have that mask stuck to her face for a minute. Craft strength hot glue freaking HURTS and could probably glue a rhinoceros to Sasha's head. Like, put a towel under there if you have to glue more rhinestones on last minute!
  15. Agreed. Imo, Margaret raised her kids the best way she knew how, and her childhood would basically guarantee that 'love of your life, two kids, and a dirty cottage' would seem about as real to a unicorn to her. I will blame her for giving her kids no game plan. Charlotte was too stupid to play Sir George into letting her have her own playthings like the creepy pedophile couple. Lucy got no social graces at all. Harriet was putting an awful lot of weight on her testimony. If Margaret weren't so frazzled, she'd have laughed in her face and told her to go ahead. I dunno where she's planning on going after she spends every penny buying her kids back. Back to Margaret's? Lol, good luck. She's got no money, no skills, and no support system. And now that Margaret is too broke to bribe anyone, if everything does go sideways, she'll get rounded up with everyone else in the house and hanged. Feel like the guy at the end was debating selling our Wells, or selling out Preacher Lady's daughter, and decided to go with Wells. Nancy is the literal best. Margaret needed that dressing down. But Nancy did want Margaret to give Quigley a run for her money, nasty shit is necessary to displace that old buzzard. Even if Lucy hadn't Lizzy Borden'd the night before. Why do I feel like Virginian Beiber will end up staying in England, buy Sir George's old house and engage Haxby as his manservant, making a perfect nexus of The Literal Worst?
  16. I knew who was coming home the second the song started. It's a song you have to build into, Aja was doing the most before the song hit it's peak. These gymnastics queens really need to take a page from Katya & Kennedy and figure out when it is and is not appropriate to actually do a flying split to a song. Aja has an edgier fashion sense than Farrah, but other than that I don't think either one had much to offer so I'm not sad she got booted first. She can't act, can't paint, and isn't an engaging personality (on camera). I heart how Shea was ready to be a team player, but pounced like a might tigress to snatch that meaty part when Aja cried it was too big for her. Peppermint being over her was awesome. I think the fact Peppermint shushed her so firmly and immediately it really clicked for Aja that she had screwed up big time. Dannnnng, Trinity is out here representing for these pageant queens! She Toe It Up, I was waiting eagerly for her to pop back on screen. I wish she and Shea had had a scene where they interacted, bet it would have brought the house down.
  17. I'm really uncomfortable by how attracted I am to Pornstache in this role. I like how the show really emphasizes that Wednesday keeps Shadow so off-balance that he can even realize how hard he's being hustled. I hope the show let's Bilquis show that the Queen of Sheba was smart, not just sexy-pants. You'd think the guy would have thought a little harder when there was a perfectly let red light district for the stars-type setup right off the bat.
  18. Dang, Peppermint was not Here To Play. And Cynthia didn't know the words...again. I think she honestly needed to ask someone to write out these things for her, or ask production to look it up on a phone, because she's not nailed a lip-sync in either go around. Shea is starting to run away with this. They tabled her just to give the other queens a chance. What little of her Naomi they showed was killer, I have no doubt she kept it up the entire game. Loved Sasha, Nina, and Alexis. Valentina was smart in choosing a good gag and sticking to it. Trinity was solidly in the middle. Not as much good interaction between queens as we've had the best Snatch Games, but a good showing. Farah is next on the chopping block unless she pulls out a miracle.
  19. So Fallon thinks he's Hades? I guess the murdering of young virgins makes slightly more sense now. Quigley is going to do spiteful pole vaults when she finds out Margaret handed her precious daughter over to a total sadist. I think Margaret doesn't realize just how much she cosseted Lucy, and left her completely unable to fend for herself. The ease with which Charlotte flopped herself between the Reptons shows she probably knew how to play them even at 12. So many years later, they both still adore her even though she's 'too old' for Lord Repton's tastes. Charlotte knows how to hustle and network with everyone she meets in case she needs them later. Even baby Harlot Harriet knew how to handle Repton like the old tomcat he is, instead of getting 'pounded like tripe'. Lucy is so damaged at this point, probably the only men she will attract are predators just like Repton and Fallon, who want frightened broken things. French girl is going to over reach and get smited. Especially if she tries to cut in on Golden Child Lucy's business. She'll end up sitting next to Emily Lacey in the dominatrix's house. I feel like the dominatrix is totally going to regret this because Mama Quigley will surely come to burn the entire block down for Emily almost murdering her son. If Charlotte is so renowned, she should just start her own darn board. Take Haxby on as her accountant. That would be hilariouuuuuuus.
  20. Emily knows how to keep her mouth shut. She knows how to turn on the dirty charm to get a cull, she got sweet with Quigly Jr. during her 'demo' and when she swooped in to steal Fallon from the french girl. I think she actually likes him because he's straightforward and simple and she can be herself without repercussion. Quigley likes her because though he is slow, he can probably see through a harlot's charm act a mile away. What they have together is weird and dysfunctional, but real. I honestly think of this secret hallway tryst is ever caught out, George will toss Charlotte out, but he will kill Haxby. Creepy son is totally going to come try to pay for a round with Harriet, isn't he? Good on her for surviving Repton. I guess it's a small virtue that he apparently lets his wife have her own toys and not just share/observe him play with his.
  21. Sorry, but I had to laugh when Eureka was looming over Sasha and Valentina with her makeup half done while apologizing. Looked like the start of some kind of terror film. But I did like that everyone had an honest moment over the challenges of beauty standards. Those S10 queens better look out, because Eureka was burning it up before. Gotta say, the fact Phi Phi is her drag mom makes me think a *little* better of her. Cynthia was pulling out the stunts, but, imo, they didn't connect to the song at all and she didn't know all the words *again*. And it's a simple ass song. I don't know why she thinks that weird guppy mouth is a good way to cover up a missed word. Farrah was low energy, but she fit the song better, imo. It's not a flying splits kind of song. And she's got a heart of tissue paper, apparently, so I suppose she was probably trying not to just sob through her lip sync. Woman up, woman! Her being obsessed with Kylie Jenner and being completely unable to think of *anything* to do other than stumble through hand clapping does not bode well for her future. Especially her Snatch Game, that's gon be badddd. What is with Peppermint and those ugly ass outfits? Alexis talked about Peppermint last Untucked like she'd been in the game a long time, so why is her wardrobe still so basic? Hopefully she's trying to save the big guns for later or something. She really killed it as Britney, she overshadowed Trinity and Sasha by a mile. Her ability to comprehend a 1/3 chance of getting the black character was refreshing. Ugh, I wanted that win for Alexis. Her 'momager' was hilarious and her Kris drag was unclockable. Whyyyy did she have to come out in that absolutely tragic runway? Shea is getting a little cocky, looks like she's being set up for a dramatic bottom 2 moment, a la Alaska. Don't talk to sexy to mama, you not there yet, girl. Nina's biggest challenge is Nina. Tortured genius, etc etc. Lady Gaga gagged for your drag, who cares how the BB in Atlanta treated you before? You're here, not them!
  22. Uhh, I didn't see the preview, they literally showed this on the episode when the probe drops in ^_^ I swear, between this and the GOT forums I get spoiled more by the mods spoiler tagging my observations and guesses than by book readers, lol.
  23. Holden is simultaneously under- and over-estimating the protomolecule. He thinks it's a ruthless killing machine that must be destroyed, but is simultaneously too stupid to use any type of tactics other than 'rip, tear, repeat'. You'd think he would have some self-reflection on the fact that Miller somehow found a way to redirect Eros into Venus, but much more fun to go 100% Ahab on it. Alex really showed his Martian training in continuing to follow orders for as long as he did. If Naomi or Amos were the pilot they would have burned out of there a long time ago. Alex has been getting hotter and hotter as the episodes have progressed (his pride over his lasagna, be still my beating heart!), but I just about died when he growled 'our family needs us right now!' I know you have an adorable Martial family, but please continue to pretend to be dead and run away with me instead! I like how it's a consistent thread that every leader in this tale, when faced with the option of listening to not-evil scientists observing protomolecule behavior, go 'nah, dummy scientist. What do you know?' I hope the botanist sticks around and joins the Roci crew. We need greater representation from the Not Total Sociopaths science contingent. I would really like Belters to get a non-tragic win sometime soon. Mars and Earth and Mao are all having a colossal pissing match, and the Belters are dying left and right just trying to survive, and having no stake in the outcome. Anders is trash, but I'm empathizing more and more with his refusal to let any non-Belter have the upper hand on him. I'm guessing since we had that 1 hr long exposition while the Martial Ambassdor died of a heart attack that one of those targeted killer pills will be coming for Bobbie soon. Stop touching the free food, girl, it's gonna probably murder you one day. Looks like Poor Amos. All his guiding lights are becoming corrupted, or stabbing him in the back. Maybe the botanist can be his new dude.
  24. Hoo, Charlie and Cynthia are the cautionary 'doin it wrong' corollary to Alaska and Alyssa's master class in conflicting comedy styles meshing together. I bet if you gave her a time log, Alaska could tell you everything she's going to do in her act down to the minute. But she knew that letting Alyssa being Alyssa was the way for them to win, so she let her go crazy and played the straight man. I think Charlie would have been good as the seniored, judgmental British bitch newscaster in the face of Cynthia's ridiculousness. But she marched right along with the act she wanted and didn't try to work with the talents and weaknesses of her teammates. Nina is an Eeyore, even though I love her. Also, I'm one myself, so I feel her struggle. Her persona is So Strong and so inward focusing that she inadvertently winds up sucking the oxygen out of the room. That can be hard to work with, even if the person is talented. Eureka is self-absorbed enough to let that roll right off her, so they were a strong pairing. My eye did twitch when Michelle snarked about her vulnerability when she's ridden many a drag queen in to the apocalypse with the 'you need to be more vulnerable' criticism. Valentina is being professional as hell. She is very, very, very, very camera aware in a way a lot of these queens aren't. Drag Race alums are always saying that by being cast, you've already won and your appearance should be about getting as many new fans as possible. Valentina clearly listened to that advice. Aja has not, and is focused on the actual physical crown, which is the least important part. At least she painted better this week instead of looking like a clown sat on her face. Trinity threw down in that lip sync! I knew Charlie wasn't going to bother when he didn't change out of those Gaga-esque heels. Also, that was honestly a terrible song for her. I don't think there's a way to lip-sync a Britney song that doesn't require high energy movements of some sort. Charlie's not that kind of girl. Eureka v Sasha was a great example of people so deep into their own demons they're not even listening to each other. Eureka really does need to learn when to stfu. Her O'Hara was showing big time this episode. Shea just makes you want to look at her no matter what she's doing. Star Quality.
  25. Just watched Untucked and now I have a totally different view of Kimora. She was *so happy* that the girls actually liked her and left their numbers to contact them. Combined with her comment in the first Untucked about how the Vegas drag scene is ferocious and she always wanted a Drag Mom, I think she covered up her insecurity by talking big about how gorgeous she is all the time. Her drag is still...unexciting to me. But I actually kind of like her now. She took losing with such grace, and I don't think you can fake that.
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