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Everything posted by rozen

  1. I think she just has wide-set boobs. I thought it was fun to see more boob diversity, there was a quick shot where they panned from Michelle's hushpuppies fully locked and loaded to Tisha's melons roaming wild and free and I chuckled. I had to give it to Aquaria this round. Her looks were stunna and perfectly thought it, loved them all. I have to agree with Mz Cracker's initial assessment that she was a little too on the nose. I'm glad to see this season the girls can sew, and if they're lacking they know how to use a damn glue gun. I am so over talking heads of instagram queens whining 'but sewing is not what I doooooooooo!' RPDR has been on long enough that you know what's coming and should prepare accordingly. In another season, Monet might have squeaked through for having two garments that weren't disintegrating on the runway. But here she absolutely deserved to be on the bottom. And I'm glad, because she slayed that lip sync. I see why the crowd goes wild for her, even if she's bald and untucked, as Cracker said. She has charisma for days. Can we have a friendly lip sync round between her and Peppermint? I might die of happiness, but it would be worth it. I was with Mayhem making the 'omg, wtf is happening' face while Eurkea and Vixen were squabbling. Their personalities are kind of cut for the same cloth. It reminds me of when I have friends who are similar, but have never met before, and I always warn them they will either become bffs or hate each other.
  2. Vixen is always at a 10 and makes me go 'uh, I kind of agree with Cracker' but then Aquaria's comments are 100% pure unadulterated prissy rich bitch that it makes my hair stand on end. "I just think it's interesssssssssting that your [verbal airquotes] best [/verbal airquotes] drag wasn't your drag though." And Aquaria kept hammering on the "it wasn't your drag" even in the middle of pretending to be aggrieved. Vixen is obviously a queen on a budget, she's proud of her ability to hustle. She bartered for the wig for one she had, so in her mind it's a fair exchange. Then this snooty fetus in a dress that's probably more expensive than Vixen's whole wardrobe airs her out for it in front of everyone. Of course Vixen was going to come for her! Like, are you joking? Cracker was exactly right in saying that Aquaria finds that one spot, stabs it, and then turns around with this 'who, innocent ol' me?' act. I agreed with Cracker that, pragmatically, Vixen needs to bring it down. But Vixen was way too riled up to hear any nonsense while Aquaria was Laganja Estrang'ing on the couch next to her. Now Vixen still looks like a bitch and probably lost a potential ally in Cracker, who has also been a victim of Aquaria's bs. Just, ugh. I mean, even Dusty read Aquaria. Like, went out of his way to insert himself into the conversation and act as a character witness that Aquaria's a shit off the show , too. Like, damn. Agreed, Monet feels like Thorgy 2.0. I had such high hopes for her after that first challenge, too. Asia's runway is def one of my top 5 fav drag looks on the show. The detail with the eyemakeup was fully thought out and gorgeous too. Go Asia! Mayhem has been working too long to shut down like that. She killed that lip sync though, good for her. Edit: What would have been more effective, I think, is if Vixen had directly asked Aquaria the question she was implying. Vixen is always at a 10. She's ready to pop off. Ready to fight. Then why would Aquaria pick her, of all people, to goad if she didn't want to get a big dramatic reaction to bask in?
  3. They kinda were morons on this challenge, though. I'm sure there were communication problems on Desiree's end that contributed, but those two were SHIT at following directions. She'd tell them to slide a puzzle piece around, and they'd keep trying to pick it up. She'd tell them to flip a piece over, and they'd do it, then flip it back again for no reason. You could see the other blindfolded puzzle solvers got a physical intuition for the space of the board fairly quickly, and instinctively started bringing pieces over to where gaps where...while Kellyn was piling them OUTSIDE the circle cutoff the pieces go in! I was dying watching that entire disaster unfold. Desiree got that team through the bag collecting phase with high efficiency and minimal physical injury, I highly doubt she was the main factor for being unable to solve what looked like a 15 piece puzzle. Kellyn wasting oxygen being in her feelings instead of shutting up and listening to instructions was just the perfect coup de grace. Do you want your caller to be loving and affirm that you are really trying so very hard, good effort! Gold star! Or do you not want to go to tribal? Donathan spinning Chelsea to unravel a bag was HILARIOUS! It's strange that shouting at partners to move closer to each other was so ineffective because they are literally tied together. You're tied together, you're both flopping every which way like dying gazelles because you can't see. Following the tension of the cord seems like a perfectly sensible thing that would be easy to execute. Apparently not!
  4. I'm not mad at Vixen for not keeping her mouth shut. Aquaria ripped Cracker from stem to stern during Untucked, clocked her makeup, clocked her outfits, clocked her acts, like girl what's left? Aquaria basically insulted all of Cracker's drag and and then threw up a 'who, me? never!' act when called on it. At least have the professional courtesy to read Cracker to her face, but ofc she won't because she knows that she can't keep up with Cracker in a debate. I'm waiting for Michelle to complain about Aquaria always having boy-chest...this is, what, the 4th time? *checks watch* Eurkea was an annoying and emotional mess on her season too, it just got washed out by the living Eeyore that was Nina Bonina Brown Washington Carver*. Clearly a lot of pressure has been heaped on her to come back and kick everyone's butt and it's psyching her out. I hope she can snap out of it and have at least a little fun and be happy she made it back. Rehabbing an ACL is no joke, her even being back at all and able to do what little dancing she's doing is amazing. I thought Asia's laser beam eyes would cleave Dusty in half when he proclaimed he would have won if their team had been on top. She is so intense ALL the time girl, I live. If there was a drag boot camp, she'd be the instructor clanging the pan at 5:55 am screaming for everyone to get tucked and ready by O Six Hundred. Damn, Padma let them girls have it. Did she say 'all production, no substance' about Monique's 2-in-1 look? I mean, she wasn't wrong that the two dresses didn't relate to each other, but dang. Halsey had so many one-liners ready when the girls were walking the runway, she was hilarious. These queens have technically "won" by just being on the show in terms of getting greater general public recognition, but I'm sure there's another level of evaluation and expectation in their actual drag community. Shangie harped all AS3 that she wanted the respect of the other girls, and I think that's something a lot of the queens coming through RPDR are really hoping for. Validation from their peers who are experts at the craft. So I totally understand how they would be so heartbroken at being cut so early, or before they've had a chance to show their very best selves. *I say this as another living Eeyore recognizing one of my tribeswomen
  5. There are Bio Queens, they exist and compete. And there is a totally necessary conversation about healthy collaboration and interaction between groups that experience different types of oppression, but saying gay men have ownership of imitating the female form...is hella wrong and rude.
  6. I feel like a key part of the Aquaria vs Cracker battle was cut out, because I don't understand why every other girl came to the conclusion that Cracker was the copy cat. Maybe the other NY girls ratted her out? Either way, I wouldn't have kept harping on it when your alleged doppelganger landed in the top...doing "your" look better than you. I can't believe this, but I agree with Michelle. Sasha's eyebrows & Trixie's face are very well done, graphic, cohesive, and tell a story about the queens they are (in Sasha's case, literally). Dusty's "signature" is a neat idea, but it doesn't do anything to highlight her face, or communicate anything. It's just kind of random and there. Which is not shocking, since it's apparently a spin off of her learning to draw on her brows. If she'd drawn galaxies across her brows and came out looking like an intergalatic supermodel, Michelle prolly would have gagged. Sponge dress with dirt hair and soap bubles, etc was cute idea, but homegirl was hobbling down that runway. That deducts uber points right off the bat. I liked Monique's queen of hearts look and was also surprised she wasn't in the top, but her stank face and constantly screeching backstage dampened me on her a little.
  7. I figured Thorgy was going to be fair when she specifically made sure to tell Shangie she slayed all season. She and Acid Betty feel like queens that would hate your guts till the end of time, but still vote you to win the pageant because fair's fair, even you are a stank ho bitch. Ben's feel good, 'needs it more' is goddamn irritating, especially as it's backfired spectacularly on both queens she 'saved'. Just because Ben decided she didn't need the validation of the crown doesn't mean she gets to stamp out other hardworking and successful queens from having the chance. I don't understand how any of the queens who saw AS2 thought that giving Kennedy another shot would do anything but Roxxxy Andrews' her. Especially the ones hooked into social media more and know how much drama the online fandom causes over things it considers 'unfair'. There was literally no way Ru would ever pick her over Trixie, and they knew that. Giving her one more lip sync wasn't going to fix anything. It sucks, but big picture wise, I think this is actually the best outcome for Shangela. If she had been top two and beat Trixie, we'd be going on and on about how she won against soft competition and her win was with a big asterix because bendela left. But now it's an outrage, because while bendela quit of her own volition, Shangela was robbed of her chance. And she's beaten Ben 2x at lip syncs prior, so she was a valid front runner. Now Trixie will get all the eyerolls for basically being that last place speed skater that nips in for gold because the front runners fell and tumbled into each other. Trixie is such a perplexing case for me, because I like her a lot not on the show, but on the show I am like 'girl you're ok, but not great, please sit down.' And she's blind if she thinks Kennedy's rainbow dress this season was worse than the prior one. That dress was FIYAH.
  8. This is probably one of those challenges that was on the list of potential MCs, and the queens had varying levels of preparation for it. It looks like Shangela literally had maybe a half bolt(?) of *one* kind of fabric. And she then proceeded to sew it exactly to her proportions w/o taking into account that the fabric she selected had no stretch. I don't get these queens who swear up and down they totally learned how to sew before coming on the show, but don't know how to put in a zipper! That would have at least given her a chance to squeeze into the thing. She's lucky, bc if the bottom had been anyone but Aja I think she'd be out. Trixie sewed that jumpsuit like a boss, go Trixie! And her can was perfect. Oh gosh, is this the start of her ru-demption storyline? It looks like they are also giving Bendela a fake speedbump of 'failing to give 120% every week'. Final two? Do white queens have a religious obligation to give weirdly frenetic performances to soulful songs? Bebe's version may have seemed boring, but it fit the song. Learn from Sasha! She knew that scissor kicks were not appropriate for dramatic and emotional songs.
  9. I think Shangela knows how to create drama and play to the camera. She's been through the RPDR ringer longer and harder than any of the other queens, she knows what's necessary to snag the spotlight.
  10. I don't know what Shangela was saving that breath mint tin for, but her throwing them at Ben while backing away was *hilarious*. Is Ben going to chase Shangie down and box her out from being able to dance every time they lip sync against each other? I am, ofc, not a lip sync etiquette expert, but I would think after initiating one interaction you would back off and let the other queen decide if she wants to continue camping it up together or do her own thing. Trixie's RuPaul on Unnnnnnh (sp) was never that good, I don't know who was gassing her up about it enough that she decided to do it for Snatch Game. Doing an homage to someone in front of them is always going to screw you up, she should never have touched it unless she had been doing RuPaul for years. You better be Chad-level good if you even want to touch the hem of Ru's flare pants. We are getting none of Ben's inner monologue and all of Shangela's take on Drageryes Tuckgareon, it feels super imbalanced. Is Ben smart enough to basically have nothing interesting to say in talking heads, or are they editing her to be the sweet whimsical queen from Portland vs Shangela's evil showgirl? Her fluttering her eyelashes while invalidating Shangela and Kennedy's irritation at Trixie taping up Thorgy's note was soooooooooooooo annoying. There is a clear demographic fracture in the workroom and it's low-key permeating everything and I'm exhausted just seeing the edges of it. How are you going to come back and not have *anything* planned? Aja turned around and came back 2s after her season and that bitch came to work. What has Chi Chi been doing? Like my goodness, other than her improved wardrobe, it's like her drag went backwards. Kristen threatening Aja for her outfit was hilarious. Please come back as Easter, Kristen, you were so good!
  11. IMO, Thorgy's final message had a really nasty undertone to it (which she herself acknowledged, but left it). Shangela is, as she always says, a professional businesswoman. She's not about to let an audience see anyone make her sweat. Sometimes you eat an insult because it's better for business, doesn't mean it didn't piss you off. Kennedy was her friend and was about to go nuclear, I think that's a more accurate reflection than Milk insisting it's just comedy and screw your feelings (unless she's crying, then everyone stop and listen). Dela, how qwhite of you to poo poo a buttoned up African princess in favor of a 'traditional' buttoned-up Catholic girl. Bebe did ok with that character, but that idea could have torn the entire house down with a Queen with actual comedy chops. Dela's cougar was hilarious and I love how every fashion runway she gets called Michelle Visage. Their coloring really is uncannily similar. I think Shangela and Dela have the best chance to go all the way. It's hilarious how every episode Shangela calls out Dela for carefully graphing out the effects of what she says to the 3rd generation, but Shangie-ho is just as calculating. She's just quicker with a quip and a joke to cover it up. Trixie thinks too much. Which is part of what made her hilarious in Unnnnnngh, but I think it's holding her back on this platform. Also, I think she's trying to show things that make her a well-rounded performer, not just a Drag Queen (e.g. the singing, following basic rules of improvisation and acting). The whole time Milk was dominating the scene I was like 'bitch, you are a fake bitch! throw yourself on the ground and pretend you broke your ankle to make them pay attention to you! then call your agent and start complaining about how your'e toooooooootally going to sue everyone and then ask Jordan to kiss it better' Aja is like a puppy, I can't even stay mad at her because she's seems so innocent and oblivious but willing to learn. Chi Chi and Shangela reminds me of Bianca's season when she got stuck with...whatsherface....for an improv/commercial. Bianca was experienced enough to figure out how to set her partner up for success and survive, and keep herself out of the bottom. I even think Shangela's idea was good, setting herself up to be the straight-woman for Chi Chi's floozy, but Chi Chi just let every moment pass her by. She would have been funnier if she had just literally played herself. Her thinking and freaking out sucked all the oxygen out of the scene for her, Shangela, and Jeffrey. Kennedy would have been stupid not to cut Milk. All Stars is Survivor, not The Great British Bakeoff. Milk straight up told her that she was doing boring basic-bitch drag, no way would Kennedy be safe if she landed in the bottom when Milk was on top. And the other two girls are beatable, sorry about it. Where Chad and Alaska doing the macarena in the background? I love it!
  12. Hirst never gives any other woman other than Lagertha enough time to breathe as a character so you can figure out their nuances and motivations. Judith in principle seems like a super intriguing and awesome character, in action, less so. Similar to Rollo's wife. They made her seem like the stealth brains and bravery running the show, then reduced her dickmatized housewife two episodes later. The two probably have less screen time combined than the Crazy 'I deal with my sexual trauma by being every man's nympho daydream' Queen who died ages ago.
  13. Guess I am a bad feminist, because I gave 0 shits about Lagertha doing to Harald exactly what he would have done to her. She's *been* killing fools that want to/have assaulted her, and they just keep on coming. Yea, I can see her finally being like 'I'll give it to one of them and see how they like the idea!' My guess is that she didn't kill him for exactly the same reason that Ragnar and Ecbert never killed each other, she's bored and needs someone on her level. Her and Ragnarr's dream was to become successful farmers, but the reality is that she spent her whole life in bloody combat*. And her disdain for Aslaug made it clear that she thinks peace makes you soft (true in their case). She needs a real and imminent enemy to keep her mind occupied, and to keep the people of Kattegut from becoming complacent. This show really does need to bring in some new female characters that are just normal people, bc I swear my 1st thought when they bothered to focus on a woman not being butchered alive (the lady in blue who wanted to get it in with warrior bishop sadist), I was like 'oh, so the sexing begins'. I think a major issue of Astrid's character is that she's just too freaking clean. There's never dirt on her, there are not tattoos, no hairs out of place. When Harald grabbed her little Revlon-commercial ready face in his grubby paws, I almost wanted to laugh. *Same for Rollo, who wanted to be a 'great man' his whole life, but when Bjorn came by his castle he jumped at the chance to be himself for a while.
  14. Considering how little respect female reporters had back then, I can buy one going literally for broke at such a rare opportunity. If literally all you have to look forward is another few decades of men staring at your ass while you try to do your job, why the hell not try to push some answers out of the biggest cad of them all?
  15. Nova and Robert are both impassioned Lone Wolves who have developed a very precise approach to how they solve community problems. The issue is that Robert is ready to start a pack, and Nova isn't. Has he been high-handed and overbearing? Sure, but when challenged, he has shown an authentic desire to adjust make space for Nova. But Nova acts like their respective personalities are struck in stone, and if they don't fit perfectly, then there's no hope. There are kinks in any *real* relationship, and Calvin was comfortable precisely because this could be dispensed with under the guise of outside forces (his wife and family, the hostility of their respective communities, etc). Honestly, Robert and Charley should have been the ones to get together, their personalities are very well aligned, and Charley is used to the jet setting lifestyle. Remy and Nova are both community-focused and righteous about it. Partner swap! I'm glad that Vi has decided to accept Darla, because boy does she need someone to give even an inch of support. I am very, very worried for her when her parents come... Because RA still ain't shit. I cannot believe he even fixed his mouth to whine about breaking even to Prosper, of all people. Boy wouldn't have shit to harvest without Charley's money, Remy's cane, and Prosper's constant guidance and advice. Whining about breaking even. Turning his nose up at extra work to make the money for Darla. He doesn't want to do right by her, he wants to show off what a man he is without putting in the actual work. I find it very hard to believe that Charley would have a 'handshake' deal with anyone for something so big (esp w/ some random side character that has no connection to the family). That's bending the character to suit the storyline. Charley closing that door for Davis was so painful. They can never get back to that place, but it hurts them both so much to know it's gone forever. Davis desperately wanting to run to Charley to figure out what to do about his injury was sad. Yea, she was you rock, dummy, and you threw it all away. Suffer.
  16. Charley needs bigger farmers, yes, but with bigger paychecks comes less control. If she starts recruiting farmers with an order of magnitude more farmland than the black farmers, they are going to expect things to cater to them, that's just how it is. Even if the Landry's don't stick a mole in there, she's going to be stuck between the big farms that are aware of her previous cutthroat business persona and will expect her to play ball, and little farmers who thinks she's a bougie bitch trying to work out her midlife crisis. I like her mom being around because she is the only character who has constantly pointed out that Charley does not have infinite pockets, which everyone else on this shows seems to take as a given. Charley is building a business from the ground up while in the middle of a messy divorce, and she's still paying RA's bills while he pretends to be a man. Speaking of that dipshit, seriously, get hit by a bus and let Darla take over the farming half of the show. I was embarrassed for him during that childish showboating in front of Remy. Also telling that Remy has way more compassion for his bro than for Charley, who was and is under way more stress. Everyone and they mama, including crotchety-ass Prosper, has gone out of their way to pick up after this boy and he stays crying about how hard he has it. He has no ability to deal with adversity whatsoever. And Micah is the soft one? Boy, bye. Darla way out-classes him, and he knows it. Every step she takes towards being functional and self-supporting, he's going to drag her back, because he knows he can't keep her unless she's broken and weighed down. No wonder Lorna looked like she was about to go off on everyone in every scene. She seriously got the short end of the stick, and gets treated like the devil incarnate by the whole family. Glad she got that off her chest, and maybe will have some peace with Vi. Everyone was so busy heaping emotional guilt on her, Lorna didn't even have room to breathe and grieve for her trifling ex-husband. At least the whole story being revealed made Nova take a look at herself. But based on her facial expression when Robert (?) hugged her, she's still not on board with this relationship. I think she intrinsically hates the feeling of being equally yoked with someone. *Shrug* Aunti Vi's house, Aunt Vi's rules. Baseball cap can file his complaint to centuries of institutionalized racism. Aunt Vi will never be her full, 100% authentic self, around white folks, and her home is her sanctuary. So, yes, white folks can't be there with no notice. Life did that to her, she's just living with it. Not every black person on this earth has to be forgiving of all the shit they had to go through just to survive. He can eat her pie at the High Yella like everyone else, shit. *Was I the only one that thought the Landry 14-times removed farmer at the golf course was hot as hell? Because he was hot as hell.
  17. Sooooo, Frieda has done nothing but ride Issa's coattails, and orchestrated half of this mess in the first place, but sits by and let's Issa get hung out to dry? And gets promoted on top of it to boot? Screw that. Issa needs to start her own shit and leave this struggle White Guilt establishment. Those partners don't care to retain Molly, they're just using what little time they have left to slap her face all over their website and brag about how inclusive and diverse they are before she inevitably jumps ship. That Chicago colleague was hilarious. How did he get his pants off so fast?! There is literally no chance the poor dude even brought his A game because he was so thunderstruck that this was even happening to him. If Molly really wanted something healthy, she would have gone back to Marketing Professional Hottie, apologized, and asked to start over. Guess she just loves fuckboys and drama. I need a full order of Due North immediately. "I hate slavery!" OMG, I was dying.
  18. Sansa and Arya worked him like pros, though I'm sure a lot of the nasty things they said to each other when he was listening had some truth to them. Hence Arya's apology on the wall. The one time LF is under-informed, he overreaches with disastrous consequences. No matter how rebellious a child Arya was, he couldn't dream she could aspire to anything else other than being a powerful Lady. When all three turned to look at LF in the great hall, I shivered! It was like when Sansa let those dogs loose on Ramsay, hungry, angry, and the quarry had no escape. LF should have bounced the second Bran quoted 'chaos is a ladder' at him. The remains of the Stark pack devouring him is exactly what I think Catelyn would have wanted. Rumors of this 'treaty' are going to burn thorugh King's Landing like wildfire. This is going to bite Ceresei in the butt if the North wins. The crux of her reign is 'better the devil you know who follows the rules, generally.' That's kind of shot to hell when everyone hears the evil foreigner usurper whore dropped everything to go save them from the Long Night. Ok, they've foreshadowed Dany's fecundity with a sledgehammer like 4 episodes in a row. I look forward to this incest Targ baby that shall mount the world. Kind of rich for Dany to nag her ancestors for having the same stupid idea she did with her two 'babies'. Conquer the world with your living nukes, then lock them up until they wither and die. GG, y'all. Whooo, dragon on dragon fight, I'm looking forward to that massive expenditure of CGI funds. The Night King could look at least a *little* happy he's got a dragon of his own. He's sitting there like it's a supped up horse and he can't be bothered. Also, why are there no female White Walkers? I would have preferred Theon to have made this evolution without Jon of all people granting partial absolution. He should have been able to get here (psychologically) on his own. His little grin when the sailor went for the cheap shot was hilarious though. Shouldn't literally everyone know by now that his business got shipped to his dad in a box? What do you think kneeing the guy in the crotch is going to do? Every episode I hate the 'Jon Snow for President' faction more. This dude is an idiot, furthermore, with Dany their idiocy magnifies and synergizes with one another to form an Idiot SuperNova.
  19. It was fun to watch all these characters interact, but it felt pretty uneven. I never got around to watching Iron Fist, so his skillset confuses me. Like, was his training left unfinished or something? There are times where just channeling the fist seems to blow everyone off their feet, but then in the cavern he was punching ninjas and they were popping right back up to keep fighting him. Elodie Young is doing God's work making Elektra so enigmatic and captivating, because the writing for her is a straight mess. All this fuss about Black Sky, Black Sky, Black Sky, I expected her to turn into the freaking terminator. The most intimidating moment was honestly her sneaking up to stab Alexandra in the back, only because I presume that she would be baller at anticipating it due to her centuries of warding off coups from the rest of the Hand. Matt's the only person who's been truly willing to die for her, I understand why she's obsessed with him considering her shit upbringing. But I really need her to move on and find someone who will love her for her 80% unadulterated violence 20% goodwill self, instead of trying to bludgeon an equally stubborn 80% goodwill 20% unadulterated violence Matty into submission. If Jessica did not climb on top of that desk and tackle Malcom, I am severely disappointed with her! He got finer with every pop in appearance, for real.
  20. Details of succession are immaterial at this point, imo. What matters if if the player has a claim of any kind, and do they have the firepower to back it up? Cersei basically has no business sitting on the throne, but here she is, with people ready to get immolated than yield to a foreigner with a better claim. I don't see Jon being revealed as being a Targ setting up a competition, but resolving a pressing concern. Dany cannot have children. Even if she marries for political stability, she will not issue an heir to take over after her. That is actually one of the biggest issues I've had with her crusade to take her birthright, the inevitable return to civil war when she dies without a legal heir. Jon resolves that and truly unites the North and South to boot. Calling it now, Sansa and Arya are running game on LF. I don't believe for a second that Arya is that gullible...and noisy. Executing Northern Lords for attempted treason is step of 1 of what led of Rob having his direwolf sewn to the top of his head. Sansa does not have the political or martial will to punish anyone for questioning their King. That, and when Jon inevitably returns, he'd be pissed if she did such a thing. Letting them blow steam while keeping preparations moving for the inevitable two-way siege from North and South is the best thing Sansa can do. Lyanna Mormont is an adorable addition to the show, but I thinks she's kind of done it a disservice by making her a magic rhetorical wrench that makes all these dudes sit down, shut up, and follow orders. Northern Lords thus far in this show have been exceptionally headstrong assholes. Rob's entire military campaign showed over and over and over again that a united Northern effort of any kind is like herding cats. I literally don't know what Danereys was supposed to do with the Tarlys. They betrayed their oath to her house, impugned her claim, and refused to bend the knee. Making an example of those two got everyone else to yield, it was an efficient resolution to the problem. Anything else would make her look like a coward. Hell, a good portion of Northern leadership thinks Jon's a coward, and he has a literal army of undead on the doorstep to use as an excuse to pardoning traitor's children. What is she supposed to do with her literal bannerman telling her to go kick rocks? Everyone's afraid of what she might do, and not looking at what she has done. Versus people just glossing over the fact that when the chips were down, Cersei was willing to kill her own people to save herself.
  21. Molly, what? I knooooooooooooooo this bish is not blowing off her male equivalent without even giving him a chance. She would never last in a long-term relationship with a casual and laid-back partner anyway. She's firing on all cylinders constantly, she wouldn't respect someone who's not the same. White boy lawyer did not deserve that apology. Imo, for those types it's better for them to respect you as a bitch than snort at you as a pushover. DRAG HIM TASHA!!! That was a 100% trash move on his part, and he knows it. Treating her like a damn vending machine that churns out sex for every 10 minutes of conversation endured. Issa telling the ceiling stain it wouldn't steal her joy was hilarious. If Frieda is so stressed about this, she could, I dunno, go talk to more teachers and try to round up more latinx students? Instead she's just constantly whining and virtue signaling and expecting Issa to shut down the project because 'morals'. She's probably going to end up going back to the boss behind Issa's back and make the whole thing blow up in her face.
  22. Seemed to me that Sansa gave a side glance to LF before looking peeved. Arya inadvertently just gave LF information for free, and Sansa is the exasperated accountant. Also, she's well aware of where Arya's swordplay was when she last saw her sister. What horrible shit do you have to go through to be that good? Arya also showed the most joy in the face of danger and death. She was businesslike until Brienne finally took her seriously and kicked her away. She came up hissing and with fire in her eyes. She had a bigger smile when they stopped at mutually assured death than when she saw Sansa or Bran again. They're all broken now, and I think Arya and Bran accept that, whereas Sansa is trying to fight it and keep some of herself. She's mourning losing her family all over again. I love when Brienne knocked Needle away and she paused before deciding that Arya was good enough for her to keep coming anyway. Such a mark of respect. I guess all these scenes of Podrick getting knocked in the dirt is so we believe it when he takes down a lesser foe with ease. Extra bonus of this fight scene is that now I can believe that Arya could indeed beat A Girl with Needle. She is a natural at water-dancing where every other weapon A Man had her train at always seemed labored and forced. I hope Dany sees she needs more practice riding Drogon. Bronn would never have landed that shot if she hadn't guided Drogon in a perfect straight line at the crossbow so he had all the time in the world to line up the shot. Still don't understand why Brann is a vegetable man. The old three-eyed raven still had a personality, whereas Brann seems to have been obliterated by the sheer magnitude of memories he has available. Maybe actual Brann is in there frantically rifling through things and this is the equivalent of his voice mail. Meera definitely did NOT deserve that kind of send-off after all she did for him. I would have liked if Tyrion pointed out that his men actually *tried* to fight the Dothraki and a mfing dragon. Dothraki gave up their autonomy and entire way of life when they *saw* dragons the size of a cat. The Lannister army can be forgiven for not being at their best.
  23. I still hate Remy and that Charley had to literally beg for his forgiveness...buttttttt If the genders on this were reversed, I think I would feel differently? A business man is going through a tumultuous divorce, and the humble widow falls in love with him. But she is pulled closer and pushed back repeatedly, and their relationship is kept a secret. All the while he leans on her to help build a company from the ground up using her expertise. He relies on her connections and advice, until he decides to pull rank and embarrass her in front of colleagues. Business man caps it all by getting a big flashy feature where he talks about everything but her, and keeps up the Power Couple image he has with estranged wife. Yea, I think I would cheer for the widow to make the business man beg forgiveness in this situation. The difference is that we're seeing more of the drama that goes into Charley's decisions than the typical TV drama where the Business Man would be a Cold, Aloof, and Emotionally Unavailable cipher. Soooo, RA got read for filth by Darla's sponsor, and all he can take from it is that she should be by his side forever because he needs her? Ugh, he is trash. So pathetic he talked big last episode, but comes slinking to Charley to keep the purse strings open while he pretends to be a man. Boy, bye. Aunt Vi totally has cancer, or something. She is done with everyone's bs and I love it. Nova vs Robert is an encapsulation of the neverending debate on how to deal with oppressive power structures. Nova is 'the master's tools cannot dismantle the master's house' to the extreme. Robert thinks ascending the ladder and being in the room where these horrific things are decided upon can be used to our advantage. I think they can complement and enhance the other, as long as they can respect the other's strategy. I think you need both angles, personally, but there are no clean answers, imo. When he picked her up and put her on that counter! When she climbed in the back of the car and purred, 'you said right here' ! When he had 'Queen' written on this card at the airport! OMG, they are even hotter than she and the cop were. Oh, Micah. When he was crying and saying, 'he didn't have to do that' I lost it. I am ready for Davis and Charley to rain cold hellfire down on that police department. Ofc, it will be next to impossible because there are no witnesses and Micah waited so long to say what happened to him (which is not his fault). Ugh, just, ugh. The scene where Micah's white friend obliviously proposes going to a movie while Keke and her friend are so tense you'd think a war was about to break out, was so compelling. Two worlds, and one doesn't even pretend to acknowledge the other exists.
  24. Actually, it wasn't unusual for women to have to run the defense of their keep because their husbands and fighting men would be out in the field. That, and the North is more battle ready in general compared to the South. So yes, I except Catelyn gave all the girls extensive lessons in that area.
  25. If Sansa got rid of every known traitor to the Starks, there'd be pretty much no one left to advise her. Reminds me of Misil in KDrama Queen Seondeok when she castigates her stupid sons for a botched assassination attempt: if you murder everyone who's a threat to you, you'll also eliminate anyone useful to you. So if someone's useful, you better make use of them! LF is teaching her, while also warning her of his inevitable betrayal, this is pretty much the nicest we've ever seen him. I like they are showing that Sansa is the details person to Jon's sweeping plans one. She's addressing basic things, and in that is the implication that Jon has not addressed them. Also, Sansa was trained to be a great lady and run a Queen's household, so yea, she's got a pretty awesome skillset in this particular area. Catelyn surely drilled her for years like any soldier. Dany feels very brittle and unsure this episode, makes her more human and realistic. This her first major interaction with a major lord in Westeros, ofc she wants to to go smoothly and establish her dominance. Yea, she's had leaders sneer in her face before, but she knows she literally had to burn every goddamn thing to the ground to get said leaders to give up. She doesn't want to do that to her homeland, so yea, she wants everyone to stfu and bend the knee so she can move past that part of her reign. Unfortunately, Jon is the worst person to practice imperial domination on. I also love that although Dany has literal dragons that no one has seen in over a lifetime, everyone is still rolling their eyes at Jon's 'Army of the Dead'. My magic is sensible, yours is insane. At least the dragonglass will start shipping to Winterfell soon. They made Jon and Dany's eyes seem very big and dark compared to everyone else's this episode. Nice hint of relation where they otherwise look nothing alike. Cersei is so nasty, but man was that vengeance perfectly executed. Stuck in a dungeon, watching her last daughter's corpse rot. *Shudder*. I hope Ellaria has a secret poison tooth or something so she can peace out swiftly. I see the producers trying to absolve themselves of Jamie's rape last season by having Ceresei jump on Jamie despite his saying 'no'. Nice try, no dice. I like Euron's actor because he makes me think he knows it's all bullshit and would happily murder every non-Ironborn in a heartbeat. There better be some magic to his fleets though, because these ninja ships are becoming ridiculous and making everyone look like an idiot. Fast, blackened ships that are more adept at open sea warfare getting the jump on a smaller fleet at night? Fine. Same ships somehow creeping up on a fleet and destroying it outright in broad daylight? Y'all, what? Ha, Olenna's such a boss. Why is Bran a wise vegetable now? He was a petulant man-boy like two episode ago. Now he's all mystical and 'it's hard to explain'. Whatever, dude, you got the old three-eyed-raven killed and inherited his mantle. Sansa is perfectly capable of understanding that.
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