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Everything posted by J-Man

  1. It's interesting that the actors who play the biggest music stars on the show (Luke, Rayna, and Juliette) were all absent from the concert show.
  2. But you'll notice that there WAS no Ford product placement this season- or maybe just in the very first episode where they drove to LAX (I don't remember). All I remember was Travelocity and Fitbit.
  3. I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but I wonder if TAR is going to be around long enough to have another "Unfinished Business" edition. Has it even been renewed past the next (YouTubers) season? It seems to be in decline, and while I guess its ratings are good enough for a Friday broadcast, it must be getting more and more expensive to produce.
  4. I think there's always been a rule that the people who are involved in the roadblocks and detours (in this case, the people at the firefighters academy) are not allowed to provide any help regarding directions, maps, etc., and I'm sure they can't' ask them to use their phones. They could've looked for a random stranger and asked him or her to call for a cab, however.
  5. From the Wikipedia article on Randall's Island: So why were Logan and Chris ever allowed to leave the island?
  6. Did any of the teams still have any bags left? I think most racers in recent years have ditched their backpacks (or left them at the final airport) in order to be able to move faster on the final leg. Joey was being awfully unrealistic about his plans for the winnings. First, he has to split it with Kelsey, then there are both Federal and California income taxes. And he works (and presumably lives) in one of the most expensive cities in the US (Santa Barbara). So that money is not going to go very far toward paying off a mortgage and buying another house.
  7. Did you notice the departure times from Macau? The paparazzi and the reporters were ONE minute apart; Justin and Diana were almost an hour-and-a-half behind. Not that it made any difference, but it gives some idea of how long it took the cheerleaders to finish the water task.
  8. I really hope someone shows this episode to Justin's Hong Kong cabdriver -- the one he went off on about not speaking English, etc. You just KNOW he'd get a kick out of seeing who caused the downfall of his all-time least favorite customer.
  9. Well if it is, at least they're not manifesting it with obnoxious behavior. Can you imagine what Justin would've been like if he'd come in second five times in a row?
  10. So many shots of Sinclair with those pursed lips and that smug expression that I couldn't help but be reminded of Dana Carvey's Church Lady. I though it was rather tacky and insensitive of Frank to continue referring to Asher as "Doucheface" right after his father killed himself.
  11. OK, didn't they say it was the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend? If so, why was Claire on a business trip to Berkeley and Portland the previous day? Who works on the Friday after Thanksgiving, especially in the line of business they're in?
  12. I don't have any Jewish background, but I do know food and I'm surprised that most people weren't familiar with some fairly common items like latkes, kugel, hamentaschen, and gefilte fish. Even the people who said they had Jewish ancestors had to look things up.
  13. He specifically mentioned "a UC," which would mean one of the University of California campuses (not USC.) And my impression was that in addition to the distance issue, he also wanted to save money on tuition by having her go to a public university. So, if she goes that route, it would probably be UCLA or UC-Irvine if she's going to be relatively close to home.
  14. Will gets extra points for not telling Layla about his breakup with Kevin and by going the extra mile and unpacking her boxes. The sign of a true friend.
  15. I've noticed that they've abandoned last season's selfie-mania this season, but I can only imagine it will be back in full force next year with this bunch of narcissistic famewhores.
  16. Final season premieres this Sunday (11/8.) There's a photo of the main cast in this week's EW, and Alex Borstein looks like she's lost a LOT of weight.
  17. Having a cocktail on every show is certainly reminiscent of Aunt Sandy!
  18. Forgot to mention-- are they planning a crossover with "Sleepy Hollow?" Because I think Betsy Ross from that show is wondering who stole her ring.
  19. OK ... so we get Jake and Mellie to hook up, right? I loved Sally tapping her little Liberty Bell while saying "it tolls for thee, Mr. President."
  20. Given Michaela's track record with men, how long until Levi and Caleb hook up?
  21. So the posters in the Landslide had her name as Beverly O'Connor, but the demo tape showed it as Beverly Claybourne. Do we assume that the demo tape was done before she was married? And do we know anything about Scarlett's father, for that matter?
  22. It was interesting that they had three Lead Actress in a Musical Tony Award winners (Bebe Neuwirth, Patina Miller, and Christine Ebersole) in one episode -- but no singing!
  23. I think the cheerleaders were the ones that were quoting "The Wizard of Oz" with "lions and tigers and bears-- oh my!" I hope they realize that they're only going to find one of those animals in the wild in Africa.
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