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Everything posted by Jennifersdc

  1. Congratulations Kathy. I’m satisfied. First - telling Erica Jayne she has more credibility than her (true).👍 Second - calling out Kyle for setting her up with Rinna (I called that one…yay me).😀 Third - going down the full list of former HW’s she chased off the show.🍾👯‍♀️🎉 Fourth - calling Lisa Rinna the biggest bully in Hollywood and everybody knows it.😈 Fifth - pointing out that when you need your glasses to see (see me and a whole bunch others), you’re not going to stomp on them.
  2. I really doubt she said anything racist/homophobic. I certainly don’t know what’s in her heart, but I believe she has more sense than that. This isn’t her first time at the rodeo, she’s been in the public eye since she married Rick Hilton. But - yes, we’ll hold her accountable if she did.
  3. Haven’t watched. But my take is Kathy is going to be real pissed how Kyle set her up with Lips McGee. Came over to apologize. Was also going to apologize to Rinna. “Oh - she’s coming over”. None of us know exactly what Kathy said to PTSD Lips. I’m assuming it was a pretty good rant. Like most of us - you should see me when I get going. I used to be so nice when I was younger too. Sometimes I ask myself what happened.😈
  4. I’m pretty sure Dorit rents her outfits. I don’t think they have that kind of money. So I believe the one and done and that she’s not “rebuying” anything.😈 Unlike Michael Darby from RHoP, who actually is a very successful developer (he almost lost everything post 2008 but managed to get back on top), PK has no such expertise - he was just a guy who got lucky buying some London commercial real estate in the go go years when you really couldn’t lose. My understanding is that his reputation in CRE is totally shit now. Nobody would give him money to buy a dog house. He’s apparently considered to be pretty sleazy. I know cause that used to be my crowd. Don’t miss them at all.😀
  5. So this is coming up soon (new season)? This can potentially be hysterical. We can have a drinking game every time she proclaims her innocence. And I too hope the Judge who is sentencing her watches a few episodes to see exactly who he is dealing with.
  6. Fun! Like the rest of you - first of all I would avoid anything that could potentially land me 10+ years in federal prison (free yoga or not). I’d eat my heart out. Telling myself I’d take it off once I got there (free yoga).
  7. I thought I was the only one who liked the wood panel walls. I think the original woodwork in that house is gorgeous. The velvet tufted bathtub….not so much.
  8. That’s where I’m not sure. Again - not a lawyer, but I think community property laws differ by state. 50/50 share in debt and equity for both parties while married. This is why Erika Girardi is fucked (monetarily). BTW - I will never participate in any auction of any her goods…ever… A good portion of Jen Shah’s proceeds are going back to MeMaw, while her’s will be going back among first to legal loan firms that he was in cahoots with to begin with.
  9. So when is this skank going to crawl out from under whatever hole she is hiding in? I’m not a social media person (not even Facebook - got that one right). Have any of her fellow “ladies” posted anything or does Bravo have them locked down for in camera reactions (ratings)? I hate to admit it, but Shareif had to know at least something was going on. As many have pointed out - he’s a lawyer. I find it hard to believe he didn’t read and understand the FTC case.
  10. Hope Amber enjoyed that $600K cause that gravy train is about to end. With the reboot I’m sure they’ve cut her salary way down. And this franchise is on its last legs. Unlike Real Housewives I don’t think TM has the same international appeal where the ratings can struggle that badly without them getting cancelled. I just wonder how much if any she has saved? Even if it’s a couple of million that’s not going to allow her to sit on the couch for the rest of her life. And I highly doubt it’s anywhere near that.
  11. I’m actually pretty sure all of Jen’s handbags are real. The Armstrong’s only pretended to have that kind of money. Jen Shah was apparently a much more successful thief. Sorry - this is where champagne and edibles kick in. Fuck you Andy Cohen. And I always kinda liked you. Since you have at least half a brain and if actually gave two fucks, it was pretty easy to figure out early on she was guilty as sin. Nobody at Bravo had access to PACER’s to download that shit? Fuck you. She stole from MeMaw to be able to parade around in a $10K+ outfit on a daily basis (est $4K bag, $2K shoes and $4K horrid Dorit outfit - I’m sure some “looks” were much more). What the fuck is wrong with you? Rant over. I’ll now retire for the night.
  12. She was so pretty. So sad. Sorry - I meant to come back with my summary of Farrah’s so fabulous Harvard review. I literally just saw my notes a few days ago, but I’m afraid they somehow ended up in recycling bin. Please watch if you haven’t. I don’t think I can do Roe vs Wade though. In this case idiocy isn’t funny. Who am I kidding. I’m totally going to watch it.
  13. Not a lawyer. But don’t think so. At sentencing they then get a reporting date? If it’s a violent crime I think they take them into custody once verdict is read. I think. I guess I can look it up but sometimes that’s more confusing than useful. I’m still 100% sure the US Marshall’s will be coming for her shit at some point in the not so far future. I’ll keep everybody posted on the handbag quest. Even if you want or not.😈
  14. I guess it’s possible that Coach Shah can be on the hook for restitution/penalties under community property laws. Sucks for him. He makes very good money. Since Utah is public they have to report that. He started at $200/$250K and is now at $400K. In court they said $500K, so I assume he got a pretty nice Rose Bowl bonus. This is what is so despicable about this woman. She’s obviously smart. She could easily be making $200K at a legitimate marketing job. Sharif seems to have always done well. How much fucking money do you need? I guess it was only enough for a couple each of high-end bags, shoes, tacky Dorit outfits a year. The horror. Enjoy federal prison for the next 8 or so years.
  15. I foresee more fun in the future. Yes. I’m unapologetically happy she’s going to prison for a very significant time. What she did was disgusting. Are they taping the current season now? They’ll have to rush it out for her to make the reunion. She won’t show though. I’m pretty sure judge will sentence her along plea agreement. Unless she starts to try and backpedal her guilt. That might piss him off. We’ll see.
  16. https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/amp/news/story/real-housewives-star-jennifer-shah-plead-guilty-fraud-86601509 Well I guess trial party is cancelled. My liver is happy. This has more info. She can get up to 14 years on plea deal with $9M restitution and $6M forfeiture. Yikes.
  17. No. She doesn’t get it. What I’m seriously considering getting is one of her handbags when the US Marshall’s come to take her shit after she’s convicted and auction it off. That could be fun. I’m pretty sure they took lots and lots of photos of her closet when they raided her house so she probably can’t hide it in one of her lackey’s garage.
  18. Wow. They must really hate her. So her BS that “I’m fighting for all the little people that can’t” really is just BS. No way SDNY would take this to trial unless they knew there was no way they’re going to lose.
  19. https://pagesix.com/2022/07/07/heather-gay-meredith-marks-join-jen-shah-in-nyc-for-upcoming-trial/amp/ Did the paste work? They’re really classless, and tasteless for that matter. But then again I’m the girl (actually middle-aged woman), who cared enough to find it. I knew from posts above trial is coming up. She’s actually going to do this. I’m going to exchange popcorn for champagne and edibles. Anybody in?
  20. Those are probably CBD gummies? You need the real thing. DC has a very nebulous rule that allows them to deliver.
  21. Edibles are awesome! I take a gummy 30 min before I head to gym. I have a large IPad and watch shows either on treadmill or elliptical. It makes them more interesting (see Hoarders). TMI - I gained a lot of weight in a 5 year period and lost all of it. Basically working from home, making lunch - and gym block away. It sucks being 50. I literally have to go to gym at least once a day and watch what I eat (not giving up salt - there’s medication for that).
  22. Thanks for that Dawn. I was actually working tonight to make my July 5th easier. It was simple enough shit that the bottle of champagne and my workout edibles (please try if you have not) I had over five hours ago was no problem. Absolute hoot and a half. I was in the mode so I took notes while I’m cleaning my kitchen. It’s like two pages. Hey bitches - what’s your tolerance? How far down should I edit?
  23. Yes. You can apparently pay Harvard $50K to get into their “extension” school and get a legitimate Harvard degree. I know this cause Mr. DC did extensive research looking for some sort of business analyst programs. Mr. DC also has his undergrad and Masters in Accounting from University of Florida. Unfortunately turns out he hates accounting. He currently has a pet service business. I’m his unpaid assistant as I now permanently work from home (yea me!). It makes for some interesting Zoom calls. This is why Farrah is so funny. She probably really thinks she’s pursuing a “JD legal degree”. Somehow, someway. Cause let’s be honest Kim Kardashian is doing it. But I guess she hasn’t read those Bar qualifications very closely. She ain’t gonna pass with several assault charges and a $700K court ordered judgement from her old retail Landlord. You know - the one she dodged being served for years and she never intends on paying. Sorry - ETA that my Masters is from Johns Hopkins. In Real Estate. Obscure but true. Their extension school. I kinda think it’s funny that I have a degree from an “Ivy” (Tulane undergrad that I could never get in today). I literally did the bare minimum (my old company paid 100% - so why not). In my defense though, they were teaching me what I already was doing. But apparently it’s impressive on my resume. Still makes me giggle.
  24. I wouldn’t put it past her (re Judge). Funniest and classic Farrah is her lawyer denying she was indicted. She was.
  25. https://www.etonline.com/farrah-abraham-former-teen-mom-star-charged-with-battery-after-nightclub-altercation-in-january?amp I think I got the copy and paste thing. Took awhile. Hope I don’t have to figure it out again. Y’all are sleeping at the wheel. This is fucking hysterical shit (ode to Farrah’s Only Fans). The ET article above actually has a response from Farrah. It’s classic Farrah. 😂💩
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