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Everything posted by silversage

  1. If Sam thought of wearing footie PJ's she'd think it was the greatest and funniest thing. She is really immature and mean for her age.
  2. The mom asked Dr. Phil why he did not perform a lie detector test on her from her request of one. I think he didn't do one because he knew she wouldn't pass. Instead of answering her question he said they could arrange one. I was actually surprised she went through with it. I thought she'd back out. After it was over I wasn't surprised at how delusional she was at believing her own lies.
  3. Matt kept telling Terra that things were none of her business. Why be on the show if he doesn't want people worrying about him and the things he does? If he and Brianna got married in secret then why can't they keep him off the TV. Let the girls deal with Brianna alone without Matt. He sure made a spectacle of himself. I really felt the girls were shocked at her marrying in secret and I think they were hurt and betrayed by her. At the same time I do think they care about her. Christy was quiet the first half hour. I think the whole baby/surgery stuff really has mellowed her. She may have matured a bit. I was wondering why Elena invited Jasmine to her wedding if there were so many issues between them.
  4. I've heard Matt say a few times that he is sick of things the girls say about him or his relationship with Briana. At the next get together he's there. There's nothing that says he has to be with them at every opportunity. Not sure what his motives are but it seems like he wants air time. He has changed the feel of this show and I don't like it. I know the girls have their issues with each other at times but bringing in Matt made things worse.
  5. Some of these acts are one or two act wonders and fell flat as time went on. I wonder if they only have a few things planned and are surprised when they got voted through and had to scramble for more ideas.
  6. It seemed like the last five minutes of this episode was obviously scripted. They could not have coordinated those outfits for the video or know the routine without previous practice. Those guys cracked me up faking the whole, "you have bad friends" and, "who's coming/not coming".
  7. I can't believe how disrespectful the inmates are to the officers. That doesn't happen on other prison shows without consequences.
  8. I think Boris had something to do with Divya and Sashi getting away from his mother.
  9. In that video clip they were standing under a chalkboard picture of wedding bells.
  10. I wonder if Thomas feels differently towards Kathryn when Whitney is not around. He seems to influence Thomas more. At least it seemed like that at the reunion.
  11. When I click on any link and see a picture of Josh I sure do look at him differently now. I never really looked at most Duggar family members favorably anyways but things are different now.
  12. I'm trying to keep up with all the reading so I apologize if this has been said before. I wonder if the victim who asked for the police records to be destroyed was forced to do that.
  13. It seems they could have had time for more questions answered if there was less talking. Why did it have to be so dark in the studio?
  14. Did Kaye actually acknowledge she was scammed or did she answer yes to a question. I really wanted to hear it from her mouth. I know she broke down and knew she was but I felt she was stubborn to actually say it after saying so many times, "so what", etc. I think she really fell for the endearing words she was reading and didn't care about the money at the time.
  15. The scammer told the woman how kind she was but she was so mean to those closest to her. Somehow I think she knew by the time she got to the show she was scammed but decided to be obstinate anyway. She answered questions so quickly because she wanted to be right. She really thought she was special to the scammer at first, though. I still don't get how this being the computer/information age she let this happen. She obviously can use a computer.
  16. I was wondering the same thing about the lighting at the end. Kathryn arrived at 10:15 and it looked like sunlight in the windows but I did see that it was dark outside and figured it was some special window sill lighting for the ball.
  17. I didn't like the issue with Anna being shown. The cameras were so close to her when she came in the house or room they were filming her in. It was too raw for me. She was really upset. This is where I blame the parents for allowing this to be filmed but probably once you sign with TLC anything goes. Anna was probably unable to say no to filming this and I hate that exploitation for ratings.
  18. I hope Terra got rid of her long and pointy fingernails for the sake of the baby.
  19. Thanks for the link. I didn't know who or what Fergus was until I started watching episode one.
  20. The red flag for me was when he wanted to go back to the house and go to bed without "rubbing the engagement in the their faces". I think he knows what the group thinks of him. Then again I think it's all scripted reality but this episode was more like a soap opera.
  21. I wished his mother would have followed the advice of the nutritionist also. It could have helped her to lose weight and eat healthier.
  22. I still can't get past the fact she said she drank two 2 liters of soda almost every day. I am happy for her that she lost weight and was more of a success story than some of the others so far. Since she got a handle on the weight I bet she'll tackle the emotional issues eventually also.
  23. The fight seemed so scripted and rehearsed. I try to look for smirks and sometimes I see them. I can't believe after Elena told everyone her mother didn't feel well that no one had the decency to not shout or fight. If it wasn't scripted then they are all so selfish and have no self control.
  24. Was just able to watch this episode and I have such mixed feelings. She seems positive but hubby holds her back. I think without him she may have lost more weight in the beginning because in all those months she really could/should have lost more. It did seem good that she could walk around and be somewhat active before surgery. Youth may be on her side. But since she's only 24 why couldn't she use her youth and mobility to get control when the folds started forming? Maybe she couldn't afford therapy but like some are saying upthread the excuses seem sorta lame. At least she's on the right track for now. Cherrio- you are funny. I laughed so hard at your last comment.
  25. Glad Dr. Now is not at all unnerved when all the excuses in the world are flung at him. He sees right through them. What I can't forget is her saying she's doing the weight loss/surgery for her son but clearly didn't succeed. Guess he's not that important to her. Sad. The look she had on her face when she was making the attempt to walk days after surgery was, "I just want to go home and eat again".
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