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Everything posted by silversage

  1. Was there any talk about B&D adding rooms on the existing home? Danielle could decorate the living room how ever she wants and Bobby could have a man cave with his comfortable couch that Danielle thinks needs to go.
  2. She had me at 1000%. It is a figure of speech. There is no such thing just like her multiple pregnancies.
  3. I noticed when she finally got out of the taxi (the one where she hurt her leg) it left rather quickly with her sitting there in the wheelchair right at the curb.
  4. I knew as soon as I saw her pouty face we wouldn't be seeing surgery but two hours of her eating all the wrong foods.
  5. Three hours of the same stuff is getting boring and the attitudes of some officers are getting on my nerves. I find myself fast forwarding through most of the three hours. I did think the fire scene at the end was a real deal and not mugging for the cameras. Not that I like that there was a fire- but we got to see officers go into a smoky building with out any protection and try to help get people/pets out. They need more of that type of show to keep viewers. I wonder if there would be a difference if the cameras were filming farther away so the officers don't feel the need to put on a "show".
  6. You tube lady's husband seemed to be upset and embarrassed by her behavior yesterday but when the other woman came out today he sure defended Trish and had a lot to say. I would have though he'd agree with her. Also, I peeked at her You tube site and seems she hasn't yet stopped since Dr. Phil suggested she quit right away...
  7. The police dog Gunner gets a little to anxious when he thinks he gets to chase the "bad guy". Even in the car I think that dog senses something going on just by the radio and the car speeding up, etc. and gets riled up. Then he makes so much noise at the scene it just adds to the confusion.
  8. Thought this was going to be a reality show of the girls getting together doing their fun stuff. But all I've seen is first comes love, then comes marriage then the babies. Now everyone is a mess.. Really, they all had to have the same storylines?
  9. I thought she was going to rehab right away. Seems she didn't and got caught/arrested. Sometimes things are so vague with the show. Also, at the end of the shows when Dr. Phil walks off stage with his wife she's seems to be always wearing a dress that looks like a jumper with a blouse. Did I miss something like why she wears those?
  10. My DVR cut off at the end of today's episode where it said the accusers lie detector test was deceptive. Were there any other statements?
  11. I was wondering why they didn't open the trunk of the car that was in the water. I kept thinking maybe someone was put in there and rolled over the bank to the water.
  12. I'm glad Ariel is OK but I do think she should have let someone know she was not going to come back. I'm sure it's the editing, though.
  13. The rookies sure scare me. Each week the editing seems like they are getting closer and closer to showing us something really bad happening. Maybe the last episode or two- or a cliffhanger.
  14. This show reminds me of the saying, "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out." I tune in to an argument and either a get together breaks out or a renewed friendship, a trip, photo shoot, etc.
  15. auntjess- I thought the same thing that Sean had taken his friends ring. I saw some items like a pillow case and the headband Kris wore had the Megology look.
  16. While Taylor is away David could move the camper and not leave a forwarding address.
  17. If Shay was top seller at the other store then why isn't he there now? Did they even say why?
  18. Chris Harrison likes to use the word, "dramatic" a lot.
  19. I wish Danielle would get some professional advice. Her wants, needs and demands are all over the place. Adam can't even hint his resistance without a strong comeback from her let alone tell her no for anything. I wonder if she's having some post partum depression. She's trying to take care of six children and make all decisions on her own. Whatever she wants she gets...or else... Those babies are just the cutest, though.
  20. I sort of felt that closet scene was scripted. They just had to show Christy cleaning out the closet when, "what's that?" I'm not speculating it was fake and placed there for a scene but why wasn't it brought up in the last few seasons or with her husband. I felt the banter between Christy and mom was fake and forced to get to the point on the box.
  21. I'm surprised they even mentioned the explosives. Did the son not know the type of explosive could not be doused until after the fact?
  22. If it was agreed that professionals would come in and clean up the place then why do the hoarders go back on their word? To Judy I would say it's a done deal, give her a few new bags to go through to distract her and clean out the place an not listen to her protests. Better yet, why don't they send the hoarder away for a few days like they used to do on those extreme home makeover shows. The formula they have now isn't really working.
  23. It would have been nice to see that perfect win. I haven't been enjoying the show lately and stopped watching because of the overbearing contestants. I complained earlier in the year how I didn't like seeing people jumping up on Drew. Now I see people falling on the floor and it's just disturbing. I'd like to know what they are being told before the show on how to act. It's OK to be excited about being on the show but it's not reality to act like animals. It's just unpleasant to watch.
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