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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. They also can't take points all that seriously, because they don't show every question and answer -he said on a recent podcast that they film something like 32 minutes that's cut down to 22 for broadcast. Which is why you'll notice the points jumping around if you look closely.
  2. It's a great idea, Dave, but if you're cutting a lamb in half to pay Helga, you've already got your BLOOD problem solved.
  3. Vikings has been renewed for a 10 episode Season 3. I'm assuming not much cast turnover, but anytime they want to jump ahead a generation, the material's there for it. And really, there's no reason they have to keep following the same group (except that fans may riot if we lose Lagertha and Floki.) They could turn the show into Icelandic Horror Story and do a different saga every year.
  4. Well, the events of the last episode point towards a way for The Intelligence Agency Formerly Known as ISIS to get back in the good graces of the American government. Or at least blackmail their asses out of the Danger Zone.
  5. I now know what tattoo I would get, if I ever got a tattoo. (I am never getting a tattoo.)
  6. "Hi. The Vikings aren't home right now, but if you leave a message, we'll get back to you IN BLOOD!"
  7. Listening to How Did This Get Made today I realized that those three would be a perfect theme panel: June Diane Raphael, Jason Matnzoukas and Paul Scheer.
  8. We sang the Cheers theme at my 8th-grade graduation.
  9. We could also have a thread about good uses of pre-existing songs as theme songs. My vote goes to Chuck's use of "Short Skirt and a Long Jacket."
  10. He's a leaf on the wind.
  11. It's still better than Enterprise's.
  12. Can I buy Dave Points with Stanley Nickels?
  13. Despite my general feelings about 9th century hygiene, I think I'd much rather get in that hot tub than any given Real World/Bachelor/Burning Love house tub, so it gets my vote.
  14. Can someone specify when Lana, Cheryl and Mallory each slept with Pam? I believe they all did, I just can't remember the specific incidents.
  15. Good. Now we know where whores go. Right here in this thread.
  16. I imagine the Mad Magazine parody that calls him King Ecccchbert
  17. So, Kree name-checked, but they haven't been to Earth, according to Sif. (Who may or may not have comprehensive info on Midgard.) And Odin wants Lorellei alive. Except So there's a big Marvel comics event coming up where the whole Earth gets exposed to Terrigen mist (which gives the Inhumans their powers) and it gives millions of people (who had Inhuman ancestry) super-powers. So there's a theory that this is going to play out in the MCU as well, in order to provide an equivalent to Mutants i.e. super-powered characters who can be introduced without an origin story. [And let me present my theory that the need for origin stories is way over-rated by Hollywood, once you've established a super-hero universe. Case in point: What's Frozone's origin? How did Elasti-girl get her powers? Does not knowing diminish your love of those characters in any way?]
  18. Even if they are in the same universe, Don Draper and Jimmy James exist on opposite sides of the D.B. Cooper singularity, so they could all be the same person. (Minus the likelihood of the Man Formerly known as Don Draper ever going anywhere near New York City again, no matter how much weight he's put on.)
  19. So anyone want to speculate what T.A.H.I.T.I stands for? My favorite suggestion so far: The Alien Held in the Incubator
  20. I thought this episode was pretty good, but I still think the pacing is way too slow. They could have combined last week and this week without losing any character moments or much plot. And the dialog took a big step back. I really think that Joss did a polish on last week's script - the first half of it, anyway. If the show makes it back, it needs to go into "burning through plot" mode like Vampire Diaries or Arrow. The source material has enough to explore to back it up - and none of these characters, including Coulson should be considered un-expendable. They should start cycling guest-agents through the Bus for 3-4 episode stints, and reconstituting the team constantly based on chemistry and story possibilities - for non-comics fans, this is exactly how team books like The Avengers or the X-Men work; static rosters are the exception, not the rule.
  21. Speculation on Reddit is trending towards . It kept sounding like Simmons was trying to get a hold of "Dr. Strange." If only.
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