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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. I'd love to see Sorkin, if only for the line "...And I am never sick in space!"
  2. Who is Henry? He's been mentioned a couple of time recently, but I have no idea who he was or what the queen did to him.
  3. That makes me nostalgic for when I liked New Girl.
  4. What about the Animated Series? I think it should be treated like an extension of The Original Series. You should allow people to pick characters that appeared only in TAS, but Kirk can't appear on 2 rosters, once for TOS and once for TAS.
  5. I'm having a hard time remembering that this actually still going to be on Fox.
  6. Does anyone else see Malcolm as the sad, Grimdark version of Noser from Middleman?
  7. A (pseudo-)scientific question - has Ravi (or Liv!) researched the possibility that having been a zombie and recovered, Major is now A) immune and B) a source for a vaccine? In fact, I'm predicting now that A is true but not B. At some point, Blaine's father, or possibly Boss, will try to re-infect Blaine and fail. Ravi will determine that Blaine and Major are both now immune to the Zombie virus. This will leave Liv's personality changes as the ultimate reason that they break up.
  8. Peter David long ago came up with what I think is the ultimate for this category: One's a Vampire. One's a werewolf. They're Detectives. It's Thirst N' Howl.
  9. Does anyone else think that the "Speed Cannon" around the portal winds up looking a bit like the GL Power Battery?
  10. Where's the Tina Fey cameo? At put that at 90%. Alec Baldwin at 50%.
  11. I'm pretty sure Serial is going to be Sarah Koenig and Julie Snyder traveling around in a van, solving mysteries, with their sidekick the MailChimp. In DS9, it was revealed that Spock's efforts paid off, and caused the collapse of the Empire centuries early. unfortunately, this led to Humans being enslaved by an ascendant Bajoran empire The Enterprise Mirror episode may be the best of that series. It certainly has the best credits:
  12. Blotterditch Toastencrunch
  13. Have you split out the minis into their own feed? I'm not seeing this in Casts.
  14. Podcaster, commedian and Chris Hardwick sidekick Matt Mira: http://f.fastcompany.net/multisite_files/fastcompany/imagecache/1280/poster/2014/08/3034379-poster-p-s-1-matt-mira-at-midnight-four-eyes.jpg
  15. Thank you for continuing the (Heard of 'em) runner. I've been mentally adding it every time I hear the show named from the first time you did it. Glad to know you have been too.
  16. I'd flip the King of the Nerds one on it's head - have the contestants recognize the manipulation, and turn it around on the producers (some of which Adam actually does do on UnREAL.)
  17. "That Thing You Do" - my #1 all-time poppy field movie.
  18. A Faith season of Royal Marriage would be perfect, and Rachel would make it great TV - Adam could agree to it because she'd be least hurt by a year of fake marriage (and probably most tolerable- they're both going into it knowing it's never going to become anything else.) Then the front half of the season, you've got Faith doing the fish-out-of-water thing, as Adam becomes more absorbed by his winery. The second half of the season is about Faith "discovering" her sexuality, "coming out" to herself and Adam (bonus points if it starts with Faith's friend visiting and them having a threesome) and you get to end the series with them splitting up amicably and moving on to new possibilities. Does Everlasting alternate male and female principals like Bachelor/Bachelorette? If so, then Grace gets to star next season.
  19. "If the synths can be shut down by a simple touch under the chin, why doesn't George shut off Vera when she badgers him?" Vera clearly has settings that prevent George from having the full range of control over her that most Primary and Secondary owners have over their synths. Not being able to turn her off would obviously be one of the first things to be blocked. Is anyone else bugged by the fact that there don't appear to have been any other technological advances besides Synths? And that there don't appear to be any non-humanoid AIs doing the kinds of things that would be more appropriate for them to do - like self-driving cars. The moral of the story for me is, keep the robots out of the Uncanny Valley, and you'll keep the owners out of the robots' Uncanny Valleys.
  20. I think there's a decent chance at some point in the last 15 years that he would be STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF AFGHANISTAN!
  21. I feel Domer already.
  22. I'm going to watch this assuming that Mr. Robot is the same character Slater played in "Pump Up the Volume" 25 years later.
  23. Am I the only one who's left completely cold by both "Broadway Here I Come" and Hit List?
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