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  1. Are they just standing around the one family computer typing out this nonsense to one another, whilst looking over each other's shoulder?
  2. I'm so glad the theater thing didn't pan out. I can't imagine what unholy things were taking place in the room where they decided to make blockbuster films from this storyline.
  3. This episode was so tedious, I can't watch again, but was the guy's whole defense that he should be absolved from kidnapping and all other charges because the girl liked his baths and watching stars? I had almost forgotten that there was a sex doll element to this story. Was that mentioned lately? Given how bad the episode was, I'm going to assume there was no solid reason as to why the mom was sexting the perp and why the dad was rather blasé about the issue. The mom was treating that lock of hair like a relic of a dead child or an appendage he cut off. So many strange acting choices.
  4. Let's not forget that Mia has thrown things (lettuce, water) at both Candiace and Wendy.
  5. Karen looked good, but she looks her age. However, by the 3rd show, whatever she did with her mouth was bugging me. She continuously pursed her lips, but her bottom lip would lay flat in a strange way. The mechanics of her mouth were strange. Additionally, one time she spoke she sounded garbled as though her dentures fell out of place mid-sentence.
  6. I was specifically waiting for that scene. Amazing how they keep re-editing up to the last minute.
  7. Mia has siblings. Did they get a pay out too? What about her mom? These generous grandparents couldn't keep her out of foster care?
  8. I don't think any of his equipment is high end or expensive. But if you peruse Goodwill, you can get some nice equipment at excellent prices. I can't fault anyone for enjoying the coffee game. Jill, he was making an espresso.
  9. Josh was diddling his sisters which is incestuous, but I don't hear that said plainly. Kind of ironic that their son was the fox in the henhouse, while they projected a holier than thou demeanor.
  10. Yes, this needs to be the end of this storyline. Especially since they are committed to the RJ actor and when he appears on screen, a black hole of anti energy opens up. No one has been able to act with him at all.
  11. I thought Jadis would mention where in her room the dossier is. It's still an incriminating file, so it can't be sitting around just willy nilly. Maybe the search for it will be a plot point, but she wasn't on her dying breath, so the lack of specification stood out.
  12. And the numbskull has to deal with a franchise headache when she didn't seem to understand budgets and forecasting.
  13. Although Candiace still has the mouth, she had transformed herself this season. She had an inner peace. When she was sparring, she was expressing her facts, but it wasn't the viciousness she displayed in earlier seasons. First time I ever enjoyed watching her.
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