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  1. This episode showed us a picture of Liz and her daughter posing at Applebee's. So is it safe to assume that when she was cast, production already knew that she was a major fan of the place (like perhaps she mentioned it in her interviews)? Applebee's has catered rewards in the past, so they're connected with Survivor. Is it possible that they cast a woman who has a very limited diet and then as a reward, provided the one thing she claimed to love to eat most in the whole world to see what shenanigans would ensue? Or maybe it's possible that I am trying to read way too much into something that was pure coincidence, because nothing else about this season makes much sense to me.
  2. They would need a real marketing genius to try and spin a crazy lady screaming and raging at the heavens over a burger into something positive...I think I would be more scared to try it than anything, lol. We have all earned this and I demand it. I am still trying to figure out exactly what Liz meant by Q blowing up her game...because she wanted his ouster on her resume and he had the nerve to not get voted out? Also, that is my dream final 3 for this season. This. She should've been jumping out of line and running to Jeff to get that precious rice. Instead, she seemed to hem and haw a bit until her tribemates told her to go for it. Why would she even hesitate? If she's so weak and depleted, she knows there's no way she's winning that challenge, so grab the rice, say thank you, and take a seat on the sit-out bench. You're right, something weird is afoot.
  3. Somewhere in America, a casting department intern for Season 50 is placing calls to Coach and Liz and cackling in glee. As gobsmacked as I was over Liz raging "I'M PISSED!!" to the heavens and then continuing to rant until her vocal cords gave out, I have to say that there have been plenty of times I have wanted to do the exact same thing so I had to give her a tiny handclap for that...but perhaps not on an international tv show while competing for a million dollars. I mean I love Panera's apple chicken salad, but I don't think I would want to verbally murder someone over one.
  4. This should have been the title of the episode. Also, if I'm starving on a beach in Fiji, I have to say the very last thing I would want to feed my starvation with would be a giant bucket full of blue alcohol. That said, I laughed out loud when - after they gorged on appetizers - the servers brought the main course and no one looked enthused...followed by the Sacred Burger and an Oreo shake for dessert, lol. No one could possibly eat that much food, that was insane. This is why I can't get on the Q to win train. He's said he wanted to quit at two TC's that I can think of, for reasons that only Q understands. If he does go to the end because his constant wanting to bail was reason enough for others to bring him to final 3, thinking he wouldn't get jury votes, it is kind of a slap in the face to anyone trying to get on this show. But it also doesn't look great for the people that brought him there. There's bringing a goat to the end, and there's bringing a guy who proclaimed in front of everyone that he didn't want to be there to the end. Do they reward Q for wanting to quit and cause chaos as his strategy? Or reward whoever decided to bring him along? I am sort of hate-watching this season but also I cannot wait to see who wins.
  5. And I say good! I'm not sure of anything about this season anymore, but she's playing the game and not caving under the pressure of not being "liked" by anyone (which I don't completely understand, but whatever). I would not hate a Venus win. In a season where the majority of players are so full of themselves I'm surprised they can walk upright, why not Venus? This is true, but at least she sits there and smugs quietly unlike Kenzie, whose jaw unhinged for the entire time it took for Tiffany to stand up, bring her torch to Jeff and walk down the jungle path of shame. I feel like those huge reactions are mostly for the jury's benefit anyway and they bug me. I have no idea why I am rooting for Venus except that I think she was an early and convenient scapegoat, and I'm not sure what she's doing wrong in comparison with the histrionics of Bhanu, Q, Liz, etc. Bourbon burger. BOURBON BURGER. BoUrBuN bUrGeR. DID YOU KNOW THAT APPLEBEE'S MAKES A BOURBON BURGER?!
  6. Can anyone give me the condensed version of whatever Meri is up to now with her dramatic "Worthy Up" IG posts? I saw one post that looked like she was announcing a podcast, or a world speaking tour or something, complete with a blurry fade-in and mysterious words like "To Be Continued." I wasn't paying close enough attention but yet, I am curious. And lazy. :)
  7. *cough*Bhanu*cough* When Bhanu left, I thought - good, now maybe I can finally settle in and try to enjoy this season minus the insane theatrics until Q said "here, hold my Q Skirt." I would give this a standing ovation. She might be annoying, but in this cast? She's like maybe the 7th most annoying player in this season. I appreciate messiness in Survivor gameplay if I can make some sense out of it, which I have been unable to to this season. I have not and still don't understand what Q is doing, and why every single person last tribal, didn't say - "no need to vote, Jeff, Q can go." If ever Jeff needed to take someone's torch and refuse to snuff it, it's Q's, IMO. It's like the game is so meta now that the players are purposefully creating chaos for the sake of what they think will be great tv, but it's just noise and nonsense. Neither do I. I prefer my Probst with a little bit of salt and snark. This Probst seems to think that we, the audience, are eating up this insanity just like he seems to be, but I don't think that's the case. Did he? I missed that. Why was he shell-shocked? Because even he couldn't believe that he was still in the game after trying to quit 14 times? Does he even understand what he's doing? I am completely perplexed.
  8. It's hard to know what reaction emoji to use in response to these non-sensical screeds from Tim. I chose the "like," but what would be better is an emoji that is confused, amused and befuddled whilst rolling its eyes. Pretty much what I got out of that is the fact that Heidi will be allowed to occasionally wear "loose fitting" pants when she feels she needs to, and if Tim agrees with her. 😒
  9. It's like the interior of her barndo finally became full to bursting and started ejecting extra tchotchkes through the windows, and they landed outside. What the heck are those things hanging from the back of the bench - painted walnuts on strings?
  10. $249.99 for regular customers (I can't believe I Googled it - I'd better not start getting pop-up ads to join someone's downline now)....😳
  11. Whoever is working in the Plexus labs inventing those pink concoctions must be making a fortune. I am convinced that normal Plexus usage is designed to make its users gain weight somehow, and the rah-team-go Zoom meetings are to convince them that if they are gaining weight/feel gross on normal Plexus, then they must be doing something wrong and need to re-set. Janelle and Christine Brown from Sister Wives used to also frequently talk about their Plexus re-sets. If it works as good as it's supposed to, why would anyone need a "re-set?" It's all marketing BS to get more money out of these people, and it's actually kind of sad. Also, wow - Nathan KELLER got one of the bestest Mahmo birthday tributes that I can recall in quite some time! I guess all that picking up the Olive Garden check really counted for something, right? Congrats on becoming ONE OF US!
  12. It's just very difficult to both steer a huge wobbly rust-bucket full of waifs down the Ohio Turnpike at 90 in a 70 zone, and also manage to shoot majestic panoramic videos of those neat "You Are Now Entering..." state signs, along with stunning views of....other parts of the turnpike, I guess.
  13. I can very much relate to Hunter in that I too would be unable to hide my misery at sharing a camp with people who love to chew the scenery by serenading the tribe with camp songs that no one asked for. I also laughed at how he seemed to sit like a confused, angry statue at that knee-slapper of a tribal council like he was wishing he was back in his garage working on his latest Survivor puzzle creation and maybe not actually playing the game for real with these crazy people. When 75% of the players are acting so over-the-top as to be unbelievable, I will root for the ones that seem to be actually playing the game as it was meant to be played - so I guess I am on team Charlie, Maria and Venus? Idk. Old School >>> New Era. Not all changes are good changes.
  14. I blacked out during the kissing scene...did I hear him say something about not using tongue??
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