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  1. To keep myself sane, I assumed that Otis was with Chole. They could have mentioned that though, 'Chole in away on business, she took her mom to watch Otis during the day. They are going to the aquarium today.'
  2. Perhaps Claire will ask Jerome to join her in Costa Rica when she returns. Yeah, I was thinking that Glassman might have been having a hallucination of his daughter who died years ago as part of his symptoms returning. Along the lines of 'I see dead people'- the Sixth Sense.
  3. I am not bored at all, I am fascinated. Don't you need three rabbis present for the conversion?
  4. I thought Marilyn was a great character and there was no reason to kill her off. I would have loved in the last montage scene if we had seen Vic giving alive Marilyn her RV (since (gross!) I am assuming she in going to live with Walt in the cabin now. Also, if the series had continued, I would have loved to have seen interactions between the Cheyenne and Crow tribes, and interactions with Henry and Marilyn.
  5. I caught too. Also, you don't need to do take a 'pits and bits' bath if you are standing in a lake.
  6. I did, but I think, for dramatic purposes, they were trying to attribute his fogged googles to Shaun's rage at Charlie. I worried that he did the rest of the surgery without googles. Along the same lines, Charlie should not have taken off her mask until she had left the room entirely. She contaminated the room. Again, I think for dramatic purposes they broke protocol so they could get a full picture of Charlie's angry/bewildered face.
  7. ...or he and Jerome could have gotten married and went off on an extended honeymoon.
  8. Plus, was he naked in front of everyone? I saw no attempts to cover him with a towel until he entered the mikvah for modesty. Loved the image of the ice shooting into the (I hope) hot water.
  9. The message at the end was: “If you or anyone you know has experienced antisemitism, racism, anti-LGBTQ+ related incidents or hate crimes, or if you want to learn more about what you can do to stop hate, please visit splcenter.org." I wish this message had also included hate speech against obese people as it was fat-bullying that caused this fourteen-year-old higher-weight child to become suicidal.
  10. Check the previews for next week. You will jump to a different conclusion. (So sorry.)
  11. That would have to be an imaginative episode, because, if memory serves me, his character committed suicide on House.
  12. Also, contrary to the title, there were four babies in this story: there was a baby who died whose parents donated their heart. There was one unhappy ending last night.
  13. I think they are all getting too old to make so many coming-of-age bad decisions. Maybe the show runners realized this and that is why this is their last season.
  14. I love that the nuns now have their own resident gay husband!
  15. I agree. It was cringe-worthy and very unlike practical, down-to-earth Mel. "Hey, Mel, you don't have to beg Jack for anything, he loves you and wants to see you happy. But, honestly, did you really trust clue-less Jack to pick up a piece of jewelry that you would like? I hope he kept the receipt.'
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