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Guy Caballaro

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32 Excellent
  1. Is it just me, or does Billy Burke = dollar store Jim Bob Thornton?
  2. For those with ethical reservations about CFA, you should know that the competition is owned by the Catholic Church. You think “Pope Yes” is a coincidence? Just like “Canon” towels!
  3. As an American viewer, I found the White House exterior jarring. Few trees on the grounds, and no porte cochere at the front entrance where the cars arrive. It was just all... off. Similarly, the interior conference room scene with LBJ felt off. The Cabinet Room (where I’d expect such a meeting to take place) looks nothing like the set we saw. In fact, it looked more like the Residence hallway than anything else. Now, I know this isn’t a documentary, but it makes me wonder if UK viewers don’t look at some of the Windsor Castle / Buckingham Palace / Downing Street scenes and have the same reaction. Trivia - Clancy Brown’s father and grandfather were both Republican Members of Congress from Ohio. Loving Season 3!
  4. I was hoping that Iggy would switch up the “casting,” so that the patients weren’t reading their*own* characters, but one of the others.
  5. Did anyone notice something odd about Alec Baldwin skulking around the cast during the credits? it was as if no one wanted anything to do with him - I mean, he went all the way across the stage from right to left, and I didn’t see anyone recognizable shake hands with, or hug him. I wonder if they even told him where the after-party was going to be? He’d have been better off just catching an Uber after the cold open and watching the rest from home.
  6. I’m seeing Patient Neck Burn as the savior here. If he could hack into the system to capture the OR video of his fire, surely he can find Lane prowling around the hospital after hours.
  7. Three words: Frequent flier miles!
  8. When Nate was reading Bonnie’s file, weren’t there clippings on top about her abuse by a school janitor? I assumed that the kid was a result of that encounter, or another of her abusers.
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