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And The Golden Arrow Goes To...: Awards, Nominations, and Recognition

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I'm guilty of reblogging the MTV post a handful of times but honestly it was more for all of the fics, gifsets and fandom cleverness attached to it rather than my desire to vote because I knew it would devolve into the typical accusations, insults, and general malaise among fandoms and honestly that makes me want to spork out my eyeballs. If the fix is in for MTV's couple of choice rather than the recipient of the most votes then I feel sorry for all of the peeps who spent countless hours voting but it only reaffirms my stance that these type of polls aren't worth the added effort.

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I only liked and reblogged once because I don't really use my tumblr and I knew it would annoy me after a while. Also I didn't really have the time to spare. But I liked reading all the fic. 

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They will miss a grand opportunity if they don't make something for this at SDCC. It would get a lot of attention. Further solidifying the two as the lead pair of Arrow. She is basically the female lead based on screen time. Which to me shows they'd rather give screen time to Emily (Felicity). That's fine by me because I love her and Original Team Arrow.

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Did the fic make it anywhere else, perhaps onto a fic site or better formatted site? I have never liked the formatting of Tumblr, especially when there are multiple reblogs and large pics. Visually it irritates me at times. So I had to stop looking at my Tumblr feed, it was just getting too hard to scroll through it all. So I definitely missed some good stuff apparently.


Glad its over, but really MTV is dumb to have shown us the vote count if they wanted to rig it anyway. Just tease us with numbers and then pick who you want. Its not fair, but with rules like those in black & white, fairness never seemed to be a priority.

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Olicity was nominated for Best LipLock and Matt Nable for Villian for Teen Choice Awards 2nd wave.



Matt Nable!? Seriously!? I know the Teen Choice Awards are not to be taken seriously, but Manu Bennett would have been a lot more deserving of a nomination than him (I know Manu wasn't eligible this year. I'm talking about last year's awards). Now it will seem as if Ra's was the best Arrow villain of all time when he was actually the worst.

Edited by strikera0
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If they had to go with a villain from Arrow, John Barrowman would have worked better.

ITA.  I tend to see Malcolm as the S3 villain.  It started with mind raping Thea to kill Sara to manipulate Oliver to go after Ra's.  All this resulted in Oliver doing whatever it takes to take down Ra's.  Along the way he had to agree to give Malcolm the Ra's title in order for Malcolm to provide him with the intel and help needed to take down Ra's.  I like John Barrowman but where some say the problem with S3 was Olicity and other insta-heroes I think the biggest problem was their need to make Malcolm relevant (Ra's) by season end.  

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IMO Malcolm has always been the best villain. Because he absolutely believes he was right in his actions. He was crazy. And I jsut think JB runs circles around Nable for villain acting. JMO.   I wish they had focused more Malcolm's shenanigans instead of getting all hepped up about Ra's who SUCKED.

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Olicity is Ship of the Year. No Stephen, though. But apparently Emily sent a video message.


My favorite part of EBR's speech:


Hopefully we're going to have a lot more Olicity this year... well, I mean we're going to have to anyway whether you like it or not.


Edited by lemotomato
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I'm glad Olicity won the award. Ya know, for bragging rights. Also because this is proof that the haters won't get anywhere whining about Olicity while the shippers work hard to get their ship awards... 



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Emily melts my heart! Go Olicity! I'm so glad I'm on the fun side of the fandom. We get the show awards, while other fans stew in their anger and hate on a couple from a show that garners more press than any other aspect of the show.

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Some early news reporting on the 2015 MTV Fandom Awards winners...

Sorry, Clexa. Better luck next time, Bamon. The reigning Ship of the Year as determined by the voters for the MTV Fandom Awards is… Olicity. (That’s Arrow’s Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak for those of you in need of a translation.) The network announced that sure-to-be-controversial result — controversial amongst the shipping set, anyway — at the Fandom Awards ceremony held Thursday night in Fandom Central aka San Diego Comic-Con.

MTV Fandom Awards Winners Revealed!
Ethan Alter July 10, 2015

One of the most highly anticipated awards of the evening, "Ship of the Year," which celebrates the unspoken relationships that fandoms are dying to see and received more than 28 million votes on Tumblr, was given to "Olicity" (Felicity and Oliver) from "Arrow" by Orlando Jones and Lyndie Greenwood, a Ship from "Sleepy Hollow."


"I am just so happy, so I'm sitting in the bathtub in case the waterworks happen, so we're safe," said Emily Bett Rickards, who plays Felicity, in a taped message to fans. "I just wanted to thank you a lot and hopefully we're gonna have a lot more 'Olicity' this year. Well, we're gonna have it anyway whether you like it or not. So, happy 'Olicity' shipping."

THE HUNGER GAMES Wins 'Fandom of the Year' Award at Comic-Con
July 10 2015 7:36

Fans bestowed "Ship of the Year" on the "Arrow" characters Felicity and Oliver -- or "Olicity." The award goes to an unspoken relationship that fans want to see. The CW characters received the honor in a category that generated more than 28 million votes on Tumblr.


"I am just so happy, so I'm sitting in the bathtub in case the waterworks happen, so we're safe,” Emily Bett Rickards, who plays Felicity, said in a taped message. "I just wanted to thank you a lot and hopefully we’re gonna have a lot more ‘Olicity’ this year. Well, we’re gonna have it anyway whether you like it or not. So, happy ‘Olicity’ shipping."

Oliver is played by Stephen Amell.

Comic-Con: 'Hunger Games,' 'iZombie' win
By Hal Boedeker  JULY 10, 2015, 7:15 AM

Edited by tv echo
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Well, there already was controversy during the voting with fandoms (mainly Olicity and Bamon) trading accusations. And MTV did put out that brief message saying they were looking into it, etc. The official announcement for MTV also addressed it, saying after they did "sciency-science" stuff, they still determined Olicity won fair and square :)


It's the "unspoken relationship" that made me scratch my head. Sounds like somebody didn't watch the third season.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Wait "an unspoken relationship that fans want to see"?

Am I missing something?

I think they were trying to explain what it means to "ship". Which is fair enough since the shipping starts long before any canon romantic interest.

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Speaking of polls, GATV re-opened some categories and for some reason, I was allowed to vote again even though I voted before. So I don't know if the original votes have been erased or what. Seems shady.

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That's weird. It's not everything and it only lets you vote once before again giving the old message of "we've already counted your vote".

It's almost like it did get reset. I think I'm going to send Craig a message about what is going on.

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Speaking of polls, GATV re-opened some categories and for some reason, I was allowed to vote again even though I voted before. So I don't know if the original votes have been erased or what. Seems shady.

I'm pretty sure it's a bug in their voting system, it was there last year as well. 

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Orlando Jones really loves him some Olicity.



When I was watching Sleeping Hollow, I shipped these two more then the leads.


Why couldn't SA and EBR be there? Sigh. To see Orlando present that would have been so much fun. I do love that he tweeted her right away.

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They had their first table read of the season. I'll trade the actors actually knowing about at least one episode vs a PR moment even if I would have loved the PR moment. I do wish they could have had a video from SA as well but I suppose unless it was a joint acceptance they would not take the time to show them both.

Edited by BkWurm1
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Why couldn't SA and EBR be there? Sigh. To see Orlando present that would have been so much fun. I do love that he tweeted her right away.


I think it's because the table read was the same day and in LA where the writers are. That and I don't think EBR knew until last minute that they were going to tape the MTV thing on Thursday, she said as much in her tweet last night. So it's just bad planning on everyone's part. 

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The MTV thing doesn't air until Sunday does it? So my guess is they might film SA and EBR getting the award tomorrow and then edit it in afterwards. At least that's what I would do. 

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Well I sent a message so at least there is a record of it happening in Craig's hands.



Yikes, and now Craig is butthurting all over Twitter because a bug has been pointed out to him. JFC this guy is the very worst of all worsts.

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Yikes, and now Craig is butthurting all over Twitter because a bug has been pointed out to him. JFC this guy is the very worst of all worsts.

lmao what did he say? Did he blame the olicity fans for this? Because I wouldn't be surprised if he did

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He used "certain fans" and brought up again how he is REALLY FOR REALSIES not biased [uh-huh. And I can fly], and ~accusations of the sort ruin the fun and DOUCHES BE DOUCHING.

Meh let him be an ass, his 'awards' are inconsequential to the MTV ones or TCA or even E. So he can have his precious awards. I'd rather get awards from reputable sources

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He used "certain fans" and brought up again how he is REALLY FOR REALSIES not biased [uh-huh. And I can fly], and ~accusations of the sort ruin the fun and DOUCHES BE DOUCHING.

I doubt he's reacting off anything I said. All I said in a PM is I heard from another forum something weird was going on with the voting and that I checked and verified that yes it let me vote again in categories I'd voted in before and ones that had been closed were again open and thought he might want to know if he didn't already or that if there was a glitch that required us to revote, then we'd want to know.

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I think my favorite was when a fan asked that he not generalize Olicity fans (literally that was all this person tweeted him) and GreenArrow's response was 'mind your own damn business.' - then blocked him.


Great Rep you guys got for Arrow, CW!

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