MarkHB November 9, 2014 Share November 9, 2014 I might have an idea for a round, but I'll need a helper... which means you will also be pulling yourself out of the game as a co-mod. I need a volunteer with knowledge of a particular, current US network genre show that I want to use but don't watch. I don't want to give too much away but PM me if you might be interested. Also: , assuming you're going out, have fun and stay safe! 3 Link to comment
MarkHB November 12, 2014 Author Share November 12, 2014 (edited) I have already PM'd Angel that the position of co-mod has been filled; @Lisin has graciously agreed to help me out! And with that, I guess I'm officially in as mod for the next game. * gulp * That being the case, here's the current signup list. My hope will be to get PM's out Friday night or Saturday morning and post the first story this weekend. Signups are still open until I say so! @writingdreamer @TJtrack99 @Athena @JayKay @egavasc @Tabbyclaw @SilverStormm @photo fox @CuriousParker @BizBuzz @HalcyonDays @Dougal @The Crazed Spruce @SVNBob Edited November 12, 2014 by MarkHB 7 Link to comment
BizBuzz November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Thank you Lisin for helping out Mark! Yeah! So excited to get a new game started!!! 4 Link to comment
JayKay November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Cool, thanks guys! I'm excited. 1 Link to comment
Meredith Quill November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 I don't really have a clue what I'm doing but I'm looking forward to doing it :) 7 Link to comment
JayKay November 14, 2014 Share November 14, 2014 I still want to know what really happened the night that Castiel got shot at. 2 Link to comment
MarkHB November 14, 2014 Author Share November 14, 2014 Last call for additional players! I didn't get onto the computer to write up the PM's as I planned last night, so it looks like I won't get Day 1 up until tomorrow evening. I'm on US East Coast time for those keeping track. However, I can tell you that the milieu for our little drama will be the DC Comics TV Universe. And I mean that expansively. 7 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom November 15, 2014 Share November 15, 2014 However, I can tell you that the milieu for our little drama will be the DC Comics TV Universe. And I mean that expansively. Woo woo, Al! Sounds like fun! *trots off to read the appropriate Wikipedia entries* 2 Link to comment
caprice November 15, 2014 Share November 15, 2014 Mark, I'm in. I was hoping y'all could officially finish this game first, but if you want to get the PMs out, I can understand that. In the meantime, I'll see what I can pull together for a Mad Men-inspired game. 3 Link to comment
MarkHB November 15, 2014 Author Share November 15, 2014 (edited) I'd happily wait for if I thought she'd have the final story out any time soon. :-) It would give me more time to write the story. At the same time, her recent history has been.... she's not exactly the Clock Queen. Signups: @writingdreamer @TJtrack99 @Athena @JayKay @egavasc @Tabbyclaw @SilverStormm @photo fox @CuriousParker @BizBuzz @HalcyonDays @Dougal @The Crazed Spruce @SVNBob @caprice Edited November 15, 2014 by MarkHB 3 Link to comment
JayKay November 15, 2014 Share November 15, 2014 There's always happy hour some Night for the previous game's debriefing. I'm psyched about a DC game. And it's like Batman and Wonder Woman are modding. :D 5 Link to comment
TMunz November 15, 2014 Share November 15, 2014 I'm in for a DC universe game! 5 Link to comment
MarkHB November 15, 2014 Author Share November 15, 2014 OK, I'm calling an end to new players effective now. PM's later tonight. 3 Link to comment
MarkHB November 15, 2014 Author Share November 15, 2014 Actually, PM's are going out now! 3 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom November 15, 2014 Share November 15, 2014 Okay, I have received my PM! 2 Link to comment
MarkHB November 15, 2014 Author Share November 15, 2014 There will be a delay in sending out the rest of the PMs. We apologize for the inconvenience. 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom November 15, 2014 Share November 15, 2014 Dude, you're a PM tease, aren't you? ;) Hope it's nothing major! 2 Link to comment
MarkHB November 15, 2014 Author Share November 15, 2014 I really should be raking leaves to be honest... But no, nothing major! Thanks for asking! 3 Link to comment
Lady Calypso November 15, 2014 Share November 15, 2014 Yeah, I'm definitely not the Clock Queen. :( Again, apologies for my horrible updating skills these past couple of months. It turns out I just suck at getting things up. So....I guess my round is officially over. Maybe I'll let you know the brilliant idea to end the story concoted by our own SVNBob. 2 Link to comment
Guest November 15, 2014 Share November 15, 2014 Got my PM. Link to comment
Tabbyclaw November 15, 2014 Share November 15, 2014 Got mine. 3 Link to comment
BizBuzz November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 Yippee! Got my PM! 2 Link to comment
Meredith Quill November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 Got my PM :) 2 Link to comment
JayKay November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 Got mine too! 3 Link to comment
MarkHB November 16, 2014 Author Share November 16, 2014 Yes, a few more have gone out. The rest will go out tonight, I promise! 5 Link to comment
SVNBob November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 Since there appears to be no official denouement coming, I think I ought to post all this before the next game starts. Ahem... Gotcha! Satan's greatest trick may have been convincing the world he didn't exist, but the second greatest has to be convincing the world someone else was Satan instead. I think I'm allowed an evil laugh here. Really, other than a little bit of suspicion near the beginning of the game, none of you ever really thought it was me until Dougal deduced it. Which is why I went on the attack with the massive post I've been calling "The Hail Mary from Hell". I was banking on the "first to speak is telling the truth (even if they're lying)" effect. It works on reality shows; it seemed to work here. I also need to thank you Dougal. The argument I used in that post I didn't even have in mind until what you brought up in the lynch before that. The deck was stacking up against me, and then you basically handed me a great card to play. A perfectly logical (and correct) argument, turned right back around on the one that created it. But the biggest reason I'm surprised no-one figured me out: I was constantly dropping hints to my identity. Here, look back at every post I made during a Day in this game. Man, I've had a devil of a time with my Internet connections.My first post this game. Pretty blatant here. (Editor's Note: The second egavasc lynch) 5 egavasc (stacey, TMunz, Dougal, JayKay, SVNBob) 1 to scratch with pages torn a phone book found at a pay phone. Old Scratch being an old name for the Devil.First one accusation flies, then another one flies, then another one flies...lord is this confusing. Kinda proud of how I got that one in there.Finally, a bit of logic I can follow. And a consensus. In the nick of time too.Old Nick being another old name of the Devil.And now, the Hail Mary from Hell, which contained 3 hints. Anyone see that coming? I sure as hell didn't....Also somewhat blatant. But I'm more proud of the next two.Which means we're at the crossroads here,....Referring to all the legends of The Crossroads, but in particular the one of Robert Johnson and his Faustian deal.1 Dougal (SVNBob)2 to roast upon the half-shellAn oblique reference to The Birth of Venus, Venus also known as the Morning Star, same as Lucifer.And the one I'm glad I could finally work in at the end: Time to stop fiddling around. Referring of course to the fiddle contest in Constant clues, but no-one called me out on them. Maybe some of the ghosts noticed...but too late for them. 8 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 Constant clues, but no-one called me out on them. Maybe some of the ghosts noticed...but too late for them. Yeah, it was too late by the time I figured it out. My question - did the villains kill me or was I killed by @egavasc for leading the lynch on her? 2 Link to comment
Athena November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 Yeah, it was too late by the time I figured it out. My question - did the villains kill me or was I killed by @egavasc for leading the lynch on her? I have checked and it's the latter. We were busy trying to kill someone else the night you died. 2 Link to comment
JayKay November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 I feel bad for going after Athena for the eyes thing when SVNBob had eyes in his icon, too. Two of them, even. 2 Link to comment
egavasc November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 Yeah, it was too late by the time I figured it out. My question - did the villains kill me or was I killed by @egavasc for leading the lynch on her? Yeah. @jessied112 gave me one more revenge kill after the second lynching and I was rooting for the villains. Also I really had no idea who any of the villains were before I was turned so the whole Spruce thing really was a fluke! 3 Link to comment
TJtrack99 November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 I have my PM! When does Day 1 start, @MarkHB? 2 Link to comment
halgia November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 I also need to thank you Dougal. The argument I used in that post I didn't even have in mind until what you brought up in the lynch before that. The deck was stacking up against me, and then you basically handed me a great card to play. A perfectly logical (and correct) argument, turned right back around on the one that created it. Last time I try to figure stuff out. /sulk 4 Link to comment
MarkHB November 16, 2014 Author Share November 16, 2014 All PM's have gone out! Some of you will notice I put your character's name in the subject; that's to help me spot night actions in the PM list. I'll be working on the story shortly with hopes of it going up sometime tomorrow, if not late tonight. Well played, SVNBob! 3 Link to comment
BizBuzz November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 Way to go SVNBob, thanks for handing us your strategy on a silver platter. ::giggle:: Doncha know that all of us are going to be watching words a lot more carefully this game. HA! 6 Link to comment
caprice November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 PM received! 3 Link to comment
egavasc November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 Got mine! Let's do this! 3 Link to comment
HalcyonDays November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 Got my PM! Woohoo! Happy Game, everyone... 3 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 I've got mine. Ought to be a fun game. :) 1 Link to comment
MarkHB November 16, 2014 Author Share November 16, 2014 I hope so! Story will be coming shortly, in the meantime: DC TV Universe Mafia Ground Rules: I will typically give 48 hours for discussion following a Day story. If nothing productive is happening at the end of that time, I'll call Nightfall. If, OTOH, players are in the middle of discussion or a David Lynch is underway I'll happily extend time. Completing a David Lynch, or a No-Lynch vote, closes Day immediately regardless of when I post the Night story. Game discussion is to cease, ghosts may come out and drinking may commence. No vote-changing is allowed after the lynch is complete, and I'll be subscribing to the thread to keep an eye on things. Night phases will typically be 24-48 hours from the time I post the Night story. If you have a night action that could possibly disrupt another's night action (say, a protector), please try to get it in early. Anticipate a break during the US Thanksgiving period. I have a job, a mortgage, and people living in the mortgaged home who really don't want me playing on the computer when dinner's on the table. I'll answer PM's and post stories as soon as I'm able to. Promise. With that, ladies and gentlemen, bate your breath and stand by.... 5 Link to comment
MarkHB November 16, 2014 Author Share November 16, 2014 (edited) Day 1: Oliver, John, Laurel and Felicity stretched as they got off their plane. "Can someone tell me why we needed to change from a perfectly good jet to a turboprop in Metropolis," Laurel asked as they descended the stairs and walked across the tarmac. "There's some weird zoning here... it's why I hardly ever come," Ollie replied. "But this Science and Industry Conference was too big to skip. Plus, to be honest, no one's quite sure what's going to happen with...." He stopped short as he saw his "colleague" Barry Allen waiting at the baggage carousel with a petite young brunette. "Barry," Felicity exclaimed, "I didn't know you were coming to this! Oh, hi, Caitlin," she continued sheepishly as the rest of her group walked over. "Hi everyone, I don't believe you've all met my friend Dr. Caitlin Snow. Caitlin, this is the legendary Oliver Queen, his friend John Diggle, and..." his voice trailed off as Laurel jumped in, offering her hand. "Laurel Lance, Starling City District Attorney." ("Assistant District Attorney," John muttered under his breath.) "So, you're an MD?""Yes, I am, although I mainly do research for STAR Labs.""STAR Labs? The place that blew up? I... didn't realize it still existed," Laurel replied, helpfully."Yes, it still exists. We've been trying to pick up the pieces, to be honest. Are you all going to the opening reception tonight?""We are," John replied, "And I think our bags are coming around now...." And indeed they were, coming out of a hole in the wall beneath a greeting sign that had largely worn away, only to be rewritten by a helpful graffiti artist. The sign read, "Welcome to Gotham City." ... Late the night before, a private train had pulled into the nearly deserted Gotham Central Terminal. It was a magnificent space, with tremendously high ceilings and expensive wall moldings in the unique, Brutalist-inspired Gotham Deco style. Except, large portions of the moldings and wall fixtures had crumbled or been stolen over the years, and the only parts that remained that weren't covered in graffiti were instead layered in black mold that spray paint wouldn't adhere to. And yet, this was the city's active train station and thousands of people used it each day. Two men stood on the platform, ready to greet the one who exited from the "Star Island" parlor car. "Hello, sir, may I say it's an honor and a privilege to make your acquaintance!" said the shorter, rather squirrely member of the greeting committee. "Mister Merlyn, I presume?" "Well, I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, Mister...." "Cobblepot. Oswald Cobblepot, sir." "Fine, Cobblepot. Take me to Falcone." As they walked through the Great Hall, Malcolm Merlyn couldn't help but be perturbed at their slow pace, driven by his escort's apparent disability. No one noticed the lanky blonde man in a grubby overcoat who wandered out of the men's room, finishing the last of a cigarette despite the "No Smoking" signs. ... An older man and a young boy were arguing in a Gotham park under the perpetually overcast sky. "Alfred, are you sure I need to go to this? It really seems like a distraction." "Nonsense, Master Bruce," Alfred replied. "You want to take an interest in Wayne Enterprises, don't you? You're young now, but you'll need to work with some of these people later in life! Besides, you don't want to waste away in a cave and wind up like that old nutter over there, do you?" He nodded toward an elderly man, sitting on a bench by the frog pond feeding some robins from a cookie of birdseed and suet. "Well, I saw plenty of adults humiliating themselves with drinking back when I'd sneak downstairs during my parents' cocktail parties. Still, what you say makes sense, so I'll go." "Excellent, Master Bruce," replied the faithful butler, who perpetually had to juggle the responsibilities of guardian and employee. As they walked past the old man, they could hear him mumbling, "I really miss you, old chum! Our fishing trips... oh the adventures we had! I wish you hadn't moved away to Bludhaven and left me here alone...." Once they were out of earshot, Bruce looked up at Alfred and said, "you're right. I definitely don't want to end up like that." ... Jim Gordon stood in Barbara's condo, getting ready. "The captain has a bunch of detectives working undercover security tonight, and if you're going to be my date, you probably should get some pants on." Barbara considered the opportunity to make some contacts for her art gallery -- she was always in need of new patrons and it was hard for an honest business to work in Gotham -- but instead she asked, "Why aren't the uniforms running security? Isn't that their job at these things?" All Jim could do was chuckle and answer her question with a question. "Who do you think they need protection from?" The living: writingdreamer TJtrack99 jessied112 stacey Athena JayKay egavasc Tabbyclaw SilverStormm photo fox CuriousParker BizBuzz HalcyonDays Dougal The Crazed Spruce SVNBob caprice Tmunz 48-hour clock starts now. Edited November 16, 2014 by MarkHB 3 Link to comment
MarkHB November 16, 2014 Author Share November 16, 2014 IMPORTANT ADDITION: There was 1 clue in the story. 2 Link to comment
JayKay November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 (edited) I really hope that Adam West's cameo means that somebody like Egghead or King Tut is a surprise Villain. XD Edited November 16, 2014 by JayKay 3 Link to comment
photo fox November 16, 2014 Share November 16, 2014 Just confirming I got my pm. :-) I'll confess that I don't watch any of the Marvel shows, but I will do my best to help my fellow heroes in any way I can! 4 Link to comment
writingdreamer November 17, 2014 Share November 17, 2014 Hmm, not sure about what the clue might be, but I'm super excited to play Mafia again, as well as see all the different characters in play! 2 Link to comment
BizBuzz November 17, 2014 Share November 17, 2014 I think I have a clue, and I just don't know what to do with it, cause it would just be all kinds of sad if it were true. So I think I am just going to sit back, and see how Day 1 plays out. 1 Link to comment
photo fox November 17, 2014 Share November 17, 2014 Biz, is it Spruce again? Lol 3 Link to comment
BizBuzz November 17, 2014 Share November 17, 2014 Oh PF, I so don't want to say, it is like I am tempting fate, I think I need to go outside, turn around three times and curse. No spit. Spit and curse. 2 Link to comment
TJtrack99 November 17, 2014 Share November 17, 2014 Yay, we started! Perhaps I should take my roommate's advice and start watching Arrow - I don't know too much about the characters from anything except Gotham. Words/phrases that jumped out at me: Turboprop. Google says it's a type of plane, it just seemed like a very specific word. And the mention of the weird zoning right afterward. Ollie. Do a lot of people call him this on the show? Just seemed funny that the narrator called him that. Parlor car. Again, Google tells me it's a type of train, just seems very specific. Do our mods work for the Department of Transportation? Ha! Chum, which isn't too odd except that it's followed immediately by a mention of fishing. Which made me think of sharks. What do you guys think? I'd say you should tell us, BizBuzz, but I understand not wanting to tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing. :) 1 Link to comment
Tabbyclaw November 17, 2014 Share November 17, 2014 Was it the word 'squirrelly' making you think of both crazy and trees? 'Cause I gotta admit, my brain went there. 1 Link to comment
BizBuzz November 17, 2014 Share November 17, 2014 TJtrack99, great catches all of them (even the WW reference). And no, not comfy, it can't be from me. Nope, not gonna do it. Heroes can't be that mean. And Tabbyclaw, that word you mentioned, yes, it grabbed me. But that is ALL I am saying at this point about that particular subject. I find it interesting that TJtrack99 found a few themes, but missed one. I found a few artsy fartsy references. Brutalist-inspired Gotham Deco style Barbara considered the opportunity to make some contacts for her art gallery a greeting sign that had largely worn away, only to be rewritten by a helpful graffiti artist I am not making any assumptions at this point, it's just that those things stood out to me. Anyone else? 1 Link to comment
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