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Game of Thrones Mafia

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Any Looters here?  This month's crate has relevance to this game.


For the confused, Loot Crate is a service that sends a box of geeky and pop cultural items to its subscribers once every month.  And each crate is based around a theme, as seen here.  The theme for this month, April, is Fantasy.  So the items in the box will be from fantasy franchises, like Princess Bride, D&D, and yes, Game of Thrones.  Note, they typically don't tell exactly what's going to be in the box until after they get sent out.  They'll make some exceptions, like they mentioned an exclusive Agents of SHIELD item for the March box, which was the replica lanyard.


Price is about $20 a month (includes shipping).  And there are several countries besides the US they will ship to.  Fear not Canucks and Kiwis, you can get in on it if you want.  But there is a deadline.  April 19th 9pm PST is the cutoff.   So if you're interested, subscribe soon.

  • Love 5

Day 6


The Mother of Dragons, Ser Jorah, her army, and most importantly her dragons, had made it safely across the Narrow Sea. The Khaleesi and her entourage headed first to her family's ancient stronghold, Castle Dragonstone. With the death of King Stannis, it was merely a formality to arrive and declare herself it’s rightful owner. With three dragons by her side, Daenerys did not even need the support of the Unsullied; Stannis’s former men surrendered immediately. Making herself at home, Dany and her closest advisor Ser Jorah strategized their next move. Sitting down in the dining room, Dany found an unopened cask of wine. Wishing to celebrate her latest victory, she poured herself a goblet but Jorah instantly snatched it from her hand, stopping her.
“Khaleesi don’t! It may not be safe. Here, allow me test it for you. We mustn’t lose you when we are so close to reclaiming your throne.”
Jorah took a small sip of the wine, enjoying its rich and full flavor. He set the goblet down on the table and was just about to suggest that Dany indulge when his throat began to close up. He struggled to catch his breath, choking on what air could reach his lungs. Slowly, his face started to turn the faintest shade of purple as the life slipped from him. In shock, Dany reached out to him, knowing any efforts would be in vain, she simply held her truest friend close, hoping he would find some small comfort in her arms; the embrace he had longed for in life he eventually found in death.


A few days later
Although still in mourning for Jorah, Daenerys knew she could not sit idly by and let those in Westeros opposed to her return, rally against her. Now she had finally made it back to her homeland, she would not allow her plan to reclaim her birthright slip from her grasp. The Lannisters and Stannis Baratheon no longer stood in her way; the Red Keep was free for the taking. Only a few obstacles remained in her path and she knew exactly what needed to be done. She headed out to Aegon’s Garden to address her dragons. They would take care of her enemies, just as they had so successfully done thus far.

Flea Bottom
Varys was meeting with many of his little birds in the poorest area of King’s Landing. Given the recent demise of all the royals, it was of the utmost importance that he remain aware of all the intrigues of those who might wish to take the throne. He knew to ensure his own survival that he must continue to be vital to whomever ruled and that could only be achieved by learning everyone’s deepest secrets. The slums were especially quiet today though. Varys was particularly cautious when the neighborhood was quiet; the poor only shut themselves away when they felt the streets were even more unsafe than usual. An ominous, dark shadow fell over the city ghetto. No longer feeling the heat from the sun, the eunuch turned to see what had changed. It had been a beautiful sunny day in the city. As he turned he saw the great beast flying overhead. Never had he been more grateful for the narrowness of the streets here. The creature could not get to him while he was in Flea Bottom, so in Flea Bottom he would stay. Drogon, thwarted, realizing his prey was out of reach, became riled. Frustrated, he belched a great gout of fire into the sky, then an idea crystallised. With the next burst, Drogon aimed his fiery breath into the alley setting everything alight. The entire street burned alive, which included every Spider. Satisfied, Drogon picked his meal from the remaining embers and returned triumphantly to his mother.


The Red Keep
Daenerys entered the throne room and proudly sat upon the Iron Throne. She, her army, and her dragons had safely arrived in Westeros and she had quickly set her dragons upon those who might challenge her reign. With her foes burnt to a crisp and the Unsullied standing guard in King’s Landing, the Queen had finally succeeded in reclaiming her birthright.
A Targaryen once more ruled The Seven Kingdoms.


Game Over! TMunz Wins! 


In the hands of The Silent Sisters
Lisin - Davos (House words: Unknown), Villain Baratheon, Protector:
You are Lord Davos Seaworth, aka the Onion Knight, and loyal supporter of the one true King Stannis Baratheon. A former smuggler, always prepared to tell it like it is, you have become one of the king’s most trusted advisors, the Hand of the King, although you differ on religious grounds. His Grace raised your status and family from nothing to knighthood. As such, you would die to protect him and his claim to the throne. Should he be targeted for attack, you will take his place. As an advisor to the King, you will help him choose whom to target on his path to the Iron Throne.

Hanged Man - Melisandre, Villain Baratheon
You are the Lady Melisandre, Priestess of the Lord of Light and advisor to the true King Stannis Baratheon. You have converted His Grace to the faith of the one true God the Lord of Light. As Priestess of the Lord of Light, you have magics that are otherwise unknown in Westeros and you work to support Stannis as a means of spreading your faith. Your ability to see what others cannot grants you the knowledge of one person per night. Should you discover the Spider or Littlefinger, you can bring them to your side. You also may help King Stannis choose whom to target on his quest to reign over all of Westeros. You cannot win without Stannis. Protect him at all costs. If Stannis should fall you cannot win the throne, your mission will then be to prevent the villains from winning it. Upon your death, the Lord of Light will transfer your powers to another member of your team.


Oinky Boinky - Tywin - (House words: Hear Me Roar) Villain Investigator Lannister
You are Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, Warden of the West, and Hand of the King. The patriarch of House Lannister, it is your ruthless pragmatism that has elevated your house to the most powerful in the kingdom with your grandson on the throne. Despite disgusting rumors of Joffrey’s illegitimacy, you are determined to leave a legacy, by keeping a 'Lannister' king on The Iron Throne, at any cost. On odd numbered nights, you and the other members of your house may target an enemy. Victory can be achieved only when you outnumber the lesser nobles and have vanquished the pretenders to the Iron Throne. You also may seek out the role of one person per night, looking for either Littlefinger or Varys the Spider; both of whom have access to valuable information. Beware! Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen is also making a claim on the Iron Throne.


Dougal - Tyrion (House words: Hear Me Roar) Hero, Investigator
You are Tyrion Lannister, former Hand of the King and Master of Coin. Often referred to as ‘The Imp’, a name you are not fond of, your dwarfism has profoundly affected your life. Hated by most of your family for causing the death of your mother, you’ve developed a thick skin and use your scathing wit to deflect cruelty. Your intellect and political savvy have helped keep the Lannisters in power, but you can no longer endure the disrespect and constant betrayals of your family. Now you endeavor for the Heroes, seeking out villains to ensure the safety and well being of the common man rather than the sadistic King Joffrey. You may investigate one person per night. Should you discover either Lord Varys the Spider or Peytr Baelish aka Littlefinger, you will recruit them to your side and access their valuable information.

jessied112 - Jon Snow (House words: Winter Is Coming) Hero
You are Jon Snow, bastard son of Lord Eddard (Ned) Stark and member of the Night’s Watch. Raised by your father alongside your true-born half-siblings at Winterfell, on an equal footing with Eddard's legitimate children and trained in combat skills alongside your half brothers. A natural leader, you display bravery, resourcefulness and quick thinking and noted to be a skilled horse rider, a gifted swordsman, being trained with swords "since you could walk". You are constantly accompanied by your albino direwolf, Ghost. You chose to go north to ‘The Wall’ (a 700ft tall structure made of solid ice) to protect Westeros, as your bastard status ensures you could never become the Lord of Winterfell. You and your fellow brothers (aka ‘Crows’ because you all dress in black) of the Watch take a sacred and lifelong vow to defend the realm from the Wildings and ‘WhiteWalkers’ (long believed creatures of myth), forsaking earthly pleasures for this higher cause.


CuriousParker - Brienne of Tarth (House words: Unknown) Hero Investigator
You are Lady Brienne of Tarth, aka, somewhat unkindly, Brienne The Beauty. Only living child and heir of Lord Selwyn Tarth (The Evenstar) of Evenfall Hall on the Isle of Tarth, located in The Stormlands and lady knight extraordinaire. Headstrong and judgmental, you are also honest, straightforward, loyal to a fault and determined. Although you have received extremely poor treatment from most knights, you cling to a naïvely idealized concept of knighthood. Despite – or perhaps because of – the fact that you have no expectation of ever being recognized by society for your accomplishments and strength of character, you nevertheless strive to live up to the ideal of a true knight at all times. You are a fierce and exceptionally honorable warrior, a former member of King Renly Baratheon’s Kingsguard; ‘The Rainbow Guard’, until his untimely death. There are few in Westeros who could best you in combat, not even a bear! You are currently in search of Jaime Lannister, who Lady Catelyn Stark left in your charge. Each night you may ask of one person “Is this Jaime Lannister?”, in an attempt to discover Jaime and thereby redeem him by bringing him to the side of the Heroes.

BizBuzz - Petyr Baelish (House words: Unknown) Recruitable
You are Lord Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger, Lord Paramount of the Trident, Lord of Harrenhal, Lord Protector of the Vale and former Master of Coin. Despite your birth as a lower noble, you have manipulated your way into becoming one of the most powerful men in Westeros. You have means of acquiring information about people, though not as notoriously as the Varys the Spider’s “little birds” and can use this skill to see the night actions of one person per night. While some fear your ambition, all are willing to utilize your information. If discovered, you may share your knowledge with your new allies. Whether you share the truth is up to you.


SVNBob - Jaime – (House words: Hear Me Roar) Villain Lannister, Lover, Recruitable
You are Ser Jaime Lannister, aka The Kingslayer. Lord Commander of The Kingsguard, Son of Tywin, brother to Tyrion, twin of Cersei and father to her children. You are a renowned swordsman, having joined the Kingsguard at 16, perhaps the best in Westeros according to many. You earned the title ‘Kingslayer’ because despite being one of his kingsguard, you murdered The Mad King Aerys Targaryen during Robert’s Rebellion, effectively striking the winning blow for Robert Baratheon to sit The Iron Throne. Your fate is tied to that of your lover Cersei; should either of you be killed the other will also die. If Brienne of Tarth finds you she will recruit you to the Heroes, at which point you will no longer be able to communicate with any remaining members of your group.


TJTrack99 - Cersei (House words: Hear Me Roar), Villain Lannister, Lover
You are Cersei Baratheon-Lannister, Queen Regent and Protector of the Realm. Widow of the late King Robert Baratheon, you attempt to guide your son Joffrey in ruling Westeros. Your only redeeming quality is the love you have for your children, whom you would protect at all costs. Your incestuous relationship with your twin Jaime is the root of much of the conflict in Westeros and one of the causes of the War of the Five Kings. Full of pride and quick to anger, your temper often gets the best of you and you are long to hold a grudge. All your life you have worked to maintain whatever power you could obtain and you are loathe to lose it now. The Lannisters must remain on the Iron Throne at all costs, targeting one of their foes every odd numbered night. Your fate is tied with that of your lover Jaime; should either of you be killed the other will also die.


JayKay - Joffrey – (House words: Ours Is The Fury), Villain Lannister
You are His Grace, Joffrey of House Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. A little tyrant, you brutalize all who dare challenge you in any way. Although you believe and are believed to be, the son of the late king Robert Baratheon, you are in fact a sociopathic child of incest between Cersei & Jaime Lannister. Your reign is owed entirely to your family’s desire for power and control rather than any great skill in politics or combat. Regardless, you are the king sitting the Iron Throne and can target one enemy every odd numbered night. Victory for yourself and your family can be achieved only when those who claim your throne have been removed and you outnumber the remaining nobles.


caprice - Stannis – (House words: Ours Is The Fury) Villain Baratheon

You are Stannis of the House Baratheon, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. After the death of your brother Robert Baratheon, on information provided by Ned Stark; you declared yourself the one true king as the bastard Joffrey was born of incest between Queen Cersei and her twin brother Ser Jaime. Your claim is unpopular as you lack either of your brothers’ charm and your dedication to the Lord of Light puts you at odds with the beliefs of the people. Yet, none of this deters you from your quest for the Iron Throne. On even numbered nights you and your allies may choose a target for attack. Your victory in Game of Thrones mafia can only be achieved when you destroy the Lannisters and outnumber the remaining Heroes. Beware! Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen is also making a claim on the Iron Throne.


stacey - Ser Jorah (House words: Here We Stand), Protector

You are Ser Jorah Mormont, former Lord of Bear Island and disgraced exile of Westeros. After living for years as a sellsword in the Free Cities, you have chosen to no more sell your sword or loyalty to the highest bidder, instead you have dedicated your services to Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen. Her closest friend and advisor, your love for Dany means that you would willingly risk your life for her protection. If she is targeted for attack, you will shield her even though it will mean your death. You will share in her victory if you are the two remaining players of Game of Thrones mafia.


Drogo - Varys, Recruitable, Investigator
You are 'Lord' Varys, The Spider, Master of Whisperers, and enigmatic eunuch. Your network of “little birds” keep you informed on all the going ons of Westeros and the Known World. A cunning and ruthless manipulator, your loyalties are shrouded in mystery as you claim only ‘loyalty to the realm’, you use your knowledge to suit your needs. Your “little birds” allow you to see the night actions of one person per night. Your skills are sought by many, if discovered you may share your knowledge with your new allies. Whether you choose to lead them astray is entirely your choice.

Still praying to the Old Gods & The New:
MarkHB - Olenna (House words: Growing Strong) Hero Vigilante
You are Lady Olenna Tyrell aka The Queen of Thorns, Matriarch of House Tyrell, you are a master of court politics and intrigue par excellence, known for your wit and sarcasm. Your nickname (which no-one uses in your presence) arises from your reputation and as a reference to your house sigil (roses) for the cutting barbs you deliver. You are the de facto head of House Tyrell as your son Mace - the current Lord of Highgarden, Warden of The South and Lord Paramount of The Reach - is a weak man, thusly you hold much influence where any important decisions regarding House Tyrell are concerned. In Game of Thrones mafia you have one kill. Use it wisely.


Athena - Arya -  (House words: Winter Is Coming) Hero, Mason with Sansa

You are Lady Arya Stark, youngest daughter of the late Lord Eddard (Ned) and Lady Catelyn Stark. Never interested in the practice of becoming a lady by learning etiquette and decorum, your desire to be like your brothers has helped you survive since your father’s untimely death. Whilst you seek revenge against those who have wronged you, nightly repeating your mantra of a list of foes you want dead, you are still one of the more honorable denizens of Westeros. You have the ability to speak to your sister Sansa (writingdreamer) outside the thread, despite not having seen her in years.


Machiabelly - Sandor Clegane (House words: Unknown), Hero, Protector

You are Sandor Clegane, known as The Hound, former member of the Kingsguard despite having a disdain for knights, thusly refusing a knighthood. A disfigured man, one side of your face was badly burned by your sadistic brother, Ser Gregor aka The Mountain That Rides, when you were a mere child. A fierce fighter, with your own unique set of ethics, you have served as cruel King Joffrey’s bodyguard and manservant, yet protected Sansa Stark when possible, from Joffrey’s wrath. Later you hauled Arya Stark across a war-torn Westeros in search of any surviving family, ostensibly for the reward, despite your best efforts you found you formed a grudging bond to her. As such, you continue to protect people when possible in this Game of Thrones. Each night you may pick one person to defend against attack.


The Crazed Spruce - Bronn -  Hero, Protector
You are Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, a sellsword-turned-knight. Clever and strong, your low birth led you to your trade; selling your skills and loyalty to the highest bidder. You are currently in the employ of Tyrion Lannister who has promised you great wealth and it is in service to him that you have risen to knighthood. A skilled and dangerous fighter, your combat style centers around speed, dodging enemy attacks instead of blocking them. For this reason, you do not wear heavy armor or use shields, but instead rely on just your sword and knives. You are also a skilled archer. Your loyalties can easily shift, as such you may choose one person per night to protect from attack.


TMunz  -  Dany (House words: Fire & Blood) Serial Killer
You are Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. The last known Targaryen, you have never set foot in Westeros (taking liberties because as a baby she wouldn’t have walked in Westeros!) despite the absolute belief that you are the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. It is finally time to reclaim your kingdom. Using your dragons, your Unsullied warriors & protected by Ser Jorah, you may target one person per night. Because no one dare threaten you in the daylight for fear of your dragons, you cannot be lynched and daytime threats on you are of no risk to Ser Jorah. You may only rule when there are no more who stand against you


writing dreamer - Sansa Stark (House words: Winter Is Coming) Hero, Mason with Arya

You are Lady Sansa Stark, eldest daughter of the late Lord Eddard (Ned) and Lady Catelyn Stark, lately one of the most beleaguered citizens of Westeros. Once delighted to be betrothed to King Joffrey, you have since become the main target of his innate cruelty. As a political prisoner of the Lannisters, you have been forced to disavow your family declaring them all traitors in order to ensure your survival. You long for the days when you can finally escape King’s Landing and Joffrey’s brutal clutches. Despite not seeing your sister Arya (Athena) since the tragic death of your father, you have the ability to speak outside the thread.


photo fox - Oberyn (House words: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken) Hero, 2-Kill

You are Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne aka The Red Viper, the younger brother of Dorne’s ruler, Prince Doran Martell, and the late Princess Elia Martell to whom you were very close. You are deadly, dangerous and unpredictable; a forceful, lusty man with a quick wit and barbed tongue. Your nickname arises from your knowledge of poisons and your unusual, deadly style of combat, being an exceptional fighter, your speed and skill with both spear and sword are renowned.
Because you are so deadly and unpredictable you are a 2-kill hero, the first nightkill or lynch on you will not remove you from the Game of Thrones.

  • Love 3

Thanks y'all for such a fun game! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did (although I would have been happier if y'all would have stopped killing all my investigators! What's the fun of having recruitable characters if no one is around to recruit them?!?!?). So there may have been some minor retconning. Without further ado, recap and awards! 


Day 1
clue: Said Varys Numbly...But One Best - SVNBob
Lynch: none

Night 1
clue: Cannot Attack Perennially. Restoration Is Certainly Essential - caprice
Team Lannister:
  investigate: Spruce
  kill: photo fox
Team Baratheon
  investigate: photo fox
  kill: no kill, odd night
Team Dany
  kill: caprice, result - kill Lisin
Tyrion (dougal)
  investigate: photo fox
Varys (Drogo)
  investigate: Hanged Man, hanged man investigated photo fox, no kill odd day
Littlefinger (BizBuzz)
  investigate: dougal, dougal investigated photo fox
Bronn (Spruce)
  protect: Oinky Boinky
Sandor (Machiabelly)
  protect: Silverstormm, Spruce
Brienne (CuriousParker)
  Jaime?: stacey, not Jaime.


Day 2
clue: Just as you kindly asked Your - JayKay

Night 2
clue: They must understand new zest - TMunz
Team Lannister:
  investigate: jessied112 - Jon Snow
  kill: N/A
Team Baratheon
  investigate: MarkHB
  kill: OinkyBoinky
Team Dany
  kill: dougal
Tyrion (dougal)
  investigate: CuriousParker - Brienne of Tarth
Varys (Drogo)
  investigate: oinky boinky, OB investigated jessied112
Littlefinger (BizBuzz)
  investigate: caprice, caprice investigated MarkHB, killed OinkyBoinky
Bronn (Spruce)
  protect: photo fox
Sandor (Machiabelly)
  protect: Spruce
Brienne (CuriousParker)
  Jaime?: photo fox, no


Day 3 - clue: TJTrack99 They just thought rascals and cowardly kings

Night 3
clue: stacey - seas thankfully as certain extra yelps
Team Lannister:
  investigate: CuriousParker
  kill: CuriousParker
Team Baratheon
  investigate: Drogo, recruit Drogo
  kill: no kill, odd night
Team Dany
  kill: curious parker
Tyrion (dougal) dead.
Varys (Drogo)
  investigate: Athena, no night actions
Littlefinger (BizBuzz)
  investigate: curious parker
Bronn (Spruce)
  protect: athena
Sandor (Machiabelly)
  protect: Athena (Teehee!)
Brienne (CuriousParker)
  Jaime?: writingdreamer aka Sansa Stark


Day 4 - no clue

Night 4

clue: Drogo - Despite romance once golden, observed

Team Lannister:
  investigate: Drogo
  kill: no kill, even night
Team Baratheon
  investigate: SVNBob
  kill: SVNBob, TJTrack99
Team Dany
  kill: JayKay
Tyrion (dougal) dead.
Varys (Drogo)
  investigate: Jay Kay
Bronn (Spruce)
  protect: Drogo
Sandor (Machiabelly)
  protect: Athena (Teehee!)
Brienne (CuriousParker) Dead
Olenna (MarkHB)
  Vigilante kill: caprice


Day 5 - they maintained unilateral negotiative zoning TMunz
Night 5
clue: No clue
Team Baratheon
  kill: TMunz, end up killing stacey
Team Dany
  kill: Drogo
Varys (Drogo)
Bronn (Spruce)
  protect: writingdreamer
Sandor (Machiabelly)
  protect: Athena (Teehee!)




Apparent Omniscience Awards: photofox for knowing I was going to poison her in the story before it could happen. drogo for attempting a lynch on Arya by citing her list of people to kiill


Thanks for stating the Obvious! Award: caprice for

Please. They are in a whorehouse. "Flush from their activity" is story.


I was trying to be subtle about Oberyn and Ellaria having sex, but I guess it was too subtle!  



GoT in Mafia Award: Machiabelly, who as the Hound, protected Arya for three nights.


Aw! You’re so sweet! Award: Machiabelly, for attempting to protect co-mod Silverstormm on Night 1.


Most successful character assimilation: JayKay for such delightful PMs. This was a tough category, as many played their characters well in their PMs. But these choice messages made me laugh the most

JK: CuriousParker has been behaving most curiously indeed, and it would please the House of the High King to learn exactly what game this odd little whelp is trying to play.


Me: CuriousParker is the Lady Brienne of Tarth and she is merely recovering from fighting a bear.


JK: Fighting a bear? Sounds like the same manner of foolish act that killed my father. Perhaps these stalwart types are wise to grapple with beasts of similar intelligence, however.

The information is appreciated. I would thank you, but I'm King and isn't merely conversing with you thanks enough?

The House Lannister has decided to eliminate CuriousParker. She may fare well against a bear, but I imagine that ridiculous upstart will find herself at quite a loss when confronted by a pride of lions.


Not so sorry you died Award: Lisin, for her beautiful death rant. Although I was bummed y’all started taking out villains so early. Would have liked to have kept Davos (and of course Lisin!) around for a bit longer! 


And of course awards to all of you for putting up with my craziness! And to Silverstormm, the best co-mod a gal could ask for, for always making me sound much prettier in my writing. And for encouraging my insane antics and for asking all the right questions. 


Now I think it will be a long time before I ever try to mod again. That is, if y'all ever let me. Now to enjoy the beautiful day outside and my birthday! 

  • Love 8

Thanks y'all for such a fun game! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did (although I would have been happier if y'all would have stopped killing all my investigators! What's the fun of having recruitable characters if no one is around to recruit them?!?!?). So there may have been some minor retconning. Without further ado, recap and awards! 



Apparent Omniscience Awards: photofox for knowing I was going to poison her in the story before it could happen. drogo for attempting a lynch on Arya by citing her list of people to kiill


Thanks for stating the Obvious! Award: caprice for

I was trying to be subtle about Oberyn and Ellaria having sex, but I guess it was too subtle!  



Not so sorry you died Award: Lisin, for her beautiful death rant. Although I was bummed y’all started taking out villains so early. Would have liked to have kept Davos (and of course Lisin!) around for a bit longer! 


And of course awards to all of you for putting up with my craziness! And to Silverstormm, the best co-mod a gal could ask for, for always making me sound much prettier in my writing. And for encouraging my insane antics and for asking all the right questions. 


Now I think it will be a long time before I ever try to mod again. That is, if y'all ever let me. Now to enjoy the beautiful day outside and my birthday! 

If your birthday is half as great as this game was (and really good timing here, btw), we won't be hearing from you until sometime next week. :D


Those were some wonderful and tricksy clues.


Re: the attempted lynch on Arya/Athena. I can't speak for Drogo's motivations, but I really did think that ampersand was a clue. "Gods & monsters" was the first time I'd ever seen you use one and it just didn't fit there. I'm glad we were wrong.


LOL, thanks for the shout-out there. Yeah, subtle is a good thing, but when it flies in the face of my dirty mind, it will probably not fare well.


I was sorry to lose Lisin so early as well. Hell, I lost all of my team early and was very happy to have been able to recruit Drogo. It was kind of funny that not only did I recruit him to the game in the first place, I managed to get his show knowledge after HM was lynched.


Congrats to Spruce for surviving the entire game!!


Mark, I'm disappointed. I was all prepared to try and protect you for some reason. ;)


Fantastic job on the stories, evagasc and SilverStormm!

  • Love 6

Happy Birthday! Aries rule, Libras drool!

Also, thanks very much for a great game!

(I still want to know who would take the Throne if the heroes won )


Prince Oberyn of course! ;)


If your birthday is half as great as this game was (and really good timing here, btw), we won't be hearing from you until sometime next week. :D


Those were some wonderful and tricksy clues.


Re: the attempted lynch on Arya/Athena. I can't speak for Drogo's motivations, but I really did think that ampersand was a clue. "Gods & monsters" was the first time I'd ever seen you use one and it just didn't fit there. I'm glad we were wrong.


LOL, thanks for the shout-out there. Yeah, subtle is a good thing, but when it flies in the face of my dirty mind, it will probably not fare well.


I was sorry to lose Lisin so early as well. Hell, I lost all of my team early and was very happy to have been able to recruit Drogo. It was kind of funny that not only did I recruit him to the game in the first place, I managed to get his show knowledge after HM was lynched.


Congrats to Spruce for surviving the entire game!!


Mark, I'm disappointed. I was all prepared to try and protect you for some reason. ;)


Fantastic job on the stories, evagasc and SilverStormm!


The ampersand was MEEEEEE lol :p


ETA There was also an ampersand in every story post: 'Still praying to the Old Gods & The New' ;)

  • Love 5

While of course I'd hoped to be recruited by my beloved Khaleesi, the Baratheons were great fun and their info combined with my own was helpful in taking out my archnemesis Littlefinger and those awful Lannisters. But I'm glad my boo is sitting in the big iron chair.

I knew Machiabelly was The Hound as soon as I saw his "Family is overrated" post. Total hero and my show fav. That was the tipoff to TMunz.

Surrounded by villains, but trying to be a hero. It's rougher than it looks.

  • Love 6

While of course I'd hoped to be recruited by my beloved Khaleesi, the Baratheons were great fun and their info combined with my own was helpful in taking out my archnemesis Littlefinger and those awful Lannisters. But I'm glad my boo is sitting in the big iron chair.


Sadly, we had no powers of recruitment, because of COURSE we would have picked you! And it was enjoyable sharing the trough of Guinness with you, even while I was fairly certain my demise at your hands was imminent (I have a big heart, you see!).


I would also like to point out - House Targaryen IS a true Great House of Westeros and has been returned to it's proper place, as the ruling house of the Seven Kingdoms. My Khaleesi will be fair and  generous with all the survivors, I'm SURE!


Now, more Guinness for all my friends, for the season premiere is but 31 hours away!

  • Love 6

There were some crazy twists in this game and it just felt so right for a GoT round. And being eaten by a dragon is the third coolest thing behind being a dragon. Great game and Happy Birthday egavasc!

After Laurel and Joffrey, I'm finally ready to be Scrappy in the Scooby Doo round.


I think you're going to be Cousin Oliver before that....

  • Love 7

There were some crazy twists in this game and it just felt so right for a GoT round. And being eaten by a dragon is the third coolest thing behind being a dragon. Great game and Happy Birthday egavasc!

After Laurel and Joffrey, I'm finally ready to be Scrappy in the Scooby Doo round.

Not before we make you Dawn in our round ;)


Speaking of....CRAP! I thought we'd have a lot more time to plan! *runs off with stacey*

  • Love 8

Wow...I'm a little shocked. That was some ending. Thank you both for your compelling writing and a nerve-wracking game.


Big thanks to stacey for truly being my advisor. You have a terrific mind for strategy.


*heart eyes at Drogo* 


Yes, The Crazed Spruce, your name came up a couple of times in House Targaryen, but ultimately, we decided on someone else each time. Glad you got to see the end of the game!


Targaryens are ruthless but we couldn't be that cruel and kill you off.


Well played everyone!

  • Love 9

I am glad you noticed that Drogo.


I protected Spruce and tried to protect Silver, on nite one exactly because they seem to always be early kills. I was sure Spruce was Oberyn, I thought I saved her from the poison wine, but it was a 2 kill. Then I picked Arya out of the chat and stuck with her as it seemed right, and maybe foiled villians, but not so much. LOL


Awesome round, thanks for all the fun

  • Love 5


I am glad you noticed that Drogo.


Re: the attempted lynch on Arya/Athena. I can't speak for Drogo's motivations, but I really did think that ampersand was a clue.


I originally liked the stone/gods clues for Athena (I hadn't been recruited at that point and everyone I'd investigated had been killed, so I was flying blind) but she claimed to be Arya, then WD came out to vouch for her and said a third person might come forward.  I was trying so hard to find The Hound and figured he'd be in with those 2- so I offered to take back my Athena vote if another person did come forward.  You didn't, but you came out with "Family is overrated" and asked about how much information you could give for your character, which seemed like something only their ally would do if he was considering coming forward.  Also, there aren't many characters on GoT who don't hold family in high regard aside from the Clegane crew.  ;)   




*heart eyes at Drogo*



Edited by Drogo
  • Love 5


Yes, so this ended a little more quickly then either @TJtrack99 or I thought it would, so we're getting ourselves organized (read: running in circles screaming waving our hands in the air). We'll be back with news soon-ish, like after Sunday?

Yes, apparently we are Muppets now. XD But let's say Sunday is a strong maybe. And of course it'd help to know how many characters to make, so y'all can start signups whenever. I hope we can all agree that it'd be fine to have a little downtime between rounds (especially after such a wild round as that one!).

  • Love 6

What an amazing game!  It's the first game that I really knew who everyone was in the stories, so it really made it fun for me!


I just want to note for the record that my reluctance last week to state my reasons for DL'ng caprice was not strategy ... it was all about a family situation that I had to handle and my time on PTV was all from my phone, and I am sorry, but my brain just doesn't work typing on a phone keyboard.  So I kept having to postpone.


When I finally had a moment to type my story, Drogo and caprice grabbed that reluctance and ran with it!  WOW, ruthless!  ::giggle::


On my way home on Friday night, I saw that I was one vote away from a lynch, and I was sitting at a stop light 6 minutes from home and I quickly wrote a PM to egavasc and asked her if I could kill myself by being the last one to lynch myself.  She said SURE, and so I plotted my story, and when I got home, I was already lynched.  OMG, I was laughing so hard ... I wanted to blow everyone's mind by lynching myself, but it just wasn't to be.


But thanks to egavasc and SilverStormm ... I got my suicide!


You mods, it was awesome on so many levels.


With all the GoT experts here, and I am such a newbie (having only been watch GoT for about 4 months), I was SHOCKED that peeps were not following my clues as to who I was!!!  I was quoting Baelish in almost every post I made! 


As you can see, I knew caprice was a villain long before I accused her, because I couldn't find a clue to nail her with.  HAHA


Next time I know ... KILL OR BE KILLED. 


All in all though, I am happy Dany (TMunz) won!


And Drogo ... you were a worthy opponent ... I fingered you early on, and you were ok before you were recruited, but once you started coming after me ruthless, I knew that caprice had recruited you and there wasn't anything I could do about it!


For all the Lannister's that voted to lynch me ... I warned you!  We would probably be still playing had you just joined my lynch.


Anyway ... I had a blast and can't wait for the next game!!!

  • Love 5


With all the GoT experts here, and I am such a newbie (having only been watch GoT for about 4 months), I was SHOCKED that peeps were not following my clues as to who I was!!!  I was quoting Baelish in almost every post I made!


And Drogo ... you were a worthy opponent ... I fingered you early on, and you were ok before you were recruited, but once you started coming after me ruthless, I knew that caprice had recruited you and there wasn't anything I could do about it!


Funny story, BizBuzz, and my Baratheon buds can confirm - we had you ID'd (from your posts, not even investigation) and we were going to recruit you that Night but unfortunately you started targeting caprice/Stannis and that's why you needed to get a golden crown.  Made me sadface, because with Varys and Littlefinger on one side we could have been unstoppable.  ;)  


I don't know Jack about Buffy or Angel or "Whedonverse" but whatevs.  You guys will need someone to kill, amiright?  


1. BizzBuzz

2. Machiabelly

3. The Crazed Spruce

4. SilverStormm

5.  Drogo

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 3

Funny story, BizBuzz, and my Baratheon buds can confirm - we had you ID'd (from your posts, not even investigation) and we were going to recruit you that Night but unfortunately you started targeting caprice/Stannis and that's why you needed to get a golden crown.  Made me sadface, because with Varys and Littlefinger on one side we could have been unstoppable.  ;)  


I don't know Jack about Buffy or Angel or "Whedonverse" but whatevs.  You guys will need someone to kill, amiright?  

Well, HM and Drogo had you pegged. I didn't. Then again, they watch the show.... :D


1. BizBuzz

2. Machiabelly

3. The Crazed Spruce

4. SilverStormm

5.  Drogo

6. caprice

  • Love 4
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