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Sherlock Mafia

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Also Drogo he's the biggest snuggler in the world so he'd be all in for your plan. 

What kind of dog is he? While I still want a cat, m. caprice wants a dog. Problem is, he's totally the kind of guy who would invite the dog onto his lap and feed him from the table. At the table.


If I'm going to end up being the disciplinarian, I'm going to have to invest in new gear.

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What kind of dog is he? While I still want a cat, m. caprice wants a dog. Problem is, he's totally the kind of guy who would invite the dog onto his lap and feed him from the table. At the table.


If I'm going to end up being the disciplinarian, I'm going to have to invest in new gear.


He's a Poogle (sp?) Half standard poodle half 12 inch beagle. He's 35 pounds, about 15 inches tall and HE DOESN'T SHED! Sorry to shout, but my old dog, The Jackdog (he died last year at the age of 15) was a beagle/shepherd/chow mix and all he did was shed. We literally still find his hair places and it's been a year. I highly recommend beagle mixes if you want snuggling. They're very loving pups. They do have a bit of separation anxiety which isn't a problem for us because m.Lisin works from home so Murph and Charlie (our 14 year old Rottie mix) aren't alone very often. 

  • Love 1

He's a Poogle (sp?) Half standard poodle half 12 inch beagle. He's 35 pounds, about 15 inches tall and HE DOESN'T SHED! Sorry to shout, but my old dog, The Jackdog (he died last year at the age of 15) was a beagle/shepherd/chow mix and all he did was shed. We literally still find his hair places and it's been a year. I highly recommend beagle mixes if you want snuggling. They're very loving pups. They do have a bit of separation anxiety which isn't a problem for us because m.Lisin works from home so Murph and Charlie (our 14 year old Rottie mix) aren't alone very often.

Separation issues? That won't work. We have family on two continents and travel to see each a few times a year. Plus, m. caprice travels a lot for work.
  • Love 2

Yeah, I mean I can't say that I know for sure all beagles have separation issues, and in fact, The Jackdog actually loved it when he got the house to himself and never had any issues, but my husband has had rescue beagles his whole life and says they all have some separation issues... though this could be a product of the rescue from medical labs rather than the beagle thing... I don't know honestly. I will say with a beagle or any "hunting" type dog it's challenging in that you can't let them off a leash ever because they will catch a scent and be gone. We have a big fenced in yard so we're good on that front but I imagine a beagle mix of any kind would be maybe challenging if you didn't. Murph seems timid enough that he may not fully bolt if given the chance, but I don't trust it enough to try. The Jackdog on the other hand was legendary for his escape acts and how far he would end up away from home. I had to pick him up over an hour away by car on more than one occasion, I also had to bail him out of doggy jail and twice he was dropped off in my back yard by friends who found him begging from back doors of restaurants in town. He also liked the bar and the coffee shop. I'm lucky I live in a very very very small town and everyone knew him because it could have been bad. He was never lost for more than a few hours though. His nose never made him follow animals. He'd follow it right to town to whichever restaurant was cooking up bacon and just sit and wait. The times I had to drive to get him were because people are idiots and would take him with them, to where they lived before calling the number on his collar. Like, hello! You're a tourist in a town, you found a dog, thank you, but didn't it maybe occur to you that the dog lived in the town you were in and not an hour away where you live? I honestly think both times they were trying to steal him and then realized he was a handfull so resorted to calling me to come get him. 

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Day 4

“I’d Be Lost Without My Blogger”

John and Sherlock jogged through the London streets, weaving deftly around pedestrians and stalled traffic.


“Aren’t you going to tell me how you did it this time? Faked your death?” John questioned his friend. “I felt for your pulse myself.”


“It was easy enough,” replied the detective. “Wiggins is an excellent chemist. He concocted a useful little formula that temporarily slows one’s heart. I counted on you being too emotional to catch on.”


“And the medics. Were they in on it?” John asked, panting slightly.


“Homeless network,” Sherlock returned briefly. “Why aren’t you asking what you really want to know?”


Dropping onto a park bench, John tried to catch his breath. “You mean, why did my wife try to murder my best friend?” Leaning forward, he dropped his head in his hands. “Actually, I want to hear it from her. Not you.”


Sherlock nodded his understanding. “It won’t be long. Come. Just a few more blocks to Leinster Gardens.”


They walked silently, approaching the door of one of the “empty” houses.


“Jesus, this place gives me the creeps,” muttered John, as Sherlock pulled a key from his pocket. “Hurry up and get inside.”


“There are bad memories here,” agreed the detective, “but somehow it seemed appropriate. I sent Mary an anonymous email, and if I’m right, she’ll be along shortly.”


“What if you’re wrong? Maybe she wasn’t trying to kill you?” demanded John.


“I’m not wrong,” replied Sherlock gently. “But even if I were, all we’ll have done is given everyone a little scare.”


The duo lapsed into a morbid silence, the anticipation like a physical weight upon their shoulders.


Ten minutes later, they heard a light tread on the steps, and the knob slowly turned. John sucked in a quick breath, and Sherlock gave him a warning shake of the head, pulling him deeper into the shadows. They waited in agony as Mary a figure stepped through the doorway.


“I’ve done as you asked,” seethed an emotional Mary. “The least you can do is show yourself.”


“Well, you tried,” drawled Sherlock, stepped forward and surprising a shriek from Mary. “But I’m not that easy to kill.”


Mary held a hand to her galloping heart. “What? How did you-?”


“How did I know?” Sherlock cut in. “You’ve been acting strangely for weeks, even before Mrs. Hudson’s and Anderson’s deaths. And then you made tea. Why? You don’t drink tea; everyone knows you drink coffee. And you hadn’t poured any for anyone else. So the tea was specifically for me. Combined with your other behavior, it gave me pause. Poison, perhaps? So I faked my little attack to test my theory. When everyone else came toward me, you stepped back into the kitchen. To pour the evidence down the drain? Or simply to ease your guilty conscience?”


John stepped forward. “Mary, answer his questions. How could you do this again? After everything he did to keep you safe?”


Seeing John’s disdain, Mary collapsed sobbing against the wall.


Sherlock bent down to look her in the eye. “When you came in, you expected to find someone here. Who? Who are you working for?”


“It’s Magnussen,” Mary whispered brokenly. “He’s threatening me again, saying he’ll reveal my true identity and ruin our lives. All my chickens would come home to roost. He has real evidence this time, not just the pictures in his mind palace. I’ve made some very dangerous enemies, and I couldn’t live with myself if they hurt John.”


“Mary!” John bit out, squatting in front of her. “Remember what I told you? ‘The problems of your future are my privilege.’ Why didn’t you come to me?”


She reached out to touch his beloved face with her fingertips. “I wanted to. But you’re still so angry with me. You didn’t forgive; you just pretended to forget. The only way we’ve moved forward is by ignoring my past, and here it was again. My heart would break if I lost you.”


John clasped her hand tightly, bending his head over their entwined fingers as tears welled in his eyes. “Sherlock, tell me, what can we do?” he pleaded with his friend.


“First, you both need to leave here and pretend this conversation never happened. They will have followed Mary here, but they won’t have seen you and me. The two of you will exit through the back; there’s a door at the back of the next house with stairs down into the underground.” He pressed his palms together under his chin, looking pensive. “I need to stay hidden and think, and this is as good a place as any. In three hours, send Wiggins and Mycroft to me.”


John helped Mary to her feet and handed her a handkerchief to dry her face. “Should I meet you back here, then? Or at 221B?” He smirked, “or maybe behind the clock face of Big Ben?”


Sherlock shot him a glare. “Just get Mary to safety. I’ll contact you when I’m ready to act.”


John gripped Mary’s hand, escorting her to the back of the narrow space. As they passed through the doorway, he glanced back at Sherlock over his shoulder. “Just don’t disappear for two years this time,” he said acerbically.


Sherlock’s face lit up in a quick grin, then dropped in shock as John was knocked backward through the door, Mary screaming. He fell lifeless to the floor, a neat bullet hole between his eyes.

Still on the Battlefield (in alphabetical order):

  • aquarian1
  • Drogo
  • Hanged Man
  • Jesse
  • Lady Calypso
  • MarkHB
  • Oinky Boinky
  • SilverStormm
  • stacey
  • SVNBob
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • TJtrack99



On a slab at St. Bart's:
egavasc – The Hound, Villain
Well, you're an animal. You're scary as hell, but you have no special abilities.
Machiabelly - Mike Stamford, Hero and Weak Doctor
Each Night PM the name of a player to protect. Since your role is Weak, if you target a villain with your protection, you will also die that Night, along with any hero the villains have successfully targeted.
CuriousParker - Philip Anderson, Hero
You used to be a good detective, but your penchant for conspiracy theories has discredited you and gotten you kicked off the force. Therefore you have no special abilities.
Lisin - Mrs. Hudson, Hero and Hider
Each Night PM the name of one player to hide behind that night. If you hide behind a hero, you will be untargetable for all other roles. However, that does not mean you are entirely safe: should the person you hide behind get killed, you will be killed as well. This is a Weak role and as such you will die if you try to hide behind a villain.
caprice - John Watson, Hero and Doctor
Each Night PM the name of a player to protect that player from a single kill made during that Night. You will not be told if your protection was successful. Protection from a single kill means that if multiple players try to kill someone, they will not be saved by your protection.

There is one clue in the story.
You have 48hrs for discussion. If a minimum of 50% of the players have joined a lynch by the time that deadline arrives Day will be extended.  7 votes are needed for a DL.
Good luck!

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I noticed "biscuits" in a couple of stories.  If anyone has any idea what that could point to, sing out.  Yes, I'm fully aware that that's British English for "cookies".  :)


Also, you know who missed the first vote (against @egavasc ) entirely, but made it to the subsequent two that we bailed on ( @Hanged Man and @aquarian1 )?  @SilverStormm.  I have a very strong hunch that she's a good target (I'm only holding off starting the DL due to fear of kamikazes.).


ETA as my coffee kicks in: the "biscuits" thing could conceivably point to via my Keebler elves -> Stacy Keibler clue, but I'm not 100% sure of that one.  In a choice between voting Stacey or voting Silver, I would definitely lean towards Silver.

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Refresher on yesterDay...


I did like the Hanged Man DL yesterDay, but when he was cornered and faced with certain doom (a few minutes before Mods called Night) he outed me/Bob/CP as Heroes.  A Villain wouldn't do such a thing, as far as I'm concerned.  


And while I still don't know for sure if Bob is/isn't a Hero, I believe he is- and I know I am, and we all know CP was.  2.89 out of 3 ain't bad, as Meat Loaf would say... so HM is in my Circle of Trust.


HM did however point a finger at you, Mark, as well as caprice and SilverStormm- which might explain your motivation to bring up his DL again.


*Trust that I could be easily swayed from my current DL string, but not for a Hanged Man lynch. 



Drogo, I trust you, but you're wrong in this DL. Unfortunately I can't say anymore than that because of reasons, but you are wrong. HM is also wrong about me, but for those same reasons, I can't go into it yet.




caprice, on 13 Nov 2015 - 09:11 AM, said:

Drogo, I trust you, but you're wrong in this DL. Unfortunately I can't say anymore than that because of reasons, but you are wrong. HM is also wrong about me, but for those same reasons, I can't go into it yet.

Makes sense to me.  I trust you, too.



I'm not sold on my own DL, and I wish we had more clues and discussion going on.

Interesting. Drogo decides he trusts me, but doesn't change his vote. Y'all are wrong.



7 to DL aquarian1 (Drogo, SVNBob, MarkHB, Oinky Boinky, Silverstormm, Jesse, Anonymous)



FML, not the update I was hoping for.

I'm sorry, A1. Let me get you a drink.


I know I started the DL on A1, but I didn't want to, and I did all I could to create doubt in it.  I'm just too dang trustworthy, it turns out...


caprice was the only one who noticed/voiced that my comments didn't align with my vote, and the villains shut her up quick. 


FWIW, I believe there are at least 2 villains in that DL string.

Edited by Drogo

I don't mind a DL of SilverStormm she has voted to DL two heroes, but I don't want everyone to pile on and there be a quick end of day before we have had a chance to hear from people. IMO people talking and contributing are the primary ways to ascertain who is who, so the longer it takes to get a DL the better, as long as one is done before end of day.

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Can we even guess how many villains there are?

Definite:  Cabby, Moriarty, Magnussan, Hound(dead)


Maybe: Mary(?) Irene Sadler(?)


We know Irene Adler's one because Lisin/Mrs. Hudson hid behind her Night 2 and Irene shoved a syringe into her neck.  And there's also that glamorous unnamed female villain who shot Mike Stamford/Machiabelly in the back of a cab on Night 1, who sounds a lot like Irene too. 

Because reasons. If I could say Y, I would. ;)


Firstly let me say simply that I am a hero, I've voted on every DL except the first as my daughter was unwell which I had already explained at the time. As for 'biscuits' being used, Sherlock is a British show so yes British vernacular is used.

There has been far more shady activity from others, why isn't that being explored I wonder.


I find it very strange that someone would start a DL on me based on nothing; I have to wonder why I am being targeted/set up?


However, I won't play the tit for tat game and start a DL on Mark because I actually want to DL a villain, not have a knee-jerk reaction.

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Firstly let me say simply that I am a hero, I've voted on every DL except the first as my daughter was unwell which I had already explained at the time. As for 'biscuits' being used, Sherlock is a British show so yes British vernacular is used.

There has been far more shady activity from others, why isn't that being explored I wonder.

So, "biscuits" is a clue after all, hence the deflection.  I wasn't remarking on the British vernacular itself, just noticing that it came up in a couple of different stories.


I have no idea whether he is or not but I won't start a DL based on nothing, unlike some it would appear.

Oh, it isn't nothing (said Alice).

  • Love 1

So, "biscuits" is a clue after all, hence the deflection.  I wasn't remarking on the British vernacular itself, just noticing that it came up in a couple of different stories.




Oh, it isn't nothing (said Alice).


You say deflection, I say simple logical explanation. I'm not the one twisting others words here.


Hmm, interesting that you characterise yourself as Alice, for as we all know Alice was well known for her solid grasp on reality...and also consuming dubious substances. I fear you have either been led astray or want me dead for reasons I am unaware of.

  • Love 1

That... is a particularly nasty piece of evidence you found, Drogo, but other than the difference in wording between "Case" and "Incident," I have no evidence to refute it.  But it's still a red herring as I am a hero.  Regrettably, a hero with a voting record in this game that's nearly as atrocious as Silver's, but a hero nonetheless. 

  • Love 1

That... is a particularly nasty piece of evidence you found, Drogo, but other than the difference in wording between "Case" and "Incident," I have no evidence to refute it.  But it's still a red herring as I am a hero.  Regrettably, a hero with a voting record in this game that's nearly as atrocious as Silver's, but a hero nonetheless. 


Out of 3 DL's I missed one and voted on 2 where I followed the crowd, (also fyi if you care to check, I was the only one to question why the HM DL was started but having missed the Day 1 lynch I decided to not miss a 2nd and followed the crowd). If anything you were much quicker to get in on the A1 DL than I was, so I would argue that between that and the clue Drogo has found, you're not looking too heroic despite your claims to the contrary.

  • Love 1

Here's a question for everyone who isn't evil. The villains are far ahead right now thanks to the two Weak players making unfortunate choices. Given that, and the inability of the heroes to DL anyone since Day 1, why would a villain be making an accusation like I have, with little or no public evidence? At the very least, the villains would have put a better plan together then I have, they wouldn't have targeted Silver (who had barely participated compared to others), and they wouldn't have used someone who had already been accused of being a villain as the proposer. It makes no sense for me to be a villain; don't make me start talking about Chewbacca. I'm a hero.

  • Love 1

FWIW, I don't know what games are being played out here, but I feel like there are bluffs and maybe even double bluffs going on and some v clever players twisting our heads, all I know is that I'm a hero and someone is either making a mistake, has inaccurate evidence or has some evil genius plan going on. 


Not sure how I've 'barely participated'...compared to a few players I've been positively manic....coughTJcough for example.

  • Love 1

I am so so confused. I don't know this show at all and certain inklings I had were soooooo long ago.

I have to read everything from the start.

Some things I jotted : HM was against Caprice. But we have seen nothing of him for a long time.

Nothing of TJ

Drogo something about a rabbit hole = LC = Calypso

People have taken very strong stances for and against with no evidence or reasoning.

Are we really in day 4 with no DL.?

Get on it people or we are going to lose. Previous DL votes were based on no information just a wish to do something.

Funny the biscuit thing makes me think of tossing cookies and the blowing across the coffee also does.

Any room for vomit in this plot?

  • Love 1

Sorry I have been so quiet to add anything - my IRL new job and new lady friend (!) have got me quite busy.


Maybe I'm overrating my own detective abilities but I think the "Dog In The Night-time" clue is a smoking gun, not a red herring.

Color me surprised it hasn't gained any traction.

FWIW, I have reason to believe it's a red herring. I hope you guys won't subtract my opinion just because I haven't been around as much - we need to multiply the Heroes' votes now more than ever.

  • Love 2

Hmm Both Silverstormm and Mark are on my watch list

Silverstormm has tried to kill me but at least first came to my defense when I posited my suspicions about Drogo/Bob and Drogo immediately started a DL against me.

Mark has never tried to kill me and Drogo has found a clue far more substantial than ones that I have been DL'd for. I gotta say Mark, that is pretty decisive.

However I am getting increasingly cautious of Drogo driving this bus, I am, pretty sure I know who Drogo is, I just do not know what side he is on.

1 to DL SilverStormm (MarkHB), 6 to charge into the valley

1 to DL The Crazed Spruce (Lady Calypso) 6 to get the bad guys

2 to DL MarkHB (Drogo, HM), 5 to see who is who.


edited to bold names

Edited by Hanged Man
  • Love 1

The reason why Mark was in my sights for clue-searching was his trying to revive the failed DL on you, HM.

If you're wondering which side I'm on, I'll make it easy... I'm with YOU.

I did like the Hanged Man DL yesterDay, but when he was cornered and faced with certain doom (a few minutes before Mods called Night) he outed me/Bob/CP as Heroes. A Villain wouldn't do such a thing, as far as I'm concerned.

And while I still don't know for sure if Bob is/isn't a Hero, I believe he is- and I know I am, and we all know CP was. 2.89 out of 3 ain't bad, as Meat Loaf would say... so HM is in my Circle of Trust.

HM did however point a finger at you, Mark, as well as caprice and SilverStormm- which might explain your motivation to bring up his DL again.

*Trust that I could be easily swayed from my current DL string, but not for a Hanged Man lynch.

FWIW, I don't want to drive the bus- but I really don't want to be a passenger in a bus that doesn't move. Let's do something for real, Heroes.

*looks up from phone*

Oh, shoot, the vote's started....

Okay, after going over the story twice, I may have found a possible clue:

Mary held a hand to her galloping heart.

And what does a horse gallop on? A track.

But judging from gameplay, either Mark or Silver is a bad guy, and the other is likely a good guy. The trick is figuring out which is which.

  • Love 1

Given the events of my day, I'm voting without rereading or anything.  I'm living on the edge!  I'm using this as a distraction.  I want something to happen.  So here I go...


1 to DL SilverStormm (MarkHB), 6 to choose the other side of the coin

1 to DL The Crazed Spruce (Lady Calypso) 6 to make a huge mistake

5 to DL MarkHB (Drogo, HM, Spruce, Oinky Boinky, aquarian1), 2 to Make It So.  (yes, I know that's a different show and genre, but there is a weak tie in)

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