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Xena: Warrior Princess Mafia

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Well, Mark, if it's more drinking you're looking for, I picked up a bottle of vanilla vodka and two bottles of wine today. Since I'm having a PR party on Saturday, I figured I'd get and red and a white from Menage a Trois. :D

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Day 5


Let Sleeping Dragons Lie


“Great, you’re back! I was telling Minya that if you didn’t return soon, I’d have to gear up for a rescue mission” Joxer said as he hurried over to Xena and Gabrielle.
Xena and Gabrielle looked at each other and did their best to conceal their smiles.
He walked in front of them and continued, “It’s probably for the best, because Joxer The Mighty is not someone to be trifled with, especially when his frien--”.  His declaration trailed off as he realised he was now talking to thin air; Xena had stopped a few paces behind when Eve rushed over to hug her and Gabrielle had wandered off to speak with Eli.
“You were gone all night; we were beginning to worry” Eve said.
“We’re just fine, we ran into an old friend who owed me a debt. One which he paid in full” Xena told her cryptically.
“You both look exhausted. Have you slept at all?” Eli asked as he and Gabrielle joined mother and daughter.
“It was a busy night. We’ll get some sleep after we’ve eaten” Xena told him.
“Gabrielle says you could find nothing of The Green Dragon” Eli stated.
“Indeed, he seems to have gone to ground. But there’s a couple of people in town who will let me know if any news should surface” Xena said as she removed her weapons.
“Who was this old friend then?” Eve asked, curious.
“Caesar” Gabrielle replied.
Eve bristled, “Caesar? Mother, what did you do?”
“Suffice to say he won’t be causing any problems and Callisto has one less comrade-in-arms” Xena told her resolutely.
“I’m not sure that was the best idea considering our circumstances. Of course preventing Caesar from joining forces with Callisto is to our advantage; however, I fear that in killing him you may have awoken the sleeping dragon that is Rome. Should they decide to exact retribution, the legions will pour down like rain upon us” Eve voiced her concern.
“That may be, but presently, the only dragon we need to concern ourselves with is The Green one” Xena stated decisively.
Minya interjected, “I think Xena is right.  One less enemy on our tails right now can’t be a bad thing”.
Eve wrinkled her brow, having grown up in Rome she wasn’t so sure, but said nothing more.
“What’s for breakfast? I’m famished” Gabrielle asked, in an attempt to lighten the mood.
“It’s my turn to cook. I’m making ham and eggs” Joxer piped up.
A collective groan arose from the group to which he was oblivious.
Breakfast consisted of burnt ham and undercooked eggs, which everyone ate without complaint; Joxer’s heart was in the right place, but he’d never make a living as any kind of cook.
Xena and Gabrielle took the opportunity to catch up on some much needed sleep once breakfast was over.
By mid afternoon everyone had developed a bad case of indigestion. Xena sat chatting to Gabrielle whilst she sharpened her sword, “Be sure to tell everyone that under no circumstances should Joxer cook ever again” Xena told her adamantly. Just then an unexpected visitor showed up; Salmoneous was red faced and flustered, “Xena, you asked me to come if there was any word of The Green Dragon” he puffed.
“Salmoneous, sit down, catch your breath” Gabrielle told him and led him over to a nearby log.
Salmoneous took a seat and the group gathered around to hear his news, “I came as soon as I heard. One of my informants mentioned that The Green Dragon has joined forces with Callisto and has been spotted at her camp” he told them with urgency.
“Callisto and The Green Dragon together” Gabrielle said warily.
“It hardly comes as a shock. She’s obviously been gathering my adversaries. Unfortunately for her, her plans seem to have gone awry so far. I appreciate you letting me know Salmoneous; I owe you one” Xena said sincerely.
“She isn’t the only one with allies” Gabrielle stated defiantly, “Lao Ma will likely arrive soon. Plus, just yesterday, I sent a message to Ephany; I told her that we’ve retrieved the amazon relic and where to find us, and I know she won’t come alone”.
“We need to prepare for a fight” Xena told the group ominously.

Green, But No Peace, Only Darkness


“So the fabled Green Dragon has finally arrived in Greece” Callisto said brightly.
“Your invitation intrigued me; you’re not the only one who has a score to settle with Xena” The Green Dragon replied guilelessly.
“As you can see by the lack of attendance” she swooped her arm around to indicate the empty room, then continued, “my other allies proved inadequate to the task. Xena apparently bested all three; Alti was found impaled, even Xena’s horse somehow miraculously managed to kill a god – Ares, and just recently, Caesar was discovered crucified. I hope you won’t disappoint me in the same way” she told him airily but with a hint of malice.
“Do not concern yourself with my abilities” The Green Dragon assured her.
“To prove my faith in you isn’t misplaced, I have procured a gift for you” Callisto grinned.
“What kind of gift?” he asked dubiously.
“Follow me” Callisto instructed.
They came to a large tent situated at the back of camp. Inside, The Green Dragon saw a figure securely bound to a table with their face turned away. As he moved closer, the head turned and his eyes widened in recognition. He looked at Callisto, “How did you manage this?” he asked with astonished glee.
“Xena is not the only one with skills” Callisto trilled.
He walked over to the slim figure and pulled her gag down, “Well, well, well. It would appear you’re not as formidable as I once believed; to get yourself captured so easily” he mocked.
Callisto moved closer, “I understand that this woman is an enemy of yours. According to documents we found in her belongings; we caught her on her way to join Xena. Be careful, she is a tricky one. She killed fifteen of my men before we managed to subdue her”.
The Green Dragon laughed. He looked directly into the bruised and beaten prisoner’s eyes, as he spoke, “She will not use her powers against me”.
“What makes you so sure of that?” Callisto asked skeptically.
“It is of no consequence, but I can assure you that I have nothing to fear from her” he said scornfully.
“Fine. Then I can rely on you to dispose of her as you see fit” Callisto turned and walked out of the tent, leaving them alone.
“Ming T’ien” Lao Ma whispered his name.
“The sweetness of power is within my grasp; at last, the kingdom of Lao will be mine, just as it should have been all along” Ming T’ien smiled evilly.
“I only ever kept it from you because you behaved like a tyrant. I knew you were capable of being so much better than that. You still can be; release me and we can work together in the name of peace” Lao Ma’s dry throat caused her voice to crack as she spoke.
“I don’t require your approval, much less your peace” Ming T’ien replied, “All I require from you is your life and once I take that, everything becomes mine” he informed her cruelly. He picked up a curved blade and inspected it.
Lao Ma watched as he slowly turned the vicious looking instrument in his hands, “You don’t have to do this Ming T’ien, let me help you save your soul” she told him with kindness.
“You’re quite right. I don’t have to do this. I want to do this” he told her as he drew the blade across her abdomen cutting deep.
Lao Ma screams reverberated throughout the camp. Sweat had formed on her brow, “I forgive you” she cried, as tears streamed down her face and her insides spilled out onto the ground.
“Keep your forgiveness, weak minded woman” Ming T’ien uttered with cold calculation, as he deliberately cut open her chest then reached in and tore out her heart.



Tribute to Lao Ma


There are 2 clues in this story. You have 36 hrs until Day ends and Twilight begins unless a lynch is completed beforehand.


7 votes are required to complete a lynch.


Living players: Still in the hands of The Fates

• Drogo
• Machiabelly
• Lisin
• Jesse
• Hanged Man
• MarkHB
• caprice
• TJtrack99
• egavasc
• Lady Calypso
• stacey
• yeswedo
• Dougal


Dead players: Gone to The Underworld

• Oinky Boinky - Autolycus - The King of Thieves
You are Autolycus the self-proclaimed "King of Thieves".  A master thief, a skilled fighter and a great escape artist, capable of escaping 200 chain locks in less than a night. You are often described as having 'a heart of gold'. You are good friends with Xena and Gabrielle, often accompanying them in their travels and aiding them in their endeavours, although they don't always fully trust you because of your devious nature.


• BizBuzz - Argo – Loyal Warhorse and Trusted Steed
You are Argo,  Xena’s palamino horse, a trusted steed of many years. You are extremely well trained and intelligent, always responding to Xena's whistled commands and clearly understanding everything she asks of you. You can sense danger, use martial arts, and issue instructions to other horses. You rarely allow anyone else to mount and ride on your strong back; this includes Gabrielle 99% of the time.


• SVNBob - Ares - God of War
You are Ares god of war. You are a fickle god and can be easily swayed from bad to good and back again. You are disliked by most of the Olympian gods. Despite the malevolent front you display, you can be surprisingly sympathetic and caring at times when it suits you. You have a love-hate relationship with Xena; your unrequited love for her is the driving force between you both. Since her redemption Xena's love for you is platonic at best which makes you crazy at times.


• The Crazed Spruce - Alti  - A Powerful Shamaness
You are Alti, an ex-amazon turned powerful but vindictive, shamaness and enemy of Xena. You’re able to use visions of past and present lives to inflict pain on your victims. You often kill people using this technique; by making them experience their pre-determined deaths well before they should have happened.


• aquarian1 - Gaius Julius Caesar – Roman general and statesman, the Conqueror of Gaul
You are Julius Caesar, a General of Rome and the legendary conqueror of Gaul. Although once lovers, you’re now a mortal enemy of Xena. You are ruthless and manipulative; you always do whatever it takes to win no matter the cost. You believe wholeheartedly that nothing can prevent your destiny, which is to be the Emperor of Rome. Anything that you perceive as a threat faces complete annihilation, including Xena.


• Athena - Lao Ma - Defacto Ruler of the Lao Dynasty
You are Lao Ma, a woman of peace and wisdom. You are the wife of the Emperor of the Lao Dynasty, Lao Tzu. Your cruel husband’s illness (you keep him in a coma to prevent his death) permits you to secretly rule the Dynasty in his name; despite this meaning that he gains all the credit for your benevolence. A highly skilled martial artist you are hard and soft at the same time, like water; you also possess great spiritual power, which you attempted to teach to Xena. You are one of the most pivotal characters and influences on Xena's life; the compassion you showed her revitalized her spirit.

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Athena! No! We WILL avenge you!


Bummer bummer man. Athena! You will be avenged! 


Heroes, am I crazy or does the story imply that there are only two villains left? 


It does seem that way doesn't it? I mean you never can tell though so hopefully the answer is yes! 


I'm not seeing anything jump out really, aside from the fact that food is mentioned again. Which seems like a lot of food talk, but I don't have any real idea of how the food mentioned would connect to anyone playing. Or at least anyone playing who is still living. 

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We shall avenge you, Athena! AVENGE!


Anyway, I hope it is just two villains left. That would make things much easier for us heroes. Not much has popped out at me. The only thing that has popped out is this:


“Keep your forgiveness, weak minded woman” Ming T’ien uttered with cold calculation, as he deliberately cut open her chest then reached in and tore out her heart.




Which makes me think of math, which makes me think of numbers, which makes me think, once again, of TJTrack99. I don't even know why I keep coming back to TJ. This is the second time now. But I'll keep looking for any other potential clues.

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“You’re quite right. I don’t have to do this. I want to do this” he told her as he drew the blade across her abdomen cutting deep.

Combined with the MacBeth quotes and stomach/saltpork from yesterDay, I'm comfortable with taking this swing.

1 to DL Machiabelly (Drogo), 6 to Enter the Dragon

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*lighting a candle* We will find him, Athena. Out of curiosity, how would one avenge someone like Lao Ma?

I'm going to be offline today as I'm hosting a Ladies' Night party tonight. I have half a house to clean....

Hey aquarian, wanna come over??

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We shall avenge you, Athena! AVENGE!


Anyway, I hope it is just two villains left. That would make things much easier for us heroes. Not much has popped out at me. The only thing that has popped out is this:



Which makes me think of math, which makes me think of numbers, which makes me think, once again, of TJTrack99. I don't even know why I keep coming back to TJ. This is the second time now. But I'll keep looking for any other potential clues.


That's interesting, because I was just going to come and say that the "burnt ham" made me think of TJTrack99 because of the burning flaming whatever it is in TJ's avatar. 

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Wow, villains are not playing in the way they kill people.


The only clues people seem to be throwing out right now are for me and TJ and I know it is not me. But I am not 100% sure it is TJ. I still like the Lady MacBeth connection with Lady Calypso. I will re-read

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Ya know what. Something just twigged with me. Partially based on our conversation yesterDay. I had suspicions and I think that the explanation I was given actually backed those up. I can't really explain it better, but I ask that the heroes trust me. 


1 to DL Jesse (Lisin), 6 to Hope this logic is sound

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Jesse has been on my radar but really so have you, Lisin. If there would have been a clue pointing at you, you would probably be receiving my vote instead of Machiabelly.

Anyone got clues for either Lisin or Jesse?

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Given that I don't have any specific information, my best hope is always  that my noodling around with ideas will trigger someone else to come up with something better. (If I stop doing that, then I become one of the non-participants, and sometimes they look suspicious to the group as well!)  And I don't think I tried to put anyone off the grouse clue, I just wasn't sold on it myself (wrongly, I guess?). I hope you agree that isn't suspicious in and of itself. 


Unfortunately my "clue" is gameplay based... but that up there ^ (bolding mine) I am pretty positive that it isn't true. 

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I'd like to hear more about Jesse but am leaning towards Machiabelly now. The way Lao Ma was killed does seem to clearly point in that direction.


2 to DL Jesse (Lisin, MarkHB), 5 to to uproot evil
3 to DL Machiabelly (Drogo, saoirse, yeswedo), 4 to keep the Heroes strong

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I agree with saoirse on this: I'm totally down for a Jesse DL, I'm just more confident about a Machiabelly one at the moment.

2 to DL Jesse (Lisin, MarkHB), 5 to to uproot evil

4 to DL Machiabelly (Drogo, saoirse, yeswedo, Dougal), 3 to keep the plotting and scheming away from our food!

Hopefully enough people chime in soon to push this through.

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Super torn on this vote guys. I trust Lisin, but I also trust Drogo and assume (most assuredly correctly) that both are smarter than I. And I'm not really skeptical of anyone else who has voted thus far. Weekend votes are tough too cause people are busy (stupid lives man). I guess I'm going to tentatively put my vote in for the one that seems to have clues and more voices so that hopefully we can get a vote through (and Dougal JUST posted as I was typing). 


2 to DL Jesse (Lisin, MarkHB), 5 to to uproot evil
5 to DL Machiabelly (Drogo, saoirse, yeswedo, Dougal, egavasc), 2 to love the evil even as we cast them out. 

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To be clear, I don't claim to *know* anything. But.... based on neither of them coming in to vote against each other/in favor of themselves, I think it's possible we actually have both the Villains up for DL right now.

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If it's true we're down to two Villains, and that we have had three taken out, it's also possible that there is a Serial Killer (or other non-Hero) out there too, yes? We started with 19 players, so five Villains and an SK wouldn't be out of line.


Just putting this out there for thought. I know almost nothing about this show, so I have no clue who could be the character, if there is one...

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If it's true we're down to two Villains, and that we have had three taken out, it's also possible that there is a Serial Killer (or other non-Hero) out there too, yes? We started with 19 players, so five Villains and an SK wouldn't be out of line.


Just putting this out there for thought. I know almost nothing about this show, so I have no clue who could be the character, if there is one...



We might still have more than 2 villains. And while I don't want to completely rule out a SK, I don't think the deaths add up to an SK. Although when I was the SK I could only attack on even nights so it may be possible. 

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Saw my name tossed around a bit, but as I've said, I'm a (powerless) Hero that can't do much in this game. If for some reason I'm going to get eliminated, I guess that's ok, as it means the more powered Heroes will live. And note that this vote is in no way a defense of Machiabelly, I just want to keep things going and vote with Lisin (and my Markbro): 


3 to DL Jesse (Lisin, MarkHB, TJ), 4 to send down to the depths
5 to DL Machiabelly (Drogo, saoirse, yeswedo, Dougal, egavasc), 2 to love the evil even as we cast them out.


P.S. Was thinking about hosting a round around Heroes: Reborn, and was thinking about crossing it with more shows. Anyone interested in helping co-mod? Maybe we do it like the first round we did here with cancelled shows (like perhaps Under the Dome)? 

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Hmm, I'm not completely convinced on either vote, yet I trust both initiators. Go figure. Also, Drogo's been more right than wrong so far.

3 to DL Jesse (Lisin, MarkHB, TJ), 4 to send down to the depths.

6 to DL Machiabelly (Drogo, saoirse, yeswedo, Dougal, egavasc, caprice) 1 to pray for peace.

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Saw my name tossed around a bit, but as I've said, I'm a (powerless) Hero that can't do much in this game. If for some reason I'm going to get eliminated, I guess that's ok, as it means the more powered Heroes will live. And note that this vote is in no way a defense of Machiabelly, I just want to keep things going and vote with Lisin (and my Markbro): 


This vote makes me suspect that Tjtrack99 is trying to split the vote so there is no DL today. There are ~3 hours left and 4 people who haven't voted yet. We only need one more for Machiabelly, anyone up for changing their vote from Jesse?

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Oh, TJ, I am interested in doing a Heroes:Reborn Mafia-type game! I just wanna co-mod with people.


Ok, so I'm kind of suspicious of both people, but I also trust the initiators. I am just...I'm gonna vote for someone to keep this going as well for a little bit longer. As much as I like the Machia clues, I just feel like maybe discussing this a LITTLE longer? And I want to hear more about why Jesse is being suspected by Lisin.


4 to DL Jesse (Lisin, MarkHB, TJ, Lady Calypso), 3 to send down to the depths.
6 to DL Machiabelly (Drogo, saoirse, yeswedo, Dougal, egavasc, caprice) 1 to pray for peace.


ETA: I should actually clarify this: I have my own slight suspicions about Jesse, and once I can properly express why I have my suspicions, I'll let you guys know (I could let you know sometime today). I'm throwing on my vote for now. I am more than happy to switch, though, once I hear more from Jesse.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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Well, I know I am a hero, so I guess that means Jesse is not.


5 to DL Jesse (Lisin, MarkHB, TJ, Lady Calypso, Machiabelly), 2 to Move forward in victory
6 to DL Machiabelly (Drogo, saoirse, yeswedo, Dougal, egavasc, caprice) 1 to pray for peace.

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Okay, I'm going to try to be persuasive here, since I'm told I can be at times. But if one of you Heroes over on the Jesse DL will look, it's pretty darn suspicious that a number of folks came and voted for that DL when we're one vote away on Machiabelly. I'm pretty sure there is someone hiding in that list there in the middle who is NOT a Hero. It could be any of the three (MarkHB, TJ, or Lady Calyspo), but I also know that at least TWO of you are Heroes! So please, come over and join us on the Machia DL, so we can finish him! WOOOOOO! One DL is better than NO DL!


/climbs down off the stump and takes a seat.

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Yeah, I'm not switching my vote but hopefully someone else will.

Something ain't right in Machiabelly Town.

While I am usually quick to jump on a bandwagon, I can't this time. Sorry.

This was during the Spruce DL.

SVNBob/Ares came in immediately afterward to agree with him. Sketchiness.

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Ok. I guess we're running out of time, right? I am a hero, I really am. I have my suspicions about Jesse, but nothing concrete. I guess there's something concrete to point to Machia. I hope we're not voting off a hero, but I will switch. 


6 to DL Jesse (Lisin, MarkHB, TJ, Machiabelly), 3 to Move forward in victory.
7 to DL Machiabelly (Drogo, saoirse, yeswedo, Dougal, egavasc, caprice, Lady Calypso) 0 to hope for no destruction.

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Mod Note:


Day has ended and Twilight has begun. You now have 12 hours to submit your Twilight actions. You may continue any game discussion until the Night story is posted.

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I think that's the right move and I trust you, LC. Mainly because my list the other Day convinced you to trust me, and I don't think it would have unless you were a Hero. Especially since at that time I listed you as highly suspect. ;)

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Not really, I said that the fact that neither of you had swooped in to cast a vote against the other- so you 2 might be the 2 remaining villains. I don't doubt you're a villain, vote or not. :)

So, do you still claim to be a hero even now?

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Much more the hero than you sidekick.

Not really, I said that the fact that neither of you had swooped in to cast a vote against the other- so you 2 might be the 2 remaining villains. I don't doubt you're a villain, vote or not. :)

So, do you still claim to be a hero even now?

by the way, that is what I said....you said the fact that I had not yet voted for Jesse made me look like a villain. Whether or not you were sure either way doesn't change the fact that my not voting was a factor people should look at.

Sorry for double post

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Yikes, you guys! Usually I'd have no problem with a weekend Day, but I just missed this whole one! Thank you for not DLing me, at least. (I would have been a vote for Machiabelly, obviously.)

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I think that's the right move and I trust you, LC. Mainly because my list the other Day convinced you to trust me, and I don't think it would have unless you were a Hero. Especially since at that time I listed you as highly suspect. ;)


Ok, I'm glad. I guess when saoirse mentioned my name once again, I got nervous (and for good reason!) so I didn't want my name to be tossed out yet again. I half-trust only a handful of people this time around, but you have been right on all the villain lynches so I'm glad you trust me too! 


Jesse, even though it's Twilight and the vote is over, I still want to hear Lisin explaining her thought process in full detail, and I wouldn't mind hearing your thoughts either! 

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Much more the hero than you sidekick.


Machia, if you are truly a Hero, then my deepest apologies - the clues found seemed pretty clear, and if they WEREN'T pointed at you, it's a crying shame.


Yikes, you guys! Usually I'd have no problem with a weekend Day, but I just missed this whole one! Thank you for not DLing me, at least. (I would have been a vote for Machiabelly, obviously.)


You're on the hot seat the next round as it stands right now, Jesse. Of course, once we get the results of the DL, I guess we'll see...


Ok, I'm glad. I guess when saoirse mentioned my name once again, I got nervous (and for good reason!) so I didn't want my name to be tossed out yet again.


I mentioned your name as it was in that grouping that has my eyebrows raised, so you're not alone. If you are truly a Hero (and I have no reason at this point aside from some vague potential clues), know that I am a Hero as well. The tales of the ages will prove that.


Dammit. Athena was someone I knew was a hero.


And too late to contribute to Day.

Double Merde.


It's still Twilight, Hanged Man! You can still contribute!

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Machia, if you are truly a Hero, then my deepest apologies - the clues found seemed pretty clear, and if they WEREN'T pointed at you, it's a crying shame.

I'll be truly shocked if Machiabelly isn't a Villain.

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This vote makes me suspect that Tjtrack99 is trying to split the vote so there is no DL today. There are ~3 hours left and 4 people who haven't voted yet. We only need one more for Machiabelly, anyone up for changing their vote from Jesse?

Nope, not trying to split the vote. Just showing which of the vote initiators has my loyalty. Though Drogo has certainly been onto things this round too, so I'm pretty sure he's a Hero too. (Like me.)

Edited by TJtrack99
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