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Futurama Mafia

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MarkHB – VILLAIN, I promise you that.


MuuMuuChainsmoker - VILLAIN, I'm telling you.


BizBuzz - VILLAIN, I don't care what Gerald Ford says.




Athena - UNKNOWN, but seems to be hinting pretty hard at someone heroic.


caprice – TRUSTED (on a trial basis)


Dougal – TRUSTED, I think.


The Crazed Spruce - TRUSTED


The Onion Knight – TRUSTED


aquarian1 - TRUSTED


Lady Calypso - TRUSTED




SilverStormm - TRUSTED


Machiabelly - TRUSTED


Saoirse - TRUSTED


OinkyBoinky - TRUSTED


CuriousParker - TRUSTED



Do we still like this list?  With the addition that I vouched for Firearcher?  Athena's an "unknown" and there's an "I think" after Dougal.

And I'll come right out and say it, there is another investigator.

That is  great news.  

I would love to be protected again tonight but I understand if I can't be.

Thank you so much (to whoever, I don't know) for protecting Smitty and URL or however you kept us in the game. 

Some thought it was arrogant to what they called 'demand' protection but with people running with the Full House = Jesse clue and then me typically being killed first night it would have been very bad. 

As it stands we have a lot of information and if this is the end of me the trust list  is solid as long as there has not been role switching.


good news - HBot is waiting in the boudoir on the other side. 

  • Love 1

Wow ... things sure are quiet in here ... the Night story hasn't been posted yet ... so we are still free to game chat, right?


Seems that without your pleasure seeker around, people have all gone into their corners, shaking in fear.  


One of those facts not worth knowing ... if there had been rap groups around when I was President of America, I would have gotten into music instead of politics.


Where would that leave me now?



Since it's still Friday night (at least for the next half hour for me). 


Night 6
          Since we had last seen Mom and Dr. Wernstrom, they had hatched a plot to steal the whirligig razor from Professor Farnsworth. It was simple really; it’s not like the Planet Express offices were tremendously secure. All they really needed to do was go in while the crew was on a mission and the Professor was asleep. The professor slept like the dead, as long as no one else was around, hell, they could even turn the lights on and make as much noise as they needed. Mom sent in her three sons (Walt, Larry, and the idiot Igner), armed to the teeth with the necessary tactical supplies. There was no way they could botch this B&E, so of course that is exactly what would happen.
          It started out just fine. The lock on the door was simple and easy to break. Of course, the professor had left the door unlocked. The laboratory was easy to find and everything was neatly labeled (the Professor was a very forgetful man). The sons made a lot of noise opening drawers, tossing things around, slamming them shut. Igner nearly blew up with world when he opened the cabinet which held the Professor’s doomsday devices and they rattled precariously. Finally, Walt and Larry found the whirligig razor in the very last cabinet. Ready to head out and make their mother happy with them for the first time in a very long while, the two older brothers realized that they had lost track of Igner.
         Mom’s youngest son had known for sometime that he was a product of her affair with Professor Farnsworth. He had snuck off in an attempt to finally meet his father. Poking and prodding, he tried to wake the man desperately. “Daddy!” He cried out, hoping the man would hear him and know the truth. Walt and Larry found him and dragged him out kicking and screaming. The Professor woke finally when the boys slammed the front door. Seeing the mess that they left in his laboratory, knowing that his greatest enemy did him wrong, the Professor cried out, shaking his fist at the sky.


          Officer URL had tried. He had indulged the captain’s overly protective and mostly useless bubble wrapping. He had stayed confined to desk duty for over a week. Enough was enough, lack of partner be damned, he wanted to be back out on the streets. Things wouldn’t feel normal again until he was back out on the street kicking ass and taking names. Officer URL was built to catch bad guys. He was literally programmed to catch bad guys. It was in his coding. Breaking out of his bulletproof glass bubble, determined to no longer be the bubble robot, Officer URL headed out onto the mean streets of New New York to seek his revenge.
The robot police officer had been using his desk duty to track the Donbot’s whereabouts. URL knew that every Friday at seven PM, the Robot Mafia had dinner in a back room at Elzar’s. That’s where he would be waiting. When the Donbot exited the restaurant, Officer URL was there baton at the ready. Clamps and Joey Mousepads were detained by Elzar as a favor so the Donbot was alone.
          “At last, we meet again, for the last time.” URL said menacingly. He took his laser gun and fired at the Donbot point blank leaving nothing but the robot’s hat sinking down over the smoke where his head had previously been.
          “Awww yeah. Another one bites the dust.”


Still Alive and Well in New New York

  • MarkHB
  • CuriousParker
  • SilverStormm
  • Athena
  • Machiabelly
  • saoirse
  • SVNBob
  • Firearcher
  • aquarian1
  • Lady Calypso
  • OinkyBoinky
  • Dougal
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • caprice
  • BizBuzz
  • The Onion Knight


Now in Robot Hell

  • HangedMan - Scruffy - Magistrate
    What else can be said, you are Scruffy. Planet Express’s janitor, most of the employees have no idea you exist. Regardless, you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Express (and your mop bucket). Where else could you do so little and get away with viewing so much Zero G Juggs? As such, during twilight you may protect someone from the results of a day lynch if you fear they have been wrongly accused.
  • TJtrack99 - Nibbler - double vote.
    You are Lord Nibbler, a proud and ancient Nibblonian. You live in New New York, disguised as a pet owned by Leela. Leela believes she rescued you from the Planet Vergon 6. Your race (who live long and are celebrated poopers) serve as protectors of the universe. Despite your small size, you have a voracious appetite and will eat just about everything in sight. Your intelligence grants you a second anonymous vote during the day.
  • Deadpool - Huge Brain - role blocker
    You are the Huge Brain of the Brainspawn, an alien race set out to understand the whole universe. Once your race has compiled all of the information on the universe, you will destroy it to ensure no future information can be created. Your race has the power to stupification fields, making everyone in the vicinity dumber. Your ability to block the Delta Brain Wave allows you to select one person per night and stop their abilities for the night.
  • Lisin - Hermes - Tracker
    You are Hermes Conrad, Grade 36 bureaucrat and proud of it. If there ever was a man born to file, stamp, and collate it would be you. Before becoming a bureaucrat professionally (let’s be real, you’ve always been a bureaucrat. You were requiring applications in triplicate to your tenth birthday party!), you were an Olympic limboer who was only bested by your fiercest rival Barbados Slim. Although you are anal only 78.36% of the time, each night you may fill out the proper forms to track the movements of one player.
  • Jesse - Officer Smitty - investigator pair
    You are Officer Smitty, the human half of the buddy cop pair of Smitty and URL. You became a cop after watching the many many dine-and-dashers at your father’s restaurant go unpunished. You often use excessive force, even in non-violent circumstances. Your baton looks not unlike a light saber, although is noticeably duller. You may communicate with Officer URL outside the main game thread and together may select one person per night to investigate.
  • Drogo - Hedonismbot - Jack-of-all-Trades
    You are Hedonismbot, a robot with with the concept of hedonism written right into your very code! As your sole purpose is to seek pleasure, you over indulge in just about everything - chocolate icing, sex orgies, opera, you name it. You are made of solid gold and have a robosexual relationship with your valet Djambi. You have the ability to indulge in powers, to once investigate, once protect, and once operate as a vigilante. How delightful!
  • MuuMuuChainsmoker - Donbot - Vanilla
    You are the Donbot, head of the Robot Mafia. You are from the planet Sicily 8 and are accompanied by your goons Clamps and Joey Mousepad who do your dirty work. You are out for revenge, seeking penance for the many crimes Bender has committed against you not limited to sleeping with your wife and your daughter! You have no additional powers in this game.


There are no clues in this story. Please get your night actions in in the next 24 hours. Enjoy the bar! 

  • Love 1

Cool, we got a villain! Sorry for the MIA behaviour the last few days. I have had two essays to write and I have two more to write for Monday, so needless to say, I probably won't be around until late Monday night, or Tuesday. I also went out as a celebratory thing last night, so I got a little drunk. 


As soon as Tuesday rolls around, all I'll be doing is applying for jobs, since I'm pretty much done school at this point. Like, seriously. I'll have to adult. I have been in school for so long that I don't know what it's like to not be in school. 

  • Love 2

Day 7
          The sun came up on the Planet Express building, a weather pattern not fitting for the mad science happening inside. If this were some other type of story, it would be a dark and stormy night with menacing lightning and eerie music. But in this story, it was bright and sunny. A beautiful day in New New York. A beautiful day for a miracle.
“Good news everyone!”
          “Everyone?” Zoidberg interrupted. “Professor, it’s just me, Zoidberg. Don’t you remember? The crew is on a mission and my good pal Hermes is dead. Remember?”
          “Yes Zoidberg, I remember. It’s just that I always say ‘Good news everyone.’”
          “Oh, okay then.” Zoidberg replied.
          “So then. Good news everyone! I have managed to create a Rebirth Machine. If I drop the dead body of any living thing into this giant, bubbling vat of stem cells, within a few hours they will be brought back to the land of the living.”
          Suddenly, the opening on the side of the tank unfurled and a strange pink goo covered body burst out. The Professor and Zoidberg stared for a minute while the naked form stumbled around and slowly stood up.
         “Success! My experiment was a success!” The Professor exclaimed.
         “What??? Why??? Where am I and how did I get here?” The naked body of Officer Smitty questioned.
         “You see, you were killed in a shootout with the Robot Mafia. Before you were to be buried I stole your body from the coffin. Then I dropped it into this giant, bubbling vat of stem cells from which you were reborn. Welcome back to New New York Officer Smitty.” The Professor said proudly, ecstatic that his experiment worked so successfully on the first try.


          Our next story take place in a location even warmer than the sunny day in New New York. One could even say it was hellishly hot. It was, of course, Robot Hell where the Robot Devil himself was welcoming their newest resident.
          “Well well well. Look who we have here. Welcome Officer URL to Robot Hell.”
          “Aw hell no. How did I end up here?” Officer URL asked.
          “You don’t remember your own death? Let me tell you how it happened...in song! Ready boys?” The Robot Devil grew excited. Musical numbers were his specialty.
          “NO no no! No singing. Please no singing. Just tell me what happened. The last thing I remember was taking out the trash of New New York by killing the Donbot. Shot him point blank.”
          “Our good friend the Donbot, many, many years ago, made a deal with me. In exchange for doing some of my own dirty work for me, I would take out anybot that tried to kill him. I do so hate getting my hands dirty ah ha ha ha!” The Robot Devil laughed.
           “And now I’m stuck down here with the both of you. And all of the other sinful robots. What did I do to deserve this?”
           "What anyone does to deserve this. You died! Muahhahahahahaha!" The Robot Devil laughed maniacally. He had so been looking forward to the torture of one of New New York's finest. Perhaps batons first.



          What on earth just happened? Will we ever see our main heroes again? Will Calculon ever be important enough to warrant his own plot? Or maybe Flexo? Join us next time for the further adventures of Futurama!


Still Alive and Well in New New York

  • MarkHB
  • CuriousParker
  • SilverStormm
  • Athena
  • Machiabelly
  • saoirse
  • SVNBob
  • Firearcher
  • aquarian1
  • Lady Calypso
  • Dougal
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • caprice
  • BizBuzz
  • The Onion Knight
  • Jesse


Now in Robot Hell

  • HangedMan - Scruffy - Magistrate
    What else can be said, you are Scruffy. Planet Express’s janitor, most of the employees have no idea you exist. Regardless, you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Express (and your mop bucket). Where else could you do so little and get away with viewing so much Zero G Juggs? As such, during twilight you may protect someone from the results of a day lynch if you fear they have been wrongly accused.
  • TJtrack99 - Nibbler - double vote.
    You are Lord Nibbler, a proud and ancient Nibblonian. You live in New New York, disguised as a pet owned by Leela. Leela believes she rescued you from the Planet Vergon 6. Your race (who live long and are celebrated poopers) serve as protectors of the universe. Despite your small size, you have a voracious appetite and will eat just about everything in sight. Your intelligence grants you a second anonymous vote during the day.
  • Deadpool - Huge Brain - role blocker
    You are the Huge Brain of the Brainspawn, an alien race set out to understand the whole universe. Once your race has compiled all of the information on the universe, you will destroy it to ensure no future information can be created. Your race has the power to stupification fields, making everyone in the vicinity dumber. Your ability to block the Delta Brain Wave allows you to select one person per night and stop their abilities for the night.
  • Lisin - Hermes - Tracker
    You are Hermes Conrad, Grade 36 bureaucrat and proud of it. If there ever was a man born to file, stamp, and collate it would be you. Before becoming a bureaucrat professionally (let’s be real, you’ve always been a bureaucrat. You were requiring applications in triplicate to your tenth birthday party!), you were an Olympic limboer who was only bested by your fiercest rival Barbados Slim. Although you are anal only 78.36% of the time, each night you may fill out the proper forms to track the movements of one player.
  • Drogo - Hedonismbot - Jack-of-all-Trades
    You are Hedonismbot, a robot with with the concept of hedonism written right into your very code! As your sole purpose is to seek pleasure, you over indulge in just about everything - chocolate icing, sex orgies, opera, you name it. You are made of solid gold and have a robosexual relationship with your valet Djambi. You have the ability to indulge in powers, to once investigate, once protect, and once operate as a vigilante. How delightful!
  • MuuMuuChainsmoker - Donbot - Vanilla
    You are the Donbot, head of the Robot Mafia. You are from the planet Sicily 8 and are accompanied by your goons Clamps and Joey Mousepad who do your dirty work. You are out for revenge, seeking penance for the many crimes Bender has committed against you not limited to sleeping with your wife and your daughter! You have no additional powers in this game.
  • OinkyBoinky - Officer URL - investigator pair
    You are Officer URL, the robot half of the buddy cop pair of Smitty and URL (pronounced Earl). Programmed to be a cop, you have many features to employ in the capturing of bad guys such as a siren, a megaphone, and a violations printer. You often use excessive force, even in non-violent circumstances. Your baton looks not unlike a light saber, although is noticably duller. You may communicate with Officer Smitty outside the main game thread and together may select one person per night to investigate.


There are no clues in this story. Please allow for 12 hours of discussion before voting. Day will end at 11am Tuesday EDT

I agree with CP, we know there's a protector and they can't protect the same person twice in a row usually.

I have a horrible feeling that Mark might have something else going on as well, like being the emperor maybe he can't die until all of his 'minions' are all dead or something? Biz has only been DL'd once so far; so how about we just keep DL'ing her until she dies, if she's protected toDay, we know that it's unlikely she would be toMorrow. Who knows, maybe she is even the protector herself?

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