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Miss Scarlet and The Duke In The Media: Getting A Royal Clue


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'Miss Scarlet's Season 5 Finale Encapsulates the Good & Bad of This New Era
By Lacy Baugher   February 16, 2025


The arrival of Miss Scott (Lindsay Bennett-Thompson) a.k.a. the Governess, a British intelligence officer who works for the Queen’s Department Level 3, is a breath of fresh air. Whether it's because she has the same sort of feisty, take-no-prisoners attitude Eliza displayed in the earlier seasons of this show or just because she's pretty darn cool in her own right, she's the sort of character who sucks all the air out of the room whenever she's onscreen in all the best ways. (Reader, I love her. I would watch an entire show about her and the other ladies of this intelligence division.) 

‘Miss Scarlet’ Finale: How Do You Feel About That Eliza-Blake Ending? (POLL)
Kelli Boyle   February 16, 2025


“Blake is so very……vanilla. He is calm, self-controlled, predictable. It’s almost like they sat him down and were like, ‘OK, remember that Scottish hunk that brought all the hot and bothered ladies to the Yard (pun intended)? Don’t be that guy,'” they wrote. “From a real life relationship perspective, yes — I will admit he’s the perfect compliment to Eliza. But it isn’t real life, and it doesn’t make for a very interesting slow burn that I swoon over in my PJs. They need to shake things up, raise the stakes, and give him some passion and a pulse in Season 6. Sorry to say but a dramatic Eliza rescue plus kiss is in order, I think. I need to see this guy in productive struggle. For now, zzzzzzzz……”
*  *  *
“I liked that Blake is different. I like that he’s quiet. I didn’t like that they tried to force him as a love interest through Ivy repeating over and over again how great he is and how handsome he is basically pushing Scarlet towards him,” they wrote. “I think it’s too soon for that. I’m more willing to open myself up to a new ship if a show doesn’t make it obvious that one character is just a replacement love interest. The show should have backed off any hint that’s where they were going, even if it might have meant Scarlet ended up alone if the show gets canceled. They had her give up her great love for her profession then they darn sure should make her career her happy ending. And I am not so sure he’s a better fit for Eliza. Isn’t he going to have the same issue of being a policeman who likely can’t be married to a private detective? For the Duke, part of it was wanting something traditional but part of it was due to the job.”

Miss Scarlet Season 5 Episode 6 Recap: from Russia with love
By Jackie Bruleigh   February 16, 2025


Oooooooooooooh. Where is this going? How will Victoria Mars adjust to life with two married roommates? What will the new Police Commissioner be like? For those answers, we will have to wait: while it seems likely that we’ll get another season with our friends, it isn’t confirmed yet. ....

Edited by tv echo

I got Blake as well.  I guess Blake likes history and Agatha Christie!


You got Alexander Blake! Scotland Yard's newest Detective Inspector takes his work seriously and runs a bit of a tight ship. He values his privacy and can be a tough nut to crack, but once you get to know the man beyond the job, he's got a good sense of humor and a heart of gold -- just ask his adoring daughter Sophia!


Edited by blackwing

Miss Scarlet, Season 5: Victorian Wedding Quiz
MASTERPIECE PBS   Feb 18, 2025

Slideshow: Behind the Scenes of Miss Scarlet Season 5


There’s no mystery to be solved here — the cast of Miss Scarlet Season 5 clearly had a ball filming together, if these behind the scenes photos are anything to go by! Get a glimpse at the talented cast, including Kate Phillips, Tom Durant-Pritchard, and more, as they laughed together, prepared for scenes, and made screen magic happen.

Edited by tv echo
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1 hour ago, LisaM said:

Just received an email from PBS announcing that Miss Scarlet has been renewed for Season 6. It further indicates that Moses is coming back! 

Miss Scarlet Renewed


38 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:

But apparently not Fitzroy. I would prefer him to Phelps in a heartbeat.

Great news about the renewal!  Ugh about Phelps returning, why?  We don't need him and his poor "it should have been ME" attitude.

Disappointing that they don't list Evan McCabe / Fitzroy among the returning cast.  But they don't list Felix Scott / Nash either, and in the plot descriptions later, they mention Nash, so I'm hoping he will appear.

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I'd have to believe that if Fitzroy isn't coming back it's the choice of the actor.  I can't imagine the show dropping him "just because".  He's an integral character, in my opinion, especially with William gone.  He's the bridge between Eliza and the department, someone that understands her abilities and doesn't mind her in the room.  But I can see the actor wanting (and getting offers for) more substantial parts.

I'm hoping it just hasn't been decided one way or another and that we'll see him back.  


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Recurring parts in short series can be a problem for the actors.  They have to make a living and to be employed for only a few months at a time means they need to pursue jobs elsewhere thus not being available when a show is renewed.  Even major stars have missed out on roles due to previous commitments.

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Rachael New played Mary Agnes...

MASTERPIECE Studio Podcast | Miss Scarlet, Season 5: Bonus Episode with Rachael New
MASTERPIECE PBS   Feb 19, 2025


Miss Scarlet creator Rachael New never shies away from a challenge. By Season 3 she was not only writing the show, but also made her directorial debut. This season Rachael challenged herself by stepping in front of the camera playing the stern headmistress Mary Agnes. Rachael joins us for this special bonus episode to discuss what this moment meant for both her and the young Eliza Scarlet. ....

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The Cast & Creator Hopes for Season 6
Feb 27, 2025


Rachael New (Creator)
I think [Season 6] is probably the most exciting season for Eliza because we see a very different side of her emerging. We left her in Season 5 feeling that her life was out of balance. She pretty much lost the love of her life, her long-term friend, partner…with the Duke. It was very much her throwing herself into work and thinking, “Okay, this is my life,” but feeling that there was something slightly missing. 

I guess I can say her love life flourishes, but it’s complicated still. Her profession causes her problems, her ambition to succeed…still there is that clash with personal happiness. But there’s still lots of adventure and fun. This season has more of an emotional punch.

I think even with say, Ivy, Mr. Potts, Clarence, we see them growing. We see slightly different sides of them. The theme, I would say, is we see more of their personal lives, their personal trials and tribulations a little more, which as a writer is always super fun to write and very satisfying.

Kate Phillips
I would hope for Eliza that she is able to harness some more success in her personal life. I think professionally, she’s gone from strength to strength, but emotionally, I think she’s got a lot to learn, and I hope there’s more joy to be had in her personal life and her emotional life. She’s got a little bit of growing up to do in that regard, but I think she has it in her.

Tom Durant-Pritchard
When we get to Season 6, I’m looking forward to seeing where his relationship with Eliza ends up. Because we leave them at the end of Season 5 and it feels like there’s potential growth of some kind of relationship there. I’m not sure if that’s a friendship or potentially something more. So it would be interesting to see where that goes. And to see if we meet any new people, any old faces come back, and to see if there are any more crimes we can solve.

Cathy Belton
I hope for Ivy that she keeps climbing up through the ladders at work in this modern world, all this education and this hard work…that she’ll get her just rewards for putting in the efforts that she has put in to change her life. And I also hope that she will always be in Eliza’s life.

I hope Eliza finds love again. I really do. I hope she will continue to thrive as a private investigator, that her business will thrive and that she’ll do it on her own. And you never know…maybe Ivy will help out in business in seasons to come. But yeah, I would hope, I think more than anything, I want Eliza to find love again.

Edited by tv echo
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