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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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"I'm apologizing for him! Just in case he doesn't apologize for himself!"

WTF Jessica? 

Jessica admitted that her husband says horrible shit that she has to ignore so she gets it? Or something? The feminist in me is cringing right now.

Edited by Callaphera
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Christie is telling Tommy and Analyse that she wants to talk to Cliff about what she heard him say in his morning talk.  She says she'll tell him it's not personal.

Tommy says they only get either Nicole or Cliff out this week, but not both so why let him know that she knows exactly what he said.

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Analyse says that they'd be really stupid to let Cliff stay this week.  She says she knows Nick wants Nicole out but if they leave Nicole in, she will have nobody whereas Cliff is scrappy.  Christie says that even if Nick wants Nicole to go, she will vote Cliff out anyway.

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Just now, zorak said:

Analyse says that they'd be really stupid to let Cliff stay this week.  She says she knows Nick wants Nicole out but if they leave Nicole in, she will have nobody whereas Cliff is scrappy.  Christie says that even if Nick wants Nicole to go, she will vote Cliff out anyway.

*cries* We're gonna be stuck with Jessica until the jury phase. 

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God, it kills me to see Ovi groveling and apologizing to Christie, Tommy, and Analyse about what he said when he went in to the HOH room.  He says he didn't mean to offend anyone.

Christie says that the Camp Comeback crew should call a house meeting to revisit the not talking game in front of them rule.  Christie says there are level headed people in the house.  I'm sure once he leaves the room, they're going to talk some more shit about him.

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2 hours ago, missyb said:

I love David . From the moment he came back into the house he has been giving good advice, laying low, playing a great social game. 
I love him.

I keep thinking that there will eventually be a vote for America's favorite contestant, and the houseguests reactions when it's David.

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Right after Ovi left, Christie said:  "I think we've all enabled everyone to be too nice to each other."

Christie:  "It's not like we've been planning any of this.  I think we might be really good at this game."  Gag.

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Christie is telling Cliff that Nicole seems to be at the center of what was being talked about upstairs.

Why did they have to switch cameras in the middle of this Christie/Cliff talk??? I want to see just how much of the truth she's giving Cliff about what happened in the HOH room.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Christie is telling Cliff that Nicole seems to be at the center of what was being talked about upstairs.

Psst, Christie: Cliff already knows you were in the room with everyone else during that meeting. Seems to be at the center? I mean...

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I really hate it when I hear these people say they believe stuff "1,000%".  Tommy and Jackson both just did it.

Tommy just said "1,000%" again.  Gah.

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I guess Christie must have told Cliff that she heard him say stuff about targeting the couples and Christie/Tommy.  I just went back to that convo and they were talking about it, which is funny because right before I switched, Tommy was telling Jackson that Christie wanted to tell Cliff about what she heard but why that was not a good idea.

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What....what the fuckity fuck happened? I went to the movies and then to the airport to pick up a family member.

What did I come back to?

I regret what I said about it being a boring and predictable week. I was just about ready to fall asleep because it's 1:30am and now I'm all riled up with anger.


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Cliff is advising Ovi to do like him and distance himself from Nicole since she seems to be Public Enemy #1. 

On the other side of the feeds, the Nasty Nine (minus a few) are having a puppy pile cuddle in bed. Nick keeps pawing at Bella's face but it looks like he's trying to stick his finger up her nose? And Analyse's two head is fucking fascinating. Whoever pointed out her resemblance is Teresa Giudice is my hero right now because it's about the only amusing thing I can see on the feeds. 

Jack isn't HoH but everyone leaves the HoH room so he and Analyse can bang in the shower again? WTF.

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I think Jack and Analyse are about to get it on again in the HOH shower.  Everyone else left the HOH room and she and Jack were up there with the lights turned off.  Jack said something about his towel and Analyse said she didn't have hers.  Then she asked if she should lock the door.  Right after that, the camera switched.

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You know, when Survivor does a crappy twist or gimmick (*cough*redemptionisland*cough*), you run the risk of being stuck with it for more than one season, because the filming schedule sometimes makes it so that the people in charge of the show don't know how negatively it will be received and they're already too committed to turn back. And that sucks, but I can understand to a degree that it takes a little longer to right the ship.

With Big Brother, though, they have 9-12 months to figure shit out, right any wrongs and capitalize on any positives they stumble ass backwards into. The fact that this shit is happening after last season is inexcusable, and it's utterly pathetic to think that it's last season that was the accident.

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I kind of feel like Cliff has been dragging Nicole's name through the mud a little bit tonight even though he keeps repeatedly telling the cool kids that he hasn't ever thrown anyone under the bus.  He keeps saying stuff to them about how Nicole said some stuff that he had no knowledge of and now he's being dragged because of stuff she said.

Cliff is talking to Bella and Nick about how he would take himself off the block of course if he wins the veto.  They're telling him they hope he does take himself off.  They're probably welcoming it because they plan on putting Nicole up if someone comes down.

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6 minutes ago, zorak said:

I kind of feel like Cliff has been dragging Nicole's name through the mud a little bit tonight even though he keeps repeatedly telling the cool kids that he hasn't ever thrown anyone under the bus.  He keeps saying stuff to them about how Nicole said some stuff that he had no knowledge of and now he's being dragged because of stuff she said.

I haven't said "gag me" in  along time but please. Cliff, when asked by Nick who he would pick for HG choice, he said, well I was going to run that by you.

Pretty sure his strategy is to be hang dog and harmless and toothless but still. Gag me.

Edited by missyb
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I am so sorry for this long post. Just read thru 7 pages. Reading through this forum is time-consuming, but watching the season wouldn't be the same without it. You all make it the best part of the whole season. 

12 hours ago, zorak said:

Analyse to Kemi:  "I guess I could say I'm a superfan."  

A superfan that needed Christy to explain "Anal Lice" to her? Yeah, I don't think so.

7 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

 I think it is cool, Nick, works with kids!

I tried to look up his license......but, found this instead. 


My kindergartners go to a therapist similar to Nick? <gulp>

4 hours ago, zorak said:

They seem to have decided on Unde9able for their name.

I swear I was just gonna write something about how dumb they were for choosing a name with a negative connotation. I thought is was Undependable until I tried to type it out with the stupid 9 in the middle. That's when I realized...Undeniable! 

Just me? 

3 hours ago, zorak said:

Holly is telling Tommy that when she was in elementary school she won 2 consecutive awards for something like being "The Mediator".  

She peaked early.

3 hours ago, zorak said:

Christie says she saw Nicole go in the DR but she doesn't know if she came out.  She just wants to make sure she knows that dinner is ready.  How benevolent of her.

Cliff: "Why don't you go put your ear to the door?"

(I wish he had said that)

2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Jackson just took half of Holly's steak.

Holly: "There is something wrong with you."
Jackson: "I didn't eat lunch!"

Brendan: "Neanderthal"

Edited by Blissfool
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28 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

You know, when Survivor does a crappy twist or gimmick (*cough*redemptionisland*cough*), you run the risk of being stuck with it for more than one season, because the filming schedule sometimes makes it so that the people in charge of the show don't know how negatively it will be received and they're already too committed to turn back. And that sucks, but I can understand to a degree that it takes a little longer to right the ship.

With Big Brother, though, they have 9-12 months to figure shit out, right any wrongs and capitalize on any positives they stumble ass backwards into. The fact that this shit is happening after last season is inexcusable, and it's utterly pathetic to think that it's last season that was the accident.

I've read 2 theories on other boards.

Theory #1:  CBS is trying to tank Big Brother so that they can shut it down and get out of Julie Chen's contract. 

I don't buy this one, though, because money is money and the show is profitable.  Who cares if they have to put up with Julie Chen calling herself Julie Chen Moonvies?  Plus, streaming is everyone's long term plan, and BB drives traffic to CBS All Access. 

Theory #2:  Production hated Vanessa's season, because everything would flip so much that it made everything about the TV shows difficult (last minute edits, last minute comp changes, etc.).   So, they purposely choose to make the show predictable so that they don't have to worry about having to deal with complicated last-minute stuff.

This theory I find to be very believable.  I think it's why they choose to cast the exact same types of people season after season.  Last season, I think they tried it, but most of the cast turned out to not fit into their slotted roles (for example, Tyler was pretty smart and nice, Brett was a silly "bro" rather than a mean "bro", Scottie was pretty head-strong "nerd" rather than an obsequious one, etc.).

It might be that having a big alliance with a somewhat predictable pick-off is exactly what they want.

Anyway, just speculation.  Who knows if it's true?

Edited by MrHufflepuff
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Jackson, thirty minutes ago: "We gotta stop snacking tonight."
Jackson, now: *digging through the fridge*

I can't (so don't) with Christie and Tommy just rolling right over Nicole and whatever she tries to say. 

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I love how when Christie and Tommy suggested she get others together to give her side of the story or something like that, she basically said there was no point because she's outnumbered.  

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Dramatic Re-Tellings of Conversations From Five Minutes Ago, starring Christie "I like girls" Murphy.

Nicole's crying in front of the DR door and being comforted by Kat. 

Edited by Callaphera
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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Bella about Nicole: "Me and Nick aren't going to talk to her. There's nothing nice I can say to her. Absolutely nothing nice."

Then Nick said he could say nice things but Bella doubled down and said she couldn't.

Edited by zorak
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Nicole: "Why would you want to be seen associating with me?"
Kat: "I don't care. I will die on this knife. You've been nothing but nice to me."

Confirmed: Kat stole the knife.

Edited by Callaphera
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Tommy is stirring the pot about Jack and Analyse.  He just told Analyse something that Christie said to Jack.  Analyse said she doesn't like that Christie said something to him and didn't tell her.  Analyse:  "I don't know.  I'm so confused."

Tommy is suggesting that maybe Jack is trying to create distance between Analyse and him so that they'll be playing separate games or something.  

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Analyse told Tommy that honestly she doesn't see her and Jack being anything outside the house.  Then she said something about how they can just be friends who hook up sometimes.

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Analyse, about the only fucking thing she can talk about: "Because at the end of this, I don't even see us being together. So what's the point of doing it in here? I'd rather just be friends."


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Analyse thinks that sometimes Jack does certain things to get her jealous of Christie.

Just now, Callaphera said:

So what's the point of doing it in here? I'd rather just be friends."


But then she added the hook up part.

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I keep waiting for Jackson to bust into the storage room all Kool-Aid man style on the search for munchies but I forgot that he and Holly are taking their turn in the HoH shower now. Because I guess there's a Fucking Sign-Up Sheet now or something.

1 minute ago, zorak said:

But then she added the hook up part.

I missed that part over the sound of my eyes rolling out of my head and bouncing off the hardwood.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I keep waiting for Jackson to bust into the storage room all Kool-Aid man style on the search for munchies but I forgot that he and Holly are taking their turn in the HoH shower now. Because I guess there's a Fucking Sign-Up Sheet now or something.

It's so nasty.  When Christie was rehashing everything she talked about with Nicole she said she was going to shower and then they all made some comment that made her understand that people had been up there fucking and it hadn't been cleaned or something.  Then Christie said something about how everyone in the house is having fun except for her.

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Yeah no, there's Jackson eating after all. 

I've clocked each couple at around 20 minutes per fun time shower. 

And now Nicole is asking Production via her mic if she can just sit in the upstairs DR for a bit, no one has to talk to her or anything.

Just now, zorak said:

It's so nasty.  When Christie was rehashing everything she talked about with Nicole she said she was going to shower and then they all made some comment that made her understand that people had been up there fucking and it hadn't been cleaned or something.  Then Christie said something about how everyone in the house is having fun except for her.

Jack would definitely be willing to help her out.

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