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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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Now that Ovi has left Tommy is saying that Ovi made good points.  Tommy mentioned that Kat doesn't even want to be there.  Fish cam for awhile and now Christie is saying that she got a crazy sign "on vacation" (their code for their time right before they came into the house) that Kat was supposed to be the first person to go.  And right after she said that, the camera switched to a different feed.  Damn this show!

Now Ovi's talking to himself saying he doesn't know if he can do this and pull himself off the block.

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Jack: "I just know that Kemi and Jess don't like me because Ovi had over-spoken that he had an alliance with me."
Tommy: "Got it."
Jack: "Which therefore - which therefore because I've made an alliance, I'm the bad guy."
Tommy: "Uh huh."
Jack: "Even though - yeah."

There we go, folks. Jack's hate-on for Kemi is totally justified because Ovi said something and Kemi didn't like Jack first so na-na-na-boo-boo!

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Nicole and Bella have been in the storage room while the rest of the house (minus Ovi) is in the kitchen with Tommy teaching them his dance.  Nicole is pissed that they're all out there living it up while Ovi is upset and crying (he's in the DR now).  Cliff came in and now the 3 of them are talking about how bad they feel for Ovi.  Nicole basically said that everyone always says, "it's a game" but everyone seems to forget that they're all still human beings.  She's big on empathy and she wouldn't want people acting that way if she was the one on her way out.  

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41 minutes ago, zorak said:

She's big on empathy and she wouldn't want people acting that way if she was the one on her way out.  

I totally understand that and I love that she's being so empathetic and kind to Ovi, but unfortunately if the whole house went into mourning every time someone was on their way out, it would be pretty much nonstop doom and gloom for the whole season, and none of us would watch. 

Edited by Melina22
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Ovi all night: *tells them all everything except that he has the power*

Ovi: "That's just the way the cookie crumbles." Self-aware or unfortunate choice of wordage?

Ovi: "I've got one last trick up my sleeve. I'll let it out in the morning."


Edited by Callaphera
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Jackson: complains about how expensive the food is that BB gives them
Jackson: complains when Jessica cooks more than one steak for 12 HGs
Jackson earlier today: complains that he ate too much and he won't eat anything else tonight

Jackson now: stands in front of the open refrigerator (My mom: "What, are we air conditioning the whole fucking neighbourhood?") and eats. all. damned. day. 

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Okay now* Jackson is eating out of cereal boxes (and putting them back on top of the fridge wide open without even rolling the bag down!) and dropping bits on the floor and BB was kind enough to give us a nice close-up zoom of the crud they've all been collecting in the space between the counter and the fridge because I guess no one thinks to fit the broom into that space? 

More than anything, I'm super pissed about the open cereal boxes. Because I have been there first thing in the morning and you think you're going to get a delicious bowl of snap, crackle, and pop and instead you get kinda soft, definitely stale, not even a murmur sadness in a bowl. But also AAAANTS! Which I'm worried about because we haven't heard anything about the annual migration indoors but I have heard that they had gnats at one point. 

*now was actually about five minutes ago but I worked up such a head of steam about the cereal that I'm not even eating that it took me awhile to type this. Also because I was eating pancakes.

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So Ovi downloads everything about the power to Jack and Son - including the most likely lie that if Ovi gets voted out, there will be a Battleback and his power will still be active (uh, no but okay). Jack and Son tell Ovi that they need some time and space to think about this. He leaves and Jackson immediately had visions of Kat's eviction transitioning into Holly's pants dancing in his head. Jack immediately says no, they need to get rid of Ovi anyway but if they can swing the numbers...

Jackson leaves the room to get a shirt and Jack immediately stares directly into one camera with a camera-ready "BWUH?!" face. Turns to stare at the opposite camera with the same face and a "Whaaaat?!" Takes down his hair, rearranged his BWUH?! face and does another "Whaaaat?!" just in case the first one wasn't good enough for the editors to use during the show.

Jack and Jackson are pretty clear on the fact that they're throwing away their H8ful Pretty People of Instagram alliance but the 6 Sh66ters are still together if they decide to keep Ovi. They're a little choked that he waited so long to tell them but they're trying to puzzle out the next few weeks to see how to use this to their advantage and whether they want to or not. They're still workshopping this before they take it to others.

Jackson: "Dude, this is heeeeavy."
Jack: "I can't believe he has it."
Jackson: "I can. I can. He's a genius."

Jackson: "This game just got interesting."

It sounds like they're keeping Ovi if they can work it right.

ETA: Jack and Jackson are kinda laughing about how brief their goodbye messages to Kat were. Hilariously, because she was so sure she was staying, she asked them all (before they went to do the messages) to leave her scathing goodbye messages knowing that they wouldn't be seen. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Jack: "We have to tell the team."
Jackson: "We have to keep Ovi."

Jackson: "Think about it - we're taking guaranteed safety away from us to - do what? Trust Nick and Bella?"
Jack: "Fuck."

They keep going back and forth on this. 

Jackson: "This is hands down one of the toughest decisions I've ever seen [in Big Brother]."

They keep saying that they're going to take this to Holly and Analyse but Jack says that Holly ran her mouth about a 3 person alliance on day 3 to Bella and Jack doesn't trust Holly now. 


Also also Jackson was telling Jack not to throw his game away for a girl (Christie, in this case, which is all new and exciting information) and I guess the news about the power made Jack and/or Jackson so worried about Ovi's power that they had the nervous farts and stunk up the entire RV room to the point that Cliff can't go in there and they need to go get the air freshener from the bathroom to air it out. I'm, like, 6 so I'm dying of laughter over here.

Jack and Jackson have now moved into the boatroom to discuss this further. And probably fart some more.

In other news, Kemi is missing, the other HGs have her mic, and they keep calling her to the DR downstairs. Nicole, Kat, and then Cliff have all checked with the douches in the boatroom to see if they know where Kemi is and wondering if this has to do with the Nightmare power.

Jack: "What the fuck is going on tonight?"

The theory is that Kemi is in the hallway between the house and DR and that she's upset about something. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON.

Edited by Callaphera
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The Case of the Missing Kemi, (Nancy Drew Mysteries #28837): The last time she was seen, she was visibly upset and reading the Bible. Her microphone was left clipped onto her pillow. Jack thinks she's "spiraling" and keeps pretending to be sympathetic and worried and wants to be kept in the loop.

Jackson: "They've never had anyone self-evict in 21 seasons." (LOLwut?)
Christie: "No, that girl - Meg - Meg did."

Edited by Callaphera
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35 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Ovi just told The Two Douches about the power, how it works, and how he's willing to use it for the next week to guarantee their safety. 

Jack: "That's big. That's big."

Ovi is just laying everything out there.

At this point, what the hell does Ovi have to lose?  And whether by happenstance or by design, Ovi just just happened to lay this gift-wrapped present at the feet of his biggest personal obstruction in the majority alliance - Jack.

Wondering how long it takes this pair of Jackoffs to suss out that at this point the only way to save Ovi without exposing his Nightmare Power is to cook up an indictment (real or imagined) against Kat, and hope they can work enough magic between now and the eviction vote to make it stick.

36 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Jack and Jackson are pretty clear on the fact that they're throwing away their H8ful Pretty People of Instagram alliance but the 6 Sh66ters are still together if they decide to keep Ovi.

Swear to GOD on my first pass I read that as “6 Shitters”.  🤣🤣🤣

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Jackson and Jack are telling Tommy and Christie that Ovi has the power and what it does.

Christie: "Isn't that perfect? We're getting him out. The power is gone."
Jackson: "But if we keep him, he had guaranteed that he is on our side and he will use it for us-"
Christie: "Yeah, I'm sorry. He didn't tell me that and I'm HoH so it's not fine with me."
Jackson: "He - Granted, if you had the power, until you felt it was absolutely necessary, would you tell anyone?"
Christie: "I feel like it's pretty necessary. He's going home tomorrow."
Jackson: "But that's - that's his last egg that he's sittin' on it."
Christie: "I - I- I appreciate you guys telling me that but that shows me that he would never use it to save me because he didn't tell me about it."
Jackson: "Not necessarily."
Christie: "And I also know that he went to each and every single person today and said 'I have your back, I'm not saying this to everybody. I just want you to know that I will never do this and I will never do that' and I don't feel comfortable with a power like that. Smoke it the fuck out. I manifested this. I wanted to smoke it out. I didn't know he had it. It's gone. No, I'm sorry, I'm not changing my mind. I appreciate you telling me that."
Jack: "And we-"
Christie: "And the fact that I made that decision without even knowing any of it, it's solidified it to me."

BUT I THOUGHT YOU HAD A SIGN THAT KAT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO FIRST, CHRISTIE. Do I need to quote my own post from earlier to show you the receipts?

3 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Swear to GOD on my first pass I read that as “6 Shitters”.  🤣🤣🤣

Why do you think I wrote it that way? LOL

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Christie is 100% against keeping Ovi because she thinks the power is too strong and there's absolutely no guarantee that Ovi will use it on their side. Tommy is with Christie. Jack and Jackson keep trying to spin it that they can use it to point the finger away from Ovi (because it wasn't used when he was the renom) and because if it does get used, make everyone think that it was Bella's power. Christie also said that if Ovi ends up going out and comes back in a Battleback and the power is still active, all they have to do is tell everyone that he has the power and smoke it out that way.

Jack and Jackson are gonna have trouble with this one. 

Christie: "It's not worth the risk. The risk is not worth the reward."

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But honestly what does Christie's opinion really matter on this subject.  She made the noms, now it is out of her hands.  If they can find enough people willing to work with them to keep Ovi, then it would not matter what she wants and it becomes "the will of the house".

Edited by BK1978
Because I make very stupid typos that need fixing...
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3 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

But honestly what does Christie's opinion really matter on this subject.  She made the noms, not it is out of her hands.  If they can find enough people willing to work with them to keep Ovi, then it would not matter what she wants and it becomes "the will of the house".

It's another season of "whatever the HoH wants"/vote with the house. 

Christie has shut it down and Jackson has a horrible poker face because he says he's okay with it but it doesn't look like he is. Christie also told them that Cliff and Nicole were taking Ovi's ouster the worst - so if they do want to continue on this keep Ovi path, they should go and talk to those two. I'm curious to see what the Douches say when Christie and Tommy leave the room.

Now Christie is saying that her gut was saying "Not Kemi this week, not Kemi this week" and that it won't be a girl, "it's gotta be a guy" but earlier she had a sign saying that Kat would go in the first eviction? Go sniff some essential oils, Christie. 

Christie says that if it's a tie, she'll send Ovi out anyway.

Edited by Callaphera
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46 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Jackson leaves the room to get a shirt and Jack immediately stares directly into one camera with a camera-ready "BWUH?!" face. Turns to stare at the opposite camera with the same face and a "Whaaaat?!" Takes down his hair, rearranged his BWUH?! face and does another "Whaaaat?!" just in case the first one wasn't good enough for the editors to use during the show.

32 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

The theory is that Kemi is in the hallway between the house and DR and that she's upset about something. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON.

They kept cutting the cameras back to the jackasses but Nick was asking Bella if he could help Kemi and Bella was saying that she was upset for reasons that don't have to do with the game. Nick wanted to tell her he was a therapist and is there to talk if she wishes. Several days ago, Kemi said something to Jack about bonding with Bella over both undergoing a similar situation, and it alluded to sexual assault or molestation. They cut away when Bella was saying something to Nick about the conversation that upset Kemi so I don't know but it sounded like they were discussing something deep and upsetting from home.

14 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

BUT I THOUGHT YOU HAD A SIGN THAT KAT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO FIRST, CHRISTIE. Do I need to quote my own post from earlier to show you the receipts?

She said she got something that was for Kat while she was in sequester - vacation/Mexico/whatever and it obviously meant that Kat was to go first. 

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I really need to get to bed, but watching the braintrust that is the Jackoffs try to figure out what to do with Ovi's bombshell has so far been the highlight of this season. They even said it was the hardest decision ever on BB. Not only do they bring out the absolute worst in each other, somehow they are more stoopid together. They run in circles around each other never really reaching a result. it must be like studying hamsters or something except hamsters can and do learn. 

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Just now, vb68 said:

I really need to get to bed, but watching the braintrust that is the Jackoffs try to figure out what to do with Ovi's bombshell has so far been the highlight of this season. They even said it was the hardest decision ever on BB. Not only do they bring out the absolute worst in each other, somehow they are more stoopid together. They run in circles around each other never really reaching a result. it must be like studying hamsters or something except hamsters can and do learn. 

It was hilarious to watch Jack try to swing it to Tommy again in the storage room and Tommy again bring up the fact that yeah, Ovi can save the first two nominees but if someone is coming for their sooper sekrit H8ful alliance... the HoH would just put two more of their alliance on the block. You could practically hear the gears in Jack's head grind to a halt as he tried to puzzle his way out of that one and couldn't

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9 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I just love that Jack and Son can't say their REAL reason for wanting Ovi to stay, which is that they know he means safety for THEM.

And you can practically see Jack screaming inside his head, "How do I flip this vote without telling everyone the reason!?!" Jack wants that power so bad he can taste it. And in addition, Ovi kissing Jack's ass in particular just feeds his massive ego. I think Jack was sold on it the second Ovi said that it shows that he is in their back pockets. 

Edited by vb68
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5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Jackson leaves the room to get a shirt and Jack immediately stares directly into one camera with a camera-ready "BWUH?!" face. Turns to stare at the opposite camera with the same face and a "Whaaaat?!" Takes down his hair, rearranged his BWUH?! face and does another "Whaaaat?!" just in case the first one wasn't good enough for the editors to use during the show.

Gawd, this guy is such a tool. 🙄🙄🙄

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7 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I totally understand that and I love that she's being so empathetic and kind to Ovi, but unfortunately if the whole house went into mourning every time someone was on their way out, it would be pretty much nonstop doom and gloom for the whole season, and none of us would watch. 

Yeah, this is true. I'd like to think that Nicole meant that they shouldn't be celebrating the night before an eviction, which is fair. 

7 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think that's what gets me about Jessica. I think she's very sweet and a good person, but she's just so naive about how this game works that I just can't stand her sometimes. She's so oblivious and she has to know that her Pollyanna shit isn't going to fly in the BB House. Same with Nicole here. 

Jessica is working for an all girls alliance, and that's pretty much the only gameplay I've seen from her on the feeds. 

Nicole's actually a lot better than Jessica. Nicole's goal isn't for an all girls alliance and she's actually working with what she's got. Look at how much information she was able to gather during the Ovi pitch because the other side of the house was too stupid to try to get rid of her before talking some game.

No surprise that Ovi told the Jackoffs, which is why he has to go. The fact that his first thought WASN'T to tell the person that had the decency to tell him the truth about his eviction (Nicole) or the guy being really nice to him (Cliff) says a lot about Ovi as a gameplay. Ovi is a crappy gameplayer, point blank. Kat isn't much better but Ovi's just downright terrible and I can see what would happen if he stays; he'll just work with the Jackoffs because he wants to be a cool kid. Ovi will choose the people who treat him like crap behind his back just to fit in, rather than the actual people who like him. 

Ovi telling the Jackoffs doesn't even help matters because they don't have as much power as they think they do. Jack has no control in the house, even if he thinks he does, and Jackson also doesn't have much power. Ovi would have been better off going to Christie first, or Holly, or Tommy. One of those three would have had more power to flip the votes than Aquadouche or Son of Jack. 

And that is why I am thankful for an Ovi eviction tonight. I can't watch this guy fumble through the game for another week. I can't watch him mistakenly use his power on the Jacks and endangering houseguests that I like better. Kat's a disaster, but she's had some really shining moments. Ovi is just a drag and I really do not get the appeal to him when his gameplay is the worst this season...in a season filled with not so good gameplay.

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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Jackson and Jack are telling Tommy and Christie that Ovi has the power and what it does.

Christie: "Isn't that perfect? We're getting him out. The power is gone."

Christie: "Yeah, I'm sorry. He didn't tell me that and I'm HoH so it's not fine with me."

Christie: "I - I- I appreciate you guys telling me that but that shows me that he would never use it to save me because he didn't tell me about it."

Christie: "And I also know that he went to each and every single person today and said 'I have your back, I'm not saying this to everybody. I just want you to know that I will never do this and I will never do that' and I don't feel comfortable with a power like that. Smoke it the fuck out. I manifested this. I wanted to smoke it out. I didn't know he had it. It's gone. No, I'm sorry, I'm not changing my mind. I appreciate you telling me that."

Disclaimers: #1, she’s right; the smart play would be to get the power out (although it looks like there might not even be an eviction tonight 🙄🙄🙄) and #2, Ovi is a woosy snoozefest and since I’m here for the dramz I’d rather they keep Kat and

#3, as someone wiser than I pointed out, remember that *all* these people are attention seeking d-bags to one degree or another, so no sympathy (and at least they don’t have to deal with fucking PAUL and the koolaid guzzlers!); so ovi needs to grow a pair; this is the game he signed up for...

That being said, 

how DARE Ovi not immediately come kiss her ring and announce his power to her, first, immediately, and humbly! All she did was, you know, *nominate him for eviction*. In a backdoor fashion nonetheless. And now he’s not loyal to the queen? Off with his head! 

I can’t with this bitch. Cancel the eviction if you must (ha! That would actually be hysterical now that they know about the power, watching them all freak out!) bring David back from wherever he is. Bring back 3 returnees (as long as none of them have last names that start with the letter A or G). I don’t even care. Just get a new HOH, *stat*!!!!! And get her ass on the block. Preferably next to Tommy. Let’s see how long she can keep her *own* secret. 

Edited by CringeWatcher
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