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If Christie trusts Cliff enough to not use her power and then Cliff is savage enough to put her on the block, I will take back any bad things I've ever thought about Cliff.

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Just now, missyb said:

Is what Chris is telling Jack exactly wha Cliff said ? That she deserved to keep her power ?  That CLiff suggested this or was it CHristie.

Cliff really did seem to offer this up to her.

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Jackson just asked Holly if she had started her period yet.  She said no.  She thinks it'll be tomorrow but says she's not worried (about being pregnant I assume).  Jackson said he's not worried.  He just wanted to know how much time they have until things get messy.  What does she see in him??? What does any girl see in him???

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Analyse:  "Kat beat me."

Jack:  "Kat's in MENSA."

Get Raven on the phone to confirm.

Tommy is talking to Holly and Jackson about Cliff.  Tommy seems very skeptical.

Jackson is telling them that if he wins HOH next week, he's putting Cliff up.

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Holly:  "Are your teeth still chipped?" If there was an organization that was the exact opposite of MENSA, I feel most of these people would be eligible.

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Christie's already breaking her word to Cliff that certain things would stay between them.  She's telling Tommy about how Cliff told her whatever it was that Cliff said about Jackson and Kat (and I can't remember who else) wanting to be in an alliance with him because they're southerners.  Christie even acknowledged that she was breaking her word to Cliff by telling Tommy this but said she had to.

Edited by zorak
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Cliff's daughter gives her blessing for the potential blindside and further on in the comments says that Cliff had gotten their blessing to swear on his family and break promises before he left. Let's hope he remembers.

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1 minute ago, MKL122788 said:

Did Jackson really put deodorant down his pants and swipe it around? I can’t even with that...

I either missed that part or already repressed the memory.  I saw him putting it on his pits.  

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5 minutes ago, MKL122788 said:

Did Jackson really put deodorant down his pants and swipe it around? I can’t even with that...


No. What?


I probably don't wanna know. But I do. 

No, fuck it. I'm gonna go stare at Captain America's ass some more.

Edited by Callaphera
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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

No, fuck it. I'm gonna go stare at Captain America's ass some more.

Keep us informed of any swamp ass developments.  We can add it to the list of reasons to hate him.

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No offense to Cliff, but I just don't see him being clever enough to pull this off. It would be a Dan's Funeral level event. 

So I'm back to thinking he legitimately is offering to backdoor Bella.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Cliff re-enactment was adorable as hell and Nicole and (ugh) Tommy were cute aliens. 

So of course I'm totally waiting for Jack and Son to get into a room and just fucking drag Cliff for this. Because you know they will. 

Although it wasn't M&Ms in the ET movie, guys. It was Reese's Pieces. Mac and Me is still the superior movie, though.

Edited by Callaphera
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A little gem that slipped under the radar just before the moon landing re-enactment: Jackson won't eat pickles. So we know that there's at least one thing he won't eat and that there should be lots of pickles every week since he won't be inhaling them.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

A little gem that slipped under the radar just before the moon landing re-enactment: Jackson won't eat pickles. So we know that there's at least one thing he won't eat and that there should be lots of pickles every week since he won't be inhaling them.

I saw him telling Holly or somebody earlier today that he doesn't like pickles.  But since he's a douche who does things like throw out cookie dough and dump mouthwash, he'd probably throw out pickles in secret if it was something that everyone else was eating a lot of.

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3 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Can I join you so I can ogle Bucky Barnes? I promise to keep my commentary classy.

Only if you don't keep it classy. Because no matter how many times I've watched the Captain America trilogy, I keep hoping that this will be the super secret director's cut where he and Cap just make out for the last twenty minutes. 

Bucky/Cap - still a better love story than Twilight. 

6 minutes ago, zorak said:

I saw him telling Holly or somebody earlier today that he doesn't like pickles.  But since he's a douche who does things like throw out cookie dough and dump mouthwash, he'd probably throw out pickles in secret if it was something that everyone else was eating a lot of.

The mouthwash is, like, the most perplexing thing about this. Like cookie dough, yeah, that would piss me off if it meant that Jessica was "baking" more "cookies". But mouthwash? BB probably had an extreme couponing intern a few years back that got years worth of that shit for, like, three cents. (That's been my theory since that time that they got some stuff on delivery day that was dated for the previous year.)

Edited by Callaphera
minutes, not seconds. I want to enjoy it, not have it over as quickly as Nick has sex
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13 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Cliff re-enactment was adorable as hell and Nicole and (ugh) Tommy were cute aliens. 

So of course I'm totally waiting for Jack and Son to get into a room and just fucking drag Cliff for this. Because you know they will. 

Although it wasn't M&Ms in the ET movie, guys. It was Reese's Pieces. Mac and Me is still the superior movie, though.

Very important catch! As I recall, M &Ms snubbed the movie, and it ended up being the making of Reese's Pieces, who weren't too proud to go for the product placement.

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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Only if you don't keep it classy. Because no matter how many times I've watched the Captain America trilogy, I keep hoping that this will be the super secret director's cut where he and Cap just make out for the last twenty minutes. 

Bucky/Cap - still a better love story than Twilight. 

The lengths Steve would go to in order to save and protect Bucky... I was like "I get it. I've seen the eyes and the abs too."

Needless to say, yes, I can definitely promise to not keep it classy. 

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Christie has until Monday 11 am to decide to use her power. She's currently floating the idea that Cliff backdoors Bella instead of Christie using her power to Jackson with a pantless, shirtless green-faced Tommy lurking in the background, which is kinda hilarious because you know this is probably going to end up on TV if Cliff does end up fucking the Six somehow (earlier, before the Veto was played, to Nick and Bella, Cliff said that he would take a shot at either Tommy or Holly if one of the Jacks came down). 

Christie seems to trust Cliff. Jackson is making faces but I think it's more because he doesn't like that he won't be able to take a shot at Cliff for the next two weeks if they take this deal. 

Christie: "This is a win. This is a win if we don't put him up."

Jackson just said: "Done." They like it because Christie gets to keep her power, they all get another shot at HoH next week. It pisses Jackson off on a personal level because this is all happening after the Veto but he admits that they also shit the bed in voting Cliff out only to have him come back.

Edited by Callaphera
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After Cliff fucks over the six with a different non-Bella backdoor (oh please, Santa, I've been such a good girl this year!), I need Boogie to take a megaphone and stand outside the wall and repeat his line about bouncing cheques in the BB house when they're all in the backyard chilling one night. 

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So basically, I need a Cliff talk tomorrow morning. Either it’s going to be an epic blindside, or Christie keeps her power, keeps her six, and I go back to hating this season. Cliff, honey, as a fellow Houstonian I beg you to buy a fucking clue!

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4 hours ago, OldWiseOne said:

When Nick was HOH he said something about brussel sprouts and Christie took that to mean she was going up as a replacement nom.

OMG how could I forget that ridiculousness? Looking back I think I was oxygen-deprived, because I sat through that entire clip of Christie’s paranoia with my mouth gaping open but too stunned to breathe. 

3 hours ago, zorak said:

Cliff is planning on doing a moon landing around 9:30.  I'm not sure what exactly that's going to entail.

I am very happy that it went nowhere close to the first idea of “moon” which crossed my mind. 

3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

This season is hopeless. The people who aren't heinous are stupid as fucking hell.

I think that some of them (okay, Nicole mostly) are just too darn nice to fully recognize just how insincere and conniving the others are being. They might suspect they’re being played, but then the niceness kicks in and all sense goes away. 

I suspect Christie gets away with her lies and retellings because no one can listen intently enough or long enough to fully take in every thing she says. Her mouth is a perpetual motion machine. Or, as an actual writer said without even knowing Christie, “A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, and signifying nothing.”

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I had to post this again because the idea of Christie being the best player ever still cracks me up two hours later. 

Now watch, Christie will win this thing just to spite me. 

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4 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

So basically, I need a Cliff talk tomorrow morning. Either it’s going to be an epic blindside, or Christie keeps her power, keeps her six, and I go back to hating this season. Cliff, honey, as a fellow Houstonian I beg you to buy a fucking clue!

That's the confusing thing - HE HAS THE CLUE and yet he might still be dumb enough to still fuck it all up. That's where I just can't figure it out. He's either pulling off one of the most clever moves in the history of Big Brother or he's a moron. How can I not know which one it is? How crazy is that that there are really only two options - he's either extremely clever or he's a moron. 

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Analyse about Cliff: "I was saying earlier that I wanted to cut his dick off."

Go back to being an end table, please. You suck. 

What the hell is wrong with this chick?

To quote the great Trevor Philips from GTA5, "She looks like she struggles with simple tasks."

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About the Cliff deal:

Jack: "You think he's gonna do it?"
Jackson: "Uh huh. If he doesn't, we're fucked."
Tommy: "If he doesn't, he's fucked."

If he does, Cliff's fucked, too. But he goes out in one of the bigger blazes of glory this game has seen in awhile. 

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Just now, BK1978 said:

What the hell is wrong with this chick?

To quote the great Trevor Philips from GTA5, "She looks like she struggles with simple tasks."

Yeah, what ever happened to more genteel insults, like “Fuck off and die?”

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Relistening to the conversation between CHris and Cliff from earlier. Chris is so good. So convincing . Divulges everyones secrets. Deflects everything from her. Outright tells lies. And she comes out smelling like a rose and everyone wants to work with her.

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Sam said (to Nick and Bella so who knows?) that if Christie uses her power, he'll nominate her next week if he wins HoH because it'll be the third blindside she's been involved in.

There should be lots of questioning quotation marks in that statement because you know he's all big talk and no action but he did say it. 

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Please, please, please...Cliff, keep on keeping on.  This is the week where you can upset the house and give us a game.  If you don't hold solid against the other side (Gr8ful, Unde9able, 6Shooters, whatever) then it will be a Pagonging to the end.  I think on one level, you know this.  I think on another level, you can be distracted by the swirling stupidity around you due to Christie's power, and then do something stupid.  Fake it.  Make a deal, break the deal.  This is your only chance to the endgame.  Fuck this up, and you are dead to me, moon landing or not...

Seriously.  Cliff was the obvious first elimination.  Cliff was also the total dark horse <snerk> to come back from Camp Comeback.   He's got some mojo, and as someone with some meat on his resume, he needs to take a breath, stay strong, and break the back of the dragon.

Please.  Let us have some nice things.

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