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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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I was hoping this was going to be better and it sucks because they're all so fucking smarmy about what they're saying.

Sam: "I really didn't want to disappoint CBS-" TOO LATE, ASSHOLES.

Sorry, that took awhile to type because I always take off the headphones when they start banging and yelling. 

I wish Nicole wasn't in the DR so that she could go ham on these people. 

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Jack is incredibly proud of the honesty, integrity, strength, and character of the house.  He thinks this season will be the greatest season BB has ever had.  

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Jack: "blah blah honestly, integrity, character, and strength blah SEEEEEND IT!!!!"

Well, it's no "charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent" but you tried.

Oh and now Christie wants to go on about integrity, too. Fuck. You. All. 

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Just now, Cutty said:

Christie is such a phony piece of shit that I'm actually questioning whether she's actually gay. 

I forgot who said it but I think she's gay in the way Natalie from BB18 was "straight."

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Just now, missyb said:

Did Nick say one of the 8 ??

Yep!  I noticed that, too.  He probably figures everyone knows and it doesn't matter because they've got the numbers.

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I had to turn the feeds off during that so-called gratitude circle.  I just can't listen to it.

However, I am grateful for this board.  Everyone brings humor and wit to even the worst of things that we see and hear on the feeds!  ::bangs her desk repeatedly nearly causing her wine glass to fall off:: Send it!

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Christie: "David's weird but I'm coming around to his kind of weirdness."

He was clearing the table and washing dishes. SO WEIRD. 

I want someone to clue him in on what Christie was saying about him when he first came back in the house.  It wouldn't change anything but it'd be nice for someone to call Christie out for once.  I'm sure she'd try to explain it away.

Edited by zorak
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This is all part of David's  carefully crafted plan . To be pleasant, unoffending, smiling, socializing. Playing the best social game . Inside, he is shaking his head .

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Analyse walked into the storage room with Sam and said, "That was some good drama.  You're welcome, Live Feeds.  You're welcome, Big Brother."

Nick just told Christie and Jack that Nicole is probably going to want to talk to him but he needs someone in there with them.  Christie says to take one guy and one girl.  Also, Christie is telling Jack that she's glad that the whole thing happened.

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Just now, ByaNose said:

Obviously, the 8 or 9 don’t care that we hate them. Those people are the biggest and jerkiest alliance ever. This is what my summer has come to. Ugh!!!!

No, it's worse. They think we must love them and that they're the best season ever! 

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I'm honestly surprised about Holly. She's not a child, she's 31. She also has mentioned not having the easiest life and not really being able to relate to some of the Gr8ful because they;re so young. Yet there she is in the HoH room guffawing with the rest of them.

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Christie:  "I don't believe in isolating anyone but she did this."  Fuck you, Christie.  Now Tommy's going on saying that he feels like he's similar to Nicole but that he knew coming in, he needed to pick a side.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

No, it's worse. They think we must love them and that they're the best season ever! 

That’s might be true. They’re playing the game (of hate) & think true fans want people to play the game. Unbeknownst to them we see the live feeds & see what horrible people they are.

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So I've been crazy busy the last few weeks and have only watched the episodes, but now that life is calming down, I thought it would be a good time to get caught up on the feeds and on here. Well, let's just say I wish I hadn't caught up on the feeds.

I don't remember ever hating so many people so fast. Like is there anything redeemable about the Nasty Nine at all? And I know so many seasons there is the big huge alliance and we all freak out and then it implodes and it gets kind of fun, but there isn't even a single person in the nine that I like, so just .... ughh. (I thought from the episodes that I liked Sam and that he had some good sense but did he seriously just join an alliance knowing he's the ninth person in it????)

What is this horrible season?

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Has Nicole come out of the DR yet? If not, she's officially at one hour of DR time.

I think Holly said something to Christie about Nicole being in the bathroom.  Christie said that she doesn't think Nicole was in the DR that whole time.  She thinks she was hiding out in the RV room and that she told Jess when Jess went looking for her to tell the rest of them that she was in the DR.  

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Nicole sighting in the RV room.

Also, to no one's surprise, Jackson is eating. Yes, they just ate dinner. Yes, he just ate half of Holly's portion plus his own. I'm really curious to know how much he spends on groceries in a single week. 

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Nicole is speculating to Kemi that after the veto meeting when the cool kids all went up to HOH that Bella told them that Nicole had been telling her that they wanted to get her and Nick out.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Christie is asking David if he came in wanting to fuck stuff up but now has changed his tune because he actually likes the people in the house.

And BOOM! all of Christie's white privilege pours out if her empty head.

Yes...the black guy just wanted to fuck stuff up but he's changed because if how wonderful the white folk are.

He never wanted to fuck stuff up, you just assumed he did because he triggered all of your racism just by existing.

No Christie., David hasn't changed because of your presence. David has just had a lifetime of putting his head down and ignoring fuckheads like you, you condescending piece of shit.

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1 minute ago, Sketcher said:

And BOOM! all of Christie's white privilege pours out if her empty head.

Yes...the black guy just wanted to fuck stuff up but he's changed because if how wonderful the white folk are.

He never wanted to fuck stuff up, you just assumed he did because he triggered all of your racism just by existing.

No Christie., David hasn't changed because of your presence. David has just had a lifetime of putting his head down and ignoring fuckheads like you, you condescending piece of shit.

This is when I miss Elyssa Reilly. Because yeah she could be annoying but you know if she were there she would have called Christie out on saying shit like that.

Actually Rachel would have too.

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Just now, zorak said:

Kemi started to tell Nicole something that Jackson kept saying in the lockdown but BB switched to the fishcam before she could say what he had said.

Lockdown has come up in a few conversations today in regards to Nicole and each time it gets FISHed. So something big happened or was said but we're not allowed to know for some reason. 

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For some reason Kemi seems to think that Ovi and Jack still have a tight connection.  Well, she missed the mark on that one.

Nicole asked Kemi if she thinks there's a backdoor plan.  Kemi said no, at least not an intentional one.

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Kemi has such a bad read on Christie and Tommy. As bad as Ovi and Jess. Tommy was leading the charge on pinning this on Nicole.

Edited by missyb
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Kemi really wants to know what all happened in the HOH room because she just doesn't see Christie and Tommy as being that way.  Nicole agrees.  She says they have integrity.  Please let everyone get a clue about how entrenched Christie and Tommy are in all of the goings on!

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Jackson is in the bathroom playing dumb to Jess about what all went on in the HOH room.  He said he was trying to stay out of it and not get caught in the crossfire.  The fact that he's not really cluing her in on what all transpired should tell her where she stands.  I mean, the fact that she wasn't in the room with them all should have been a pretty big clue but this is Jessica that we're talking about.

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Sam's in the HOH room talking to Bella about pretending to be excited about the 9 person alliance because they were unaware that he already knew about the 8 person alliance that he wasn't in.

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Nicole just told Kemi that she plans on telling Nick and Bella since she's already in deep doodoo that they are deluded if Nick and Bella think the rest of them are taking them to final 6.

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Christie just finished revealing to Tommy the terms of her power.  

Christie says she is definitely going to have to tell Jack at some point before she uses the power that she has it.

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Christie just finished revealing to Tommy the terms of her power.  

Christie says she is definitely going to have to tell Jack at some point before she uses the power that she has it.

It  doesn't sound as if she really understands it. If she is on the block, veto is not used, I cant imagine she can  let someone else use it on her. She will need to invoke it. I would think ???????

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