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S04.E13: Though This Be Madness, Yet There Be Method In't

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How was Madeline not suspicious of "always asking questions" Tasha? She had so many red flags from the start. Was her man too lazy to take out her and Boston?

Madeline actually allowed them to brings files directly to her office. She should have had them drop it off at the front lobby.

Bond villains were laughing at Madeline at the end.

Why not have more drama and have the president or VP on the Air Force One? Revealing Weitz was on the plane was not satisfying. He can go!  

Of course! Weitz' phone was working and answering it was enough for him to keep his job? The Senior Advisor should be fired for not firing him.

I appreciated the pilot asking for one person to speak and for the rest to basically STFU.

There is a crisis and the FBI sends a team far to bring back Weller and Jane. Why? They added nothing and probably didn't return the rental car.

Zapata fires/kills one the Del Toro bodyguards but decides shooting was too easy, channel her old ninja days, toss the gun like a star to the other bodyguard and go hand to hand.

I like the background FBI agents clapping for a person that did a job they were hired to do.

An entire building came down and somehow the debris misses Tasha and Boston.

If a pilot tells me they are rebooting the plane, it's time to freak out!

I hope the blow to the head knocked some sense in Zapata. 

Great! Another puzzle. The show couldn't afford enough ink to put it on Jane's body?

Edited by mxc90
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8 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

How was Madeline not suspicious of "always asking questions" Tasha? She had so many red flags from the start. Was her man was too lazy to take out Zapata and Boston?

Madeline actually allowed them to brings files directly to her office. She should have had them drop it off at the front lobby.

Bond villains were laughing at Madeline at the end.

Madeline has been really dumb, between not actually checking he's not Del Toro to not actually checking up on Zapata, that and coming up with overcomplicated plans that easily falls apart.

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11 minutes ago, Free said:

Madeline has been really dumb, between not actually checking he's not Del Toro to not actually checking up on Zapata, that and coming up with overcomplicated plans that easily falls apart.

She is trying so hard but keeps failing to destroy the world. I'm almost feeling sorry for her efforts. She should get a "participation award".

Edited by mxc90
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1 hour ago, mxc90 said:

Zapata fires/kills one the Del Toro bodyguards but decides shooting was too easy, channel her old ninja days, toss the gun like a star to the other bodyguard and go hand to hand.

There was only one bullet left in the gun.

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1 hour ago, rlangmit said:

There was only one bullet left in the gun.

Thanks. Missed those lines.

(Watching again) It was mentioned twice there was one but before jumping the two, she pulled the clip out to look at it maybe hoping/praying a second bullet would magically be in it.

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Is it always necessary for the agents to drive at top speed right up to their destination, and then put the vehicle into a four wheel drift with locked up brakes?  Did they save any time?

A little hint, Ms Zapata.  Find somewhere secure to look at your top secret porn, or whatever that was.  You've pissed off just about every big bad out there, as well as most of your allies, and you don't watch out for yourself?

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OK, the plane has to be rebooted in mid-air. I'm good with that. Rebooting will cause the plane to become depressurized. I'm still there. But, neither the pilot nor the co-pilot think that maybe they should make sure they have oxygen masks at hand before rebooting? Too far show. Too far. 

Boston and Zapata actually had some nice chemistry. Maybe she can accompany him on his R&R. 

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20 hours ago, Free said:

Madeline has been really dumb, between not actually checking he's not Del Toro to not actually checking up on Zapata,

Then the new guy shows up and says HE'S Del Toro and Madeline is all okay with that. What would she have done if a third Del Toro came on the scene? And a fourth?

And how many speeding vehicles with flashing lights were needed to locate and bring back Weller and Jane? Really? Seems like one would have been enough.

Interesting that Jane chose to keep her made-up single's name of Doe after marrying Weller. So they are Agent Weller and Agent Doe. I guess hyphenating would have been a little much. Not that this show is ever "a little much."

Edited by saber5055
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19 hours ago, mxc90 said:

She is trying so hard but keeps failing to destroy the world. I'm almost feeling sorry for her efforts. She should get a "participation award".

Exactly, I wonder what she and Del Toro are going to do next.

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Would not at all have minded if Weitz hadn’t made it.  Has he always had the stupid hair or was this just the first time I noticed it?  He grows the front out really long and then slicks it back over the side except I guess this time he forgot the hair gel to indicate how stressed he was?   

Zapata has only one bullet.  Why didn’t she just plug Del Toro in the back of the head, instead of using it on one of the bodyguards?  What if Del Toro had initiated an insta-crash as soon as he heard a gunshot?

I was really hoping that Zapata would have died in the building but alas, it seems we are on track for a touchy Reade/Zapata “you’re my person!!!” reunion at by season’s end.  He should have lost his position weeks ago for his unprofessionalism and inability to make impartial decisions when it comes to her.

Get rid of Zapata and bring Boston on full time.

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On 2/16/2019 at 12:04 PM, Loandbehold said:

OK, the plane has to be rebooted in mid-air. I'm good with that. Rebooting will cause the plane to become depressurized. I'm still there. But, neither the pilot nor the co-pilot think that maybe they should make sure they have oxygen masks at hand before rebooting? Too far show. Too far. 

Del Toro recognized they were rebooting the system and depressurized the plane and affected the oxygen masks as a counter-measure.  The plane depressurized after the system had been rebooted and the pilot had regained control.

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There was so much wrong with the airplane stuff it made my head spin. First of all, this was supposed to be the “new” Air Force One - which in the real world isn’t scheduled to be delivered until like 2023. Okay, whatever. But you don’t get to pilot that bird if you don’t know to put on your oxygen mask at the first sign of trouble. And it’s connected to a bottle, so not something that can be hacked from the ground. Also, none of the chairs in the conference room were bolted down. Gonna be fun when they hit turbulence and those things go flying!

Was it just me, or did the “special assistant to the president” seem like a blend of Ivanka Trump and Kellyanne Conway?

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Of all the dumb episodes, this has to be one of the dumbest.  

Did y'all love how that "cabin in the woods upstate" was on a suspiciously well-lighted street?  Almost like it was shot in Central Park?  Not that it matters, because Jane and Weller added nothing to this storyline whatsoever.  Not a single thing.  Jane being all googlie-eyed is so out of character.  Yeah, I get it, death avoided and all that, but c'mon.  Totally unnecessary.  The makeup department could have held off on those hand and neck tattoos for another week.

The rest of it was mind-numbingly dumb.  Yeah, Zapata got to do her best Black Widow to a couple of security guards, but it was very meh.  Even Boston's quips were subpar.  And blowing up a building doesn't erase all traces of your server farm, dear Maddie.  They just haul it all off to Freshkills and process it through the analysis system they created after 9/11.  Dumb.  

Weitz and the "special assistant" on the plane.  More dumb.  Weitz, who was so cool, calm and collected when going after Zapata with Reade is suddenly hysterical.  And that "special assistant" was just terrible.  And why are you sending a plane on a "repositioning flight"?  It's not a cruise ship that needs to cross the Atlantic at 30 knots so you slow it down and put people on it to make it profitable.  It's a plane. The point of planes is to get to places faster.  Get it in the air, send it on a circular route and then land it for the ceremony.  Just. So. Dumb.  Such lazy writing.  It wasn't even dumb fun.  It was a dreary, stupid slog of dumb.  I really hope it returns to form this week.

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