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Sara Lance: The Canary Rises In White

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I think KC does have difficulties separating her own feelings from those of her character. Which is the whole point of acting. Yes, I remember Laurel seeing Sara's scars after being told by a Doctor that Sara looked like she had been through a war, she half-heartily asked about them and never brought up again and went to give Oliver a hug. 


I actually think that's when her "I drowned too" apology would've worked better. Even though she made what Sara went through about herself. But at least then it would've made a little more sense to apologize to Sara. 

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EW's 21 Butt-Kicking Women in Movies/TV


16. Caity Lotz, Arrow
Trained by the League of Assassins, and Ra's al Ghul himself, the Black Canary has no reason to shy away from a fight, and that's probably why she never does. She's one of the world's best combat fighters and when she's got her bo staff handy, she's downright lethal. —Samantha Highfill

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This is actually an unexpectedly OK list. Although not sure about Clarke - I haven't really seen the new Terminator but it's hard to imagine her in Linda Hamilton's shoes (although I think she's a good enough actress and her Daenerys is better than I hoped).


Nice to see Sara recognized, anyway. Hope she'll become bigger after the show is out.

You guys I have been having so much fun getting Sara stuff at the con! I got that Black Canary funko figure that Arrow is trying to pass off as Laurel but is clearly Sara as well as a few sketches and drawings from artists around the exhibit hall. I'm hoping to find someone dressed as her for photo ops but I'm very happy all the same.

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You guys I have been having so much fun getting Sara stuff at the con! I got that Black Canary funko figure that Arrow is trying to pass off as Laurel but is clearly Sara as well as a few sketches and drawings from artists around the exhibit hall. I'm hoping to find someone dressed as her for photo ops but I'm very happy all the same.


I'm glad you are having fun and getting cool Sara stuff. I was looking for Sara/BC artwork at the conventions by me but couldn't find any. Even at the one Caity was at. I got the Sara Funko figure from Amazon, she's now standing next to my Avengers ones.  

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Does she still have the fishnet pattern in her pants?


They changed it to stripes. 


Caity wrote this on her facebook 


Caity Lotz

September 29 at 10:39pm ·

Hey guys sorry I've been so MIA. As some of you might know we started shooting LEGENDS!!! and it's been crazy (awesome). We got on to the set for the first time this week, and I must say....IT IS REALLY F*ING SWEET. I love our set. I would post pictures but then I'd have to kill you so I'll just wait for ep. 1 to air. It finally feels like a Tv show with a set and a home. I really think that you guys are going to love this show. When I look at each character and how unique everyone is it warms my heart, we're all like a wonderful band of outcasts. I feel so lucky to be apart of this show and so happy to be with such a great group day in day out. UGGGGghhhkkka;sdlkfja;lksdjf;alksdjf I can't wait for you guys to see it.

Edited by Sakura12
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Caity posted this on her instagram.

"And the end of a great shooting day"



The comment she made on her Instagram Post: 


"Goodnight everyone it's been weird." 


Lol.  :D  I keep looking at that picture and I still can't decide if they just ratted her hair to hell and back or ratted it AND stuck a bit of a wig on top as the cherry on everything. 

Edited by BkWurm1

It's kind of amazing how good her hair looks. considering I doubt Sara'd let anyone get close enough to brush it haha.




I'm reasonably satisfied by what they did with Nyssa in this episode to make it plausible that she won't be around for Legends of Tomorrow. It makes sense and I'm very glad she's not dead, and the fact that she obviously still loves Sara keeps it open for them to get back together in the future.



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With Sara being back the way she is. I think this qualifies her as having the darkest most depressing backstory in the DC TV Verse. The fact that she's still going to be fighting the good fight is testimony to what kind of person she is. 


That's why she'll be known as a legend, she's a survivor that will keep fighting even after she's dead. :D

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I think the moment I was a full on Sara fan happened when she was listening to her father talk to Oliver on the other side of the door.  Then in the next episode she revealed she was alive to try to save him. The scene when she heard a noise in the dinner and just about went into attack mode - the look on Lance's face - just about broke me. 

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I think I became a fan when she thanked FS for saving her life. In those brief moments, I believed she was genuine and sincere. Another scene was when she helped FS with her fighting stance. I truly believed that these 2 were on their way to being good friends.

There is just something in CLs performance that is so warm. Despite all she has endured, SL still finds a way to connect with others. She is just someone that seems to draw people in. I also loved the story Nyssa relayed about when she met Ras. To me that seemed like classic SL and why she is such an appealing character.

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There is just something in CLs performance that is so warm. Despite all she has endured, SL still finds a way to connect with others. She is just someone that seems to draw people in.


Her ability to be a fierce, unrelenting fighter without having to walk around with a chip on her shoulder, is something I love.  Make no mistake, she's hardened and will do what is necessary, but that's not where she draws her strength.  I think that does come from trying to connect to her humanity.  I hope we will get to see that still on LoT, even if she's going to be a much more broken of a character.  

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I fell for Sara when she said "No woman should ever suffer at the hands of men" that was such a powerful line and really showed what Sara stood for and why she was wearing a mask. She had a purpose for doing what she was doing from the get go. I also loved that they kept that purpose even when she was crazy. Her need to protect women from men overrode her need to kill Thea even if only for a second. 


I also loved Felicity's line "to stop her or send her a thank you card?" Oliver was all I'm the only vigilante and Felicity's like "go, girl" That's why I think Felicity couldn't hate Sara, she was nice, caring and wanted to help women, despite being a dangerous assassin. CL brought all of that to the table. 

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I fell for Sara when she said "No woman should ever suffer at the hands of men" that was such a powerful line and really showed what Sara stood for and why she was wearing a mask. She had a purpose for doing what she was doing from the get go. I also loved that they kept that purpose even when she was crazy. Her need to protect women from men overrode her need to kill Thea even if only for a second. 

THIS. Both of these have touched me on a deeper level. I hate how they didn't give Sara agency or POV in the latest ep of Arrow, but I freakin' loved that even without her soul or memory, she still protected women. That was powerful and true to her character.


I've recently reconnected with some old friends who turned out to be watching Arrow and Flash, and they are really skeptical about the success of LoT (they think it has too many characters). But I don't care because at least, it will have Sara, and if they fuck her up... Well, I may finally get a Twitter account and blast them to shreds verbally (what? You were expecting something stronger? I guess I'm too nice).

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I'm kind of curious about the change as well.  Like, comic origins aside, you'd think that the White Canary would have more to do with purity and light, but all signs indicate that she's going to be a darker character than she was on Arrow.  It kind of makes me wish, not for the first time, that these shows were a bit less married to the DC comics universe.  I think making her something like Red Canary could have been fun (because, you know, bloodlust), or even Blue Canary (no plot reason, she just looked really good in that blue jacket), but I don't think the production team was really willing/able to make up their own superhero names.  


On a side note, while I still prefer Sara's Canary costume to Laurel's, seeing them side by side really highlighted, in my mind, just how excessive the cleavage is.  

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I figured she was going to go with being reborn.


Although she's still the darkest character in the Flarrow verse and it appears she's not going to be better for awhile. 


Also she must be really confident in her skills to wear white to fight bad guys. I guess she's thinking you aren't going to be standing long enough to bleed on me. 

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