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Felicity Smoak: Bitch With Wifi

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Someone needs to zoom in on the text in the newspaper Wells reads about the merger.

It's not on topic  and the same lines are repeated all over the paper. 



(1st column) "One of the many ways that radiation causes illness is by damaging our DNA.  A university team wanted to find out whether they...

(2nd column) "Our bodies repair DNA in many of the same ways that bacteria does.  So this study sheds light on ways that humans cells...


In the article under the heading FLASH MISSING VANISHES IN CRISIS it is harder to read but when I compared the article that talked about the post office going our of business, many of the same words and sentences were the same so at least for now, they aren't putting clues in the text beyond the bolded headlines. 

  • Love 2

Working on reading the article under the Flash Missing headline.

? = a word I can't figure out


By Evan Gibson

Thursday, April 25, 2024


(1st column)


"A deadly game that played out at the main ?  ? as a ? location this month, with one landing near to where experts ? the total destruction of the toxic stockpile were staying, sources said on Tuesday night.


One rocket strike on the cities port town Central City landed about 500 yards fro the tunnel used by the joint mission of the organization, the sources told the paper on condition of anonymity. 


The observatory said it was the first attack by ? on the area held by anti-government forces.  "It was a bit too close for comfort," The Flash said to reporters.  "It was ? to earlier incidents in Starling City, which were also diverted."  The Flash said three rockets hit the city of almost killing a taxi driver and wounding six others were ? the ?.


Luckily, any deadly crisis was averted.  The Flash also unlikely that Central City - which wields veto powers on with the security council and to cities closest political ally would back sanctions against terror."



In the second column I see they repeated the thing about the taxi driver twice in the first paragraph (pretty much a repeat of the last couple paragraphs in the first column.


2nd paragraph starts with "The deal averted the Central City threat by The Flash that ?(maybe nearly)  killed hundreds of people in the outskirts of the city.  The last progress report issued by the joint ? ? had sent six shipments totaling stock (guessing that last word) 35 percent of the total stock piled by the joint mission said leaders had sent six shipments.


3rd paragraph "Last week they missed the largest (guessing that last word) so (also a guess)  destroy a dozen hangers and underground (I think) production facilities.  It will also  likely ? meet this month's deadline to ?  all chemicals overseas, the sources said. 


4th paragraph " The cost of the operation has/was (not sure)  ?   ?  the hundreds of millions of dollars.  The longer it takes, the more expensive it becomes for the international community which is footing the bill.  In addition to a a long list of ?  [and then it has the bolded word WORLD indicating the article continues elsewhere]


And it just occurred to me that this is not the best place to post this so I'm copying it and bringing it over to the Flash forum.  It's under the Power Outage Episode if you have any comments to make about it. 

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 1

Bringing from crossover thread:


Re: prods living vicariously through women's attraction to Oliver. I don't really see how women being attracted to a guy who looks like Stephen Amell makes Kreisberg or Guggenheim feel good about themselves. You know, no offense, but...and Berlanti is good looking but I doubt he fetishizes the female sexual response.


Similarly it always confuses me when fangirls get accused of living vicariously through Felicity. Like...yeah, a petite 23-yo blonde woman who is the embodiment of the intersection of about a half dozen het male fantasies proving once and for all that women of that description can attract shockingly hot men is really helping me come to terms with my body. Now I have hope!


It's interesting that you see it this way.  My take is that all stories in all mediums, if sufficiently well told, suck the reader/viewer/listener into the story so effectively that they're able to 'live vicariously' through all the characters to one degree or another.  That's why people get so annoyed when they're "taken out of the story" by bad acting or writing or editing, because they're jolted out of the world of the characters and rudely reminded that they're just looking in from the outside, instead of being so immersed in the story that they're feeling and experiencing things right alongside and through the characters.  The joy of a story is that you can cease to be you for a while, and enter into someone else's world, someone else's life.  It's not about making you come to terms with yourself; it's about escaping the confines of your world and yourself entirely and seeing things through someone else's eyes.


Some characters are particularly easy to identify with (like Felicity) - and it's not gender specific - because they say things that the audience is thinking (like "Why does every secret formula have to be a colour - what happened to good old-fashioned clear?") and respond to events in ways to which the audience can readily relate.  Especially in a created world where a lot of suspense of disbelief is required, characters that react the way the viewers are reacting can really help anchor the story and give the viewers a point of reference.  If a story is overly dependent on one character for this, though, it can create backlash when that character begins to evolve and become less of a touchstone for the audience.


There is, I think, a subtle line that can be crossed, when instead of living vicariously through a character and experiencing their world through their unique eyes, a viewer starts super-imposing themselves over a character as a sort of wish fulfilment.  That ceases to be about the character or the story, and becomes instead about the viewer.  I can't imagine that would be a very enjoyable way to watch TV, though, and I shouldn't think many people do this.


I'm a huge Felicity and Olicity fan, first of all.


My thoughts were not about whether or not a person could identify with her, but whether or not the fact that Oliver is attracted to her is something that fangirls are living through vicariously. The ship, not the character herself. She is, off the top of my head, the Girl Next Door, the Girl Who Looks Like The Head Cheerleader From Your High School, the Prettiest Girl You Could Ever Be Brave Enough To Talk To Because She Seems So Approachable, the Stunning Beauty Who Doesn't Seem To Realize How Beautiful She Is, and of course the Hot Hacker and the Sexy Librarian. These are het male fantasies, and she very much fulfills each. It's kind of remarkable that she is all these things, yet they're just a small portion of what's appealing about her.


That doesn't make her any less interesting or important, and it doesn't mean that's all she is. It does mean that this is not some Alyson Hannigan or Felicia Day situation with her, though. There is nothing at all unexpected about two hot young people being attracted to one another. This is not Oliver Queen experiencing an unexpected attraction. What is difficult to believe is that he *wouldn't* be attracted to her.


So, I don't think anybody's taking a look at Felicity and thinking "Hey, if a sexy billionaire superhero can fall in love with her, he could fall in love with me too!" And that is the narrative that anti-Oliciters try to make happen. This doesn't preclude identification with her, but what's going on here is not, IMO, the Jock and the Nerd Girl trope. And I actually think the show has tried to illustrate that with her backstory and the dynamic between them as they've gotten to know each other.

Edited by ostentatious
  • Love 4

Yeah, I don't think Felicity can be considered a plain Jane everywoman--in addition to having a genius-level I.Q. she's also hilarious and uber-hot. I don't think most women share all those traits. If they're like me, I love the idea of Oliver with Felicity because I think she makes him a better person and I find their opposites-attract dynamic interesting and fun to watch, not because I'm harboring some silly fantasy where I'm somehow living vicariously through her.

I think the writers of both shows have given the audience a good reason to believe why she's such superhero bait...wickedly smart, fiercely loyal, and very easy on the eyes. Even I would question my sexuality around her.

  • Love 5

Yeah, there are a lot of things I do identify with about her and aspects of Olicity I live through vicariously...like that she's all those things you said, and as a couple they respect and admire each other, bring out the best in each other, look at each other like they do...but those are not the aspects of their relationship sneerers sneeringly sneer that fangirls are living through vicariously. They insist on this Jock and Nerd trope, which forces me to point out that Felicity is not only played by one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen, but her wardrobe is incredible and so very feminine and pretty...they make no attempt whatsoever to play down her looks and in fact play them *up* like crazy. This show is not trying to lie to us and expect us to think this girl is plain. They know she's beautiful because she's so beautiful you can't pretend she isn't.

  • Love 4

I don't know why but the first time I saw Felicity Smoak...I didn't see her looks. I just saw a really great character who had personality and was super smart. I actually notice her looks after I saw her a lot. The same could be said for others who meet Felicity. Her looks aren't the first thing they notice initially. 


I remember many people were asking about the IT girl with the glasses or The Blonde Girl with the Glasses after EBR's first appearance mainly because she-Felicity was funny, awkward, and sounded smart. No one was talking about how hot she is. People connected with the character for her other qualities first and it never stopped. 


I don't know if I make sense at all. I just wanted to add to discussion about looks. 

  • Love 4

Absolutely. My first thoughts were she's smart, snarky and doesn't take Oliver's ish. I immediately liked her even though the first scene I saw her in was with Walter. I actually only noticed how pretty and hot and pretty hot she is, when I saw EBR outside of the character.

...since then it's been downhill for me. Her booty should have it's own secret identity.

  • Love 2

Wow, Emily looks gorgeous in green. Does anyone ever remember her wearing green on the show? I know that Felicity wears a lot of colors in the red family (red, pink, fuchsia, etc.) and she wears a lot of blues, but I don't remember green. Haha, are they "saving" this color for something special??

I'd like to believe they are saving that specific Arrow green for something special ;)

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
  • Love 2

Probably. Although the dress she wore when she went to go see Ray was kind of brownish/olive green.

(Yes, I almost typed Oliver there.)



What about when Oliver says "pride" to her when she hacks Iron Heights mainframe? I think she was wearing something greenish.


I'm sure Felicity has worn something greenish on the show, though I'm wracking my brain and can't come up with an example. But I'm thinking specifically of Oliver's Arrow suit — that green, that exact same shade or a very close approximation of it. I think we'll get Felicity wearing something like that during a significant event/moment for them. Although, so far for their big moments, she's been wearing red. Like in that goodbye/ILY scene, her coat is red.

  • Love 1

One of the things I think is kind of fun about all the color stuff and even Oliver mentioning that red pen is that the scene where the two of them met wasn't supposed to mean anything at all. Someone, I guess, went back and watched that scene and said, "Felicity is playing with a red pen. Let's use that for connection." And wardrobe has run with it. I think it's a cool bit of retconning.

Edited by bethy
  • Love 6

I've never bought in to that Clothing Color indicates something subtle about the story.  I've seen shippers analyze clothing to try and prove that their ship was OTP long after it sailed away/sunk.  I think they just look for clothes that compliment the actor and fit the scene...outdoors, date, work, spying etc.

  • Love 1

Yeah, I don't think it was something planned. That red was going to be an Olicity thing. The first several instances were probably coincidences. Then someone noticed and it became a thing. I'd love to hear from the wardrobe department on this (maybe in a DVD commentary?). If this is a bit of retconning, then it's one I totally approve of. And even if it's not a real visual cue for viewers, it's OK. Felicity looks smashing in red.

  • Love 2

Well speaking as a male I find in my life as a superhero I would definitely go for a Felicity before a Laurel.


Would you mind elaborating why? What is it about Felicity that engages you? I find it fascinating when male fans say they like Felicity because I think there's a misconception that only women like her. Which is totally not true, many of the posts on the Arrow's and Stephen's FB pages about Felicity seem to come from male fans.

  • Love 1

Would you mind elaborating why? What is it about Felicity that engages you? I find it fascinating when male fans say they like Felicity because I think there's a misconception that only women like her. Which is totally not true, many of the posts on the Arrow's and Stephen's FB pages about Felicity seem to come from male fans.

I don't think there's a misconception about male fans liking Felicity. I think there's more of a misconception about male fans liking Oliver and Felicity being together. I mean, go to other websites and the people who like Oliver/Felicity are usually reduced to 'stupid teenage fangirls' who apparently like 50 shades of grey and Twilight. 

  • Love 2

Here is a superficial question. Besides Felicity's thoughts about herself, who views her as less attractive than the other women on the show our Oliver's other girlfriends. I know they play her to the brainy stereotype, but (as a straight girl) I find her top of the list attractive on the show.

She has quirks but they make her an individual instead of another set of boobs. She isn't over the top like Garcia on criminal minds.

Sara had the best body, hands down. That thing is pretty much a work of art. But I definitely think EBR is the most attractive woman on the show. Granted, that's not hard, really, because I find Katie Cassidy incredibly unattractive, partly down to the way her face has completely changed shape, and partly down to the awful person she is being asked to portray. But EBR really is so beautiful, in a way that seems very real and unassuming. But I do think I preferred Felicity before the writers realised she was hot (that is, before they started sticking her in the tightest dresses they could find), when she was just wearing rather non-descript clothing and wasn't being written as the superhero catnip she's become. Yet still, of all the women who have appeared on this show, if I was given the chance of taking one of them out to dinner, it'd be EBR.


However, regarding the character of Felicity, if one of the main attractions of her was that she was an everywoman, then I find myself wondering how much of that can still hold true now that she's the prettiest, smartest, sexiest, funniest girl in the room all the time.

TV.com ran a poll of which would you rather take to dinner, nerdy Felicity or dressed up Felicity, and nerdy Felicity won 3 to 1.

However, regarding the character of Felicity, if one of the main attractions of her was that she was an everywoman, then I find myself wondering how much of that can still hold true now that she's the prettiest, smartest, sexiest, funniest girl in the room all the time.

I think they can still do it as long as Felicity doesn't see herself as the prettiest, smartest, sexiest girl in the room.   (You just know Laurel does, which is one of the reasons the character doesn't work for me.)  It's like the trope of no one recognizing Oliver as the Arrow with the green greasepaint, it's ridiculous but you roll your eyes and accept it..

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I think part of Felicity's "every woman" appeal is that in addition to being funny, smart, pretty, etc., her strength comes from being kind and loyal and warm and a person of integrity. There's a basic decency about her that people are drawn to. I'm not saying that she's perfect, but her heart is good.

I think way too often in television in particular confuses "strong" with "bitchy." And honestly I think they've done that with the character of Laurel. But for whatever reason they didn't do it with Felicity.

Edited by bethy
  • Love 10

EBR is definitely the breakout star of Arrow. It reminds me a bit of Rachel Bilson on The O.C.

On the issue of looks, I just keep coming back to the fact it's a CW show, and to me that comes with the expectation of pretty people--like the MadTV parody a few years back, "Pretty White People With Problems." This isn't an issue with EBR or Arrow, but any discussion of the physical appearance of the younger characters belongs on a CW-wide discussion, because it's a network issue.

What I give EBR credit for is doing something more (better) with the character than it seems on paper. AFAIK, she's even discussed the network "sexing up" her character and trying to fight that. With the recognition she's getting, I'm sure the network will pressure the show even more.

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Other than the boob cutout and the black dress she wore on the Flash, I don't think her wardrobe is that sexy? She doesn't wear low cut tops and it seems that her outfits are veering towards professional now (eg. That stunning grey dress she wore on the Climb). Regardless, I don't care how she dresses, as long as her she doesn't have a personality transplant long the way. Although I must say, her fashion evolution has been quite interesting to me as I feel as though it sort of mirrored Felicity becoming more confident and more comfortable with herself and with her surroundings. 

  • Love 4

Intentional or not, the show has set up a believable scenario where Felicity changes her wardrobe and appearance based on where she is emotionally in life.

It's easy to believe that Goth Felicity was rebelling against Donna therefore went the complete opposite of her mother. Dark, edgy, anti-social.

After Cooper died, Felicity turned away from hackivism and repressed her emotions. Turning away from who she was in college, going from goth to prep/nerdy. No longer standing out or rebelling from society she's no one of many cogs, hiding in a crowd.

Current Felicity has found inner strength and purpose, her clothing is once again calling attention to herself (similar to the goth look) but in the total opposite way. Instead of hiding in the crowd she chooses bright, sometimes sexy clothes.

I would be impressed if I actually believes it was remotely intentional.

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 6

Intentional or not, the show has set up a believable scenario where Felicity changes her wardrobe and appearance based on where she is emotionally in life.

It's easy to believe that Goth Felicity was rebelling against Donna therefore went the complete opposite of her mother. Dark, edgy, anti-social.

After Cooper died, Felicity turned away from hackivism and repressed her emotions. Turning away from who she was in college, going from goth to prep/nerdy. No longer standing out or rebelling from society she's no one of many cogs, hiding in a crowd.

Current Felicity has found inner strength and purpose, her clothing is once again calling attention to herself (similar to the goth look) but in the total opposite way. Instead of hiding in the crowd she chooses bright, sometimes sexy clothes.

I would be impressed if I actually believes it was remotely intentional.

It may be intentional. It would be interesting to hear the Arrow wardrobe team discuss Felicity's wardrobe evolution.

  • Love 1

Would you mind elaborating why? What is it about Felicity that engages you? I find it fascinating when male fans say they like Felicity because I think there's a misconception that only women like her. Which is totally not true, many of the posts on the Arrow's and Stephen's FB pages about Felicity seem to come from male fans.


I cannot answer this question in PYRAMID's name, but since I'm male, too, AND a fan both of Felicity Smoak and of Olicity, I'd like to comment on what it is about the character that engages me: (i) No doubt, Felicity Smoak, aka EBR, is very, very beautiful and attractive IMO. - But so are other female characters of the show as well. (To name somebody who hasn't yet been mentioned in this context of the thread: I think Moira Queen, aka Susanna Thompson, looks fantastic, and I'd love to see some photos of the actress when she was in her thirties.) Therefore, although I would be lying if I said I hadn't noticed Felicity's good looks, this is not my main reason why I would prefer her over other female characters of ARROW. There are other more important reasons that make me fanboy when Felicity Smoak appears on my TV screen - in a way I don't do when watching Laurel, Sara or Thea. (ii) I love Felicity's sense of good humour. I myself am a rather serious and sometimes even melancholic person, so I appreciate it when somebody cheers me up and makes me laugh. (iii) She sincerely believes in human freedom. By saying this I mean: In Felicity's opinion you always have a choice, and you can do something about your life. You are not a helpless victim of fate that takes its course no matter what you do. You yourself have a say on what is your destiny. (iv) Felicity has such a positive outlook on life in general: "Life is precious!" Amen to that. (v) She supports personal growth: She doesn't manipulate Oliver into doing what she wants. Rather, she encourages and backs him such that he can follow his own conscience. For example, when Oliver makes his personal no-killing vow at the beginning of S2, she gives him her moral support - not because she herself thinks that killing is wrong always and everywhere (she is not a strict pacifist), but because she senses that making this vow helps Oliver to take a step forward in his character development: By refraining from killing he takes a step away from being a mere vigilante and towards becoming a true hero. (BTW I don't consider the "hocking" scene in the FLASH's 1x08 "The Flash vs Arrow" as a counterexample: Oliver realizes what she wants and what is going on between her and him in that scene, and in the end, it is his own decision to help Barry.) (vi) She radiates a kindness, affection and warmth that is contagious. When she smiles at you, you just can't help smiling back, at least I can't. (vii) She is honest and sincere in what she says. You always know where she stands. And if I had to choose a partner for life, I personally would rather prefer somebody who is clear and speaks plainly - even though hearing her opinion might hurt me sometimes - than a person who is such that I don't know what is really on her mind.

  • Love 24

I think her wardrobe change was intentional.

But it was not just because of her changing character but also her status as an actor in the series.

From her appearance to 1x12, she wore a combination of collared shirts and skirts and repeated her wardrobe a lot probably because she was an unknown guest actor. Her wardrobe got a boost from 1x14 onwards after she became an integral part of the Team and everyone knew that she was there to stay. They intentionally kept her clothing understated because EBR is so pretty, all of us were going gaga over every Felicity/Oliver interactions and they wanted her to be established as a team member. Barring the two evening dresses she wore under cover, she did not even wear a simple sleeveless top. She was all covered up. They also had the Laurel/Oliver plan back then so they did not want too much attention on EBR.

Season 2 saw her status change both on the show and her character, EBR became a series regular and Felicity became the EA. The clothing got sexier and her attitude sassier which was natural.

Season 3 changed her status yet again. She is the leading lady now, hero's love interest. In addition, a couple of other guys are also vying for attention so the focus has got to be on her and how beautiful she is. The nature of her wardrobe remained same but it now sports more expensive int. brands with Jimmy Choo shoes and Victoria Beckham dresses.

  • Love 3

I cannot answer this question in PYRAMID's name, but since I'm male, too, AND a fan both of Felicity Smoak and of Olicity, I'd like to comment on what it is about the character that engages me: (i) No doubt, Felicity Smoak, aka EBR, is very, very beautiful and attractive IMO. - But so are other female characters of the show as well. (To name somebody who hasn't yet been mentioned in this context of the thread: I think Moira Queen, aka Susanna Thompson, looks fantastic, and I'd love to see some photos of the actress when she was in her thirties.) Therefore, although I would be lying if I said I hadn't noticed Felicity's good looks, this is not my main reason why I would prefer her over other female characters of ARROW. There are other more important reasons that make me fanboy when Felicity Smoak appears on my TV screen - in a way I don't do when watching Laurel, Sara or Thea. (ii) I love Felicity's sense of good humour. I myself am a rather serious and sometimes even melancholic person, so I appreciate it when somebody cheers me up and makes me laugh. (iii) She sincerely believes in human freedom. By saying this I mean: In Felicity's opinion you always have a choice, and you can do something about your life. You are not a helpless victim of fate that takes its course no matter what you do. You yourself have a say on what is your destiny. (iv) Felicity has such a positive outlook on life in general: "Life is precious!" Amen to that. (v) She supports personal growth: She doesn't manipulate Oliver into doing what she wants. Rather, she encourages and backs him such that he can follow his own conscience. For example, when Oliver makes his personal no-killing vow at the beginning of S2, she gives him her moral support - not because she herself thinks that killing is wrong always and everywhere (she is not a strict pacifist), but because she senses that making this vow helps Oliver to take a step forward in his character development: By refraining from killing he takes a step away from being a mere vigilante and towards becoming a true hero. (BTW I don't consider the "hocking" scene in the FLASH's 1x08 "The Flash vs Arrow" as a counterexample: Oliver realizes what she wants and what is going on between her and him in that scene, and in the end, it is his own decision to help Barry.) (vi) She radiates a kindness, affection and warmth that is contagious. When she smiles at you, you just can't help smiling back, at least I can't. (vii) She is honest and sincere in what she says. You always know where she stands. And if I had to choose a partner for life, I personally would rather prefer somebody who is clear and speaks plainly - even though hearing her opinion might hurt me sometimes - than a person who is such that I don't know what is really on her mind.


Thank you very much for responding. This is beautiful, and yes, definitely the reasons why I'm a huge fan as well. She just seems so innately kind. And yes, I love the shades of gray in her character, that she is not averse to killing if it's what's needed to get the job done. She's good, but not a Goody-Two shoes, you know.


I think her wardrobe change was intentional.

But it was not just because of her changing character but also her status as an actor in the series.

From her appearance to 1x12, she wore a combination of collared shirts and skirts and repeated her wardrobe a lot probably because she was an unknown guest actor. Her wardrobe got a boost from 1x14 onwards after she became an integral part of the Team and everyone knew that she was there to stay. They intentionally kept her clothing understated because EBR is so pretty, all of us were going gaga over every Felicity/Oliver interactions and they wanted her to be established as a team member. Barring the two evening dresses she wore under cover, she did not even wear a simple sleeveless top. She was all covered up. They also had the Laurel/Oliver plan back then so they did not want too much attention on EBR.

Season 2 saw her status change both on the show and her character, EBR became a series regular and Felicity became the EA. The clothing got sexier and her attitude sassier which was natural.

Season 3 changed her status yet again. She is the leading lady now, hero's love interest. In addition, a couple of other guys are also vying for attention so the focus has got to be on her and how beautiful she is. The nature of her wardrobe remained same but it now sports more expensive int. brands with Jimmy Choo shoes and Victoria Beckham dresses.


She's had Jimmy Choos since the second season, but I agree about the evolution of her wardrobe. Felicity's Season 2 outfits were suited for the "young, vibrant EA" look that matched Oliver's "young CEO." But her outfits this season seem a little bit more conservative and mature, more suited for a company exec. Not counting the boob dress in the first ep, of course (in my head, she was still kinda playing the Oliver's EA role). Still playful, colorful, even daring but maybe a smidge "tamer" from last season? And I really do love the fact that she still repeats clothes. The red sheath dress she wore at the end of "Flash Vs. Arrow" is the same dress she wore in Arrow 3x03 when the boys were in Colto Maltese and her meeting with Ray was interrupted. The printed black and white dress she wore in "Going Rogue" is the same dress when Oliver asked her out in "The Calm." Oh, and I think I've spotted this season's gray dress — the season 2 dress that she seems to have in 2 colors — check out the red dress in "The Climb." She wears the purple version of that, with the same belt, in "Draw Back Your Bow." I still want to see her again in the polka dot dress she wore when she asked Ray for time off to visit Barry. She looked so pretty in it. (Yes, I might be a tad obsessed with Felicity's wardrobe)

  • Love 3

She is so gorgeous. Anything she wears be it clothes, shoes or earrings always sell out after the episode airs. Or even during it!


I see a lot of the clothes she wears are almost always sold out (per sites like wornontv.com), but I'm not sure they actually sell out because she wore them. I think, like for a lot of TV shows, the costumes for "Arrow" are actually bought weeks, sometimes months in advance. So by the time the audience actually sees the clothes, they may be long gone from stores (and websites).

  • Love 3

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