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Felicity Smoak: Bitch With Wifi

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I think sizable may be exaggerating it some.

It wasn't a focus though imo.

Everything was mentioned in every interview. Multiple ones mentioned Tommy's returned for instance.

What does it matter if it's the focus? The whole point is to get it out there, which is what the producers are doing by mentioning it during those interviews (which were for Arrow, not The Flash). They're trying to get people excited about tuning in (which is also why they mentioned Tommy). Edited by apinknightmare

The producers have been using Felicity to launch characters since S2.  I can't count the number of interviews leading up to S2 that focused on Barry/Felicity how great their chemistry was, how as many Olicity fans there are out there, there would be Baricity fans....and they're still doing that.  Read the Flash interviews, tons of them talk about Barry/Felicity and Felicity's crossover.  Grant Gustin gets asked not only about Barry/Felicity but Olicity in all the recent interviews he's done.


S3 is no different

Replace Barry with Ray and the interviews are almost identical, great chemistry, a witty/intelligent guy who can talk at Felicity's speed, etc.


I mentioned on the spoiler thread that last season, when the "I love You" dialogue tease came out, i went back and searched for all the previous dialogue teases and all the ones I could find (released by either MG or AK) were Felicity related; they were either lines Felicity said or things said to Felicity.  I'm not going to argue size or quantity of fans but the producers themselves know that teasing Felicity or Olicity bits will get them a reaction on twitter/tumblr and they use that to promote the show and get people excited.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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WB's PR for Arrow in international markets is all about Felicity/Oliver. The WB channel for Latin America is in the middle of season 2 now [blast Radius just aired], and every single ad and episode trailer has Felicity and 'shippy stuff in it [they don't use the same trailers as the CW, they make their own]. The only two actors who did those "watch Arrow on the WB!" teases before the season started were Amell and EBR. As far as the WB is concerned, Felicity is a major player in their promotion of the show.

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Felicity slips up only when she is nervous or amped up and I imagine that situation makes her a little nervous. Descriptions of her character would have you believe she does it all the time. But I found there's always sort of a reason behind the slips. Correct me if I'm wrong (and I'm sure someone will, LOL!), but I think she only did it twice in the second season. The "I love spending the night with you" came while she and Oliver were arguing. And the second time is the "Maybe he thinks he penetrates just fine" line. Barry was questioning her about the Arrow so she was a bit nervous and that came out.


Yes, I've been thinking about this too.  She made an embarrassing slip practically every episode in the first season, but that almost entirely stopped in the second season.  I can't think of any other than those you mention above.  She still manages to be very charming and funny even without the Freudian slips, though, so although they were often quite fun, they're evidently not really needed to maintain her quirky charm.  As you say, even though they basically stopped giving her those types of lines in the second season, people still think of her and define her that way (possibly because some of her earlier ones were so memorable as to leave an indelible mark!).


I also agree with you that those slips are probably more likely to happen in situations where she is stressed, so it makes sense that as she got to know Oliver and Diggle better and they became her close friends with whom she felt comfortable, she was less likely to trip over her own tongue around them.  A change in relationship status with Oliver, though, might unsettle her enough to make her stressed again, and so we might see a come-back of some slips if she finds herself in situations where she is unsure of herself.

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Because it's no different than the other stuff they repeatedly mentioned. It wasn't as though they promoted Felicity's appearance above all.

And Grant may get asked, but primarily because it's a romantic relationship. Same reason he gets asked about Iris and even a bit about Caitlin.

Right. Stuff they repeatedly mentioned during interviews with reporters who are gathering sound bites to integrate into articles that are published with the sole purpose of drumming up excitement for the upcoming season of television.

I'm going to chime in here for a moment. While twitter has become a PR tool, Facebook remains as the social media big-hitter for PR. With twitter its harder to narrow down your audience. One thing Facebook comes with is personal info. Yes, there are always fake accounts, but this is not as prominent on FB as it is on twitter, which is why FB remains #1 in this aspect.


It's obvious that Felicity has the louder, and possibly larger fanbase. You don't need FB to figure this out though. Forget the Arrow creative team, they have no say on any advertising or PR. Look at what the CW and WB is endorsing - those are the decision makers. If you look through their accounts you'll see that Felicity is the most publicized character aside from Oliver. On top of that, they have been also advertising Olicity. From a business stand point, that tells me that they're willing to bank on that audience. 


Focus groups shouldn't really be happening at this point, but for example (I hope this makes sense, I haven't had coffee): 1 Nielsen box counts for 1000 homes, lets assume they use a similar algorithm Nielsen does. So Felicity is the most popular online lets say, that will be taken into account when deciding on general audience. I do not work in TV, but I have a few friends that do. I am not passing this as fact, but simply as how I imagine things are done because at the end of the day TV is just big corporation..


Felicity generates the most clicks on articles, this has been confirmed by a few online journalist. The internet is a powerful tool for current viewer and grabbing new ones, so I would say that yeah, Felicity is used to market new characters, and even the Flash. I mean at comic-con, Geoff Johns asked if it was Barry or Oliver for her. Why ask that at such an important event, especially when she's not on the Flash? Every show has that one character that takes off more so than the rest, and she is that character. It may suck for people who are not fans but it all comes back to money, and what makes the most of it.

Edited by JJ928
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Also @wingster55, I think the reason for promoting Felicity/Olicity for the comics is because it's the comics. Generally it's the Oliver/Felicity fandom that aren't into comics. So what better way to rake in more revenue than to publicize about the couple they love on the show? They want the season 2.5 comics to do well. I've been seeing a lot of people who've never picked up a comic in their entire life consider buying one now.


And I've been seeing around that MG is basically pandering to the Olicity fandom. I say no. He's being a genius about creating new business with a subsect of the fandom that hasn't even touched comics in their entire lives. I for one have never touched one and am seriously considering buying them! :)

Edited by wonderwall
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Ok..I don't recall much discussion actually of that from the producers.

Actually the producers did come right out and say it. If you go back and watch the DC panel from SDCC they state that they plan to use Felicity to tie the worlds of Arrow and The Flash together, which at the time I thought was strange since Oliver has as much of a relationship with Barry as Felicity does. Then I realized why they are doing that--the audience will watch anything Felicity does whether she's on Arrow or whatever random new DC Comics TV show the CW is peddling.

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I have no doubt at all that everyone involved in selling Arrow is in love with Felicity for what she represents in terms of PR. She's the show's favorite character in all social media platforms, and Felicity/Oliver is the exact kind of 'ship networks love: two heterossexual white attractive people that constantly say lines of dialogue that are perfect for promo material. It pretty much sells itself.


And the icing on the cake is that F/O started as a fanon couple, and then TPTB decided to go with it, which puts fandom in the hands of the promoting team. Having the largest sector of a fandom eating up everything you throw at them is the TV PR dream, and right now, Arrow has it in bulk.

Edited by dancingnancy
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which at the time I thought was strange since Oliver has as much of a relationship with Barry as Felicity does.


I think Felicity has the stronger relationship actually. Oliver wasn't the one who spent weeks in Central City. 


Also @wingster55, I think the reason for promoting Felicity/Olicity for the comics is because it's the comics. Generally it's the Oliver/Felicity fandom that aren't into comics. So what better way to rake in more revenue than to publicize about the couple they love on the show? They want the season 2.5 comics to do well. I've been seeing a lot of people who've never picked up a comic in their entire life consider buying one now.


I'm confused...did I mention something about the comics? Legit asking btw

You know, I agree that just because fans are vocal doesn't mean they are the majority but come on, Felicity is hugely popular. I rarely see hate for her and when I do it's just from Laurel fans who feel she's taking away time from the female lead. No hate here, just going by what I've seen.


I've never seen such support and love for a character from all avenues before (fans, EP's, critics, the head of WB). I mean, before Arrow was even on my radar I was hearing such positivity about Felicity and I rarely pay attention to things I'm not watching. She's big news. So I really feel like Felicity is safe. I can't speak for when they run out of interesting things to do in s5 or s6 (personally I don't think the show should run that long, five seasons max would be better) but for now I don't think we have anything to worry about where Felicity dying is concerned. And if she did die, BIG MISTAKE. I can't tell you how many people I know only watch the show or started watching the show because of Felicity. She's magic. She's certainly what kept me watching when I was about to quit.


Also, who cares if Marc is using Olicity to promote the comics? I don't. It's worked on me. I will be buying my first comic because I want to see Olicity and Team Arrow in action. They're getting money out of it and I'm getting enjoyment out of it too. All this nonsense about fan pandering is exhausting. Oh no. Giving fans what they want. How terrible! Sorry, that was a little catty but I get so annoyed by that phrase.

Edited by Guest

I think Felicity has the stronger relationship actually. Oliver wasn't the one who spent weeks in Central City.

Personally, yes, but not from a major plot perspective (i.e. Barry doing his crime-fighting as a superhero). If you're going to have a TV version of The Justice League--which is something that gets thrown around a lot in panels and interviews--you want Oliver Queen "The Arrow" to be the one regularly interacting with Barry on The Flash, not Oliver Queen's IT girl hopping back and forth between the shows. There's a reason why she's being sent instead. Felicity is not more important than Oliver, but she's close enough to him both personally and professionally, that a good portion of the audience will follow her over to The Flash.

Edited by NumberCruncher

Putting Felicity in the comics is a smart move. I got into comics because Smallville put out one and I had to have it. Once I was in a comic book store, a whole new world opened up to me. I had to quit comic reading for awhile because I was spending too much money. Now I'm back reading again, and I'll be picking up the 2.5 compilation solely to see how they handle Felicity and Digg, and I'm contemplating adding the regular Green Arrow series once Felicity's added to that as well.


So, DC will be getting my dollars which they haven't done since the New 52 began (except for Nightwing b/c he's my guy.)

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The Clock King was a nemesis specifically constructed on the show for Felicity 

and he is the reason Team Arrow will be going over to The Flash in ep 8 this season

I think sizable may be exaggerating it some. 

'Sizable' doesn't mean most.  But to be specific, me, the four people I talked into watching this show who otherwise wouldn't have been watching it, and two who are watching it independently, including one person who teaches computer science at a college and thinks Felicity is the only IT person on TV who has been not ridiculous.  And the person who writes the questions for Larry King's interviews.  And Jennifer Cruize who stopped watching during the clusterfuck in s2 when Felicity and Diggle were sidelined.


I sometimes wonder if MG and AK feel get fed up with being asked questions about Olicity and Felicity because it seems like that is what they are asked about most after which new villains are coming up.  But reporters ask questions about what their readers and listeners want to know, so they shouldn't be too upset about it. 

Putting Felicity in the comics is a smart move. I got into comics because Smallville put out one and I had to have it. Once I was in a comic book store, a whole new world opened up to me. I had to quit comic reading for awhile because I was spending too much money. Now I'm back reading again, and I'll be picking up the 2.5 compilation solely to see how they handle Felicity and Digg, and I'm contemplating adding the regular Green Arrow series once Felicity's added to that as well.


So, DC will be getting my dollars which they haven't done since the New 52 began (except for Nightwing b/c he's my guy.)

Been there, done that...talk about a costly hobby...I actually started reading comics again for 2 reasons, Arrow and X-Men (all female cast featuring Jubilee).  I was already reading GA but if I wasn't, adding Felicity to the title would be a sure way to get me to purchase the title.  

Edited by Morrigan2575
@wingster55, I profusely apologize, I thought you were talking about the comics. I blame my jet lag.


All good.


But my point still stands because a lot of people are complaining about all the Felicity/Olicity promos for the comic tie ins. The haters are just becoming more annoying than the rabid shippers.


Well yea...both ends of the spectrum are a bit much I think.

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Bringing this over from the spoilers-and-spoiler-discussion-thread, regarding Felicity Boob window dresses.


I remember we had a similar discussion about this in TWoP. and at the time someone brought up that perhaps people different opinion about the dress stem from living in different areas of the US where what's appropriate in one section may be frown upon in a different one. for example i live in new-england - an area that is.. old-fashioned and very set in his ways. however i feel like in areas of the west coast (pacific north west? where i assume Starling city is located) this may be slightly more acceptable, as i've always gotten the sense that west coaster are more open minded.

but maybe i'm wrong, i've actually yet to visit the west coast so i could be wrong.


Personally i see nothing wrong with that dress, even in a corporate environment, the window is fairly small and doesn't really show much. I see a bit of cleavage but not much else, and in all honesty you can get that by wearing a buttoned up shirt if you open some of the buttons. but than again, i come from a country where our dress code is far less strict in most places than it feels like in the US (our weather is also hotter than the north-east areas so that maybe the reason).


ouch, really should not write comments at 10pm without going over them like twenty times- it's that English As Second Language thing.
by "open minded" i mean being more laxed than northern + northern east coasters. (hopefully i didn't offend any new-englanders).

Edited by foreverevolving
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I remember we had a similar discussion about this in TWoP. and at the time someone brought up that perhaps people different opinion about the dress stem from living in different areas of the US where what's appropriate in one section may be frown upon in a different one. for example i live in new-england - an area that is.. old-fashioned and very set in his ways. however i feel like in areas of the west coast (pacific north west? where i assume Starling city is located) this may be slightly more acceptable, as i've always gotten the sense that west coaster are more open minded.


but maybe i'm wrong, i've actually yet to visit the west coast so i could be wrong.


That's true for me. I work on the west coast in entertainment and the boob dress didn't make me bat an eye. I've seen straight out club wear at my job though most of us are business casual to plain old casual. However, we rarely have outside people in our office and aren't what is probably a Fortune 500 company. I recognize it might not be as appropriate in that setting. 


But I also like the grey color block dress because I thought it made EBR's legs and butt look amazing and sometimes I'm really shallow like that.

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Yeah as an Australian - specifically (until recently) in Queensland where it gets very hot and humid in summer, a lot of younger women - professional women, mind - wear much more revealing stuff than that to work. That dress didn't come anywhere near what I'd consider inappropriate for work, especially for an EA where you're supposed to be a bit flash.


As for Felicity's 'other outfit' mentioned on the spoiler thread, it's lovely, but as a woman-with-boobs I have to ask, what on earth do you do with your bra straps, or is there some magic anti-gravity device in the dress to support your bust?

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Yeah as an Australian - specifically (until recently) in Queensland where it gets very hot and humid in summer, a lot of younger women - professional women, mind - wear much more revealing stuff than that to work. That dress didn't come anywhere near what I'd consider inappropriate for work, especially for an EA where you're supposed to be a bit flash.


As for Felicity's 'other outfit' mentioned on the spoiler thread, it's lovely, but as a woman-with-boobs I have to ask, what on earth do you do with your bra straps, or is there some magic anti-gravity device in the dress to support your bust?

Breast duct tape (or whatever it's called).

That gray dress with the red panels was actually one of my favorite things that Felicity wore all season!  Oddly enough, I didn't really like the same dress with the fluorescent yellow panels.  I like that they have Felicity wearing the same items in different colors because I think that this is something that happens in real life.  Shoes, jackets, shirts, it doesn't matter what it is, but if I find something that I like, I buy that damn thing in every color that they have!  I suppose that the wardrobe people don't need to do that with EBR because she is gorgeous and probably looks very good in whatever they dress her in, but out here in the real world it's hard for a woman to find flattering clothes.  Now I'm starting to becoming paranoid about this and wondering if other people are thinking it's strange that I have the same shirt in three colors... 

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Oh, I totally get having shoes, pants, shirts in multiple colors, I definitely and totally do that.  But a dress, especially so fashionable,  doesn't seem like the kind of thing someone would buy in multiple colors.  Similar styles and different colors, sure, but not the exact same dress (unless it was a very basic style that could change up with scarves, jewlery, belt, etc).  I just think it's odd on the part of the costume department since they're such memorable dresses the first time around (for good or ill, I know not everybody likes them).

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I get finding a dress that you love and buying it in a second colour.  (I've been known to do that with a T-shirt myself.)  But the same dress in three different colours?  Blue boob dress last season, purple and orange in the promo?    Contrary to the fanfic out there, are we going to find out in the premier that Felicity can't have Oliver stay with her now that he's lost the manor because her guest rooms are filled with racks and racks of clothes?

You can have your very own boob window dress, if you like.  It's sold on Amazon for under $200 and I see that they have black, pink, and green.  Felicity hasn't worn it in any of those colors yet, so maybe those ones are hiding in the guest room.  I suppose that the wardrobe people could get a little more creative because I'm not sure that I see them repeating the same clothes but in different colors for any of the other characters on this show (well, except Roy.  He's got like 50 copies of that stupid red hoodie).   


The Arrow Fashion blog tells me that the orange dress is Alice + Olivia (not the same as boob-window dress).

Edited by SonofaBiscuit

Yeah im sorry there is not a single straight male that looked at the promo and went nice dress but it's too tight on her....lol

Every straight male is like Damn Dat Ass is Fine!

I shall point out that some very straight females have reacted that same way too..

one of them is writing this comment :-P


ETA and apparently @wonderwall and I had the same idea :-D 

Edited by foreverevolving
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