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Felicity Smoak: Bitch With Wifi

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While she didn't help create The Flash, she is linked to him more then anyone else on Arrow is. And it is pure speculation at this point but she may have a hand in helping Curtis create his T-Spheres which is a major weapon for the character. But it is another connection to another future hero that she will have. Of course we will see how it plays out. 

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ETA - Thanks @Morrigan2575 for that info. I just wish they would include that info in ARROW in a few lines of dialogue in s4.

They more than likely feel it's already covered. I highly doubt they'll feel the need to mention Stein or Palmer's qualifications on LoT since they were already established on Flash and Arrow Edited by Morrigan2575
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While she didn't help create The Flash, she is linked to him more then anyone else on Arrow is. And it is pure speculation at this point but she may have a hand in helping Curtis create his T-Spheres which is a major weapon for the character. But it is another connection to another future hero that she will have. Of course we will see how it plays out. 


That's because chances are highly likely that they have marketing numbers that show that audiences respond to Felicity - and when you're trying to launch a show based on a new character, who do you pair her up with? The person that you know your audience likes. 

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 She was never supposed to be more than just IT support. 


I think this is questionable. The first appearance of the character was supposed to be a one or two day job role, certainly, but by episode 9, which introduced the IT Department set, she was intended to be more. Amell's correct: you don't build a set for a character never intended to be more than just IT support. Note that the one character who was never more than just IT support until his sudden and tragic death in season two - the tech guy working for the police station - never did get a set of his own; they just threw him into the already existing Starling Police Department sets.


I don't think we will ever know exactly when the decision was made to move Felicity into the position of main love interest, but the decision to bring both Helena and Felicity into the Arrow Cave before Laurel is a pretty strong indication that they were considering both characters as potential replacements in the love interest role, as well as testing McKenna and Shado in season one.

Edited by quarks
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They more than likely feel it's already covered. I highly doubt they'll feel the need to mention Stein or Palmer's qualifications on LoT since they were already established on Flash and Arrow

Yeah, I get what you are saying. Sometimes this shared universe can be annoying. I had completely forgot that her credentials had been mentioned on FLASH.


I just don't want to hear a full seasons worth of people complaining that FS is not qualified to run the company. I personally have no problem with her running it. I just want her credentials & qualifications to be addressed when she takes over the CEO title, so that there can be no detractors. For me that was one of the flaws of how they made her VP in s3, was that they created a in-script loophole that allowed her haters to have some leeway in stating that she is working out of her scope of practice.


I also fear that because she is a female, and its already been addressed in s2 that she slept her way to the top. Both in-show & out of show haters will simply see her relationship with RP as another way she slept herself to the top only this time she got the company. I don't think that is right or fair to FS, because its not what she did - but the writers are leaving that up for interpretation if they skim over the fact that before she ever was in a relationship with OQ or RP she had both the talents, the skills & the multiple IVY league degrees to qualify her for the position.

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Overqualified for her role in IT, yes. But there is a big difference from being overqualified for a position and then being made VP, which she might have been underqualified for. I'm just saying in-show it would be nice for them to specifically address that she has the qualifications for the job, especially now that she will be running the company. I think it would be a good way for the show to stop some of the haters from saying that she is being made more important or her "abilities are being overblown". If the show addressed these concerns in a factual matter, than the haters can still hate but at least there will be evidence that proves their opinion is just opinion & not fact. Right now, they can make a case that FS's abilities are being overblown because the show has never specifically declared what her degrees, abilities & training is in. Her creating a super Brother Eye virus or being part of its code writing, absolutely believable. Her running an international multi-faceted tech conglomerate needs a little flashing of her resume to make detractors not believe it is just for plot.


I guess it's a matter of preference. I just don't need to be told or shown every little thing. Take, for example, the scene where Diggle teaches Felicity some self-defense moves in s1. We never saw that happening again but I can infer that they might do that a few times a month off screen and we just don't see it, you know?


As for stating Felicity's qualifications for the haters, I think the haters are gonna hate no matter what. 


Also, we don't know how she's going to fare with being CEO of a company. It's possible she could face some challenges there. In fact, I'd like to see her struggle with some things and be a bit unsure of herself. Maybe she has a scene where she says she knows computers inside and out but as for managing a company she's out of her depth. That's a possibility. We don't know yet so I'm not going to judge.

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I actually would love to know if they use Felicity to bridge in the tech/geek inclined superheroes because she's the only tech/geek inclined character on Arrow, OR if they're now going after rights for specific tech/geek inclined heroes on purpose, because they have marketing numbers on Felicity's successful rate as hero godmother.

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I actually would love to know if they use Felicity to bridge in the tech/geek inclined superheroes because she's the only tech/geek inclined character on Arrow, OR if they're now going after rights for specific tech/geek inclined heroes on purpose, because they have marketing numbers on Felicity's successful rate as hero godmother.


I think it's probably both.

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There's plenty of hard numbers to suggest that, disputing opinions about Felicity in season three aside, the character remains very popular. I suspect we'll have a better sense of her role as potential hero godmother

when we see how Rip Hunter, Hawkman, and Hawkgirl are introduced on Arrow and who they interact with other than Oliver. 

Edited by quarks
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I know they played the whole Felicity as Superhero catnip thing as a joke in s3 when she was all "Why does this keep happening to me?" but I actually wouldn't mind if Felicity was like the hero behind all the heroes, if that makes sense? Who's gonna look after everyone? Why Felicity of course! Haha. 

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That's because chances are highly likely that they have marketing numbers that show that audiences respond to Felicity - and when you're trying to launch a show based on a new character, who do you pair her up with? The person that you know your audience likes. 

Usually you introduce them on the show to introduce them to the general audience, doesn't have to be with a specific character each time. People will watch the show with or without them being introduced through Felicity.


To me it is obvious that MG and co. just don't like to switch things up. They use Cisco the same way they use Felicity but for different things. It already annoyed me that they had Cisco name Mari alter ego Vixen.

Edited by Primal Slayer
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Usually you introduce them on the show to introduce them to the general audience, doesn't have to be with a specific character each time. People will watch the show with or without them being introduced through Felicity.


It doesn't have to, but I'm pretty sure that was their intention with Barry, especially since they did a chem test with Grant and Emily. They wanted us to like him because Felicity liked him, then hoped that we would like him enough to watch his show (or at least tune in when Felicity went to visit him and keep tuning in after she left). 

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I think it had more to do them liking each other then it did then just Felicity liking him as a person. They love the shipper support and there are plenty who didn't mind having them together which if it weren't for Oliver, they probably would've explored more.

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Again though, how else would they have introduced Barry to the audience in s2 of Arrow? He's the nerdy CSI science guy. Clearly he's going to have things in common with Felicity. I actually thought it made sense putting the two of them together. Not romantically because I was never one who really saw anything there but from a sense that they're on the same wavelength? Absolutely. 

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He is a guy who helps solve murders, Quentin helps stop crimes, Laurel prosecutes crimes. They could've used multiple characters to introduce him. But I didn't have a problem with how they had him connected him to Felicity. I just became annoyed when it became a reoccurring theme.

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TBH there was no other person they could really chemistry test Barry with if they were trying to determine various levels of chemistry & relationship (platonic & non-platonic potential). LL seems too old for BA and would not be involved in the case anyway. TQ who would have been a good age blend, is not in on TAs secret. I don't recall SL being in those episodes. I guess they could have done one with RH, Dig or OQ, but that would have only shown potential for bromance & we already know GG can do that. Besides the fact, that it made perfect in-story & in-character sense to bring BA in via FS, there really was no other viable candidate in s2 to even compete for her place.


As for RP, they could have brought him in independent of FS (which would have been better IMO) or attaching him to LL could have been another angle as both baby superheros honoring dead loved ones learning the ropes together. However, the writers saw greater potential with linking him to FS and went with it. As for Mr. Terrific, we don't know enough about his character, so who really knows what they are going to do with him. But if his specialty is technology than once again FS is the most logical choice, considering nobody else on the show does technology.

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He is a guy who helps solve murders, Quentin helps stop crimes, Laurel prosecutes crimes. They could've used multiple characters to introduce him. But I didn't have a problem with how they had him connected him to Felicity. I just became annoyed when it became a reoccurring theme.


But the whole point was to connect him to Oliver and at that point in time in the narrative, neither Quentin or Laurel knew Oliver's secret. So it makes sense to keep him close to those characters who did know. 

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So some guy said this over at the latest GATV roundtable where, once again, to everyone's surprise, they crap all over Felicity:

I'm confused. Basically all I'm getting from this is that this dude wants Felicity to stay exactly the same as she was in s1. Does he not understand what character progression is?

I also don't see how a genius MIT graduate wouldn't be gifted at other things. And it's not as if she can do everything in the history of everything. She's gifted at hacking. That's her thing. And even then she's been unable to do certain things on occasion - in s2 when she couldn't find the bomber and also when some security guy managed to override what she was doing while Oliver and Laurel were trying to steal files on Sebastian Blood.

And more to the point, how is Felicity's arc/progression insincere but other characters aren't? Why is it only convenient writing where Felicity is concerned? I could write a list about some of the other characters where this happens but apparently that's okay because comics.

I was told again and again that Felicity still didn't have any growth even in season three. I disagree. That mere fact that she's not the same person as she was in season one is proof of growth and change. And she isn't all knowing. The whole purpose of her taking Ray to Star Labs and Cisco was because something was beyond her limits.

Felicity was never just a computer coder. She was hands on with the equipment from day one. Anything computer or circuitry related would logically fall in her area of expertise. She's not an engineer though and she is not an expert in the medical filed. She's picked up a lot, but she went to Caitlin for help with a complicated DNA issue. Felicity gets both credited too much (aka she can do everything) and not enough (aka complaints that there's no way she could have managed as VP of Palmer Tech).

Frankly, her becoming VP so quickly did seem a little overstepping.

I thought so too until I rewatched Corto Maltese. There is a line I missed the first time around about how the only profitable part of Queen Consolidated was the sciency department (I can't rember the exact wording). Ray says the are making it the main focus of the company which meant all the products and services that Felicity would not have any real knowledge or expertise about were dumped from the company. It was just a tech company which made her more qualified than most to handle it.

The jump to VP was over the top and flashy but that was RP's MO. Felicity would have been very qualified to oversee the kind of projects Palmer wanted her for since the whole company was now about stuff she understood (or could learn about) and she would have gotten trained in on the management side of things.

While she didn't help create The Flash, she is linked to him more then anyone else on Arrow is. And it is pure speculation at this point but she may have a hand in helping Curtis create his T-Spheres which is a major weapon for the character. But it is another connection to another future hero that she will have. Of course we will see how it plays out.

The impression I get is some feel that there is a lack of proper appreciation for the comic hero when their origin or introduction is handled in a way that seems to give some of the credit to a character that wasn't originally involved in their development. A resentment for stealing some of their thunder as it were.

I personally think that characters brought in at this point should only be there to add luster to the existing characters so yeah, I need there to be a connection to my existing characters and I want my existing characters to be framed by the show in subtle ways as more important than even the most iconic of comic characters. They are the guests that should be coming in to make the existing regulars look good, not the other way around.

So many in the comic universe were the leading character of their stories but in this medium, they are supporting characters even to supporting characters. I think that's a hard pill to swallow sometimes.

Edited by BkWurm1
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He is a guy who helps solve murders, Quentin helps stop crimes, Laurel prosecutes crimes. They could've used multiple characters to introduce him. But I didn't have a problem with how they had him connected him to Felicity. I just became annoyed when it became a reoccurring theme.

They did have Quentin interact with him multiple times. Granted I think he called him Larry, which is a funny moment. BA intro to the show was a group intro with OQ, Dig QL & FS. The problem is the bulk of the story required being in QC or the Arrowcave & not the police precinct, so that is why him spending more time with QL was not possible. And as for LL, she prosecutes crimes but this case was not being brought to trial, so why would she care to interact with forensics guy on a case she is not attached to.

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But there shouldn't be 1 main character who is the connection which is my problem. And not all need origins played out when introducing the character. You can introduce established heroes and still find a way to connect them to the team. You'll have to forgive me because for some reason I just like using Buffy as reference, but Faith/Kendra were fairly established Slayers when introduced. They used a villain to help tie Faith into the show and had her interact with majority of the characters while she spent majority of her Slaying time with Buffy due to obvious reasons. Spike was given a very deep connection to Angel and other various characters were introduced or tied to the other main characters.

But there shouldn't be 1 main character who is the connection which is my problem. And not all need origins played out when introducing the character. You can introduce established heroes and still find a way to connect them to the team. You'll have to forgive me because for some reason I just like using Buffy as reference, but Faith/Kendra were fairly established Slayers when introduced. They used a villain to help tie Faith into the show and had her interact with majority of the characters while she spent majority of her Slaying time with Buffy due to obvious reasons. Spike was given a very deep connection to Angel and other various characters were introduced or tied to the other main characters.


I am not a fan of Felicity taking over Rays company but I am not a fan in general of all the characters having such high positions. I rather have Laurel at CNRI then being a DA.

Edited by Primal Slayer
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I was told again and again that Felicity still didn't have any growth even in season three. I disagree. That mere fact that she's not the same person as she was in season one is proof of growth and change. And she isn't all knowing. The whole purpose of her taking Ray to Star Labs and Cisco was because something was beyond her limits.



I think it's just the fact that Felicity exists is a problem sometimes. First they want her to be more than comic relief. When she is, they want her to go back to the character who wasn't a threat to comic canon.



Felicity was never just a computer coder. She was hands on with the equipment from day one. Anything computer or circuitry related would logically fall in her area of expertise. She's not an engineer though and she is not an expert in the medical filed. She's picked up a lot, but she went to Caitlin for help with a complicated DNA issue. Felicity gets both credited too much (aka she can do everything) and not enough (aka complaints that there's no way she could have managed as VP of Palmer Tech).

I thought so too until I rewatched Corto Maltese. There is a line I missed the first time around about how the only profitable part of Queen Consolidated was the sciency department (I can't rember the exact wording). Ray says the are making it the main focus of the company which meant all the products and services that Felicity would not have any real knowledge or expertise about were dumped from the company. It was just a tech company which made her more qualified than most to handle it.

The jump to VP was over the top and flashy but that was RP's MO. Felicity would have been very qualified to oversee the kind of projects Palmer wanted her for since the whole company was now about stuff she understood (or could learn about) and she would have gotten trained in on the management side of things.



Exactly. She was always going to be hands on with computers if she's been building them since she was 7. And I remember Felicity was very anti needles and blood early on in s1 but she's had to learn on the job and presumably she just got used to it over time. It happens. 


And I did not remember any of that dialogue from Corto Maltese so thanks for this. Makes a lot more sense that PT would be a more tech-based company so of course Felicity would have more knowledge and qualifications there. 


And I agree about the jump to VP. It actually took me a few episodes to realize she was VP. LOL. 



I personally think that characters brought in at this point should only be there to add luster to the existing characters so yeah, I need there to be a connection to my existing characters and I want my existing characters to be framed by the show in subtle ways as more important than even the most iconic of comic characters. They are the guests that should be coming in to make the existing regulars look good, not the other way around.

So many in the comic universe were the leading character of their stories but in this medium, they are supporting characters even to supporting characters. I think that's a hard pill to swallow sometimes.



THIS. I'm here for Oliver's story because the show is called Arrow, so any comic book characters should really be in service to his story. That's why it doesn't bother me if certain comic characters are used once and then never seen again. It doesn't matter if they were huge characters with their own comic series. They need to bend and blend into the Arrow universe not the other way around. 

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They did have Quentin interact with him multiple times. Granted I think he called him Larry, which is a funny moment. BA intro to the show was a group intro with OQ, Dig QL & FS. The problem is the bulk of the story required being in QC or the Arrowcave & not the police precinct, so that is why him spending more time with QL was not possible. And as for LL, she prosecutes crimes but this case was not being brought to trial, so why would she care to interact with forensics guy on a case she is not attached to.

Of course the story would have to be changed if they used more characters to help introduce him but like I said, I didn't have a problem with them using Felicity to help introduce Barry to the audience, it is the use of Felicity each time a new hero in the making is introduced that annoys me. 

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But there shouldn't be 1 main character who is the connection which is my problem. And not all need origins played out when introducing the character. You can introduce established heroes and still find a way to connect them to the team. You'll have to forgive me because for some reason I just like using Buffy as reference, but Faith/Kendra were fairly established Slayers when introduced. They used a villain to help tie Faith into the show and had her interact with majority of the characters while she spent majority of her Slaying time with Buffy due to obvious reasons. Spike was given a very deep connection to Angel and other various characters were introduced or tied to the other main characters.

But the majority of the characters connected to the main plot or Team Arrow have not come through FS as their main connection to the team. The majority have been woven in through in plot scenes & characterizations.

RP - is the only one that came only through FS

BA - came through team effort, as much attached to FS as OQ.

Lyla - came through Dig

Sara - came through OQ to TA

Roy - came through a connection to TQ & then OQ

Thea - came through MM & OQ

MM - forced his way in

QL - came through OQ, and then a little by FS's phone calls

McKenna - came through OQ & QL

Helena - came through OQ

Villains - primarily all through OQ, a few by SL, MM, Dig & FS.


The only one that hasn't brought anyone to the team or made connections is LL. And that is because her story has generally been orbiting outside of the main story's plot or Team Arrow for 2.5+ seasons. That may change in later seasons now that they are starting to integrate her into the story.


So yeah, I don't understand the argument that says a majority of new characters or heros come through a primary/solo connection to FS. There's just little evidence that is the case.

Edited by kismet
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Of course the story would have to be changed if they used more characters to help introduce him but like I said, I didn't have a problem with them using Felicity to help introduce Barry to the audience, it is the use of Felicity each time a new hero in the making is introduced that annoys me. 


There has been one since Barry - Ray. And Ray was one of four new heroes - three of which Felicity had nothing to do with. 

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There has been one since Barry - Ray. And Ray was one of four new heroes - three of which Felicity had nothing to do with.

I don't know. Felicity is the one that pep talked Laurel back on her feet not once but twice and she's the one that sent Thea to see Roy who then gave her the suit.

But Katana was the one pep talking Felicity, so she happened on her own.

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I am talking about the major heroes who happen to be the male characters.  Not listing every good guy or anti hero. Sara came in as an established hero in modern day. Roy was already part of the show. Barry was a guest character, Ray was a guest character, Curtis is a guest character. Barry got his own show and Ray is getting his own show. Felicity is the main connection to Barry and Ray, she is closer to both then Oliver. Now she will presumably be the main connection to Curtis who, while not suiting up (at this point in time) this season is going to be becoming Mister Terrific. 

Edited by Primal Slayer
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I don't know. Felicity is the one that pep talked Laurel back on her feet not once but twice and she's the one that sent Thea to see Roy who then gave her the suit.

But Katana was the one pep talking Felicity, so she happened on her own.


I don't think the pep talk counts since Laurel was dressing up and fighting crime before she had that. Yeah, she might have convinced her to keep going, but she started on her own. And yeah, she gave Thea Roy's address, but Thea went to see her on her own, and Roy was the one who decided to give her the costume and encourage her to use it. 

I am talking about the major heroes who happen to be the male characters.  Not listing every good guy or anti hero. 


Okay, but that's not what you wrote. 

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I am talking about the major heroes who happen to be the male characters.  Not listing every good guy or anti hero. 


But that's literally two people. Barry and Ray. And I think Felicity was used to prop Ray more than she was Barry (and at a detriment to her own character). Actually she didn't prop Barry at all.

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I don't think the pep talk counts since Laurel was dressing up and fighting crime before she had that. Yeah, she might have convinced her to keep going, but she started on her own. And yeah, she gave Thea Roy's address, but Thea went to see her on her own, and Roy was the one who decided to give her the costume and encourage her to use it.

In that case, Felicity has only helped Ray become A hero and even he had already decided he was going to do the suit without her. Barry didn't even call when he woke up from his coma and she had to find out about his powers on her own.

So rather than shoved down our throats as the lone hero maker, she's been at the origin of one? Or do we count Oliver since only Felicity considered the Hood a hero?

Edited by BkWurm1
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But that's literally two people. Barry and Ray. And I think Felicity was used to prop Ray more than she was Barry (and at a detriment to her own character). Actually she didn't prop Barry at all.

And now she plays a big part in Green Arrows formation. 3 seasons in a row with her being a major connection to these big up and coming heroes is annoying to me. 


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In that case, Felicity has only helped Ray become A hero and even he had already decided he was going to do the suit without her. Barry didn't even call when he woke up from his coma and she had to find out about his powers on her own.

So rather than shoved down our throats as the lone hero maker, she's been at the origin of one? Or do we count Oliver since only Felicity considered the Hood a hero?


I didn't even think of that. Barry was struck by lightning and was helped by S.T.A.R. labs to become a hero. And Ray was already planning on suiting up and just needed help on the computerized parts of his suit, hence employing Felicity. So really she's just been an influence on Oliver as a hero and he was already on that path anyway.



And now she plays a big part in Green Arrows formation. 3 seasons in a row with her being a major connection to these big up and coming heroes is annoying to me. 



Well, I'm sorry that it's annoying for you. But I don't see Felicity as a major connection to these up and coming heroes aside from her connection to Oliver, as explained above.

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And now she plays a big part in Green Arrows formation. 3 seasons in a row with her being a major connection to these big up and coming heroes is annoying to me.


She and Diggle have had a hand in Oliver's transformation through his hero personas through the years, so that's nothing new. And we know that she has a connection to Curtis Holt who may or may not become Mister Terrific at some point. If there's tech involved in his transformation, who else should he go through? Engineering geniuses Oliver, Laurel, Diggle or Thea? 


Like it or not, new characters are most likely always going to be introduced through their interactions with people we already know. 

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She and Diggle have had a hand in Oliver's transformation through his hero personas through the years, so that's nothing new. And we know that she has a connection to Curtis Holt who may or may not become Mister Terrific at some point. If there's tech involved in his transformation, who else should he go through? Engineering geniuses Oliver, Laurel, Diggle or Thea? 


Like it or not, new characters are most likely always going to be introduced through their interactions with people we already know. 

They don't seem to be playing it as Diggle and co. playing a big role in Oliver becoming Green Arrow, they seem to be playing it as Felicity being why he can become GA.


And I never said I had a problem with them being introduced through people we already know, it is Felicity playing the largest role in 3 major characters (kind of 4 with GA) 3 seasons in a row that I don't like.

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They don't seem to be playing it as Diggle and co. playing a big role in Oliver becoming Green Arrow, they seem to be playing it as Felicity being why he can become GA.


Diggle has been hugely influential in Oliver's steps to becoming a hero. Aside from Felicity he has always been the first person Oliver turns to for advice. He's had his back. He's believed in him. These are all things on Oliver's journey to GA. I don't think that's being disregarded at all.

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They don't seem to be playing it as Diggle and co. playing a big role in Oliver becoming Green Arrow, they seem to be playing it as Felicity being why he can become GA.


And I never said I had a problem with them being introduced through people we already know, it is Felicity playing the largest role in each that I like.


So, we're discounting the role that Digg had in helping Oliver throughout S1, S2, and S3, because the person that Oliver has spent the last 5 months with encourages him to get back to crime fighting? Okay. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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So, we're discounting the role that Digg had in helping Oliver throughout S1, S2, and S3, because the person that Oliver has spent the last 5 months with encourages him to get back to crime fighting? Okay. 

We'll have to see how it plays out since again, to me, they seem to credit Felicity the most with him being able to become Green Arrow. She is able to allow him to see the light and be a happier person which is how he getting to Green Arrow. 

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I see Felicity as Oliver's support, obviously, but I think it's going to be up to Oliver to make himself Green Arrow. He's the one who will need to make the steps because he's the hero. Like, unpopular fandom opinion but I don't believe that Felicity is Oliver's light. I believe he's his own light and Felicity helps him harness it in a way. But when it comes down to it, this is all on Oliver himself, if that makes sense?


I definitely don't credit Felicity alone. I think it's an accumulation of things and people over three seasons. But at the same time I also don't see anything wrong with Felicity being a big influence on his journey to GA because that does happen with a comic book love interest sometimes. They inspire the heroes. Anyway, agree to disagree!

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If Oliver hadn't been acting like such a dick and actually listened to Diggle at the beginning of S3, I think he could have become GA last year. But he didn't, and we got a whole year of angst and sad panda Oliver. If we're finally done with that, I don't care who the cause of it is, but I won't lie, I'm perfectly fine if it's Felicity who gets him to this realization. 

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If Oliver hadn't been acting like such a dick and actually listened to Diggle at the beginning of S3, I think he could have become GA last year. But he didn't, and we got a whole year of angst and sad panda Oliver. If we're finally done with that, I don't care who the cause of it is, but I won't lie, I'm perfectly fine if it's Felicity who gets him to this realization. 


Sad panda Oliver. LOL. USING IT!

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I am talking about the major heroes who happen to be the male characters.  Not listing every good guy or anti hero. Sara came in as an established hero in modern day. Roy was already part of the show. Barry was a guest character, Ray was a guest character, Curtis is a guest character. Barry got his own show and Ray is getting his own show. Felicity is the main connection to Barry and Ray, she is closer to both then Oliver. Now she will presumably be the main connection to Curtis who, while not suiting up (at this point in time) this season is going to be becoming Mister Terrific. 

Well that's a really narrow interpretation of characters being brought on the show. You spoke of origination of characters & connection to the team, not male superheroes. I tend to watch shows for more characters than just the introductions of superheroes who happen to be male. SL to date was the only mask beside OQ that did not have some type of origination story on the show. Every other mask has gone through some type of origination arc/plot, and they have not all been connected to FS. And even then it still is only Ray that is solely a result of FS's connection. Barry came & made a connection with the team and saved OQ's life, that's more about OQ than FS. Although FS did interact with him heavily because it made sense in their roles in solving the mystery. Barry got hit by lightning & everything else was covered on his own show, so I barely consider it an ARROW origination story, although he was originally introduced on ARROW. And Echo is still to much an unknown entity.


In that case, Felicity has only helped Ray become A hero and even he had already decided he was going to do the suit without her. Barry didn't even call when he woke up from his coma and she had to find out about his powers on her own.

So rather than shoved down our throats as the lone hero maker, she's been at the origin of one? Or do we count Oliver since only Felicity considered the Hood a hero?

Actually I think Barry's first call or reach out to in SC about his powers was OQ. OQ was in his season premiere. Which is why BA & the FLASH are connected to both OQ & FS, not just one or the other.


OQ to GA has been 3 seasons coming so it does not all fall on FS to be his sole inspiration. Dig has helped make him as much of a hero in s1-3 as FS. As for FS having more of an influence over OQ as GA in s4, well that is what happens when people are in fully committed life partnership that spans every aspect of their life. It would be unrealistic if all of the sudden FS just wasn't a part of the professional, social & emotional support network for the GA, considering she's been in that role since s1 & has now gotten larger with her being the love component of his hero's journey. That's called character & relationship growth.

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Sometimes people just don't like a character or actor.  I am guilty of that, because I hate Sebastian Stan (The Winter Soldier) and literally the only "reason" I can come up with for my totally irrational hatred is that he's knock-kneed and that screws up his villain walk.


I legit' lol'd at this. Thank you .

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Just as I started out saying

They have used her to help prop up Flash/ATOM/Arrow


Then didn't bother specifying . Only up and coming heroes were Barry/Ray 

I know due to Terrifics background that pairing him with Felicity is the best option but just as it is annoying that they have Cisco name every hero/villain, it is just as annoying that they pair every new up and coming hero with Felicity.
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 If we're finally done with that, I don't care who the cause of it is, but I won't lie, I'm perfectly fine if it's Felicity who gets him to this realization. 


I'll raise you one up, and I'm more than fine with Felicity being the one to ~knight Oliver as Green Arrow. She was the one to call the Hood a hero, she was the one who made him the high tech bow, she was the one who put on the mask on Oliver and tell him he looked like a hero, she legit earned the right of being the one inspiring/supporting the next step in his evolution to Green Arrow.


And the fact that Greg Berlanti wrote ALL of the episodes wherein those things happen tells me he sees this as Felicity's journey as much as Oliver's.

Edited by dtissagirl
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I love it. I'm pretty cool with Felicity not having a predetermined comic book destiny, because I can see her over-reaching narrative journey being Felicity finding herself by helping all sorts of superheroes achieve their destinies.

Edited by dtissagirl
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I love it. I'm pretty cool with Felicity not having a predetermined comic book destiny, because I can see her over-reaching narrative journey being Felicity finding herself by helping all sorts of superheroes achieve their destinies.


Ooooh. What if that is her destiny? I like it. The hero behind the heroes. Not gonna lie, I'll be little bit disappointed if that doesn't happen now. Haha.

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Ooooh. What if that is her destiny? I like it. The hero behind the heroes. Not gonna lie, I'll be little bit disappointed if that doesn't happen now. Haha.


Hee, me too. I think the potential is there, and they've certainly put Felicity in the position to have that path -- regardless of how many hero characters this thread can agree on that she helped -- because her narrative role in Oliver's journey from Hood to Arrow to Green Arrow is pretty clear cut. They didn't only tie Oliver's humanity to his love of Felicity. They tied all of the superhero journey symbolism [the word "hero", the bow, the mask, etc] to her as well.

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I legit' lol'd at this. Thank you .

Ha, I wrote that ages ago. I hated him in that silly warlock movie with all the hot dudes from a few years ago, and I've hated him ever since. I can't figure out why, because he's a perfectly fine actor, but I want to punch him. I own my irrational hatred, so I wish other people would own theirs.

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