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The Titan Games - General Discussion

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Just goes to show how Titan games focuses more on strength challenges, while ANW is more agility challenges. Kelly, being a fire fighter is the type of job that is perfect for the Titan games. Hell, most of those challenges are derivatives of Fire fighter challenges.

Stunt work on the other hand tends to be more spurt based and more agility focused, making sure you move your body with just the right ways to land on a target and NOT land on anything else. ANW challenges tend to be similar, so Jessie's job does work well in that respect. 


I would have expected the NFLer to do better over all, but it looked like he got tripped up on the weight carry near the front, and that just sapped all his gas early. 


And on the contestant side, both of those tug (or kick) o war challenges the brothers went through were epic. I wonder how much time they had to recover before Mount Olympus, because he had to have been exhausted after those two challenges (the fence challenge not so much)

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I like Jessie. Who doesn’t? But I’m thinking Titan work and Ninja work don’t overlap too much for her. I’m thinking Meagan Martin might have been a better (or more apt) pick. The worst part is that the pandemic probably puts the kibosh on ANW, so this is the only place to see Jessie in action.

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I just love it when these hand picked so called "superhuman" people get defeated.  It just goes to show......they are just like the rest of us.  I always thought ANW overhyped her anyway.  Tonight you saw why.

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28 minutes ago, ShortyMac said:

That Herculean Pull between the brothers was amazing.

Crazy to see the hand-picked Titans lose so easily.

I don't think things are rigged. But on some level, I wouldn't be surprised if it was. I don't mean that the duels are faked and the brothers were faking a struggle. But I can see someone adjusting resistance via remote control. I know, stupid thought, and probably impossible to implement . . . but seeing the one guy come within inches of winning, then wind up losing it? My eyebrows go up. I'm probably wrong on that.

I would have thought the Titans would have run the course a few times. Once again, I don't think Jessie had the skill set for this series. Also, with a famous "ninja" running, there was the chance she might hurt herself. ANW is stocked with quality competitors from both genders, but Jessie deserves to be front and center.

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These challenges are very simple, so I doubt there is any rigging involved; it all comes down to who has the most grit and determination. The pole tug of war is very simple in spirit, with no real room for "rigging". In this epic battle it was just the same thing we've seen before; one contestant goes all in at the start, but can't quite finish it. The other contestant is applying steady pressure, and suddenly with one little slip of the first one, the other one gets an advantage and pulls back.

We almost saw it with the women with the chain pull. We saw it in the first episode on the Moonwalk challenge; the first guy pushed the second one all the way to the very edge, then the second got some traction and pushed the first one all the way off.


I'm pretty sure the Titans don't run the course ahead of time. They probably don't even see the full course until their first run out of fairness. (ANW, the Ninjas don't see the full course until they run it; I believe they even try to hide the second half as much as possible when ninjas are running the first half)

The handpicked Titans are basically just "big name" athletes the show can get for promotions and to prime the tank. I doubt they are really intended to go the distance, but if they can, it's a bonus. 

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12 hours ago, Taeolas said:


I would have expected the NFLer to do better over all, but it looked like he got tripped up on the weight carry near the front, and that just sapped all his gas early. 

I was not so surprised that Cruz didn't do well, since he was a 6 foot tall wide receiver, and WRs are built for speed, not moving weight.

That said, I did think he had a chance last night, since his competitor was more of the wiry ninja warrior type than a bulkier firefighter type.

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Jessie didn't do as well as I thought she would, but she has never been particularly fast on the ninja course. It seemed that she lacked the brute strength of the other lady (who is a BEAST), and having to conjure up that strength tired her out quite quickly. But the agility stuff she was great on (the first over-under walls, the cage crawl).

Victor Cruz was predictably bad. He is a great wide receiver but those guys are not known for their strength either.

The brothers were DYNAMITE. My jaw dropped watching them traverse those fences. I have done that sort of thing for OCR training and I know how hard it is. They seriously made everything look easy. Won't be surprised if that brother makes it FAR.

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Of course I was depressed that my girl crush Jessie tapped out. And I was surprised the brothers were so good since they were built like freerunner/parkour guys as opposed to the big, bulky, jacked guys who were representing Central. So I was pleased to see them do well. This started out being a good episode for me, until Jessie tanked. Then I just got sad, even though the woman winner is totally awesome, and I hope she continues to do well.

Edited by saber5055
There were two brothers, not one!
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As I said earlier, all of these challenges are basically Firefighter Challenge events, blown up to a huge scale. (ok maybe not the "Kick panels while swinging through the air" challenge). But most of them boil down to hauling something heavy or kicking/pulling something heavy; which is what most firefighter challenge events tend to be. (Pulling bodies a distance, climbing stairs while wearing gear, hauling firehoses, even chopping into things). So it's no wonder Kelly did so well; some of those challenges are probably easier than things she's done before. 

We'll see Jesse again in a few more episodes, though I'm not sure if she's the right type to do well in those final challenges. It'll depend on who the other two women challengers are. 

At this point though, Kelly is going to be really hard to beat on Mount Olympus. 

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17 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

This started out being a good episode for me, until Jessie tanked. Then I just got sad,

Don't feel too bad for Jessie, I follow her on IG and she has had nothing but good things to say about how much fun she had! She was recovering from a shoulder injury and knew she wouldn't be 100% but she just wanted to go have a good time 🙂

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1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

Don't feel too bad for Jessie, I follow her on IG and she has had nothing but good things to say about how much fun she had! She was recovering from a shoulder injury and knew she wouldn't be 100% but she just wanted to go have a good time 🙂

What I like about Jessie is that she was so enthusiastic towards the firefighter and the whole experience.  After each round, she would say how it was awesome or something like that.  I agree that Titan Games is made more for a firefighter.  Jessie did great on the speed/agility parts which is what I would expect her to do.  She might have even gone faster in the cage section if she didn't go through the same cage.  She stayed back and didn't try to pass the other female.  However, even if she was faster during this part, she would have lost because of the ball and chain. 

The brothers are what made this episode fun to watch.  Both of them really fought to try to win the last two challenges.

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Wow, two new tie-ehns in one night! Glad Cruz lost; all he did was trash the brothers after each event. Turns out he was all talk. I’m sure that’s part of the game that the incumbent tie-ehn has to be confident on the verge of arrogance, but at least Jessie managed to be somewhat humble and complimentary. Too bad both of the brothers can’t be in the regional final.

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On 6/16/2020 at 12:11 AM, Swenson said:

I just love it when these hand picked so called "superhuman" people get defeated.  It just goes to show......they are just like the rest of us.  I always thought ANW overhyped her anyway.  Tonight you saw why.

Different set of skills.   The female titan winner would likely tank in the ANW course and probably not get beyond the second or third obstacle.   

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I agree, Jessie has been incredibly successful on ANW and clearly is built for that type of work. The Titan games and mt Olympus are completely different. I was bummed to see her lose but she retained her positivity that she’s always displayed on ANW.  Mostly this just made me sad that I haven’t been able to watch her compete on ANW this year (which is my absolute favorite show).

The brothers were so impressive. I can’t imagine how exhausted they must have been following the Herculean pull. That was bonkers. I thought the arms of the one who won were burned, they were so red. 


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I was rooting for Mitch this episode, although Exodus was okay. Exodus just fit the classic big-and-muscle-bound stereotype for this competition (you know, built like The Rock, ha ha.) I would have rooted for Mitch even without his (heartbreaking) backstory. He's a good-looking (translation: hot) guy, so nice eye candy.

I was TOTALLY rooting for the Captain during Mount Olympus. He's amazing to me, he looks like some common bean-pole dude, yet he's a monster and ROCKS the course. Yes, I have a preference for swimmer bodies.

For the women competitors, I liked the winemaker better for some reason, and the gone sister had nothing to do with it. They really milked that, but *hand wave* whatever. For the final challenge, I had no fav between the winemaker and the fire fighter. I think the winemaker won, but I am not sure since it didn't matter that much to me.

What I did notice is that the tie-ans competed on the moun-ain during that last challenge. So much UGH to that horrid announcer. Does he have blackmail on Dwayne? I see no other way he got a job announcing when he can't pronounce simple words that have Ts in them.

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I’m happy Mitch got to play, even if he went 0-for-2. Is it practiced where kids are named after books from the Bible? “Exodus” would not have been my first guess.

@saber5055: I didn’t notice anything with “Goldenboy” announcing. I’ll have to remember to see if he misses his “t’s.” It’s a pity that they didn’t know American Ninja Warrior would probably be taking the year off. Matt & Akbar could have fun covering Titans, though I bet DJ (seriously?) would make them mess their pants.

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9 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Matt & Akbar could have fun covering Titans

That would have been AWESOME. Matt and Akbar are the best. This show should hire them even if ANW were running/taping, it'd be worth it for this viewer. I can even see Akbar competing on Mt. Olympus like he ran the Ninja course once.

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

That would have been AWESOME. Matt and Akbar are the best. This show should hire them even if ANW were running/taping, it'd be worth it for this viewer. I can even see Akbar competing on Mt. Olympus like he ran the Ninja course once.

I enjoy watching Matt and Akbar too.  They get so excited.  These two hosts are duds.  I only like when they talk to D.J.  But they're not good at announcing.

The firefighter did better last week.  She didn't have as much trouble carrying that vertical log (don't know the actual name).

The A.F. pilot is amazing.  He's a lot stronger than he looks which he did mention.

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2 hours ago, realdancemom said:

I enjoy watching Matt and Akbar too.  They get so excited. 

Akbar was at the Beverly Hills Dog Show and announced some agility competitions, giving play-by-plays as the dogs went through obstacles. He really brings the fun.

Agree that the hosts are ... ahem ... not good on this show.

I was surprised at the fire fighter having problems with the vertical log carry this time since she kicked Jesse to the curb last week in that part of the challenge.

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Not to overanalyze this too much, I think the announcer is pronouncing titan as if the second "t" is the last letter of the first syllable, which makes it very soft and almost unnoticeable, rather than the first letter of the second syllable.

I enjoyed last night's episode, especially the Cirque de Soleil guy's competitions. 

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7 hours ago, Rickster said:

Not to overanalyze this too much, I think the announcer is pronouncing titan as if the second "t" is the last letter of the first syllable, which makes it very soft and almost unnoticeable, rather than the first letter of the second syllable.

I enjoyed last night's episode, especially the Cirque de Soleil guy's competitions. 

Sometimes, I can hear him pronounce the second t.  Sometimes, I can't. 

I like when competitions are close like when the two brothers competed.  So last night, the guys' Mount Olympus challenge was exciting.

The womens' was not.  The winemaker was a lot better.  The rock climber is strong but didn't have a lot of endurance which was noticeable when she was competing in the second event.  She's also not as fast as the winemaker.  As you can see, I don't know any names.

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I thouhgt that for the wall pull, you had to completely strip a pole before moving on. Now I remember, you had to clear the top row completely before you can start on the lower row, but clearly you only have to remember what parts of the lower row you want before moving on. 


That moon walk challenge continues to be a killer. Just mano-a-mano a hundred feet up in the rare. And unlike some of the others, it rarely goes fast. You can feel the strength draining out of the contestants as they fight over every inch of ground. A great challenge. 


It does feel like Titan Games has the right number of challenges. Enough to give some variety each episode, but few enough that you can have favorites and know they'll show up again (but not so few that the ones you don't like show up too often). It's something Ultimate Tag needs, to add more variety.


And need I say, I love that they show ALL the competitions and don't do the "While We Were Away" BS? 

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2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

The rock climber was a great climber but was otherwise in poor physical condition. To succeed on this show you really need all-around fitness.

I thought it a bit unusual that she was such a good climber, but had a very un-climber like build. The winemaker was more like your typical rock climber build.

Still, she did well in the first two challenges.

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1 hour ago, Rickster said:

I thought it a bit unusual that she was such a good climber, but had a very un-climber like build. The winemaker was more like your typical rock climber build.

Still, she did well in the first two challenges.

Agreed, I noticed they gave her the two biggest grip strength challenges (Kick Out is all about grip, being able to hold on hard enough to leverage power).

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3 hours ago, Taeolas said:

I thouhgt that for the wall pull, you had to completely strip a pole before moving on. Now I remember, you had to clear the top row completely before you can start on the lower row, but clearly you only have to remember what parts of the lower row you want before moving on. 

I thought it was up to the contestant as to which and how many weights to remove before trying to tip the wall. Technically, one doesn't have to remove any of the weights if he/she think the wall can be tipped with all weights on.

I was rooting for Robbie Rhino after laughing out loud at his "Booty Shorts Thursday" at his gym. I would be all about heading to the gym that day. It's always bugged me (use a stronger word here than "bugged") that, for example in beach volleyball, the women wear tiny thongs lodged up their ass while the men wear big baggy shorts down to their knees. SO irritating. I'm for equality, guys. Anyway, the booty shorts workout did make me laugh, which was most welcome last night.

Then the show turned into the Seven-Year-Old Boy Show with the Cirque guy's son becoming the focus of that guy's run, and DJ spending more time promoting the kid than running his show. Maybe the fact I don't care all that much for little kids has something to do with my irritation. So it was irksome that this dude beat Booty Shorts. That means we get to see more of the kid instead of more booty. Eh.

I liked the climber woman since I'm a huge mountaineering fan plus living in a truck is a lifestyle I'm comfortable with. Glad to see her win at least one skill, so there's that. And we only had to hear about Dead Sister once during this episode.

I got distracted so don't know if my Captain won against Seven-Year-Old Boy. Captain was the best reason to keep watching this show IMO.

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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I thought it was up to the contestant as to which and how many weights to remove before trying to tip the wall. Technically, one doesn't have to remove any of the weights if he/she think the wall can be tipped with all weights on.


They can attempt to tip the wall any time they want. 

But the rule is they must start at the top row, and they can't touch the bottom row unless the top row is completely clear. That means they can't spin all the wheels off and pull just the orange off each one. They must completely clear the harder ones on the top and then they can take any amount of the bottom off apparently. 

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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I got distracted so don't know if my Captain won against Seven-Year-Old Boy. Captain was the best reason to keep watching this show IMO.

Yes, Noah won on MO for a third time.

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@DEL901 . . . I'm good with the format. Introduce a Titan for two others to chase. Repeat for three episodes. Then have the losers of the Titan round fight for one more chance.

I kept falling asleep. I think it was more me than TTG. One thing: is it weird that I think the female competitors do not have flattering outfits? I mean the pants or whatever they're called. They just seem like you can see a lot more than needed. I hope that I'm not coming off prudish saying that.

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8 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

@DEL901 . . . I'm good with the format. Introduce a Titan for two others to chase. Repeat for three episodes. Then have the losers of the Titan round fight for one more chance.

I kept falling asleep. I think it was more me than TTG. One thing: is it weird that I think the female competitors do not have flattering outfits? I mean the pants or whatever they're called. They just seem like you can see a lot more than needed. I hope that I'm not coming off prudish saying that.

I agree about the clothes of the female Titans....looks like the butt material is overstretched and, yes, you can see too much.  

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Is Noah 4 for 4 now on MO? Impressive. 

Wish they'd just have Dwayne do the commentary instead of "Goldenboy." I seemed to hear even more instances of "TIE - EHN" than is usual. Sometimes he doesn't exaggerate the second syllable so much so I know he has it in him. Just stick to calling play-by-plays of people playing Halo and Overwatch.

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40 minutes ago, dmeets said:

Wish they'd just have Dwayne do the commentary instead of "Goldenboy." I seemed to hear even more instances of "TIE - EHN" than is usual.

No kidding. Too bad TITAN is in the name of the show, and people are competing to become a TITAN.

I was pumped to see Noah continue to rule as Tie-an. He's become the best part of this show for me. While the Cirque guy is handsome and looked good in his pretty blue skin suit, I was glad the single-dad-son's air time was minimal this week, and glad that camera-hog child is now gone. I know, I know, it's the show's decision to make the kid his hook, like there are no other single dads out there. But I tune in to see the tie-ans compete, not little kids jumping around and shouting.

What was up with everyone climbing up the bottom of the golden log. Last time climbers were successful shimmying up the top. Maybe everything was more slippery this week. Jessie really killed it on her climb, she had that particular skill set down pat.

I pay attention to how men vs. women are made to dress on athletic shows. I wonder why some women wear halter tops while others wear full-length tops. Yeah, the women's pants are pretty "thin" across the ass. It appears their material is thinner than what the men's suits are made of. At least the women are not forced to wear little tiny thong pants, so there's that.

I thought Jessie did better this round, and I was rooting for her. Because she rocks. I didn't care if Dead Sister or Firefighter won in the end, although I'd be good not having to hear about Dead Sister for the zillionth time. But get ready because next time she competes, we'll hear all about it AGAIN.

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Watching Hammer Down with the men was intense. Exodus fell off the golden pole twice; he would have been first.

Victor Cruz didn't have the muscle/strength or endurance to win Resistance. He was a wide receiver, and is used to sprints, and short, explosive movements.

I would have liked to have seen Noah compete against a healthy challenger for the region championship - Wayne was injured; he didn't stand a chance. I also didn't think it was very smart to do MO on an injured ankle; a sprain could easily turn into broken bones, or torn ligaments or tendons.

Resistance with the women was intense. Jessie's strategy was promising, but, Kelly was able to get ONE barrel over the edge with seconds to spare...sometimes, that's all it takes.

Kelly lost that little bit of ground at the beginning of MO, and that was it.

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1 hour ago, ShortyMac said:

I would have liked to have seen Noah compete against a healthy challenger for the region championship - Wayne was injured; he didn't stand a chance.

I agree, but I also thought Wayne was wimping out in the upper-strength part too, when his ankle wasn't involved at all. Then jumping down the last row, he landed on his bad ankle when he could have held it up to land one-footed, which he did a couple of times. It's almost like he was using it as an excuse. JMHO, of course!

I was wondering if Rock would ask any of these competitors to be in a future movie with him. They would make an awesome back-up bad-ass band for him.

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I have to say, I am constantly fascinated on this show by slightly pudgy looking contestants constantly beating the hand picked Titans, although I thought from the very first episode that Teter would be the first Titan to go out. I also wonder how they screened the Titans. While they might not have run a course, I'd think there would be something like a "let's see you move a xx lb. weight across the floor", because it seemed that Teter had a great deal of trouble moving the boulder even a couple of feet. I was also surprised to see the short pudgy guy from  SC (?) so easily beat the UFC guy and do so well on what seemed to be the fastest Lunar Impact in the show.

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For Lunar Impact, he had the advantage in that his opponent stumbled on the ladder right at the start. That gave him a crucial extra second or two to get to the top and get the panel moving. After that, momentum is a bitch. Unless you can plant your feet hard and absorb the impact of the momentum, once that panel is coming at you, you're going to be carried with it. 

As for the Titans, I suspect they were looking for either recognizable names, or named athletes that may not be quite as well known but still famous. (And Jessie would've been fantastic cross promotion had the ANW season been going on concurrently as was planned). But one thing you'll notice with all the Titans, is none of them are really strength specialists. They're usually speed and agility specialists which doesn't help you on Titan Games. Pretty much all of the Titans, you'll notice, end up struggling on the pure-strength parts of Mount Olympus (whether it is flipping the box, carrying the weight up the ramp, or hauling the hammer at the end).


If we go with Titans for next year, they'll need to adjust the Titan criteria a bit more. I'm not sure what sports, other than maybe weight lifting, would be a good pick; but the current ones aren't really working. Which also might be partly intentional. While I suspect the show would love 1 Titan to 'win' in the end, ultimately they want the Joe and Jane Average contestants to be the winners, not their hand-picked "Titans". So the Titans getting beat so easily might be a bit annoying, it ultimately isn't that big a deal for the show. 

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It appears the best sports background is probably ex football linemen/linebackers, of whom there are probably plenty who would appear on the show. On the other hand, they probably want a more diverse set of Titans.

The women's side is a real dilemma. Only sports I can think of might be heptathlon and rowing, and nobody has any name recognition in those. Maybe some of the other Ninjas. You also have to take into consideration whether they would be willing to appear on the show.

I agree 100% the intent is to get the amateur contestants through to the finals, not the original Titans, but it is a bit ludicrous to hear The Rock touting each of them and see them immediately flame out. Only the offensive lineman had the sort of story "arc" I think they were looking for.

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That chubby mullet man took me on a journey. I started out like who the hell is THIS guy, then was begrudgingly impressed with his pluck, and by the end I was totally on board the Mullet Train. His type of strength goes perfectly with this show.

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Country Mullet Man was a hoot. When he flew up that ladder and pushed the other guy off the platform (I don't know the names of these obstacles) before he even got a purchase, I was yelling out loud at my tv, it was so exciting. (Okay, so my life is boring.) Then he flew through MO like some wombat. His competition was nice eye candy so at least I got to look at him before Mullet Man sent him home, so there was that. I wonder how MM will stand up to my Captain Noah. Again, he isn't the big bulky gym-rat type either.

I totally did not like the snowboard woman. Man, talk about her dishing the smack about how great she is and how SHE has an Olympic gold medal and yada yada. Then she totally got her butt kicked by a nurse. The Olympics should make her turn her medal in. But at the end, she was all "HEY, I'm Olympic gold, I'm coming back to reclaim my Titan title because I rock and I'm the best ever." Yeah, right lady, you wouldn't have had a Titan title at all if Dwayne hadn't given it to you for free.

Because of posts here, I paid attention to the women's outfits this time, and ya'll are right, those stretch pants are like colored skin, and the red pants are pretty see through in the ass, and show everything from the butt crack on. The men are wearing shorts almost to their knees, with tights underneath. Is there some rule that says women have to be physically exploited or people won't watch? Or men won't watch? And women feel like they have to show off their ass to get socially accepted? I noticed the nurse winner kept tugging up on her pants, so they weren't that comfortable for her. And last week, the pants were getting pretty low on those two women.

Conclusion: This is why I was rooting for Booty Shorts Thursday guy in that previous episode. I'm for equal rights in clothing.

Edited by saber5055
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5 hours ago, Rickster said:

It appears the best sports background is probably ex football linemen/linebackers, of whom there are probably plenty who would appear on the show. On the other hand, they probably want a more diverse set of Titans.

The women's side is a real dilemma. Only sports I can think of might be heptathlon and rowing, and nobody has any name recognition in those. Maybe some of the other Ninjas. You also have to take into consideration whether they would be willing to appear on the show.

I agree 100% the intent is to get the amateur contestants through to the finals, not the original Titans, but it is a bit ludicrous to hear The Rock touting each of them and see them immediately flame out. Only the offensive lineman had the sort of story "arc" I think they were looking for.

For women heptathlon, they did have Chantae McMillan and she wasn't even a hand picked Titan.  I was rooting for her too.  It was still nice to see Jessie as a Titan and I thought she did pretty good the second time around.  The snow boarder was too tiny to be a Titan.  I think they wanted famous names just to get people to watch.  If I didn't already watch Titan Games, I would have wanted to watch Jessie because of American Ninja Warriors.

It didn't surprise me that the country mullet guy was strong.  I was surprised that he was also fast and agile.  He was fun to watch.

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As a Canuck, I was hoping for the French Canadian Monster Truck driver. But sadly she didn't pull it off. I don't doubt her own athleticism, and she does seem to have strength. But unlike most athletes, I suspect her aptitude isn't agility or strength, but durability; being able to take the shakes and flips of her job and keep her wits and keep control. 

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My biggest problem with this show are the hand-picked titans. Aside from the first, the football player, they've all been unimpressive to varying degrees. They're just not suited to the challenge of Mount Olympus. Aside from Jessie Graf, I've never heard of any of them either. I doubt they bring in new viewers. 

If they have another season my suggestion would be to let the current division champs start the season as the Rock's titans and see if they can be picked off by the new challengers or defend their titles. We know they can handle Mt Olympus and are formidable opponents, the audience will already have a connection with them and it will make things a bit more exciting. 

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1 hour ago, Kail said:

My biggest problem with this show are the hand-picked titans. Aside from the first, the football player, they've all been unimpressive to varying degrees. They're just not suited to the challenge of Mount Olympus. Aside from Jessie Graf, I've never heard of any of them either. I doubt they bring in new viewers. 

If they have another season my suggestion would be to let the current division champs start the season as the Rock's titans and see if they can be picked off by the new challengers or defend their titles. We know they can handle Mt Olympus and are formidable opponents, the audience will already have a connection with them and it will make things a bit more exciting. 

ITA.  I only knew Jessie Graf.  I also like the idea of using the current division champs for the next season.

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I *haaaaated* this week's male winner. I fast forwarded through him every time he spoke because I just couldn't listen to him. I was hoping he would lose badly but alas no. Hopefully Noah will pick him off like a bug.

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