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Ladies Of London - General Discussion

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On 8/26/2019 at 4:21 AM, Hiyo said:

I liked this show too. I definitely enjoyed the London and rest of the UK porn as well.

Juliet Angus was on a podcast saying they might do a reboot. Probably just peoduction talks but I'd still watch. I miss this show even though season 3 felt rushed. 

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On 11/7/2019 at 3:22 AM, Hiyo said:

This happened over the summer, but talk about punching above your weight class...


I don’t blame her though. As annoying as the Influencer genre is, it’s shocking how many will post about something for free or in exchange for a free, low cost product. She’s had a monetized blog for years so it’s insulting when companies do the collab angle when they’re the only ones benefiting. 

Influencer culture is sketchy. 

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On 12/26/2019 at 9:57 PM, NotChristine said:

This doesn’t surprise me either; they barely showed each other any real public affection and pretty much lived separate lives. Even from following her Instagram since then and their big move to Dubai, I noticed that he would barely appear in her posts/stories there.

But I just figured they had an open marriage on the DL and were just hanging in there for the kids. Wonder what was the final nail in that coffin??

Now a bunch of folks have been messaging her/tweeting that she needs to join the “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills/NYC” since she knows so many folks from both casts. She coyly admitted that she was into that idea, but I doubt anything will come of it.

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She made a big deal of signing some contract for a new reality show shortly after LoL was cancelled but nothing ever came of it. I don’t really understand her appeal. 
Marissa and Matt had a soft opening of their new restaurant in West Hollywood called Olivetta.

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On 1/5/2020 at 6:23 PM, biakbiak said:

She made a big deal of signing some contract for a new reality show shortly after LoL was cancelled but nothing ever came of it. I don’t really understand her appeal. 
Marissa and Matt had a soft opening of their new restaurant in West Hollywood called Olivetta.

Shes not as interesting as she thinks she is. They as a group were interesting. I miss this show a lot but I couldn’t see myself watching an entire hour of just Caroline being Caroline being cruel, putting others down for an hour every week.

Same with some of the other women, they’re only tolerable in small doses.

Marissa seems happy in L.A. 

I would watch an hour of Caroline Fleming. I liked her other shows. She’s harmless, slightly whimsical and now that she’s moved home there’s house porn! I liked her London house too. 


On 1/9/2020 at 10:26 PM, NotChristine said:

The sandwich balls woman (her name escapes me) was on CBS Evening News talking about the Sussex exit. No clue what she contributed since the volume was down.

Sandwich Balls Woman! 😂🤣😂

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Bravo is replaying season 1 of LOL today (April 20, 2020).  I'd forgotten how much I loved this show.  As London is my favorite city, I am just drooling over the city porn (and it's making me want this damn quarantine to end that much sooner so I can get back there!) 

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I loved this show!! Watching the LoL marathon on Bravo now while whilst supposedly working remotely. Interesting how things have changed since it last aired. Marissa has moved back to the US and with her husband, has opened two successful higher-end restaurants in the LA area. Lady Julie Montagu is hosting a series  on the Smithsonian channel about great estates in the U.K. Julie has also converted and rehabbed rooms and buildings on the Mapperton estate where she hosts sold out yoga retreats. Parts of Mapperton can also be leased for weddings. Juliet still considers herself a fashion influencer. Caroline, who they touted as a successful businesswoman, lost her business as well as her husband.  Annabel died tragically. Caroline Fleming moved back to Denmark. Caprice and Noel ... no idea nor do I give a shit. 

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40 minutes ago, Babyfoot said:

I loved this show!! Watching the LoL marathon on Bravo now while whilst supposedly working remotely. Interesting how things have changed since it last aired. Marissa has moved back to the US and with her husband, has opened two successful higher-end restaurants in the LA area. Lady Julie Montagu is hosting a series  on the Smithsonian channel about great estates in the U.K. Julie has also converted and rehabbed rooms and buildings on the Mapperton estate where she hosts sold out yoga retreats. Parts of Mapperton can also be leased for weddings. Juliet still considers herself a fashion influencer. Caroline, who they touted as a successful businesswoman, lost her business as well as her husband.  Annabel died tragically. Caroline Fleming moved back to Denmark. Caprice and Noel ... no idea nor do I give a shit. 

If I lived in London, or the UK, I would absolutely do a yoga retreat weekend at Mapperton with Julie.  I know a lot of people were annoyed by her during the show's initial run but I always liked her.  She seemed real and she was very sincere not only about yoga but about her family's financial issue and her dedication to Mapperton.  Not only that but Mapperton looks gorgeous!  

I'll admit I have gone to Juliet's website and she looks nice.  I don't understand why she always looked like she hadn't washed her hair in a week and/or was freshly pulled from the dryer right before the cameras showed up on LOL.  I don't see how she's a fashion influencer but maybe I'm just dense.  

Always loved both Carolines - - either or both of them could be fashion influencers.  

Always liked Marissa as well.  And as someone who lived more than 15 years in southern California, I don't understand why she and her family would choose to leave London for LA.  Just saying.

Always loved Annabel.  Was so saddened when she died suddenly.  

Apparently both Caprice and Noelle are still living in London.  


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4 hours ago, Babyfoot said:

Juliet still considers herself a fashion influencer. 


3 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

If I lived in London, or the UK, I would absolutely do a yoga retreat weekend at Mapperton with Julie.  I know a lot of people were annoyed by her during the show's initial run but I always liked her.  She seemed real and she was very sincere not only about yoga but about her family's financial issue and her dedication to Mapperton.  Not only that but Mapperton looks gorgeous!  

I'll admit I have gone to Juliet's website and she looks nice.  I don't understand why she always looked like she hadn't washed her hair in a week and/or was freshly pulled from the dryer right before the cameras showed up on LOL.  I don't see how she's a fashion influencer but maybe I'm just dense.  

Always loved both Carolines - - either or both of them could be fashion influencers.  

Always liked Marissa as well.  And as someone who lived more than 15 years in southern California, I don't understand why she and her family would choose to leave London for LA.  Just saying.

Always loved Annabel.  Was so saddened when she died suddenly.  

Apparently both Caprice and Noelle are still living in London.  


I would too! I liked Julie. I like her books. I think she was under a lot of stress during filming. Someone on another forum mentioned they felt the problem with Julie was at her core she wasn’t a mean girl like the rest could be. The poster said you could look at the rest of the cast and each one could say “You can’t sit with us” except for Julie. Also that Julie had true financial concerns and isn’t materialistic. 
I’ve been to Mapperton and it’s lovely. 

I always felt Juliet was always going for overly trendy styles she didn’t have the looks for. Does anyone know what I mean? Rihanna could wear a spiked chain dress and look amazing but the rest of us look well, out of place. Juliet is pretty so I didn’t get a lot of the looks. 

LOVE Caroline Fleming and her style. Even the overly quirky D&G she wears on her YouTube channel. 
Caroline Stanbury has great style too. A lot of Valentino and Roland Mouret. My only issue is sometimes I thought she could be overly cruel. 
I loved Adela’s style and wish we had been able to get to know her more. 
I liked a lot of Marissa’s looks. I made one of her recipes the other day. I thought the move to LA was more of a homesick, let’s try LA for a while because she had been in London for so many years. She put in enough time to get citizenship which is so helpful when you want to live that back and forth lifestyle. Some friends left London for San Diego last year despise loving it because her parents are getting up there in age, she wanted her kids to get to know her family more than a visit once every two years. 
Caprice will never leave the UK. She’s “someone” there lol 

2 hours ago, Hiyo said:

This show was an underrated gem. If there is one show that needs to be rebooted/brought back, it's this one.

YES! I thought it was taken from us way too soon! 

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Marissa has been delivering a lot of meals to first responders and hospitals from their two restaurants. Also, delivering to regular customers and you can nominate people to receive free meas from both their restaurants. 

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I had forgotten so much of Season 1! I couldn’t watch the marathon yesterday so I’m watching it now. 
I’m curious on what the original pitched premise was because a few of the ladies were heavy on the American bashing. 
One thing I remembered from the original airing was being baffled by the explanations of “The British Way” and thought maybe that was more for the viewers than the other women because they had all lived in England long enough to know the way things are done. It’s not like they’re new to the country. 4-5 years with small kids? They know. 
Marissa’s emotion over her last 4th of July before becoming a British citizen is still heartfelt to watch. I know it may sound silly but even if you’re not very patriotic you feel a little loss of identity when you gain a new citizenship, a new country to call home. I know they’re in America now. But those momentary emotions of Wow, this is it. I’m going to spend my whole life somewhere else. Who am I? It all brings up a lot of various emotion. 
I didn’t realize Noelle had been with Scot four years at the time of filming. 
I wonder if Caprice would’ve been more entertaining if she hadn’t been pregnant at the time of filming. 

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Marissa’s emotion over her last 4th of July before becoming a British citizen is still heartfelt to watch. I know it may sound silly but even if you’re not very patriotic you feel a little loss of identity when you gain a new citizenship, a new country to call home.

I almost did, till I realized "Wait, she allowed to keep dual citizenship!"

I mean, it isn't like the Home Office would have shown up and smacked her on the head any time she displayed any Americanisms...I know lots of dual citizen Americans who have 4th of July and Thanksgiving celebrations in their new adopted countries.

This wasn't exactly her last 4th of July as an American ever, it just meant the next one would have been her first as a dual American/British citizen, so her attempt at drama there just fell flat for me.

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4 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

I didn’t realize Noelle had been with Scot four years at the time of filming. 
I wonder if Caprice would’ve been more entertaining if she hadn’t been pregnant at the time of filming. 

Like I’d slightly forgotten what an entitled twat Caprice seemed like on this show; maybe some of it was her heavy pregnancy, maybe some of it was her “star” status she’d gradually gained over her years in London, but she was completely different a few years before when she appeared on a season of “The Surreal Life.” She seemed so sweet, fun and less thirsty back when she filmed that show(also, not as plastic yet), versus the haughty wannabe socialite she embodied on this show.

Plus there was the endless back and forth about Caprice’s baby shower...God I was so damned sick of the silly baby shower fiasco. Maybe I’m just a lowly peasant, but I completely sided with Caroline on that one: if someone offers to throw you an elaborate baby shower, the gracious thing to do is to accept the offer on the host’s terms, not make self-centered demands otherwise. She totally wanted it held in the city because she wanted the paps and supposed ‘important folks’ to show up there too, which was ridiculous. You can have multiple showers, for chrissakes.

Noelle was also annoying to me in a desperate older golddigger way, playing up to that fishy slimeball Scot(RIP) like he was actually loaded. I’m vaguely curious if she’s moved onto another supposedly rich Englishman target since then.

Ditto Marissa, but in a different way. She seemed really phony to me, for some reason; I got a desperate social-climber vibe from her. Juliet just annoyed me overall and seemed to be playing the overdone role of the clueless American; plus, I’m sorry, but she had such a rat-like sneer on her face that I could never buy her as some fashion visionary.

Go figure that the one American cast member I liked was Julie, the actual true royal-by-marriage. She seemed so genuine and disarming in all her frazzled glory; she’s proof that most folks who are actually are *somebody* don’t put on pretentious airs and act above everybody else. Although that whole protein balls idea she was hawking is still so cringeworthy.

She could be a pretentious snob, but I still sorta enjoyed Annabelle, especially when she offered glimpses of her fashion underground vibes.

Honestly, Caroline Stanbury ran circles around these gals in terms of poise and wit...but she seemed to be at the top of her game back then. I think moving her family to Dubai played a huge part in her recent divorce, although her frequently absent husband did seem a bit suspect even way back then. 

Edited by Sun-Bun
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8 hours ago, Hiyo said:

This wasn't exactly her last 4th of July as an American ever, it just meant the next one would have been her first as a dual American/British citizen, so her attempt at drama there just fell flat for me.

Yes. It’s not about having anything taken from you. Perhaps I was projecting my own emotions as well but in my own experience it was emotional not in a final loss way but in a next time this year I’ll be both, something else. 

6 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Like I’d slightly forgotten what an entitled twat Caprice seemed like on this show; maybe some of it was her heavy pregnancy, maybe some of it was her “star” status she’d gradually gained over her years in London, but she was completely different a few years before when she appeared on a season of “The Surreal Life.” She seemed so sweet, fun and less thirsty back when she filmed that show(also, not as plastic yet), versus the haughty wannabe socialite she embodied on this show.

Plus there was the endless back and forth about Caprice’s baby shower...God I was so damned sick of the silly baby shower fiasco. Maybe I’m just a lowly peasant, but I completely sided with Caroline on that one: if someone offers to throw you an elaborate baby shower, the gracious thing to do is to accept the offer on the host’s terms, not make self-centered demands otherwise. She totally wanted it held in the city because she wanted the paps and supposed ‘important folks’ to show up there too, which was ridiculous. You can have multiple showers, for chrissakes.

Noelle was also annoying to me in a desperate older golddigger way, playing up to that fishy slimeball Scot(RIP) like he was actually loaded. I’m vaguely curious if she’s moved onto another supposedly rich Englishman target since then.

Ditto Marissa, but in a different way. She seemed really phony to me, for some reason; I got a desperate social-climber vibe from her. Juliet just annoyed me overall and seemed to be playing the overdone role of the clueless American; plus, I’m sorry, but she had such a rat-like sneer on her face that I could never buy her as some fashion visionary.

Go figure that the one American cast member I liked was Julie, the actual true royal-by-marriage. She seemed so genuine and disarming in all her frazzled glory; she’s proof that most folks who are actually are *somebody* don’t put on pretentious airs and act above everybody else. Although that whole protein balls idea she was hawking is still so cringeworthy.

She could be a pretentious snob, but I still sorta enjoyed Annabelle, especially when she offered glimpses of her fashion underground vibes.

Honestly, Caroline Stanbury ran circles around these gals in terms of poise and wit...but she seemed to be at the top of her game back then. I think moving her family to Dubai played a huge part in her recent divorce, although her frequently absent husband did seem a bit suspect even way back then. 

Before this show, press wise and then on The Surreal Life, Caprice seemed like such a fun, adventurous person. That’s why I’m so curious what the original pretence of the show was (a lot of American bashing the first few eps compared to later seasons) with all the society etiquette, snobbery or if she was simply heavily pregnant and bitchy. Her thirst for press that was shown was sad. I had forgotten what a mess the baby shower was. I sided with Caroline too! 

Wasn't Noelle’s miracle accidental pregnancy by a finance guy? Yeah, she made far too many “jokes” about Scot’s former fortune. 
I wonder if the truth about any of his situation will ever come out. 

I felt Marissa was pretentious but pretending not to be. I think she had post partum season 3.

Annabelle’s constant McQueen references could be annoying but now I realize that’s really all she had. I’m not sure she had much of a self identity aside from that. Which is heartbreaking. Her Grandmother was adorable. 

I know it was self induced but I was sad for Caroline when she lost her business. I think that hurt her much more than she let it show. 

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Probably an unpopular opinion but I was disappointed that Caprice did not return for Season 2.  I thought it would be interesting to see her business -- especially since that was somewhat limited due to her pregnancy.  I wouldn't have had an issue with watching her run her business with two babies, so long as it wasn't all babies, all the time.  

I didn't care that Noelle didn't return.  I felt sorry for what happened with Scot but she was the  most transparent gold digger imaginable.  

So after seeing most of season 1 the other day I went ahead and bought the entire series on my Amazon Prime account and watched a bunch of Season 2 yesterday.  

My heart actually broke for Caroline losing her business.  The biggest mistake she made -- expanding too quickly, too soon -- is so understandable and has sunk many a business.  As someone who admitted that she wanted to be more than just a wife and mother, and who said her boobs should have been balls, it was probably doubly devastating to her.  I did enjoy the scenes where Michael Sam came to visit her and they did the Duck through London.  It showed Caroline being very carefree and fun.  

Annabelle did mention Alexander McQueen a lot.  I recall people mentioning that she never really got over his death, that they were extremely close.  Not just in a business/professional way but in a BFF/she had dedicated rooms in all his homes kind of way.  I read a few things on Annabelle yesterday and didn't realize that she had been the victim of a horrific attack when she 19, I think?  Tied to a tree and beaten for something like two hours; then had to have her face completely reconstructed because of the damage.  That, apparently, was what led to her heroin addiction for a while.  I also read that following her horse-riding accident, she was in almost constant pain for the remainder of her life.  So shooting the show must have been difficult for her.  

I didn't and don't have an issue with Marissa, as moving to London, meeting and marrying a Brit and having a fabulous life there sounds like heaven to me.  The only thing that rubbed me the wrong way was when Marissa made the comment to Caroline Fleming about locking up your children because the cougar is in town.  That was really tacky and pretty low.  

Speaking of Caroline Fleming, I want to be her.  Between her gorgeous Chelsea digs, her effortless style, her easy-going "I never wear shoes" (I don't either at home) and telling her dinner guests it was time for them to leave, I just love her.  She's no-nonsense but comes off warmer than Caroline S.  She's actual royalty but doesn't wave it around.  She has two dogs that she takes on lengthy walks who then return home and pee and poo on the floor.  She's like us!

I also still love Julie.  Watching her prepare for her JUB business meeting, I know that's what I would be like.  I appreciate that she's not sure what she's doing so she'll ask Caroline S. for advice.  She's not sure how to market Mapperton so she goes to one of Luke's cousins to see how he runs his estate.  She's a smart cookie, even if she's flustered.  And I love that she rides her bike almost everywhere.  I did feel for her when she got emotional and cried over comments made by Caroline S. when Caroline F. got into a handstand before Julie, the yoga teacher, did.  Yeah, it was attacking her career and her identity but I also don't believe these other women knew how much stress and pressure Julie was under at the time, basically being a single parent to four kids and working on both her yoga and on saving Mapperton.  

Juliet comes off a bit better in season 2 although this so-called fashion maven really needs a stylist.  Her kids are adorable.  

Sophie is an annoying try-hard, at least for the first half of season 2, to a downright shit stirrer.  And she seems like a drunk.  

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19 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Probably an unpopular opinion but I was disappointed that Caprice did not return for Season 2.  I thought it would be interesting to see her business -- especially since that was somewhat limited due to her pregnancy.  I wouldn't have had an issue with watching her run her business with two babies, so long as it wasn't all babies, all the time.  

I didn't care that Noelle didn't return.  I felt sorry for what happened with Scot but she was the  most transparent gold digger imaginable.  

So after seeing most of season 1 the other day I went ahead and bought the entire series on my Amazon Prime account and watched a bunch of Season 2 yesterday.  

My heart actually broke for Caroline losing her business.  The biggest mistake she made -- expanding too quickly, too soon -- is so understandable and has sunk many a business.  As someone who admitted that she wanted to be more than just a wife and mother, and who said her boobs should have been balls, it was probably doubly devastating to her.  I did enjoy the scenes where Michael Sam came to visit her and they did the Duck through London.  It showed Caroline being very carefree and fun.  

Annabelle did mention Alexander McQueen a lot.  I recall people mentioning that she never really got over his death, that they were extremely close.  Not just in a business/professional way but in a BFF/she had dedicated rooms in all his homes kind of way.  I read a few things on Annabelle yesterday and didn't realize that she had been the victim of a horrific attack when she 19, I think?  Tied to a tree and beaten for something like two hours; then had to have her face completely reconstructed because of the damage.  That, apparently, was what led to her heroin addiction for a while.  I also read that following her horse-riding accident, she was in almost constant pain for the remainder of her life.  So shooting the show must have been difficult for her.  

I didn't and don't have an issue with Marissa, as moving to London, meeting and marrying a Brit and having a fabulous life there sounds like heaven to me.  The only thing that rubbed me the wrong way was when Marissa made the comment to Caroline Fleming about locking up your children because the cougar is in town.  That was really tacky and pretty low.  

Speaking of Caroline Fleming, I want to be her.  Between her gorgeous Chelsea digs, her effortless style, her easy-going "I never wear shoes" (I don't either at home) and telling her dinner guests it was time for them to leave, I just love her.  She's no-nonsense but comes off warmer than Caroline S.  She's actual royalty but doesn't wave it around.  She has two dogs that she takes on lengthy walks who then return home and pee and poo on the floor.  She's like us!

I also still love Julie.  Watching her prepare for her JUB business meeting, I know that's what I would be like.  I appreciate that she's not sure what she's doing so she'll ask Caroline S. for advice.  She's not sure how to market Mapperton so she goes to one of Luke's cousins to see how he runs his estate.  She's a smart cookie, even if she's flustered.  And I love that she rides her bike almost everywhere.  I did feel for her when she got emotional and cried over comments made by Caroline S. when Caroline F. got into a handstand before Julie, the yoga teacher, did.  Yeah, it was attacking her career and her identity but I also don't believe these other women knew how much stress and pressure Julie was under at the time, basically being a single parent to four kids and working on both her yoga and on saving Mapperton.  

Juliet comes off a bit better in season 2 although this so-called fashion maven really needs a stylist.  Her kids are adorable.  

Sophie is an annoying try-hard, at least for the first half of season 2, to a downright shit stirrer.  And she seems like a drunk.  

The business part of Caprice being so excluded was kind of baffling because her story is fascinating. I’m not certain how things are now but there was a time she was very, very successful with branding. Not only the lingerie but hair appliances too. Remember around 2000/2002 when CHI seemed to be the only flat iron out there? Caprice’s flat iron was as good as the CHI but a quarter of the price. I always wondered why she didn’t stick with that market. I felt badly for the way her “fauxness” was mocked because by then she had spent almost two decades in another country. You take on certain mannerisms, speech patterns sometimes whether you realize it. 

The Scot situation is sad and still so mysteriously intriguing. 

From what I understand, Caroline banked too much on the show exposure hoping it would support her business. I liked the Gift Library. I purchased a few times. Markup was a bit much though. The packaging and presentation when they arrived was gorgeous. You could tell she wanted to disappear in those scenes of losing it. 
There were a few situations where Marissa made me question umm what? Is this meanness really her? I couldn’t understand if it was humor that fell flat or if she was mean, hiding it well. I need to rewatch S2, S3. I also thought she could’ve handled the friendship stuff better than she did. 

Annabelle had been through a lot. Not that we need a person’s life story to be kinder to them, I think more viewers would’ve been more compassionate toward her, her attitude, behavior at times. 

Caroline F! I loved her other shows and hope she’ll do something like it again. She’s a joy to watch. 

The handstand scene was hard. But little situations like that made me ugh Caroline S. There’s being funny, saucy and there’s knife jabs. Sometimes I think she knew when something would hurt but took the shot anyway. (I’m too sensitive and sympathetic I know!) which really sucks from coming from someone whose motto is “Be Nice” 

I think some might’ve known the pressure Julie was under but couldn’t relate or empathize properly because they all had safety nets if they fell. 

Still cringing over the Christopher Kane top Juliet wore at the July 4th thing and many of her other wardrobe mishaps. 

I didn’t understand why Sophie was on the show. I’m indifferent toward her. I’m repeating other posts but from the little bit we saw of Adela she seemed interesting, more interesting than Sophie. 

Edited by LemonSoda
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3 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

The business part of Caprice being so excluded was kind of baffling because her story is fascinating. I’m not certain how things are now but there was a time she was very, very successful with branding. Not only the lingerie but hair appliances too. Remember around 2000/2002 when CHI seemed to be the only flat iron out there? Caprice’s flat iron was as good as the CHI but a quarter of the price. I always wondered why she didn’t stick with that market. I felt badly for the way her “fauxness” was mocked because by then she had spent almost two decades in another country. You take on certain mannerisms, speech patterns sometimes whether you realize it. 

The Scot situation is sad and still so mysteriously intriguing. 

From what I understand, Caroline banked too much on the show exposure hoping it would support her business. I liked the Gift Library. I purchased a few times. Markup was a bit much though. The packaging and presentation when they arrived was gorgeous. You could tell she wanted to disappear in those scenes of losing it. 
There were a few situations where Marissa made me question umm what? Is this meanness really her? I couldn’t understand if it was humor that fell flat or if she was mean, hiding it well. I need to rewatch S2, S3. I also thought she could’ve handled the friendship stuff better than she did. 

Annabelle had been through a lot. Not that we need a person’s life story to be kinder to them, I think more viewers would’ve been more compassionate toward her, her attitude, behavior at times. 

Caroline F! I loved her other shows and hope she’ll do something like it again. She’s a joy to watch. 

The handstand scene was hard. But little situations like that made me ugh Caroline S. There’s being funny, saucy and there’s knife jabs. Sometimes I think she knew when something would hurt but took the shot anyway. (I’m too sensitive and sympathetic I know!) which really sucks from coming from someone whose motto is “Be Nice” 

I think some might’ve known the pressure Julie was under but couldn’t relate or empathize properly because they all had safety nets if they fell. 

Still cringing over the Christopher Kane top Juliet wore at the July 4th thing and many of her other wardrobe mishaps. 

I didn’t understand why Sophie was on the show. I’m indifferent toward her. I’m repeating other posts but from the little bit we saw of Adela she seemed interesting, more interesting than Sophie. 

My guess is that Caroline brought Sophie in because she knew that Sophie and Alex (?) were splitting up and Sophie needed a job/money.  Sophie was also a good cheerleader and buffer for Caroline if the other ladies got critical.

I had no idea that Caprice had a flat iron.  I actually knew nothing about her before LOL.  Maybe she had stepped back from her businesses a great deal during filming of season 1 because of the surrogate and her pregnancy.  Whatever the reason, it's a shame because I'm always interested in seeing self-assertive women run their businesses.  

We saw Juliet blog a tiny bit and then I think it may have been the last episode of season 2 where we saw her shopping with someone.  Why not show more of that?  I thought it was interesting and it helped to explain why Juliet had a fashion blog.  I mean, if she were dressing folks (and doing it successfully), then yes, she was a good source of fashion information.  Although at Marissa's July 4th party at Bumpkin, Juliet was dressed for an American BBQ in someone's backyard.  She probably would have been better off in a sundress.

What exactly did the Gift Library sell, @LemonSoda?  I saw they pulled out jewelry but am curious as to what else they offered.   I wonder if Caroline's wedding shop is still in business? 

I didn't get a mean girl vibe from Marissa.  It's possibly she meant it in a joking manner and it simply fell flat.  It's also possible that since Marissa was/is good friends with Caroline's sister, she heard things from the sister and was letting that message come through.  I think if Marissa and Caroline F. had a closer friendship, she could have made the comment about lock up your children, etc. and Caroline F. would have either laughed it off and told her to stuff it in a good-natured way and it would have been fine.  But Marissa and Caroline F. were not that close so it certainly didn't go over well.  Never mind the fact that Caroline F. was wearing a bowling shirt with "cougar" on it at the time.  And that's a good example.  The shirt came from Juliet, Caroline F. was closer with Juliet at the time and saw the shirt as a joke.

Regarding Julie -- that's very true.  The other women either had husbands that were making good (to amazing) money or had family money (Caroline F. and Annabelle) or money from their own income/settlements (Annabelle).   Julie was doing all the heavy lifting in her family, even without her husband's health issues.  

I've seen things here and there from last October-ish mentioning a possible reboot.  I would love it -- I think LOL was cancelled because the production costs were so high.  I definitely prefer LOL over crap like Southern Charm, which is absolute garbage.  But they would have to get an almost entirely new cast -- only Juliet and Julie are still in London.  Caroline, I believe, is still in Dubai.  Marissa is in LA.  Annabelle died 2 years ago.  Caroline F. moved back to Denmark.  I guess that would be the perfect time to try to entice Caprice to come back, he he.

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7 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

My guess is that Caroline brought Sophie in because she knew that Sophie and Alex (?) were splitting up and Sophie needed a job/money.  Sophie was also a good cheerleader and buffer for Caroline if the other ladies got critical.

I had no idea that Caprice had a flat iron.  I actually knew nothing about her before LOL.  Maybe she had stepped back from her businesses a great deal during filming of season 1 because of the surrogate and her pregnancy.  Whatever the reason, it's a shame because I'm always interested in seeing self-assertive women run their businesses.  

We saw Juliet blog a tiny bit and then I think it may have been the last episode of season 2 where we saw her shopping with someone.  Why not show more of that?  I thought it was interesting and it helped to explain why Juliet had a fashion blog.  I mean, if she were dressing folks (and doing it successfully), then yes, she was a good source of fashion information.  Although at Marissa's July 4th party at Bumpkin, Juliet was dressed for an American BBQ in someone's backyard.  She probably would have been better off in a sundress.

What exactly did the Gift Library sell, @LemonSoda?  I saw they pulled out jewelry but am curious as to what else they offered.   I wonder if Caroline's wedding shop is still in business? 

I didn't get a mean girl vibe from Marissa.  It's possibly she meant it in a joking manner and it simply fell flat.  It's also possible that since Marissa was/is good friends with Caroline's sister, she heard things from the sister and was letting that message come through.  I think if Marissa and Caroline F. had a closer friendship, she could have made the comment about lock up your children, etc. and Caroline F. would have either laughed it off and told her to stuff it in a good-natured way and it would have been fine.  But Marissa and Caroline F. were not that close so it certainly didn't go over well.  Never mind the fact that Caroline F. was wearing a bowling shirt with "cougar" on it at the time.  And that's a good example.  The shirt came from Juliet, Caroline F. was closer with Juliet at the time and saw the shirt as a joke.

Regarding Julie -- that's very true.  The other women either had husbands that were making good (to amazing) money or had family money (Caroline F. and Annabelle) or money from their own income/settlements (Annabelle).   Julie was doing all the heavy lifting in her family, even without her husband's health issues.  

I've seen things here and there from last October-ish mentioning a possible reboot.  I would love it -- I think LOL was cancelled because the production costs were so high.  I definitely prefer LOL over crap like Southern Charm, which is absolute garbage.  But they would have to get an almost entirely new cast -- only Juliet and Julie are still in London.  Caroline, I believe, is still in Dubai.  Marissa is in LA.  Annabelle died 2 years ago.  Caroline F. moved back to Denmark.  I guess that would be the perfect time to try to entice Caprice to come back, he he.

Good reasons! I guess I didn’t find Sophie interesting enough to be a “Lady” so I saw her more like Caroline S’s makeup artist, kind of always around. 

I don’t know what went on with Caprice, why she was filmed the way she was. I do still wonder if she was given a weird edit due to pregnancy she couldn’t do anything else. But the businesses are fascinating. How many people can turn paparazzi glamour pictures in to a multi million pound business? Also, this was before everyone and their dog had a personal brand, before social media so I was very impressed. She had a store partnership then bought back the licence then struck out on her own. At the time, I didn’t know that could be done. Because I’d read about partnerships going bad but huh? She bought the brand from them?

The flat irons and hair clip ons were very popular then they disappeared so there was a What happened? There is/was bedding, swimwear, home items. I’m not sure what’s out there now but her success was so impressive. 

From what I remember, Juliet was still working part time for a company when S1 was being filmed, she was also freelance styling and personal shopping. I would’ve liked to see her in a professional setting where it’s less likely to see her stinker face so often. 

The Gift Library sold everything! From jewelry with contact us for price to baby items, crystal stemware, baby items, pajamas, artwork. It’s worth pulling it up on the archive. It’s all very well curated items. I bought a robe, a crystal bedside water glass/carafe, a Beatrix Potter book set, a little neon cloud light. They also sold the “I work for Caroline Stanbury” tees which I felt she should’ve created another site for because they seemed out of place to have on there. I know she was trying to work the “everyone’s my minion” angle. I think the wedding shop closed before the gift library? I’m not certain. 

It’s silly but I often wondered what Julie’s in laws, relatives thought of her. Their son marries an American woman and she hit the ground running. Neighborhood yoga, bouncing from this to that to keep it all going. I hope they’re impressed. I know many felt the other ladies were unsympathetic but I thought it was more of a they truly didn’t understand or relate to the circumstances. If Caroline’s businesses go under it crushes her heart but doesn’t effect her lifestyle. That was probably where Non crabby, non pregnant Caprice could’ve lended an ear. 

I don’t think production costs were the issue. They outsourced locally and reality tv is everywhere there. Also none of their trips were insane or out of the way, no reunions to fly anyone over for (which I thought was a shame)
I thought it was just easier to end it than go through recasting with what they have left. I’m curious about the ratings too.

I had friends lose interest for silly reasons like the very noticeable time gap between seasons. S1 was a year old by the time we saw it. They were waiting for the Royal baby to be born. By the time S2 aired, Princess Charlotte has been born. 

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On 7/20/2020 at 11:31 PM, biakbiak said:

Doing a rewatch on Peacock and realized I missed most of season one so it’s extra enjoyable because it’s new content!

Are you enjoying it? Anything standing out to you? Does Noelle irk you too with her smirk face? Of course her smirk face isn’t as bad as Juliet’s. 
(Yes, I’m desperate to discuss the show lol) 

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On 7/22/2020 at 1:24 PM, LemonSoda said:

Are you enjoying it? Anything standing out to you? Does Noelle irk you too with her smirk face? Of course her smirk face isn’t as bad as Juliet’s. 
(Yes, I’m desperate to discuss the show lol) 


On 7/22/2020 at 5:06 PM, biakbiak said:

I mostly found Noelle boring and yes I know what happened to Scott after filming but she seemed like such a waste of space.

Noelle always had this “evil” aura about her; like she’s always plotting and never to be trusted. She just seemed like the kind of person who would do anything (and, anyone) to get ahead. I never bought that she loved Scot.

They need to bring back this show! With Caroline x 2, Sophie, and Adela. Marissa is back in LA, I can do without Juliet and frantic Julie. I know Caroline S lives in Dubai, but who cares, she travels anyway and she’s got a new (hot) man

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35 minutes ago, DeeplyShallow said:

know Caroline S lives in Dubai,

Caroline announced her divorce to Cem and is traveling around with a 25 year old Spanish ex-football player all Spain and the south of France  I mention his age not because of the age difference but because he seems young to have retired and he never played of note (only on club teams and not any of note and hasn’t played for 4 years).

Edited by biakbiak
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5 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Caroline announced her divorce to Cem and is traveling around with a 25 year old Spanish ex-football player all Spain and the south of France  I mention his age not because of the age difference but because he seems young to have retired and he never played of note (only on club teams and not any of note and hasn’t played for 4 years).

You know the world is bizarre when that’s the first thing we notice! I too was more perplexed that he’s “retired” at 25 without much of a career. 

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49 minutes ago, LemonSoda said:

You know the world is bizarre when that’s the first thing we notice! I too was more perplexed that he’s “retired” at 25 without much of a career. 

In my defense I regular watch premiere league and wake up crazy early every four years to follow the World Cup so when I saw him labeled that I was like he either had a major injury, a drug ban or he was never really played at an elite level and a quick google search he was the later.

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On IG, in the comments on the most recent post, he said they’ve been together 1.5 years and then people pulled up a “Happy Anniversary” post May 2019 from Caroline to Cem so now people are speculating that she cheated 🤔 

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were both cheating on each other

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8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

In my defense I regular watch premiere league and wake up crazy early every four years to follow the World Cup so when I saw him labeled that I was like he either had a major injury, a drug ban or he was never really played at an elite level and a quick google search he was the later.

I do too! 

6 hours ago, DeeplyShallow said:

On IG, in the comments on the most recent post, he said they’ve been together 1.5 years and then people pulled up a “Happy Anniversary” post May 2019 from Caroline to Cem so now people are speculating that she cheated 🤔 

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were both cheating on each other

From the show I thought they both lived separate lives and she followed to Dubai for the kids. 

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Does anyone follow Caroline Stanbury on IG?

She spent the year traveling all over the place, constantly getting tested for COVID. Always surrounded by friends, going to events left and right, hosting events...guess who got COVID. Shocker.

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5 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

So I just started watching it and it's not the Mapperton Christmas yet, but the tour of Inverary Castle, which I had just visited in the spring of 2019!  I'm eager to watch the whole series so thanks again!  😃

Also - I'm glad to see that Julie's got a gig to keep Mapperton going - I'm sure this pays better than Jub Balls 😄 

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17 hours ago, princelina said:

So I just started watching it and it's not the Mapperton Christmas yet, but the tour of Inverary Castle, which I had just visited in the spring of 2019!  I'm eager to watch the whole series so thanks again!  😃

Also - I'm glad to see that Julie's got a gig to keep Mapperton going - I'm sure this pays better than Jub Balls 😄 

JUB Balls still makes me laugh so hard! 

It’s a really good series. I think the location fees from Rebecca helped Mapperton too. I hope this series continues. Julie looks less stressed. 

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On 1/10/2021 at 12:56 PM, Sun-Bun said:

Caroline just announced on her IG that she got Covid. She and her new boy-toy fiancé have been traveling around the world needlessly for months now, so I’m not surprised.

I was shocked! I thought the diet of endless jelly tots, champagne and all the love of her fiancé would be enough to protect her. 

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