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Baby Daddy - General Discussion

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I'm watching season 5 on Netflix and I'm about halfway through.   So far, this season isn't that bad.  I think the show is starting to hit it's stride.  The Ben/Riley stuff really was dragging the show down.  I like them better as friends tbh.  I do want more Tucker/Bonnie antics.   Some of the best stuff on the show is Tucker/Bonnie.  I do like the Zoe character and the slow build.   I would trade out Sam for Brad anyday as well.  I liked random Brad dropins.  

It was nice having the show back. I agree with others that Riley is a drama queen.

And wow, Emma is so big! I sort of miss the time when she was just a baby in a diaper but I guess everyone has to grow up at some point. Except Riley, apparently.

I loved the judge lusting over Danny and making Ben bend down to pick up her gavel. It was hilarious.

I'm looking forward to next week.

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14 hours ago, Aliconehead said:

Yep. They have totally ruined Riley for me. Danny deserves so much better. Getting pissed and breaking up about something that happened 7 years ago when you WERE NOT dating. Grow up

In that time, Riley has also ignored how Danny felt about her while she was with Ben. So, she can miss me this dramatic you hurt me crap. 

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I hate to say it but it feels like the show has run its course; Riley's flip-flopping feelings for Ben and Danny have nowhere else to go at this point, and this nonsense about Danny having slept with someone seven years ago and not telling her is ridiculous. It just makes her look like a self absorbed idiot. 

I do like that judge though; I remember when she was hitting on Tucker the last time they were in her courtroom. 

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I loved the part where Bonnie and Riley's mom were talking in the walk-in freezer and everyone could hear Bonnie say "Riley told me everyone thinks she's a lesbian anyway." That was probably about the only real laugh I got out of this episode though. There are exactly zero laughs to be mined from Riley and Danny fighting with each other, and they've apparently run out of ideas for Ben and Tucker if we've been reduced to the sitcom cliche of sperm donation. 

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I honestly don't understand what they are trying to do with Danny and Riley. At first, I thought of Veronica Mars and Logan. Season 3 when Logan dumped Veronica and over the weekend slept with Madison. When he came home Veronica asked him to get back together (or something) only to dump him when she learns that he slept with Madison. With Veronica you can understand. Madison gave her the drink in "A Trip to the Dentist" and its pretty well documented that Veronica's life was made hell by Madison and the rest of the '09ers.

In Baby Daddy we know that Riley was fat in highschool. Is Sam to Riley what Madison was to Veronica? I really don't see how. So, what---? Danny lied about having sex with Sam a million years ago when they were kids and she's decided to never forgive him because Sam is Riley's mortal enemy? Since when? Why?

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It just feels like the writers are phoning it in at this point. Who knows, they might have been told this would be their last season so they're just going through the motions to pick up a paycheck. The same thing happened with Melissa and Joey towards the end of the series, the writing became really weak. 

The difference is that this show has a much stronger cast that manages to elevate the material. They can only do so much with what they're given though.

I was packing while watching tonight's episode, so I was half paying attention. I guess that speech was supposed to be Bonnie / Melissa's big moment, but...eh. I've heard her call both of her sons dummies. At first, it was one of those things where she was being a mom and clearly didn't mean it, but these last few seasons when she does it, it's so acidic and I have no problem believing that she believes those things about her kids.


Did they kick Sam out because Danny needed to move back in? I didn't particularly care for the character, but that seems unfair. 

Eh, so long as she's gone. They tried to establish her as someone Ben's been crushing on since high school but we'd never heard of her before last season. She wasn't really adding anything to the show. Bring back Brad! He's such a great fit for the cast.


And it was nice seeing Loni Anderson back on my TV. She looks good for her age.

She looks good in the sense that she's had her face stretched, lifted, pulled and injected six ways 'til Sunday. The lengths women on TV will go to not to show any age never ceases to amaze me. Especially since it typically has the opposite effect.

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Ok. Y'all. How many bad episodes does a person have to suffer through before they have to admit that they are officially hate watching a show? And how do you make yourself stop?! Riley is being ridiculous! She's waiting for Danny to apologize so that they can get back together?! What does he have to apologize for? Having drunk sex with some meaningless girl when he was in high school?  And now their dating other people? I don't think the writers knew what to do with Riley/Danny after they took them away from one-sided longing. 

And Ben dating his mother? Seriously? Bonnie doesn't have a single pic of Brad not on her phone that she couldn't show the mean girls at work? This show is--why, why, WHY am I watching this? Oh...Danny is super hot. Why, why, WHY hasn't he been shirtless recently (since I'm complaining and all. I need something to keep me watching this dreck.)

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I'm sick of the Danny and Riley go-round too, but I thought this episode was actually pretty funny and got a few good laughs from it. The shenanigans at the movie premier had me in stitches, especially when everyone was trying to sort out who was married to who and who was who's brother. Then the actress says "I was in a telenovela just like this! Somebody's about to get shot." The only thing missing was Mary Hart.


Bonnie doesn't have a single pic of Brad not on her phone that she couldn't show the mean girls at work?

Emma flushed Bonnie's phone, that's why she didn't have any pics of Brad to show the girls. How else would she have any pics of Brad? A snapshot in her purse? Nobody has those anymore.  And Ben pretending to be her husband was squicky as hell but still made me laugh, especially when the girls were asking Bonnie how he was in bed and Bonnie kept retching at the thought of it.

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People still print things out though! She could have easily have brought a picture in to work the next day. She doesn't have anything saved to any of the social media sites or icloud or somewhere? She could have borrowed someones phone and pulled it up there. Or when they got back to the office signed on to fb or something and showed pictures there. I don't know about what pics guys keep on their phones but I have tons of pics of friends and family on my phone--one of her sons didn't have a pic of their mom and her husband (that may be a stretch....) or Ben could have had a pic of Emma and her Grandpa Brad on his phone. I know that I'm over thinking it. Probably because I didn't enjoy the episode that much. I think the only thing that made me laugh was Ben running into Bonnie after he told the mean girls that they were married and saying that he thinks he just did something really weird. And when Ben and Bonnie tried to do a cute couple kiss goodbye when he was leaving (right before they asked how he was in bed) and they both gagged. 

My only hope is that the writers go full out on a war between Bonnie and Judy. And maybe back off romantic entanglements for awhile all together. 

On 6/30/2016 at 0:28 PM, ohoksohitoyou said:

Ok. Y'all. How many bad episodes does a person have to suffer through before they have to admit that they are officially hate watching a show? And how do you make yourself stop?! Riley is being ridiculous! She's waiting for Danny to apologize so that they can get back together?! What does he have to apologize for? Having drunk sex with some meaningless girl when he was in high school?  And now their dating other people? I don't think the writers knew what to do with Riley/Danny after they took them away from one-sided longing. 

I'm right with you there... 

I don't know why I'm watching this show any more. It has it's moments buried beyond the terribleness of the Riley/Ben/Danny dynamic but they are rare lately and I think I've only got one or two more episodes of stupidity before I rage quit. I can't even hate watch this show any more. 

I thought the last couple of episodes were kind of cute. I'm not thrilled about the whole Riley and Danny thing either but this latest one, with Bonnie and Tucker betting against the Rangers, had that sort of wacky silliness the show utilizes so well. 

I also like how they are working Emma into the stories now that she's talking a little bit. All too often, TV shows treat little kids like props and don't even bother to put in the work and get some decent reaction shots from them. They end up looking autistic or something. I'm glad they're using the kid(s) who play Emma in a funny and useful way. 

I'm fine if they never show Eddie Cibrian again. He just isn't a good fit for this show. Say what you want about the lead actors but they all do comedy well, and Cibrian isn't a natural in the genre. I wish they'd bring back Brad, he was such a good and goofy fit with the rest of the characters. I don't know if they couldn't afford to pay the actor or if he just didn't want to be a regular. 

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Agreed, but I think Sam is a misfire for the show in general. She's just not funny and doesn't fit in. As annoying as Riley is (and yes, she's probably the most annoying character ever), Chelsea Kane does a good  job of playing a manic scatterbrain and has great comic timing. The girl playing Sam is just a dud and so is the character. If they're going to settle on Danny and Riley then they need to find someone funny for Ben. 

The whole thing with the toddlers 'n tiaras didn't make any sense. I don't get why Bonnie showed up disguised in a red wig to be part of the whole thing and acted like she knew going in that Riley was there pretending to be Emma's mother. How did she find all this out?

I just accept that Bonnie's more a cartoon character than real person. Otherwise, the list of bad things she's done would make her completely reprehensible so plot holes don't matter to me.

I'm glad they've resolved everything with Danny/Riley. Sam's not a real comedic character. What about bringing back the blonde girl from Bunheads who acted like Bonnie? She was a talented comedic actress.

5 minutes ago, jewel21 said:

The actress who plays Sam was on Victorious and I found her hilarious in that role. She was really great at playing a wacky, over -the-top character, which leads me to believe the issue isn't with her acting but rather the writing.

I was going to mention that. But this show already has so many wacky, over-the-top characters that Sam has to be the "straight man" and maybe she's not as good at that. 

I don't think the show needs a "straight man" character. Ironically, the best match for Ben is probably Angela - Emma's mother. She's just as narcissistic as Ben and is just as self serving as the rest of them are.

One funny detail I noticed is when Bonnie was sitting at the kitchen island in Ben's apartment you could see that she had a wine bottle in her purse. The top was sticking out with the cork in it. If she's carrying a bottle of wine around with her, she really does have a drinking problem.

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Well at least someone finally acknowledged that Tucker can be perceived as gay - his own father, no less (who, by the way, comes off rather gay himself, am I right?). Which only points out the problem with the way Tucker is written versus the way Tahj Mowry plays him. They need to eliminate all the horn-dog, skirt chasing aspects of Tucker's character because it doesn't come off as believable. I can't believe women wouldn't be baffled by his behavior or that men wouldn't be trying to pick him up. They were better off focusing on his career as Mary Hart's producer and as a TV weatherman. I ain't buying the playboy crap.

All the nonsense involving Ben, Sam, Danny and Riley was boring. They've officially run out of ideas for these four. I don't see any long-term future for Ben and Sam, and I still say the actress is a bad fit for the show. 

I think Ben and Riley weren't meant to be the end-game for a long time but the audience wanted Riley with Danny so the writers changed it. Regardless, she's now been with, and broken up with, and gotten back together with both Ben and Danny and there's nowhere else for them to go with any of this. 

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That sure was a lot of talk about condoms for the past two episodes. Are we to assume that Danny, Ben, and Tucker are all about the same size? 

What was the point about Ben being in love with Sam since high school and finally putting them together, only to have them break up because she doesn't want kids or would "tolerate" Emma? I like how Ben handled it -- occasionally, they do give him a modicum of maturity. 

The Tucker & his dad potentially wanting to date the same woman was a stupid story line. They need something to do with Bonnie. 

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This episode really did seem like a series finale. I guess they hadn’t gotten the word they were renewed when they shot this. But they ended it with a way to undo it – everyone can simply decide not to move after all. And  I guess they’ll think of another reason for Brad to be offscreen?

Danny’s career opportunity was definitely better than Riley’s.Even if he were making the league minimum with the Rangers, “twice as much” with Vancouver has to be at least a million dollars a year. No way Riley would be making that as a junior law partner. However, there was something they didn’t even bring up – a move for her would kind of suck, because she’d have to get licensed to practice in another country . Who knows how long that might take? All in all a moot point anyway, since they’ll end up resetting to the status quo, with the exception of Riley’s pregnancy. 

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I guess they shot multiple endings in case the show wasn't renewed.

Danny staying in NYC because he wants to be near his family makes sense, and similarly Bonnie/Brad would stay. He'll be just off screen. Keeping Tucker in town is more of a stretch, but maybe the job will fall through, he'll be on facetime for a few episodes and then get fired, etc.

I hadn't heard whether the show had been renewed for another season so I really thought this might have been a series finale. After a bit of Googling it does in fact seem they wrote this as a potential series finale and shot an alternate ending just in case. I don't think it's a "spoiler" since they didn't show it, but in the alternate ending, the new girl got in the cab with Ben and Emma and they all drove off together.

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On 8/5/2016 at 5:29 PM, luckyroll3 said:

It's bullshit that they never explained what Tucker's job offer was.

And wow that alternate ending sounds dumb.

I presumed he was going to one of those entertainment "journalism" shows to be the new Michael Yo (shudder ).

I think the alternate ending sounds fine -- it's the promise of a new beginning. However, I thought Ben and the single mom upstairs had good chemistry. I wonder why they decided not to pursue that. In fact, I could never figure out the randomness of Ben's relationships.

If Danny is traded to Vancouver and Riley goes with him, for $1,000,000 a year, I'd be a housewife and raise our baby. 

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On ‎8‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 2:40 PM, SmithW6079 said:

I presumed he was going to one of those entertainment "journalism" shows to be the new Michael Yo (shudder ).

I think the alternate ending sounds fine -- it's the promise of a new beginning. However, I thought Ben and the single mom upstairs had good chemistry. I wonder why they decided not to pursue that. In fact, I could never figure out the randomness of Ben's relationships.

If Danny is traded to Vancouver and Riley goes with him, for $1,000,000 a year, I'd be a housewife and raise our baby. 

In a bit of continuity that only I care about, I did appreciate that they let Danny have that one big playoff game earlier in the season because it gives plausibility to his Vancouver contract offer. 

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