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SEAL Team - General Discussion


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Isn't Sonny too rotund to be a SEAL? He has always struck me as the least likely soldier but I think he has been ballooning up. 

I just caught up on the last two eps. Am I right in believing that Sonny did that party and coke whilst on a mission? Seriously? Have they run out of ideas? 

And Jason dropping acid or whatever it was? Also whilst on mission, even if it was during down time? Did I phase out a few too many times?  

I've been feeling like this show lost it's purpose a while ago but I think they have made it official now. They all seem rather broken and if Clay doesn't abandon the whole lot of them now to go back to his wife and prem baby than shame on him.

I don't like any of the characters either. Makes it hard to care what happens to them next.

Edited by LadyIrony
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People defend the show by reiterating that it is portraying military life of the elite realistically.........Well, if I wanted a TV show to be 'realistic', I'd find a documentary somewhere.

I want to be entertained, my attention kept, my mind guessing on - what next.  Keep home drama, personal drama, any and all drama and struggles confined to the last 5 minutes of the show.

Yeah, yeah....Covid and budget and production and travel restrictions.....I get it, but not every episode has to have choppers and explosions, car wrecks and filmed on foreign locations.......Pattern of life remains my favorite episode.

They've written the show in a way, I don't like the characters anymore either.....hell, I started disliking Jason Hayes when he left his two-school age children home alone after the death of their mother....I mean....a sentence randomly spoken, "Hey Jay, how's that housekeeper working out for you?", wasn't too much to throw in an episode, was it?

SEAL Team has accomplished what Chicago PD has done...kill the show for me.  When they no longer had the patrol officers and killed Al......a character I miss soooo much.....and became focused on 'personal drama', I hardly watch the show anymore.

10 hours ago, Beanie said:


People defend the show by reiterating that it is portraying military life of the elite realistically.........Well, if I wanted a TV show to be 'realistic', I'd find a documentary somewhere.

I want to be entertained, my attention kept, my mind guessing on - what next.  Keep home drama, personal drama, any and all drama and struggles confined to the last 5 minutes of the show.

Yeah, yeah....Covid and budget and production and travel restrictions.....I get it, but not every episode has to have choppers and explosions, car wrecks and filmed on foreign locations.......Pattern of life remains my favorite episode.

They've written the show in a way, I don't like the characters anymore either.....hell, I started disliking Jason Hayes when he left his two-school age children home alone after the death of their mother....I mean....a sentence randomly spoken, "Hey Jay, how's that housekeeper working out for you?", wasn't too much to throw in an episode, was it?

SEAL Team has accomplished what Chicago PD has done...kill the show for me.  When they no longer had the patrol officers and killed Al......a character I miss soooo much.....and became focused on 'personal drama', I hardly watch the show anymore.

I think there is a fine line between realism and entertainment. I want to be entertained as well but it has to be somewhat plausible. If elite soldiers are going off doing drugs and shooting gang members whilst on missions in foreign countries than that is a worry! 

Same goes for Doctors allowing soldiers with TBI and other injuries and trauma's to keep going on missions, although admittedly that probably does happen. 

These guys unwavering loyalty to their squad whilst ignoring their families is ridiculous as well but I guess that also happens. I get these guys have families and that is part of their life but I just don't care to hear a lot about it. 

I miss the Uniform branch of CPD as well. The show became very one dimensional after that.  

Well this episode was a bit of a return to form in that the team is now fighting bad guys instead of fighting each other. Lots of apologies and forgiveness going around but Clay isn't in the mood to forgive Sonny yet. Come on Clay, this can't possibly be the first time you've had to murder gangsters chasing you because of your buddy's coke habit! Give Sonny a break, he had two girlfriends at the same time and unlike your situation he couldn't make it work with the one he actually wanted. Sonny is just trying to get back to loving himself and that means finding an outlet for his hedonism and his repressed anger. And in this situation, when in Colombia...

As soon as they said the nuke building had the same layout as the Iranian one it copied I knew they would be wrong.

Jason achieves redemption by telling his team he blew up a building with them in it and then doing it again except this time for the right reasons.

Sonny hung a lampshade on Brock. "He's always just standing there looking all intense and he never says anything." 😆

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When the sad piano started playing during cuts back to the family scenes I was getting really nervous for Clay. But all in all I'm not sure who's going to bite the dust here. Could be Sonny. Probably won't be Ray because he's not done annoying me yet. Brock would be a cheap choice since we already lost Metal not too long ago. Maybe it will be Jason himself. If he died, he'd totally still appear as a ghost and would haunt the team forever.

I guess Cerberus really is retired. He doesn't even bark when someone knocks on Jason's door. Doesn't care one bit. You'd think a Navy SEAL dog would be a little more fierce but not this one.

Did Jason really call his daughter "King of all Assholes"? I know he wasn't saying it to be mean but yeah, we're definitely leaning in to that lack of a swear filter, aren't we?

Good to see everyone continuing to make nice this episode. Davis even got to meet with some brass who don't want to use her bars as toothpicks. I wasn't really expecting that.

Jessica Pare has to be pregnant in real life, yeah?

So far no news on either the renew or cancel front, that’s from David’s mouth himself.  Hopefully we get at least one more ride, without Clay since he promised he was leaving Bravo.  Bye Clay!  Bye Stella!

Some lady bitched on Twitter about all the fucks because families should be able to watch so apparently the fighting and violence is ok, but language is BAD.

Edited by mojoween

So they open the episode with the team killing police officers who have not yet shot at them  because they couldn’t figure out how to escape them,  and that’s no big deal?   But Clay killing cartel members that were shooting at him  is too much for him.   Hypocritical. That gray area of the teams  is turning to dark charcoal. 

I knew the ending of this episode the minute we saw the first baby shower scene.  It’s just a question of which one.  Since Trent is gone, will we lose Brock too?  Then Clay will have to reconsider leaving because the team will be down two. 

So Jason tells his daughter and his girlfriend about his TBI and then doesn’t tell command and goes out on this mission? None of the team stops him from going? 



Edited by mythoughtis
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On 1/12/2022 at 6:28 PM, LadyIrony said:

And Jason dropping acid or whatever it was? Also whilst on mission, even if it was during down time? Did I phase out a few too many times?  

Not only that, a former U.S. servicemember who specialized in alternative therapy relevant to Jason's issue just happened to be in Colombia, just a driving distance from their safe house?

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On 1/25/2022 at 10:36 AM, mojoween said:

Jessica Pare has to be pregnant in real life, yeah?

So far no news on either the renew or cancel front, that’s from David’s mouth himself.  Hopefully we get at least one more ride, without Clay since he promised he was leaving Bravo.  Bye Clay!  Bye Stella!

Some lady bitched on Twitter about all the fucks because families should be able to watch so apparently the fighting and violence is ok, but language is BAD.

Is that she is looking a lot healthier of late? I just googled, yes she would have been pregnant during filming. https://people.com/parents/jessica-pare-welcomes-son-blues-anthony/

1 hour ago, TV Anonymous said:

Not only that, a former U.S. servicemember who specialized in alternative therapy relevant to Jason's issue just happened to be in Colombia, just a driving distance from their safe house?

I don't pay full attention to the show anymore as it is just a mess. I got a little confused over that as it was ridiculous. Did they fly out to Mexico for this therapy mid mission? No, they actually took some time to find the very dubious therapist and drop acid!

Jason, who is skeptical about anything other than American beer and the SEAL's is dropping acid?  Sorry, too much for me to believe.

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I was too lazy to make the switch to streaming, but watched some of the last episodes with family.

I lost the excitement a long time ago and now the show is embarrassing. A lot of the actors are great in the ops roles, but terrible "emotional" actors. And several of them don't enunciate their words - they just race through the dialogue. Mush mouths.

The stateside family dramas leave me cold.

I do think Max Thierot is showing more range. And I think Toni Trucks does a good job.

However, I am sick to death of Ray, always sidling up to the others and asking "What's going on?" "What's bothering you?" "Is there something you wanna talk about?"  Reminds me of the friend who is addicted to others' drama.

Is a younger, fitter actor doing stand-in work for AJ Buckley? During the running and rolling around on the ground?

And was Toni Trucks pregnant during production? I searched this forum and did not see any comments.

I guess Clay isn't going to have a hard time picking out a Halloween costume this year.

Nice to see the bond between Sonny and Clay, I'm glad they made up.

This show has mostly gone easy on the gore so Clay's leg was probably the grossest thing this show has ever given us. Cuss words aplenty in this episode too, even Mandy got in on it.

Speaking of which, did Davis call a superior officer a son of a bitch? I know she was probably cussing the situation rather than the officer but Blackburn just let it slide and I feel like he should have at least reminded her to be more specific so as to avoid ambiguity. Instead he later gave her a warning about trying to find blame which is kind of weird. As I recall, Davis' criticism of the Navy isn't about support in the field or planning of missions, it's about a lack of support for warfighters after they come home broken. But as for this specific mission, if there were screwups along the way they're definitely going to talk about them. Ray mentioned an after-action report which as I understand is a breakdown of what went right and what could have gone better. Just because some things did not go right does not mean the mission itself was a failure. Having said that, I liked how callous it sounded when the mission was described to Stella as "low value".

One detail that I thought was realistic was that they tried to give Clay an antibiotic, he puked it up and in the chaos of evacuating they forgot to feed him another one. If Jason wants to blame himself for anything, that should be the thing since it ended up costing Clay his leg. Although Clay dragging his own ass all over the place probably didn't help either.

I also liked that Naima is good at comforting the wives of injured/KIA SEALs but simultaneously realizes she's better at it than she'd like to be.

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Good episode. I would have been OK without the closeups of Clay's leg but war is hell. That is the end of Clay in Bravo I assume seeing how he has a new show airing this fall. I am glad they didn't kill him off.

The only thing I'm not happy about is there are only 10 episodes this season which is kind of normal for streaming but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

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12 hours ago, b4pjoe said:

The only thing I'm not happy about is there are only 10 episodes this season which is kind of normal for streaming but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Let’s hope these 10 episodes are better than  last season.  Hookers, Cocaine, cartel shootouts and LSD took up way too much time last season. 

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Glad the show is back. I always appreciate the battle scenes because I know how hard production has to work to pull them off.

Minor nit is that I thought Clay's actions after that devastating leg injury (and blood loss) were unrealistic (the dragging around, the shooting, etc.). Not to mention morphine. I had that injury after a motorcycle accident and was essentially immobile while EMTs worked. But I'm not a tough young SEAL. And adrenaline is powerful.

Also, on my giant new TV, I'm noticing some toupees.

I too hope we're done with the downtime shenanigans. I'm mostly bored by the home dramas. Wish we had more of the tall, dark-haired one.

Edited by pasdetrois
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On 3/13/2020 at 10:54 AM, preeya said:

If you think Natalie is a nag, what is your opinion of Jason?

IMO, he is a self-centered JERK with no personality or social skills. He is 1000% SEAL and cares for nothing else.

The irony is he puts himself and his team in danger with his assorted injuries. Not to mention his family. Maybe he is hoping to get taken out in combat but most likely he will end up in a crappy hospital for the rest of his life with others taking care of him. 

Pretty solid ep after the previous season being disappointing. 

Clay getting hit was interesting in that he is the medic. So he would have known he was the best person to treat himself although he should have also known that dragging his very open wound all over the dirt was stupid. 

But then with a Prem baby he never should have gone on mission anyway. 

Good to see Jessica Pare appears to be fattening up a little, she always looked underweight to me. 

Edited by LadyIrony
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Good god, this team and its penchant for drama sometimes. Jason, you need to change your call sign to Drama Llama One. This show has had a pattern over the past few seasons. Everything is going well at the beginning. Everyone is getting along and they've patched up the previous season's conflicts. And then a few episodes in the wheels start coming off. And so it goes this season, with Jason and Sonny immediately deciding that the best way to keep the team's dirty laundry a secret from the very smart, very observant new guy is by being actively hostile to him at all times. This is because they have some deep, irrational fear that Omar will find out about these things, tattle to command and be rewarded with leadership of the team. Is that how it works in the Navy SEALs? For an episode that had actual teenage girls in it, Jason and Sonny put them to shame with Mean Girls shit. You think it's going to take him more than a second to figure out that Jason, who has been a Navy SEAL since the dinosaurs were young, has had his bell rung a bunch of times and it's starting to wear on him? That might have been the exact same conflict that Omar was having with Foxtrot One.

Speaking of the YPJ, I would think Navy SEALs would be less dismissive of them. All I know about them is what is on the Wikipedia article but they sound thoroughly badass.

I like Omar. He's a breath of fresh air and he's funny. I especially enjoyed his teasing of Sonny, who is apparently a Swiftie (which I could totally see being Sonny's secret shame). And I think Ray had the right advice. Don't look at him as a problem until and unless he becomes one. Jason on the other hand seems to think the best way to deal with him is to turn him into a problem which is an... unconventional style of leadership.

Jason is mad at Omar at the end of the episode because he just painted a big target on their backs. Umm, well no. First and foremost, it was Sonny teaching the YPJ gals how to properly talk shit that got the shells flying in. Second, before you even left you were told in explicit detail how there is no support out here and a dozen terrorist groups who would love nothing more than to kill an American, especially a Navy SEAL. Again, how does Jason picture this playing out? Omar got the team out into the field where they made some new friends, killed some bad guys and built themselves an intel pipeline. What was Jason's plan again? Did he even have one? It might have been to plant electronic snooping devices to try to pick up the trail of the bad guys but does he suppose the various Syrian factions aren't going to notice a bunch of Americans pretending they work for the local cable company?

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On 10/3/2022 at 5:51 AM, dwmarch said:

Good god, this team and its penchant for drama sometimes. Jason, you need to change your call sign to Drama Llama One. This show has had a pattern over the past few seasons. Everything is going well at the beginning. Everyone is getting along and they've patched up the previous season's conflicts. And then a few episodes in the wheels start coming off. And so it goes this season, with Jason and Sonny immediately deciding that the best way to keep the team's dirty laundry a secret from the very smart, very observant new guy is by being actively hostile to him at all times. This is because they have some deep, irrational fear that Omar will find out about these things, tattle to command and be rewarded with leadership of the team. Is that how it works in the Navy SEALs? For an episode that had actual teenage girls in it, Jason and Sonny put them to shame with Mean Girls shit. You think it's going to take him more than a second to figure out that Jason, who has been a Navy SEAL since the dinosaurs were young, has had his bell rung a bunch of times and it's starting to wear on him? That might have been the exact same conflict that Omar was having with Foxtrot One.

It's the arguing and hi jinks in the field which gets me the most. I always thought that regardless of what differences a unit has when they go into battle they drop that and act as a united force. For me Jason just isn't a leader. He is a slightly more mature version of Sonny. He has just risen to his position over time and due to others resigning and/or moving up. 

On 10/3/2022 at 5:51 AM, dwmarch said:

Speaking of the YPJ, I would think Navy SEALs would be less dismissive of them. All I know about them is what is on the Wikipedia article but they sound thoroughly badass.

I don't buy the way those girls were getting excited about a group of middle aged paunchy men. If Clay was there then sure I can see that but not those guys. 

On 10/3/2022 at 5:51 AM, dwmarch said:

I like Omar. He's a breath of fresh air and he's funny. I especially enjoyed his teasing of Sonny, who is apparently a Swiftie (which I could totally see being Sonny's secret shame). And I think Ray had the right advice. Don't look at him as a problem until and unless he becomes one. Jason on the other hand seems to think the best way to deal with him is to turn him into a problem which is an... unconventional style of leadership.

That's probably realistic too though. They have lost Clay so any replacement for him will be hazed and isolated. They would also just be wary of any newcomer. Omar is outgoing too which doesn't help him as it makes the others even more reluctant to embrace him. That said to play those office politics games is unprofessional and stupid. But then Jason has never been the thinker of the group. 

On 10/3/2022 at 5:51 AM, dwmarch said:

Jason is mad at Omar at the end of the episode because he just painted a big target on their backs. Umm, well no. First and foremost, it was Sonny teaching the YPJ gals how to properly talk shit that got the shells flying in. Second, before you even left you were told in explicit detail how there is no support out here and a dozen terrorist groups who would love nothing more than to kill an American, especially a Navy SEAL. Again, how does Jason picture this playing out? Omar got the team out into the field where they made some new friends, killed some bad guys and built themselves an intel pipeline. What was Jason's plan again? Did he even have one? It might have been to plant electronic snooping devices to try to pick up the trail of the bad guys but does he suppose the various Syrian factions aren't going to notice a bunch of Americans pretending they work for the local cable company?

Sonny would never admit to teaching the girls to talk shit let alone assuming responsibility of having mortar rounds rained on them! Sonny is Jason's friend, protected. 

What we are seeing SEAL Team is something like The Office with combat and airstrikes. You get the same politics. Jason doesn't have plans, he goes in and kills and blows things up. I am yet to see him come out with an actual long term strategic goal. 

I doubt with all of his injuries plus his age that they would even allow him into a combat zone. Most of the team seem too old in my opinion. 

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I'm proud of Ray for telling Jason the truth and encouraging him to avoid the drama that he knows will catch up to him sooner or later. Like Ray said, Omar is a smart dude and shutting him out is only going to make him more curious. Ray knows this from experience and Jason should too but he's too alpha dog to admit it. In any case, I'm glad Ray is finally using his powers for good. It's character growth and I like that.

Speaking of which, we actually do get confirmation from Sonny himself that he is indeed a Swiftie because it's the only thing that comforts his daughter. That is hilarious and I love that they came back to it.

I wish Clay would slow down because it seems obvious now that he's not doing so great after all. And don't give yourself too hard of a time for your baby monitor going off for a few seconds. That kid is a baby Navy SEAL, he should be able to hold his breath for like five minutes.

It would have been nice if they had offered a bit more of an explanation as to why they had to send the frightened teenager back in to the terrorist camp at the end rather than raiding it themselves. It's possible it was too big of camp for them to hit or they were low on ammo or something else but they didn't actually say any of those things.

I wonder if Jason mispronouncing Chechens two or three times before finally getting it right was a sign that his lack of treatments for his TBI is starting to manifest. He called them "Chech-ians" a few times and no one called him on it because who wants to nitpick the grammar of the boss?

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On 10/10/2022 at 8:58 AM, dwmarch said:

It would have been nice if they had offered a bit more of an explanation as to why they had to send the frightened teenager back in to the terrorist camp at the end rather than raiding it themselves. It's possible it was too big of camp for them to hit or they were low on ammo or something else but they didn't actually say any of those things.

I didn't get that either and thought that maybe I just zoned out at some point. I find that a lot with their missions. It's like they don't have any rhyme or reason most of the time. Like the recent one where they took out that warehouse near the docks. I kept wondering why a drone strike wouldn't have been better. 

On 10/10/2022 at 8:58 AM, dwmarch said:

I wish Clay would slow down because it seems obvious now that he's not doing so great after all. And don't give yourself too hard of a time for your baby monitor going off for a few seconds. That kid is a baby Navy SEAL, he should be able to hold his breath for like five minutes.

I guess he didn't expect the baby's monitor to alarm but I figured that if it were me I would have sat near the baby before compromising myself by removing the prosthetic limb. 

I think the point is he doesn't know how much the loss of his leg will impact him until he does things or they go wrong. Like when he tried to do the chin ups and couldn't reach the bar. Given his education and skills he would be able to get some good civilian jobs anyway. But he will be like Jason and hang onto the idea of being a SEAL no matter what. 

Hopefully he will realize he can be elite at something else. 

Ray seems to be a better leader than Jason who is still just a big kid and wants to be one of the boys. 

On 10/9/2022 at 4:58 PM, dwmarch said:

It would have been nice if they had offered a bit more of an explanation as to why they had to send the frightened teenager back in to the terrorist camp at the end rather than raiding it themselves. It's possible it was too big of camp for them to hit or they were low on ammo or something else but they didn't actually say any of those things.

They said his phone had to be able to get close enough for it to connect to something in their camp via Bluetooth and since he was one of them he could just walk in there with his phone.

Well, I find myself wishing Clay would get his head out of his ass. Somebody on the show always has to be the unreasonable one and this season I guess it is Clay.

The YPJ are pretty upset with the team for leaving but it was established right from the first conversation that it was a relationship of convenience with an expiry date on it.

Did the team forget how to snipe? They could have saved the YPJ leader if they had engaged that truck with some precision fire.

23 hours ago, dwmarch said:

Well, I find myself wishing Clay would get his head out of his ass. Somebody on the show always has to be the unreasonable one and this season I guess it is Clay.

Actually we’ve got two reasonable people this season.  Jason is so paranoid about the new team member finding out that he has a brain injury that he’s making even worse decisions than last season.    It seems pretty unrealistic to me that the doctor in Germany didn’t declare him unfit to deploy. 

We’re only on episode three because we didn’t realize that the new season had started, but what the fuck?  And it took two people to write that particular drivel?

My hopes that Max taking on another show meant that he would be booted right out of SEAL Team not only took a hit, but his reduced role has someone turned the team into slavish Clay devotees.  You’re telling me in 20 years Jason never had to work with anyone new?  I mean, Omar is a little annoying and coming on WAY too strong, but Jesus Christ.  Jason and Sonny (and even Trent and Brock, a little, until they sorta thawed) act like they’ve never met another human before.

Well, I guess this means things must be going well in Fire Country. And here I was just about to ask if Clay was actually working at the Vet Center or if he was just hanging around. Well Stella, it's a good thing Clay started you thinking about what you would do with your life if he wasn't in your way.

I wonder if the plot could have gone the other way. Assuming Clay was going to stick around would we have had a plot where he shot first (as I think this is the first time in history that a mall cop has outshot a goddamn Navy SEAL) and ended up on trial? That could have been an interesting way to extend the plot about how the military breaks people and then just cuts them loose.

Nice to see Davis' team get some speaking lines. I have heard there is a Hollywood rule about extras only getting paid if they speak so I was surprised when Davis went around the room and everyone got a few words in.'

I appreciate that the financier didn't try to pretend he was hard. He knew who had captured him and he knew they were serious about what they would do to him. He's not a true believer, he's just in it for the money.

For a minute there I thought the VIP who arrived in Jordan was going to be the Iranian General they were after. That would be too convenient but I feel like this show sometimes hands out lucky (or unlucky) breaks as the plot demands.

Jason asking for Bravo 2's opinion and specifically meaning Omar was nice. Everybody is one big happy family for a moment!

I think I might be done with this show. Every episode is the same - Jason acting like a five year old but everyone speaking of him like he’s the best leader and not an over emotional, petty hothead. 

I do not care about anything Davis is doing. 

I liked Clay and Clay/Stella so was really disappointed in how five years of following that story has panned out. I knew Max staying was a long shot but had hoped he’d get a happier ending and leave with Stella to do great things elsewhere. His death was just depressing and just seemed a bit unnecessary as I’d be confident the show only has a season or two left tops. 

There’s just no enjoyment. I know it’s a heavy subject matter but it’s not like the show is realistic anyway given how petty and ridiculous these men are most of the time. 

I think I’m finally out..

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10 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Wow why didn't they just kill Clay respectfully in battle instead of this.  So horrible way for Clay to go. 

I assume because it’s what everyone was expecting. I absolutely hate how they ended his storyline. It just seems pointless. Alona Tal isn’t a regular, they could have easily just had Stella and Clay leave together. It’s such a waste of following their journey. I know I sound like a fan girl but in a show where literally nobody is likeable at this point Clay and Stella were probably the only storyline I had always enjoyed.

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I don’t know why showrunners  and writers  think we want favorite characters killed off just because the actor is leaving.  Clay working at the center out of sight  would have been a good way to write him off - and been  pretty impactful. 
Now we have to watch Sonny go batshit crazy on a security guard that shot first and didn’t ask questions at all. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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We’ve stuck around with this show through it all, but we are officially out.

Jason grows into a bigger dick every episode, putting his “brothers” at risk operating with known brain injuries affecting every decision he makes, yet continuing to be Mr. Self-Righteous Sanctimony towards everyone else. That is not entertaining to watch.

Sonny is such a whiney asshole now, I cannot stand him.

Ray is leaving. I don’t know what is going on with Davis - she seems to be on a completely different show now.

And the decision to murder Clay…for real? Was that meant to evoke sadness and grief from viewers? All it did was piss me off. It was unnecessary and lazy writing.

Sincerely, I hate that we dislike this show so much, but we’ve deleted it from the DVR.

Edited by Lunula
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On 11/10/2022 at 9:34 PM, Lunula said:

Jason grows into a bigger dick every episode, putting his “brothers” at risk operating with known brain injuries affecting every decision he makes, yet continuing to be Mr. Self-Righteous Sanctimony towards everyone else. That is not entertaining to watch.

He is utterly hateful. So unlikeable. I really can’t stand him at all! I don’t know why any of them have any loyalty to him let alone think he’s this brilliant and legendary leader. He’s a fucking car crash. 

We’re officially out too. Clays death won’t have any impact except maybe to Sonny. They’ll whine, make it all about themselves, blame each other and then just move on and never mention it again. 

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Well, that news certainly traveled fast. That's my major nitpick for this episode. I would assume that when Navy SEALs are on a deployment they don't get phone calls from their wives back home. I would also assume that they would not get a call from Command to say "hey, remember your old buddy? Yeah, he died in a sudden and terrible way. Anyhow, good luck with the mission!" It would have been more interesting to have them not hear about Clay. They're riding high, thinking they're hot shit and they pull off this incredible mission success only to come home the day after Clay's funeral. But I guess it wouldn't have worked for a two-parter.

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Would you really tell a special forces unit that their buddy has been killed? And the details behind what was a very stupid death?  And once doing that would you leave said unit in the field to carry out their mission? 

I'd like to think they wouldn't do that and if they did they would scrub the mission and bring the unit home. 

I thought Clay was going to kill himself when he ran off on Stella the previous ep so I am not surprised they killed him off. It's a shame though as Clay had the most promising post SEAL team career. It would have been interesting to at least here about his exploits in politics or intelligence if not see them directly. 

I wonder if the Vet that started the whole thing will end up coming clean so Clay isn't written up as a would be thief. 

Jason has long been a drag and I don't understand how tubby Sonny who is also a mess disciplinary wise is even a soldier let alone one attached to an elite unit. 

On 11/7/2022 at 11:48 AM, Avabelle said:

I assume because it’s what everyone was expecting. I absolutely hate how they ended his storyline. It just seems pointless. Alona Tal isn’t a regular, they could have easily just had Stella and Clay leave together. It’s such a waste of following their journey. I know I sound like a fan girl but in a show where literally nobody is likeable at this point Clay and Stella were probably the only storyline I had always enjoyed.

I wasn't surprised he died but I was surprised at how he died. Sure he had a gun in his hand but it wasn't pointed at the guard. That said Clay was with someone else and is a big guy. Clay had the most interesting prospects post Seal too. 

Stella was also nice to look at. I guess that is more or less it now, maybe one or two more eps of her at most. 

On 11/11/2022 at 8:34 AM, Lunula said:

Ray is leaving. I don’t know what is going on with Davis - she seems to be on a completely different show now.

On 11/7/2022 at 7:02 AM, Avabelle said:

I think I might be done with this show. Every episode is the same - Jason acting like a five year old but everyone speaking of him like he’s the best leader and not an over emotional, petty hothead. 

I do not care about anything Davis is doing. 

I liked Clay and Clay/Stella so was really disappointed in how five years of following that story has panned out. I knew Max staying was a long shot but had hoped he’d get a happier ending and leave with Stella to do great things elsewhere. His death was just depressing and just seemed a bit unnecessary as I’d be confident the show only has a season or two left tops. 

There’s just no enjoyment. I know it’s a heavy subject matter but it’s not like the show is realistic anyway given how petty and ridiculous these men are most of the time. 

I think I’m finally out..

I'm over Ray, he is like a junior version of Jason. Davis is boring, I don't know what she is trying to achieve and I don't watch the show for politics or a military based office drama. 

I also just don't buy Toni Trucks in the role. 

I think they should have kept Clay alive, he could have come back at any point. So many options if they just kept him alive. 

Killing him off right after he gets Stella to open up about her dreams was also very rough. He was probably the best soldier on the team and to lose his leg than get killed while trying to stop the other guy from breaking into the place. 

Do they want people to stop watching? 

Because the Jason and Sonny show just doesn't appeal. 

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It is just so stupid when the show runners always feel like they have to kill people off that choose to leave. It is against their nature to let people have a happy exit. I guess they think it is just so cinematically dramatic. It was just pointless. Why have him survive his injuries at the beginning of the season just to be killed by the mall cop?

Edited by b4pjoe
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