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Ghosts of GH Past Viewing Party: '80s, '90s, And All Eras Of Non-Suckitude!

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I thought Peter Hansen and Kin were a terrific father son team.  I always thought Scotty should have called him Dad all the time.  He raised him from a tot I believe. 

Yeah I never got that.  Sometimes he would call him dad and sometimes he'd call him Lee.  He mostly called him Lee in the wendy Riche years though.

Edited by Harmony233
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Randomly good "filler" episode aired on December 9, 1981.  No big plots moved forward, but it had some brilliant stuff in it.


Great Bobbie episode.  Bobbie comforts and gets very emotional over a prostitute who comes to the ER, having been badly beaten by a sicko customer.  It's implied that poor Bobbie probably had at least one similar experience back in the day.  And then she has a heart to heart with Noah about her past.  


Edward behaves like a sexist buffoon over the fact that Lila has gotten control of ELQ, and he has some great scenes bantering with Alan.  At one point Stuart Damon just gets completely lost in his line and bursts out laughing, but he just soldiers on through the scene.  He's adorable.  


Then Monica and Lila show up, and the four of them are just so fun together.  Then Lila reveals that she is introducing computers to ELQ's offices.  Technology, y'all!!  

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So I've just started the 1982 stuff:   


I don't think the David-Gray-stalks-Laura-while-she-models-as-Miss-Star-Eyes story is supposed to give me the giggles ... but it really does.  Every time he silently wanders into a scene, all Mopey McStaresALot and acting like a creepy weirdo, I find it hilarious.  


Luke and Laura and Robert living on the Haunted Star and trying to make it a nightclub is kind of fun.  And Demi Moore just showed up as a reporter interviewing Laura!


I've reversed position on Heather and Anne Logan at this point.  I am now sick of Heather's whining and innocent-little-me act.  And the more cynical and bitter Anne gets, and the more she drinks, and the more everyone gives her flack for it ... the more entertaining I find her.  Now I'm team Annie - go figure.  


I have a feeling the Monica / Alan / Susan stuff is about to get fun ...

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Just saw this exchange in the 1982 episode I'm currently watching:


Alan: Dad wants to know what's going on between you and Robert Scorpio.

Lila:  oh, ha ha ha, at my age, dear ... unfortunately, nothing!  ha ha!




(Apparently, Lila hired Robert to investigate something and Edward is dying to know what).  

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Ah, screw it.  I've decided to find the David Gray nonsense stupid in a charming, adorable way.  Being stalked by that guy would be like being followed around by one of those big-eyed, mopey Keane paintings.  


I am sort of interested to see what big, secret "project" he's got Mel the fashion photographer and his idiot girlfriend Laura T. working on ... and how this all supposedly links to Real Laura's disappearance.  


And poor Janine Turner - she must have been so excited as a young actress to score a role on GH ... and that role turned out to be Laura Templeton, a childishly stupid kleptomaniac obsessed with tiny animal figurines.  The writers get points for creativity, I guess!   


The drama Anne is causing at the hospital - trying to convince everyone that one of the surgeons is dangerously negligent and pissing everyone off - is some good stuff.  Hey, an actual, believable hospital story ... imagine that!


Monica and Alan angrily, passionately make out in an elevator and it's glorious. 

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I am so far behind! I hope to catch up once my son's cold disappears.


Where are you at in the episodes?   I wouldn't necessarily kill yourself trying to get to the early 1982 episodes, lol.   I've been skipping through the boring-ness of Rick's waterfront sports center for the kids (with the exception of the introduction of John Stamos' character), and the David Gray story is a big old mess ... although I still say it's freaking Shakespeare compared to what's happening on GH these days.  It at least makes a modicum of sense.  


I wonder if Jenniferbug ever finished the Left Handed Boy saga?  

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These are the men of early 80s GH I'd go back in time to sleep with:


Joe Kelly

Rick Webber


Alan's not on the list only because, while Stuart Damon was very attractive and downright adorable whenever he got to do comedy, Alan was either murderously jealous (with Monica) or way too cloying (with Susan) in that time period.

Noah was cute, but he's not one of my favorites, somehow.

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Random thoughts, courtesy of 1982 ...


I giggle a little every time Dr. Noah Drake walks into a scene ... with his doctor's coat sleeves scrunched up to his elbows, all 80s style.


Anne and Jeremy annoyed me for so long ... but by the time they leave in spring '82, they had begun to grow on me, and now I feel like I'll miss them.  Fun fact:  Apparently, Anne the virgin was written off the show because the actress became very visibly pregnant.  

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Sorry, SlovakPrincess, I missed your earlier post asking if I had finished the Left Handed Boy sags yet! Sadly, I still haven't, ugh. I'm further than I was but still have a way to go. I got sucked into watching Broadchurch, but now that I'm done I can watch old GH again. I do find that I can't marathon too many episodes or I get burnt out on it. I may need to pick a day or two each week to watch :-)

Was Anne really supposed to be a virgin? I know she wasn't sleeping around, but I guess I assumed she just didn't want to be viewed as easy. Funny they had to ditch her when she got pregnant! On today's show, Ron would be thankful he had a reason to do yet another baby story...

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THankfully GH didnt do too many pregnacy stories back then I remeber reading an old SOD where they was debating giving somebody a love child but said theyd just done an out of wed lock baby tory with susan and Jason lol.

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Yep, Anne was religious and would not have sex out of marriage, and so she was a virgin (she had a son, Jeremy, only because she adopted him).  


There was a refreshing lack of children in the early 80s -- you usually only got one cloying child at a time (not a whole passel of brats, like we have now).  And for the most part, they acted like normal children.  


One of the funniest kid actors from that era was the kid who played toddler Steven Lars.  He was a  little devil.  In one scene, he starts chomping away on Richard Dean Anderson's arm with his little teeth.   In another scene, all the adults are talking about how sad and confused Steven is over something traumatic ... but they have to practically shout over the little demon child, who is happily playing and yelling in the background "wheeee!  rockets!"    

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I forgot Jeremy was adopted. That makes a lot more sense!

I don't think I've seen Steven Lars yet. I know they reference him from time to time, but I think I'm still at the point where Diana has him and he's never seen.

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Well, I finally straggled through the end of the David Gray storyline ....


The Good: 

- David Gray was at least easy on the eyes.  So that's something.
- Ms. Frumpkin, the little old lady who runs David's front of a business, an antique store.
- There is an AV lab that converts into Ms. Frumpkin's fussy little bedroom before your eyes.  It's actually a cool effect when the walls start to move around. 


The Bad:

- The Templeton sisters.  Good grief.  I don't have a problem with Demi Moore, but watching her run around as Jackie, rasping "my sister!  my sister!" is really tedious.   Jackie annoys me, I don't like her with Robert, and Robert's throwing over Tiffany to flirt with Jackie makes me hate him a little.  And Laura T is a kleptomaniac dimwit  (although Janine Turner does what she can with the role).  So ... yeah. 
- The whole thing is just overly convoluted, and veers from the exit story for Real Laura into a big old mess having to do with an ancient cult, the national treasures of a fictional country, Luke supposedly being psychic for about two seconds, Luke and friends running a magic show/nightclub thing on a yacht, a museum heist, and holograms.   


The straight up WTF?!: 


- Luke somehow makes David fall out of a window to his death by pointing a sword and making ridiculous Tony Geary faces at him.


- Real Laura's disappearance/"death" is explained thusly: Mel was her photographer during her short-lived model career, but he was also making holograms on the side for David, as part of David's big steal-artifiacts-from-museum plan.  David was aware Mel was dating a blonde Laura instead of focusing on the holograms, but David gets the Lauras mixed up, and he stalks and tries to scare off Laura Spencer instead of dippy little Laura T.  During one bout of being stalked and hypnotized by David on the docks of PC, Laura Spencer tries to escape by jumping into a little boat and floating out into the harbor -- and gets squished/drowned by a bigger boat.  Or so the harbor authorities later decide based on a ship captain's story and finding Laura's coat in the water.   So .... It will be interesting to see how they explain all of this away when Laura comes back and says the Cassadines took her, LOL. 


But, hey, at least the whole mess is wrapped up in 6 months!  


Most of the other stories during 1982 are great:


- Alan and Monica tormenting each other as they both try to get a divorce ... and sort of turning each other on in the process.  


- Dr. Bradshaw, the doctor who cuts corners and accidentally kills a patient ... and then tries to destroy nurse Anne Logan when she demands an investigation.  Noah is torn because he respects and believes Bradshaw but feels bad for Anne.  Then crazy Heather involves herself, blackmailing Dr. Bradshaw into continuing his rampage against Anne even when the guy just wants to give up and tell the truth.  Heather's evil-ness was so much more subtle and interesting back then.    Then Scotty gets involved, because Heather intrigues him.  It snowballs into a big, glorious mess of hospital-centric drama.

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So .... It will be interesting to see how they explain all of this away when Laura comes back and says the Cassadines took her, LOL.


You know, when she did come back, the explanation actually made sense.  The "Mayors Lawn" story is one of my favorites and introduced truly scary Stavros Cassadine (as opposed to the cartoon character played by Robert Kelker Kelly).

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Luke somehow makes David fall out of a window to his death by pointing a sword and making ridiculous Tony Geary faces at him.


I was 7 or 8 when that aired and even then I was like, "WTF this is this?" Well, okay it was more like, "WTH(eck) is this?" 

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You know, when she did come back, the explanation actually made sense.  The "Mayors Lawn" story is one of my favorites and introduced truly scary Stavros Cassadine (as opposed to the cartoon character played by Robert Kelker Kelly).


I am looking forward to seeing this when I get to the end of '83.   I have seen the clip where Luke first sees Laura on the lawn, alive, and runs out the front door, yelling her name.  I love that scene, and it's one of the rare times when I really love Luke.  

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I'm only a few episodes into the Holly-the-con-artist story, and 2 things are already cracking me up:

- Holly's wardrobe consists only of clothes for hiking in the woods (and picking up gullible men like Luke on the trail) ... and lacy lingerie sets (so she can loll about in bed after a long day of con artistry).

- the completely insane overuse of the song "Baby Come to Me." I've already heard it about fifteen times ...

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I'm only a few episodes into the Holly-the-con-artist story, and 2 things are already cracking me up:

- Holly's wardrobe consists only of clothes for hiking in the woods (and picking up gullible men like Luke on the trail) ... and lacy lingerie sets (so she can loll about in bed after a long day of con artistry).

- the completely insane overuse of the song "Baby Come to Me." I've already heard it about fifteen times ...


I watched at the time and thought it was hilarious. I mean, don't get me wrong, I liked the song but it was overkill. 

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Ok, this episode is really good (if you ignore that boring Annie Logan):

Roy wants to try out his mad assassinating skillz, and Luke and Bobbie race to try and stop him.  Quartermaines! -- especially Alan, in all his sarcastic glory.  Scotty wants to know why Laura is a nervous wreck pacing around their tiny, ugly apartment. 


Did Jason's mother sleep with any guys that weren't married or engaged?
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Nurse Jessie wasn't exactly wrong, considering how AJs life turned out.

Susan was with Frank Smith, who was widowed, I think. And at some point she hooks up with Scotty, at a time when he's unmarried. But, yeah, her specialty was being a mistress, LOL.

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I am looking forward to seeing this when I get to the end of '83.   I have seen the clip where Luke first sees Laura on the lawn, alive, and runs out the front door, yelling her name.  I love that scene, and it's one of the rare times when I really love Luke.  

It took two weeks for my breath to return to my body after watching those episodes when they aired.  That's what they used to do to us.


I'm only a few episodes into the Holly-the-con-artist story, and 2 things are already cracking me up:

- Holly's wardrobe consists only of clothes for hiking in the woods (and picking up gullible men like Luke on the trail) ... and lacy lingerie sets (so she can loll about in bed after a long day of con artistry).

- the completely insane overuse of the song "Baby Come to Me." I've already heard it about fifteen times ...

Try 15,000 times.  That storyline was about 9 months long...

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It took two weeks for my breath to return to my body after watching those episodes when they aired.  That's what they used to do to us.


I swear, they made my television actually break out in a sweat.  Those were the days.

Edited by LegalParrot81
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Greetings from 1982!  A far more sane, (relatively) happy time in the history of Port Charles, NY!  


I'm shocked by how much I like the Oil Scam story, and I'm only about halfway through, I think:


- It's fun watching Holly's family manipulate everyone into thinking there's oil on her "inherited" land by the town dump.  They pretend to be oil investors with no connection to Holly, who plays the innocent all alone in the world who just happens to strike oil.  They pay off a geologist and oil well foreman to make it look legit.   They play off Edward's competitive nature and greed to get him to invest.  It was also smart to have Holly seduce Luke, because of his over-eager personality and residual Ice-Princess-town-hero status:  predictably, he falls for Holly, jumps into a partnership with her over the oil venture, and everyone in town who trusts him (because he's usually so street-smart) suddenly wants to invest.  


- Holly really is caught in a shitty situation and I feel for her ... she was raised to be a con artist and she wants to please her father.  Only too late does she realize how dangerous her cousins are (they kill off some poor day player geologists who turn out to be ... inconvenient).   But she's also torn because she grows to love Luke and feels bad that not only rich people like the Qs, but blue collar folks like Ruby, are about to lose their money.  


- At one point, (hospital administrator and former international corporate executive) Dan starts to figure it out and tries to warn Luke, in the middle of a party ... but someone throws a knife in his back, and Luke ends up looking like the stabber.  (Pro-tip: if someone gets stabbed in front of you, don't pull out the knife, brandish it over your head and just stand there, bug-eyed, while everyone stares at you ... Luke is really dumb sometimes.)    


- Luke grabs Holly and they go on the run ... which gets tedious, especially the crap where they pretend to be employees at an amusement park.   BUT that also allows my favorites, Joe Kelly and Robert, to work together to find them, sometimes with Tiffany and Blackie (baby John Stamos!) helping out.  So much pretty when these characters share scenes together ...


And while that's humming along nicely, there's the Alan / Monica / Susan / Heather  / Scotty mess, which is glorious.


- Drunken, bitter Susan is a hoot.  I think at some point she actually ends up married to Scotty, in '83, and I can't wait to see how that happens!

- Heather and Scotty manipulating Susan to sue Alan for support is just so them.  (Scotty thinks he's getting a fat contingent fee out of this case).    

- Alan and Monica work together to beat Susan ... then they fight and call each other names ... then they work together again.  They are hilarious.


And Brian and Claudia are finally getting a story!  Something about Brian's deadbeat dad is starting up ... I looked ahead, and I think his dad is going to be played by Sammy Davis Jr. (!!)

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Sammy Davis Jr. was a huge fan of both GH and OLTL, and I think he specifically asked if he could appear on both shows (he won a Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Guest Star for the latter show).


That's actually the same way he got to appear on All in the Family. He was a huge fan of the show and kept asking Norman Lear if he could make a guest appearance until he finally caved in. :)

Edited by UYI
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Sometimes the sound quality on these old episodes is terrible in the most amusing way - in that it cuts out and sounds like something got bleeped.   Skip to about 3:05 on this episode and listen for a bit and you'll see what I mean ...


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"Baby, cooooooome to me .... blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah .... deeeeeestiny ....."


I have finished the Oil Scam story, and I am going to have that song in my head forever now.


Overall, this was a good one!   I really like old Holly   (with the small exception of a few scenes where she acts all mopey and put upon because people don't rush to forgive her being part of the plot to take their money).     


There were a few times I wanted to time-travel back to '82 and throat-punch Luke, but I'm used to that by now.  


The outdoor scenes where Robert and Luke track Holly and her family to Victoria, British Columbia made me want to go there.  So pretty!


I like the twist of Holly's cousin Basil trying to out-con the rest of the con-artist family -- he tries to steal all the money scammed from Port Charles and run off with his girlfriend Angela.  The scene where Robert basically carjacks Angela to get the swindled money back is hilarious .... ladies, you haven't lived until Robert Scorpio carjacks you in the most gallant and charming way possible!    (I posted this scene in the Scorpios thread).  


    But can we talk about my irrational hatred for Holly's nanny, Nanny McTavish?  Perhaps it's because I know, years after this story, that the writers will lose their minds temporarily and make Nanny Faison's mommy ... and even though I still reject that as GH canon because it is asinine, it still makes me hate her.   Like, she'd show up in a scene and I'd think "ugh, this obnoxious old biddy."  And when she waxes poetic to Holly about how good and wonderful and brave Luke is, and how Luke is going to protect Holly because he's so made of awesomeness, I'm like "BITCH, YOU JUST MET HIM!"    Oh, she bugs me.

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Which Grant went on to kidnap Anna? 


I never can remember when Lesley "died" in 1984. 


I like Amy and of course I like Lesley a lot, but that whole setup with the Webbers doesn't do much for me. I guess it was broken up very quickly after this anyway.

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Which Grant went on to kidnap Anna? 


I never can remember when Lesley "died" in 1984. 


I like Amy and of course I like Lesley a lot, but that whole setup with the Webbers doesn't do much for me. I guess it was broken up very quickly after this anyway.

Putnam, the American. The one with the slicked back hair. He's the one being interviewed in the that clip.  


It was supposed to be ironic that Grant Andropov (I think), Americanized to Grant Andrews, turned out to be a nice guy whereas Putnam was a psychopath. Andrews is the one married to Celia here.  If I remember correctly, Celia wound up dumping Grant Andrews because he was too milquetoast.

Edited by Francie
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I never can remember when Lesley "died" in 1984. 


I like Amy and of course I like Lesley a lot, but that whole setup with the Webbers doesn't do much for me. I guess it was broken up very quickly after this anyway.


I'm watching the two Grants storyline from 1984 now.  Lesley died on March 12, 1984.


I remember reading an interview with Denise Alexander, I think back in the late 1990's, when she returned to GH.  Denise said that she was a bit burned out and asked Gloria to reduce her workload.  She wanted a break from the front burner.


Gloria supposedly said something like, "Oh, sure, dear, I can shorten your hours." 


And next thing she knew, Lesley was dead.

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Re-watching the Susan Moore Baldwin murder mystery from '83 ... so good, even on re-watch!  


Although, by the time Susan had turned into a bitter bitch on wheels and made enough enemies to make many murder suspects, I had really begun to enjoy her, and I was sorry to see her go.  Ok, ok, she shouldn't have been blackmailing the Quartermaines, especially poor Lila.  But I understood why she got to that point and was lashing out at everyone.  And she was fun as a bitter drunk and then a gloating blackmailer.  


The actress (Gail Rae Carson) was just glorious in those scenes where she yells and taunts Scotty and gloats that she'll turn him in and he's going to jail for forging her signature (he married her and then forged a power of attorney so he could get his hands on Jason's trust fund money -- bad Scotty was kinda hot.)  


Apparently they also used the actress' own baby to play baby Jason -- he was a little cutie.   



I'm watching the two Grants storyline from 1984 now.  Lesley died on March 12, 1984.



Haven't seen any of '84 yet ... but I know a little about the downer stories that started off that year, with Lesley dying and bad things happening to Blackie.  Shitty year for the Webbers, I guess!


But I think by the end of the year we meet Frisco, Felicia and Sean Donnelly, which will make the show fun again, and which I am really looking forward to!  

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Can we talk about what overbearing jerk-faces the Spencers were in 1983?


Luke is crippled in an avalanche and lets everyone think he's dead ... then comes back and acts like a really ass to Robert and Holly because they moved on without him.


And while he's "dead," Ruby and Bobbie really grate on my nerves.  They're all "I don't think we can allow that" when Holly explains she's going to pretend Luke's baby is Robert ... um, guys, Robert's helping her commit immigration fraud.  Would they rather Holly got deported?  


Also, Bobbie will just not quit telling Holly what Luke would have wanted - "Luke wouldn't want you to grieve over your miscarriage!"  "Luke wouldn't have wanted you to ..."    Ugh.   


That said, overall, I really like this story.  What Luke does is ridiculous, but I can kind of see why this particular character might react to the trauma of paralysis this way.   And while Luke was the much-propped anti-hero of the show at that time ... he's still allowed to be wrong, and to have to, eventually, admit that Robert and Holly deserve to be happy together.  

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Can we talk about what overbearing jerk-faces the Spencers were in 1983?


I guess some things don't change.


Can you link me to this string of episodes? I'm kinda curious to see these.

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If you do a search on the website that shall not be named, for GH 1983, you should be able to find the episodes. It's kind of spread out over the first half of '83.

Will try to post links of Holly miscarrying. And also the Luke / Robery confrontation on the docks ... growling, angry Scorpio - rawr!

Bobbie pisses me off after Holly miscarries (around the 5:40 mark:


Robert / Luke showdown:


Edited by SlovakPrincess
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ETA: I like how Luke says, "let me guess what you said, 'Lucas is gone and since I'm old what's-his-name's best friend and you need someone to protect you, you can trust me'" and Robert smiled and said, "that's close." Two seconds into this conversation and Luke was already pawned.

Edited by ulkis
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Can we talk about my irrational jealousy of 1983-era Holly? She's married to Robert, she gets to live in his crazy house with it's own gym, giant computer room, and sauna, and she helps Robert solve mysteries for fun (while not having to actually work).

It's funny how much I love Holly.

I saw Robert and Anna first in real time and they did NOTHING for me. They were okay, but a yawner as far as I was concerned. Two people who shared history and a child settling for each other.

When I finally got to see early Holly and early Robert/Holly, on the other hand, I was instantly HOOKED.

I was also instantly hooked on Anna and David on AMC, after being not terribly thrilled to see that she was showing up there.

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I will have to disagree with you a bit on this one - I never saw Robert and Anna as settling for each other the second time around.

I actually think all three couples (Robert / Holly, Anna / Duke, Anna / Robert - flashbacks to first romance, friendship AND lead up to second marriage) worked beautifully in the 80s to beginning of 90s.

I don't think Holly has really worked well as a character since she came back from the "dead."

But I'm growing to love 80s Holly, now that I'm seeing it all for the first time! It's nice to see her really come into her own with Robert (while stupid Luke is off pouting - heh).

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Watching 1988's Fatal Attraction storyline. AKA when the Jeromes were the bad guys and acknowledged as such, and Duke could move his body and face.  And Anna had a home.


Man, I miss supporting character like Olin. 


Will edit later to add my other observations and thoughts.


Edit No. 1:  Alan Quartermaine! Amy Vinig! The hospital! I miss all three. Perhaps in that order.


Edit No. 2: Anna's getting ready for a night of passion,* and Duke is calling Olivia. I knew there was a reason why I never liked him. Meanwhile, Robert's reaction when accompanying Anna on a prenatal appointment and getting called "Mr. Lavery" is priceless. I knew there was a reason why I liked him.


*80s term.


Edit No. 3: RUBY!!!!! I miss her. Oh man, do I miss her.


Edit No. 4:  I think Robert had more scenes with Anna than Duke did. No wonder I liked them.


Edit No. 5: Cheryl never had a chance.


Edit No. 6: Man, does Tristan had the bluest of eyes. No wonder I like him.  Duke scowls SO much. No wonder I didn't like him.


Edit No. 7:  Duke getting caught by Robert and having to tell him that Olivia is pregnant and claims Duke is the father. Robert: "My, my, we've been a busy boy, haven't we."  Duke:  "Oh, shut up."  And Robert: "what a guy."  Crazy that Robert found out about Olivia's possible pregnancy before Anna did.


Edit No. 8: Oy, this dialogue. I can tell that most of this storyline was written during a writer's strike. It's almost half as bad as the dialogue today (which means it's still twice as good).


Edit No. 9: If I didn't know this storyline was in the 80s, I would have figured it out from Anna's electric blue dress.


Edit No. 10: Now shit's gettin' real. Robert's pissed because Robin is devastated that one of her love birds suspiciously dies. Robert faces off with Duke, waiting for him at the club. "You told Anna you'd be here two hours ago. You ever level with that woman?" Duke the lyin' liar. 


Edit No. 11:  Duke, you slimy bastard, for not telling Anna that Robert planned to take Robin away from Anna because of the danger caused by Olivia.  And Robert saying that he wanted to get Anna away from Duke. Robert: "I may not be able to get Anna out, but I can do something about my daughter."  Cheryl:  "You want to take get Anna out?" Robert: "If I can."


Edit No. 12: Anna confronting Robert about not telling her about Duke possibly impregnating Olivia. Anna:  If Duke didn't have the guts the tell me, you should have." It's as though Anna held Robert to a higher standard than she did Duke.

Edited by Francie
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Ok, this episode is really good (if you ignore that boring Annie Logan):

Roy wants to try out his mad assassinating skillz, and Luke and Bobbie race to try and stop him.  Quartermaines! -- especially Alan, in all his sarcastic glory.  Scotty wants to know why Laura is a nervous wreck pacing around their tiny, ugly apartment. 


In this single episode, you had the attempted assassination of Mitch, the death of Roy, Bobbie's breakdown after the death of Roy, Mitch and Susan sexing it up, and Tracy walking in on them.  All in the single same episode!


Today, that all would have been spread over 6 weeks!

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In lieu of watching current show and wanting to bang my head against a wall, I'm watching the end of the Susan Moore Murder Mystery ... it's a dark and stormy night, and the Quartermaines are being blackmailed by Jimmy Lee into throwing a party to announce his status as Edward's bastard son.  It's a hoot!  Alan and Robert look the best in their tuxes.   Monica looks freaking amazing.  


Apparently 1983 was a very big year for one-shouldered dresses.   Or puffy-sleeved dresses.   Or whatever the hell they made poor Demi Moore wear - lordy, but wardrobe seemed to hate her!   

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