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Plus Kristian Alfonso was against the pairing and told the higher-ups that it was out of character for Hope to get involved with Bo's cousin and she was right...

At that point Hope and Justin were spending a lot of time together, if I remember they were investigating Vivian who was also living in the Kiriakis mansion at the time. Justin and Adrienne were separated as were Bo and Hope. This was when Bo and Hope broke up and Hope and Ciara were living at the K mansion.  I think Adrienne's comment while bitchy was more about Hope and Justin spending time together than Hope turning Justin down.

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But Hope didn't do anything with Justin.  She turned him down.  While other people on the show who have cheated, get a free pass.

I understand that they didn't do anything.  My point was that even though they didn't do anything Adrienne may have felt insecure about Hope spending a lot of time with Justin, even though nothing happened.  Coupled with the fact that Justin and Adrienne were having issues and not living together and Hope wasn't with Bo at the time.  I don't think Adrienne should be bitchy to Hope, but I can understand how in her insecurity she wasn't happy with her husband spending time with an unattached woman.


Can someone please identify the third actress/character in this photo. Even with my reading glasses on, I can't be sure. On the left is Lisa Rinna's Billie. Center is Eileen Davidson's Kristen. Is the one on the right Missy Reeves/Jennifer or Staci Greason's Isabella, or someone else, entirely? When I enlarge the picture, it gets too pixilated. And yikes, is there a Confederate flag in the background?

The Maison Blanche storyline was for me the best umbrella storyline that Days has ever done.  That storyline played out great onscreen and the ramifications lasted for years.  It gave us Hope/Gina, Celeste, Rachel, Evil Peter and lead into Lexi becoming a Dimera.  More importantly it involved most of the cast in an "adventure storyline" that Days used to do more of. 

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I had a question about Theresa's blood test. How was Melanie able to prove she was pregnant? Did Theresa donate the blood/plasma to Eve during the window between the time she became impregnated and the fetus-napping?

Is plasma supposedly better at keeping such hormones? I know I shouldn't question soap opera science, but it's been bugging me.

Also, did we ever find out why Theresa is so hostile? I'm a Theresa apologist and I love Jen Lilley but there are times when even I think she's gone too far.

Edited by Lilytiger
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I did not watch Days at this time so not sure this question is even a possibility. 

  Is it possible that Peter is Abigail's bio-father and not Jack?

No, Peter wasn't around when Jack and Jen were married and conceived Abigail.  Peter was actually the good guy compared to Jack. At that point Jack had left Jenn and Abby, I can't remember if this happened in Salem or when they were abroad.  When Jenn came back to Salem she began dating good guy Peter despite the fact that he was Stefano's son. 


Before Peter went "evil" he had a good marriage and was a really great step-father to Abby.  It was actually Jack coming back to town and threatening his marriage to Jenn that made Peter succumb to Stefano's influence.


I remember when Peter was on the run and Lexi was taking it pretty hard, Celeste shared with her that when Peter was young and came to live with her and Stefano that he was such a sweet little boy and despite that Stefano wanted to keep Peter close to home Celeste planted herself in the middle of them so that Stefano wouldn't corrupt him as a child. 

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Yup, I remember after Peter and Jen started dating, baby Abby even called him da-da.


Jack came back to town before Peter married Jen. Peter did some shady stuff to Laura early on in his courtship of Jen, because Laura liked him but didn't trust him on account of his being a DIMERA!!, but then he kind of pulled back from that and reformed and was being a good DiMera along with Tony when he married Jen. But he was always worried that proof about what he did to Laura would come out, and he finally did go over into evil. (Although at that point I no longer cared because MR had left the show and Peter/Jen was not the same with the recast. I loved Peter/Jen, so actually that worked out for me in a weird way - she left at the height of Jen and Peter's happiness together, having just gotten married and being very much in love, and so I never had to see MR play scenes where Jen eventually turned on Peter, divorced him, etc.) The same arc was played with Tony; he was a good guy well into his marriage to Kristen, even after she confessed having cheated on him with John and planning to leave him for John, but finally turned evil and framed John for his murder. Thankfully, years later the show wisely retconned that into it having been Andre, not Tony, at that point.

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I'll never forget Peter gaslighting Laura.  Painting her office with toxic fumes so she would go crazy again.  Then hiring Daniel Scott to date and occupy Laura, while Daniel was really in love with Celeste.  Part of me wished Daniel was retconned into being Cameron's father just to get the reaction of Jenn finding out her daughter was dating Daniel Scott's son.


The irony being Jenn married Celeste's surrogate son Peter, while Abby dated her biological son Cameron.

I liked Peter and Jennifer as well, but only because Mathew was no longer playing Jack. So, I did not care about Jennifer not being with  the Blond Jack..Had Mathew been in the role, I would never support  Jennifer being with Peter...Peter was so evil in his machinations against Laura and Jack. I never believed for a second that Jack would abandon Abby and Jennifer based on his complicated relationships with Harper and Duke. I never understood why Peter and Kristen remained loyal to Stefano after learning that he stole them from their biological parents. He killed their father because he was obsessed with their mother,the lady in white....

Yeah, the reason for Jack leaving Salem was stupid. He'd discovered that somehow he was "responsible" for Abby's aplastic anemia, though I forget what the reasoning was, and plus Victor gave him a push by saying that otherwise he would reveal that Kate had had an affair with Bill Horton, something Jack felt Jennifer would never understand. It was all so nonsensical.


Mark Valley's Jack was so different, and he had zero chemistry with MR. One actress he did really spark with was Kristian Alfonso, but DAYS has never been a show to go away from The Show Couples in favor of who actually has chemistry together. He also had good chemistry with Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura).


Stefano did raise Peter and Kristen and gave them plenty of love and support, so I understood why they couldn't bring themselves to turn their backs on him. He is their father, despite everything.

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I understand that, but he robbed them of the life that they were meant to have with their biological parents....He killed their father and drove their mother insane with his obsession....I hated how they trashed Jack in favor of Peter..For some reason Ken Corday has always hated that character..I do understand how limiting the supercouples can be....I liked Hope with Patrick and Mark Valley's Jack...I always preferred Bo with Carly....I think a Bo/Carly/Hope triangle would have worked better in 1994 after Maison Blanche because Carly healed both Shawn D and Bo after Hope's death....It was a slow burn romance between Bo and Carly and it was done with respect to the Bo/Hope fans..I always wanted Bo and Carly to have a son....Swamp baby a.k.a Chelsea should have remained a miscarried fetus.....I hated that retcon with a passion. We saw Billie miscarry little Georgia..It was heartbreaking and well done by the actors...However, I would forgive the show, if they did it for EJole's daughter..Nicole deserves a baby and some happiness...

Edited by Apprentice79
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I really liked Mark Valley's version of Jack.  It was a different interpretation but I really like it.  I also agree that he had great chemistry with Laura and it was believable that they met up and slept with each other in the Meadows before figuring out who each other is. 


Not that it matters per se, but did Peter and Kristen actually learn that Stefano started the fire when Rachel wouldn't leave their father for him?  I thought it was just heavily implied by Rachel, who was mentally ill that Stefano may have had something to do with the fire.


Also at the point that Rachel came back both Peter and Kristen were heavily under Stefano's influence and using his help to scheme to keep John and Jennifer.  I don't know if that revelation would of completely turned them at that point in time. 


Now if that revelation came to them when Kristen was a dedicated social worker and Peter a good guy businessman maybe the outcome would of been better.

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I understand that, but he robbed them of the life that they were meant to have with their biological parents....He killed their father and drove their mother insane with his obsession....I hated how they trashed Jack in favor of Peter..For some reason Ken Corday has always hated that character..I do understand how limiting the supercouples can be....I liked Hope with Patrick and Mark Valley's Jack...I always preferred Bo with Carly....I think a Bo/Carly/Hope triangle would have worked better in 1994 after Maison Blanche because Carly healed both Shawn D and Bo after Hope's death....It was a slow burn romance between Bo and Carly and it was done with respect to the Bo/Hope fans..I always wanted Bo and Carly to have a son....Swamp baby a.k.a Chelsea should have remained a miscarried fetus.....I hated that retcon with a passion. We saw Billie miscarry little Georgia..It was heartbreaking and well done by the actors...However, I would forgive the show, if they did it for EJole's daughter..Nicole deserves a baby and some happiness...

Who were their bio parents?

It was Rachel the lady in white, she kept on sobbing for weeks on end about her babies and Stefano...Their father was never shown on onscreen, I remember Peter meeting her and it may have caused him to reflect a bit about his machinations with Stefano and Kristen..I don't remember if Kristen ever meet Rachel...By the time Rachel came back, they were pro Stefano and totally devoted.. I remember Rachel being disfigured...Mark Valley's Jack lack the darkness that Matthew's Jack had..He was too perky and I remember that people used to call him a Fratboy...lol I hated  that he slept with her mother. It cheapened Jack and Jennifer's story, it just seemed like it was another attempt by the writers to sully Jack..Plus, it was unbelievable that Jack never saw a picture of Laura..Jack and Jennifer shared everything with each other. He would have seen pictures of her at some point in life...

Edited by Apprentice79

Kristen was a good girl back in the day and she was good friends with Jennifer, Billie and Marlena..Her descent into madness was a slow process and it made sense to her characterization..It started with just a letter that John had written to Marlena expressing his undying love and it spiraled from there....Once Marlena discovered that Kristen had intercepted that letter and hid it from her..The hatred between them started...The show back then took its time to pen a storyline..John loved Kristen with a passion back in the day...They probably would have kept Kristen and John together, if Roman had not left town...Kristen used to babysit Belle and Brady..I hated that she had a romantic relationship with Brady....I always found that to be gross...

Edited by Apprentice79
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Who were their bio parents?

Kristen and Peter's biological parents are The Blakes from New Orleans.  Rachel and her husband (I don't recall his name, if it was ever highlighted).  Celeste and Stefano were friends with Rachel and her husband. Celeste was working for Stefano then, after Lexi was born and there relationship ended.  Anyway, Stefano was obsessed with Rachel and wanted her to run away with him and leave her husband.  Rachel refused, Stefano started a fire in their home, it is unclear on weather he wanted just the husband to die or both he and Rachel.  Rachel and the husband were presumed dead.  Stefano and Celeste took in Peter and Kristen.  Kristen primarily grew up in boarding schools while Peter was kept close to home and raise in the house by Celeste and Stefano. 


Kristen and Peter were considered the "good Dimeras" before Lexi.  Kristen was actually a protégé of Alice Horton's.  A dedicated social worker who really loved children, she was more of a goody two shoes back then.  She was best friends with Jennifer and Billie.  Kristen had a mental breakdown when Peter was presumed dead and she had a miscarriage of her and John's baby.  Right around this time was when Rachel came back and there was this sort of push and pull with her trying to keep Kristen from crossing over till the dark side.  Rachel was the angel on her shoulder with Stefano being the devil.  Rachel was killed in a plane crash shortly after while traveling with Marlena.  Kristen for all intents and purposes had a mental breakdown, which lead into her asking Stefano for help, hence ushering in Susan and EJ.

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Stefano is Benji's father and he was introduced to the show when Kayla was deaf after being attacked by Harper Devereaux..It was such a waste to kill him off. The show never gave a reason as to why Kristen was sent away to boarding school. Celeste used to work for Stefano and they were also lovers. Celeste was both good and bad, but I think Lexie discovering her true paternity in Aremid caused her to start re-evaluating her devotion to Stefano, plus she never told Stefano about Lexie. She gave her up to her sister and her husband to protect her from his influence. Stefano was upset that he was kept from his daughter. Lexie always  knew her as her beloved Aunt Frankie....Aunt Frankie was also good friends with Caroline....If I am missing anything, someone else could add to my response...

Edited by Apprentice79
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Why was Kristen sent away to boarding school?

How did Celeste end up getting involved with Stefano? Did she used to be 'bad'? What made her turn on him?

Is Stefano Benji's father?

I think Kristen was sent away to boarding schools just because she was the girl.  I don't think there was any ill feeling toward sending her away other than giving her a great education.  Peter was kept closer to home I think because he was a male heir.


Celeste is both bad and good.  She grew up in Salem as Francesca or at least spent some of her childhood there.  She was best friends with Caroline Brady.  Celeste started working for the Dimera organization when she was very young.  She had a brief relationship with Stefano that resulted in Lexi, then spent the majority of her life being his assistant/right hand person.  Apprentice79 is right that it was Lexi finding out that Celeste and Stefano were her parents that forced Celeste to break ties with Stefano in terms of working for and with him.


Celeste has had a great duality to her character, she schemes with Stefano and was essentially the pseudo matriarch of a mob family but also had an awakening the closer she got to the people of Salem.  I love the fact that Caroline mostly refuses to call her Celeste and only calls her "Frankie".  Celeste also was Hope's caretaker while she was Gina.  She went out of her way to protect Hope when she came back to Salem.  She also had a really sweet relationship with Benjy before he was killed.  She also brought Anna Dimera back during the Brady/Dimera war.  Her friendships with both Vivian and Ivan was a great highlight during the 90's, and her scheming with Sami to kill EJ after the rape was one of my favorite storylines.


Celeste was just a great all around character who unfortunately has been sidelined for the past few years.

Edited by JBC344
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Celeste had more chemistry with Abe than Lexie..I am so happy that the show never went there...Celeste was a great character and  very complex...You never really knew what she would do next...

I remember that storyline. It was right after Andre kidnapped Lexie and killed Tek and Lexie was missing for a year and Celeste moved in with Abe to help take care of Theo.  TPTB were totally chem-testing them before they brought Lexie back.  Celeste did have more chemistry with Abe than Lexie, I'm also happy they didn't go with the predictable route there.

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It would have ruined their mother/daughter relationship..I remember Kristen warning Lexie after her true parentage was revealed about falling to the dark side...It came to fruition years later..Evil Lexi was fun and she was never cartoonish....I don't remember if Celeste was around to witness that...Sooner or later Stefano corrupts his progeny...I hope his grandkids are spared that....Chad is laughable as a Dimera and Benji was probably the true good Dimera...

Edited by Apprentice79
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It would have ruined their mother/daughter relationship..I remember Kristen warning Lexie after her true parentage was revealed about falling to the dark side...It came to fruition years later..Evil Lexi was fun and she was never cartoonish....I don't remember if Celeste was around to witness that...Sooner or later Stefano corrupts his progeny...I hope his grandkids are spared that....Chad is laughable as a Dimera and Benji was probably the true good Dimera...

As weird as it sounded to have Lexi turn evil, I agree that it was really fun to watch her and she really was the most calculated of Stefano's children.  She really epitomized the dark sides of both Stefano and Celeste.  Celeste was around during that time, she basically tried to be the angel to Stefano's devil, but constantly reminding Lexi what happened to her as a young woman. How easy it is to get seduced into being a Dimera.


One of my favorite Lexi/Kristen scenes is when Kristen was arrested after imprisoning Marlena, during the whole Susan/John wedding.  Anyway Lexi went to visit Kristen in her jail cell and confided that one of the reasons she dealt with finding out Stefano was her father is that Kristen and Peter were her friends and such good people that it made things a lot easier and how disappointed she was in Kristen's actions.  It ended with Kristen begging Lexi to help get her out and that they needed to stick together as sisters. 


Interesting, even Lexi couldn't resist the Dimera pull.  I do have to say that after Lexie got her life back in order, she was probably the most well adjusted to being a Dimera and keeping Stefano and her live for him separate from other parts of her life.  I liked that she could appreciate how she went down a wrong path and would never go there again, but also wasn't willing to cut Stefano, EJ, and Tony out of her life.  I also loved Lexi and Tony's big brother little sister relationship.  It was always endearing.

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I remember that storyline. It was right after Andre kidnapped Lexie and killed Tek and Lexie was missing for a year and Celeste moved in with Abe to help take care of Theo.  TPTB were totally chem-testing them before they brought Lexie back.  Celeste did have more chemistry with Abe than Lexie, I'm also happy they didn't go with the predictable route there.


Tek is dead? I thought he just disappeared.

Tek is dead? I thought he just disappeared.

Your right, he did disappear with Lexi.  I'm just assuming he is dead because he was never referenced again.  Technically he could be held in some Dimera prison but considering we are talking about Andre I just assume he is dead.  Hell, if Andre could kill Benjy I doubt he cares enough about Tek to keep him alive.

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I loved Tony and Lexie's relationship as well..Evil lexie was character driven and not plot driven like Will's ..Plus, the show had laid the foundation for Lexie's fall to the dark side back during Aremid when she found out about her true parentage...I remember before she found out about it, she had told Abe that she felt smothered by aunt Frankie at times..She loved her, but it was too much at times....The show was so much better back then, the writers took their time to tell a story and one story would phase into another seamlessly....It was John's letter that sent Kristen down the dark side...

Edited by Apprentice79
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They also weren't afraid to have one big storyline after another.  The Aremid storyline came immediately after the Maison Blanche storyline with all the main characters moving from one location to the next to continue.  We had John/Kristen/Tony, Hope being found, introduction to Celeste, Lexi, Peter, and Kristen finding their parentage/biological parents, all storylines flowing one into the other..

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Exactly...It flowed seamlessly..The end of Maison Blanche was the end of Roman and Marlena's marriage, when he realized how much Marlena loved John...She was willing to sleep with Stefano to save his life...Celeste burned down Maison Blanche blinding Tony, keeping Kristen by his side....The stories were character-driven and kept you on the edge of your seat...

Edited by Apprentice79
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I think Kristen was sent away to boarding schools just because she was the girl.  I don't think there was any ill feeling toward sending her away other than giving her a great education.

Yeah, within the show's universe I think that's all it was. The writers' reason, of course, was that it made the Kristen/Tony relationship less icky since it meant that they never really lived together or spent time together as siblings, seeing each other only infrequently until Kristen was an adult. Kristen had a crush on him and wished he would notice her, but nothing happened until she was older and out of school.


I really liked Kristen/Tony (despite the sketchiness) and especially wasn't happy that Tony was turned evil just to make John the obvious winner of the triangle. Especially since about five minutes later, he was back to wanting to be with Marlena. Which I actually was happy about, because John/Marlena back then weren't the joke they've since become and I preferred them to John/Kristen as well. John/Kristen never did anything for me. Until she went evil and locked Marlena up, that is, and then Susan locked her in too. God, that was entertaining. John and "Kristen's" wedding is one of my all-time favorites. I still remember Marlena and Kristen watching it from the secret room, Marlena laughing her ass off while Kristen fumed.

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Kristen was always about family..She loved Peter alot and his presumed death was one of the things that pushed her over the edge..I loved the Peter/Kristen relationship, whether they were good or bad..They always had each other's back....

They really did have a great relationship and did have each other's back.  Unfortunate that Jason Brooks was exiled from Days.  I would of loved one more Peter/Kristen scene. 

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I think she could be again....it will be harder to recover from all this bad writing, of course, but ED is still terrific.  Thank you for posting that Chad scene.  I never saw it.  See, they started out her 2012 return pretty well and kept her well-rounded.  It would have been better if she had married Brady without scheming and then been a thorn in John and Marlena's side without being as easy a villain to lay blame on.  She would have been more compelling in the long run perhaps....

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New question - is Peter still alive?  I was rewatching old DAYS episodes a while back, things like Lady in a Cage and The Secret Room and I lost track of Peter completely during all those clips.  I know Kristin was helping him pretend he was dead and that Laura found out and they used a (snort!) laser on her to get rid of her memory....but what happened then?  Did he die for reals?


I would think if Peter was alive Kristin wouldn't have fallen apart so badly.  And since she hadn't mentioned him at all, there's no way he'd potentially still be alive and well and ignoring her. 


If I remember correctly I think Peter is either in jail or in hiding.  Last I remember was when he tried to kill Jack and Jennifer and was on the run, and Stefano was trying to help him but I can't recall if he escaped and is in hiding or was caught by the police.  I don't believe he is dead, but it's been about 16 years and I don't remember so clearly.


Just looked it up and confirmed that Peter is still alive and is in jail.


As much as I loved Jason Brooks in the role and understand why he can't play Peter anymore I never understood why the powers that be never recast.  There was certainly a case to bring him back when Kristen was brought back.  I know there were rumors that in addition to Jason Brooks never playing Peter while MR was in the cast that the character of Peter was also banned from the show.  I never believed that end of the story but considering that we haven't had a recast in all these years maybe it is true.

Edited by JBC344
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I think the reason for no Peter recast is pretty simple: EJ and Chad DiMera. They've had younger guys to fill the niche of DiMera sons. Tony DiMera's not been on for quite a while, either, and if they wanted older DiMera sons, they'd start with Tony because he has a much longer history on the show and more character connections to mine.


I just noticed on IMDB, by the by, that Jason Brooks is still married to the same woman he cheated on with MR, and they have two children. Congrats to them for getting through the affair. But that also serves to show that the other claim, that the only reason JB's never been back is because of MR forbidding it, is similarly far-fetched. Like JB's wife, or JB himself, would be eager to have JB back on the same show as MR after all they went through to survive the affair and keep their marriage together. He works fairly steadily in TV movies and primetime guest roles, so he doesn't need DAYS.

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