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"The Daily Show": Week of 6/16/14

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I laughed hard at the comparison between the NRA and Japan's new child pornography laws. And I couldn't help but think that it would actually take Obama to come out against new climate change regulations and driving in a gas guzzling Hummer for Republican shitwipes, like Jeff Sessions and Jim Inhofe, to come out in favor of efforts to curtail climate change, because they are that fucked up in the head.

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And I'm old enough to remember all the names of the wrestlers Jon and Kevin Hart mentioned. Pathetic isn't it?



It's not pathetic at all.  Although I'm surprised that out of all the wrestlers Jon named, Hart only heard of Snuka.  Come on, Jon named Bruno (of course the New York audience cheers for him), Gorilla, and Strongbow.  Hart should have heard of them, especially Gorilla since he was doing commentary when Koko and Snuka wrestled for the WWF.  Although Hart had to be more of an NWA/WCW fan with naming Flair, Dusty, and the Road Warriors as guys he grew up with.

I fast-forwarded through the interview but, yes, the Rock is a WWE performer. Maybe "was." I'm not sure how much he participates now that he's in so many movies.

The Rock hasn't wrestled since he lost to John Cena at Wrestlemania 29.

Edited by Jediknight
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To be honest, JediKnight, The Rock didn't wrestle much when he did wrestle. Heh. But I've never seen anyone as skilled at working the crowd with a mic.

I was surprised neither Jon nor Kevin Hart mentioned Bret Hart, Owen Hart, or the Hart Foundation.

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As someone who specialized in molecular genetics and neuroscience and is now in medical school, you must all listen to me on whatever I have to say about ANYTHING in any field of science. After all, since I cut my teeth in the scientific community, I can speak for the entire scientific community regardless in my lack of specialization in other fields. Shall I lecture everyone on Cosmology? Climatology? Astrophysics? Analytical chemistry? Physical chemistry? Geology?


What is the point on getting specialists or the top of the field to present things to Congress if someone who has a background in a totally non-related field considers themselves equally qualified? How would the congressman or senator react if the EPA people decided to tell him everything he learned as a optometrist was wrong even if they had no background in it?


20 minute extended interview!  Does anyone know what interview Hamid was talking about? The one where the person basically justified all killing. So was Hamid just sent to ask the US for US troops to help? Because he said that a few times throughout the interview.

Edited by maculae
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I laughed hard at the comparison between the NRA and Japan's new child pornography laws.

The NRA deserves what they get. They went a long way for that joke, but they deserve what they get. I like when TDS uses PBS News clips because that's really the only news program left. 


Can we get off the canard/strawman 'well the likelihood of whatever happening isn't ever going to be zero so we shouldn't bother to do anything about it.' That's not a legal argument. That's actually ignorant. Zero risk just isn't attainable. We do things to reduce risk for lots of stuff all the time. That's why OSHA was invented. In the 70s.



As someone who specialized in molecular genetics and neuroscience and is now in medical school, you must all listen to me on whatever I have to say about ANYTHING in any field of science. After all, since I cut my teeth in the scientific community, I can speak for the entire scientific community regardless in my lack of specialization in other fields. Shall I lecture everyone on Cosmology? Climatology? Astrophysics? Analytical chemistry? Physical chemistry? Geology?

And let's not forget every codes of ethics ever and now all have some provision saying 'you aren't supposed to speak as an expert in things out side your area of expertise.'


I'm finally convinced that the resistance to climate change by congressmen has absolutely nothing to do with a legit belief in "science controversy" or genuinely just not knowing enough about it. Four former EPA chiefs confirming what is widely accepting in the field. Who served under republican presidents. This is just part of the general 'oppose Obama' m/o. I wish someone would actually call them on their BS. Because all this oppose everything doesn't protect Americans, and actually violates their oath of office. They should all be impeached and thrown out on their asses. 

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It wouldn't surprise me if many Republicans feel the EPA should just be abolished. Rick Perry would probably have it on his list along with the Commerce Department, the Department of Education, and, uh...

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The Donald liked his segment:

I actually enjoyed the piece re sign @TheDailyShow. Could it be that I’m starting to like Jon Stewart?


In other news (saw this linked on FaceBook): Howard Kurtz and his fellow Fox anchor discuss a viewer's comment on Jon Stewart edging out MSNBC in the "trusted" sweepstakes. The viewer's reasons: Jon is "left of center," "unapologetic about it," and "a thoughtful and decent human being." Surprisingly, Fox praises Jon as sincere and describes his "explanatory journalism" as clear and well done. (Even more surprisingly, the example they used was his recent love-triangle description of the Iraq situation.) Unsurprisingly, Fox gets stuck on the concept of "decency" and ends by reminding viewers that Fox is #1.


The extended interview last night with Hamid Al-Bayati was interesting yet thoroughly depressing. The history books--unless filtered through the Texas Board of Education--will certainly show how deeply the Bush administration damaged Iraq, that whole region, and our own country. How do we not have a moral obligation to help Iraq, after that war of choice? It's an enormous weight to leave on any administration that follows, on the military, and on all of us through the economy, not to mention the millions of Iraq citizens. It was a bit frustrating to listen to Jon because the UN has no direct power of enforcement, but, on the other hand, Saudi Arabia and Iran are both member states, and they have at least gone through the motions of ratifying conventions on terrorism. (Isn't accession effectively the same as ratifying a treaty, from a legal standpoint?) Jon's right: Iran and Saudi Arabia have more than enough resources to handle the issue, if they wanted to, but, naturally, the power players involved don't want to, and neither do our own warhawks. It's all about profit.


Regarding the first segment, I was initially wishing that TDS had devoted more time to the Washington/patent story, but then it ended up being a hilarious, three-in-one slap in the face. That was the perfect product placement for the NRA.


Having grown up in Japan, I'm unfortunately more familiar than I care to be with their porn industry. Since moving to the States, I've seen arguments by American anime/manga consumers for the legality of hentai, one of the major ones being that the characters are fictional and therefore no harm, no foul. "No one is going to be inspired to rape a woman or a child," "the fantasy alleviates any impulse," etc. This kind of argument ignores the context of where the hentai industry originates. Sexual abuse and child abuse are depressingly underreported in Japan--some studies even choose not to ask about sexual abuse because of the stigma. This is an interesting, undergraduate research paper on the legal process; it mentions the normalizing effect of sexually violent pornography, as well as how consent is legally defined. I did not realize that rape in Japan is defined specifically as the penetration of a vagina by a penis and in excess of "normal" levels of violence or aggression. In any case, I can personally vouch for this:

Pornography is considered so normal that men will often read violent manga pornography, or men’s weekly magazines with high pornographic content, openly on the train, even when sitting next to female passengers.

Yes, and in addition to naked women in sexually-suggestive poses gracing the pages of mainstream newspapers. Groping in trains is also normalized, and it used to be poor manners by the woman to make a fuss over it. Ah, my childhood. (One time, my older sister slapped a persistent groper full in the face, the small crowd in the carriage started laughing, and it was one of the best moments of my girlhood. I was never that bold, but I made good use of my elbows a few times.) At least now they've responded by making women-only carriages. Progress, or something like it!

Edited by Fremde Frau
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There's a difference between originally intending to buy a gun for yourself, then deciding to sell/gift it to someone else, and buying the gun knowing from the beginning that you are giving/selling it to another.  I'm surprised Scalia doesn't realize this, though perhaps he does, he's just making a 'straw-man' argument (yes, pun deliberately intended). 

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At least now they've responded by making women-only carriages.


I (white guy) got on one of the only women-only cars. "There's a lot of women here today. *beat* Uh oh." No one said anything though!

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If The Donald is truly self-aware enough to start appreciating TDS's coverage of him, I hope he changes his Twitter handle to @FuckfaceVonClownstick.


I was a little disappointed that there was no Cheney coverage this week -- I thought for sure we'd get some "You Don't Know Dick" after his editorial in the WSJ and TV appearance. Jon's Cheney impression is a favorite of mine.

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I think the only thing more unsettling than The Donald endorsing Jon's coverage of him would be for him to try to put his name on Jon.


(It did surprise me that he didn't mind being called "Fuckface Von Clownstick." He's not a friend of the show, is he? That would shock me. Just from the little bit I've seen, Jon seems to hate or at least dislike him, and Trump himself seems like such a petty person, always getting upset over the smallest things. Are they friendly despite everything, like O'Reilly and Jon?)

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(It did surprise me that he didn't mind being called "Fuckface Von Clownstick." He's not a friend of the show, is he? That would shock me. Just from the little bit I've seen, Jon seems to hate or at least dislike him, and Trump himself seems like such a petty person, always getting upset over the smallest things. Are they friendly despite everything, like O'Reilly and Jon?)


God no. I am certain that Jon truly despises Trump. For one thing, he rips into him with such gusto (watch the brilliantly named "Me Lover's Pizza with Crazy Broad" segment if you haven't seen it yet); for another, Trump lives in New York and he has never been a guest on TDS. Ever. Considering how much Trump loves publicity, I'm sure he would not turn down the chance to go toe-to-toe with Jon (especially if he could have promoted "The Celebrity Apprentice" back when it was still polluting the airwaves). Jon would NEVER allow the Donald in his house. Bill Kristol? Betsy McCaughey? Lynne Cheney? Sure. But Donald Trump? No.

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For another, Trump lives in New York and he has never been a guest on TDS. Ever. Considering how much Trump loves publicity, I'm sure he would not turn down the chance to go toe-to-toe with Jon (especially if he could have promoted "The Celebrity Apprentice" back when it was still polluting the airwaves). Jon would NEVER allow the Donald in his house. Bill Kristol? Betsy McCaughey? Lynne Cheney? Sure. But Donald Trump? No.


  (:-) Now that I think about Jon's interview with Maher next, I'm kinda ready to face the aftermath between the two. I imagine if Trump was interviewed by Jon, it'll turn into a real-life "Godfather" street-bantering smack down. You make a good point about Trump not being a guest. At least with Maher, Jon pushed aside their conflicting views just for him to be on. While all that Rally hullabaloo took four years to recover, Jon's loathing and bone-picking on Trump('s 'hair' and self-proclaimed power) remains eternal. Just the thought of Trump in person on TDS makes all those cringing interviews from the past look mild and kid-leveled.

Edited by The Luvly Junkie
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I think the main reason that Maher hasn't been on TDS since 2008 (when he went on to promote "Religulous") has more to do with the fact that he's based in L.A. Despite Maher's criticisms, I suspect their interview will be cordial, and the topic of the rally won't come up. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Jon was a "Real Time" viewer; Maher's show has a similar mix of serious guests, showbiz personalities, and silly comedy bits.

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Maher also works the comedy circuit pretty hard for someone who's got a weekly show. He's always announcing three or four places at the end of every show. And it's not big venues either. He seems to go everywhere. So, he seems pretty busy. 

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Thank you, trow! That Trump rant was amazing! Damn, Jon takes his pizza seriously, doesn't he? I remember there was some rant against Chicago that I saw recently, and he was calling their deep-dish pizza a "casserole." And he got mad at Bill de Blasio, too, for also using forks. (I don't think he would like the pizza I was used to in Japan.)


Does Maher ever talk about Jon on his show (outside of the rally reaction), or Jon about Maher? I'm just curious if the rally thing is a central enough moment for it to still be on-topic for either one of them in this interview, or if there is enough between them--for better or worse--that it's not going to be the elephant in the room. I wonder what Maher is on to promote. His oust-a-member-of-Congress tour? (Is that still happening?)

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Can anyone give me a short summary of the conflict between Jon and Bill re: the rally? I'm not remembering that. Also, when is Jon's interview of Bill taking place? (Sorry, I must have been living under a rock recently.)

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In other news (saw this linked on FaceBook): Howard Kurtz and his fellow Fox anchor discuss a viewer's comment on Jon Stewart edging out MSNBC in the "trusted" sweepstakes. The viewer's reasons: Jon is "left of center," "unapologetic about it," and "a thoughtful and decent human being." Surprisingly, Fox praises Jon as sincere and describes his "explanatory journalism" as clear and well done.

I can see a couple of reasons why they might praise Jon. He's not really the competition so it's a clever way to run their actual competition down to a wider audience without the listener turning it off or stopping reading. Also they don't seem to want alleged "left" views presented as being typical or centre (or center for you US types :-) ). Maybe there should be a questionnaire every ten years to work out where exactly the centre is these days....

Edited by Beatriceblake
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Thank you for the links, trow! I didn't realize he had gone on Maddow's show for an interview; I'll have to watch it when my connection is better.


EDIT: The general theme I'm understanding in relation to Maher and the rally, etc., is that some people want Jon (TDS) to be more politically proactive than he (TDS) is? Does he really have so much influence that it's a matter of "with great power, comes great responsibility"? (This is a genuine question; most people here in Georgia that I've talked to about TDS have heard of him, but his viewership is less than 2 million, right? It's hard for a new viewer like me to understand how he's so well-known and why so much is expected of him, without him being highly-watched with numbers more like Fallon's, etc.)


I can see a couple of reasons why they might praise Jon. He's not really the competition so it's a clever way to run their actual competition down to a wider audience without the listener turning it off or stopping reading. Also they don't seem to want alleged "left" views presented as being typical or centre (or center for you US types :-) ). Maybe there should be a questionnaire every ten years to work out where exactly the centre is these days....


That's a good point, Beatriceblake. Any chance that Fox sees to insult MSNBC is too good to pass up, I guess. It's so frustrating to see how many Fox viewers and talking heads don't realize that "most trusted" is not the same as "most accurate." I guess the average Fox viewer sees any news organization that doesn't slant conservative as having a liberal bias. My own dad was that way until he saw the light (TDS, and then BBC followed by Al Jazeera America).


How many people has Jon had a beef with over the years (or how many have had a beef with him)? I hadn't heard about Seth Macfarlane, so I looked it up. I wonder what joke was so offensive that Jon would call him about it. He doesn't strike me as being petty like Trump; that was a surprise. And Marc Maron? I can't view any videos at the moment, but I looked up their names and there is some history there, too?

Edited by Fremde Frau
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Once I misread the name of the show as Canadians in Cars Getting Coffee and thought it sounded like a lof fun--Timbits for all! Then I reread it, saw Seinfeld is involved, and lost all interest.

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I was a little disappointed that there was no Cheney coverage this week -- I thought for sure we'd get some "You Don't Know Dick" after his editorial in the WSJ and TV appearance.


Ah, so he's in the news this week? Last night I saw his face on Australia's national broadcaster's late-night current affairs show and wondered why he was there. I actually shuddered when I saw his ugly mug, and heard the Penguin voice in my head - Jon and TDS have conditioned me to have this reaction!

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