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Pit Bulls And Parolees - General Discussion

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Anyone who can afford to do so, now would be a great time to donate to VRC.  They haven't filmed since December, so they've basically had no income other than donations this year.  Both locations are going to sustain damage (they've already lost a trailer Moe just finished fixing up, one of the cat houses [a tree fell on it, but all the cats are safe] and the main door to the NO warehouse), she's going to be paying a lot of overtime, and then they're going to have displaced dogs to take in after the storm.

Edited by Bastet
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All VRC animals and staff are fine.  They sustained damage in both New Orleans and Assumption Parish, and estimate about two weeks just of clean-up.

Power is starting to come back on in AP, so they're able to transfer generators to the NO locations (they have dogs in both warehouses), where power is set to remain out for at least two weeks (in addition to the grid's typical storm damage, a main tower fell into the Mississippi River).  So what they need most is gas (which is in scarce supply; they have to drive further and further out to fill up the cans) to keep all those generators running.  And, horror of horrors, Tia is out of the Coke Zero to which she is hopelessly addicted.  🙂

They were able to move some dogs out of the city; Tia has another location that has never been seen on the show that is a kennel property, in an area that never lost power, so they were able to move some dogs there.  (They can't just plop dogs in crates someplace, obviously, since it will be weeks before they can come back - they need buildings with both power and kennels to house the dogs in, or they're better off staying in the city with generators.)

The new warehouse, which is very close to the old warehouse, is enormous (and held up well in the storm; it flooded some in the deluge of rain, even though the building itself is a couple feet off the ground [and then the kennels are another two feet off the floor, so they're good] but no wind damage [the wind did a real number on the old warehouse]), and it's going to include a training center staffed by parolees who've graduated from one of the prison dog programs.  So that will be another source of income for VRC and another resource for the community.

They have no idea when or even if they'll be filming again, though; with Discovery bought out by AT&T this spring, filming on pretty much all Discovery productions stopped and remains in limbo.  ☹️

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You gotta love Tia on Facebook.  She is so real and blunt.  Not to mention that people can be truly stupid!  She lays it out on the line about what to expect if you want to come help (which she appreciates) and is totally honest about managing expectations and the conditions you can expect to face.

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On 10/12/2019 at 10:04 PM, Bastet said:

I was watching during breaks in football, but that included halftime, so I saw a good percentage of the episode.

Including most of the rescue of Salmon, whose physical and emotional condition broke my heart.  "You don't have to live like that anymore" made me smile and tear up simultaneously.  It's pretty incredible the little nudie is heartworm negative!

That they still have dogs in the kennel who were with them in CA also hurts my heart.  I love how much they love the seniors and keep developing special facilities and programs for them whenever they can, so that when they do wind up living out their days at VRC, at least they have intervals in a home-like environment.  LOL at setting up a TV to show The Golden Girls and Murder, She Wrote - hells, yes, I would volunteer to hang out in that room for a few hours with an old dog.  (I laughed at Lizzy:  "If you ever can't find me, come look in this teepee.")  

No matter how many times Tia talks about, and they try to show, the scope of the problem in their area, I can't ever fully wrap my mind around it.  I, too, wish they had 100 Julies, so they could farm out more of the dogs who need a smaller, home-based environment to be properly ready for adoption.  Julie has a lot of dogs, but she seems to do this full-time, so hopefully her rotation schedule means everybody gets a good amount of time in the house and in that huge yard.  (And "Dugout got a house in the Hamptons" sounds as funny as it is nice, like Dugout works on Wall Street and bought a second home.) 

Hi, I just wanted to say hello because your name on here is the same name of the dog I rescued from Pitbulls and Parolees. She's was one of the seniors that had been with VillaLobos since CA. She lived an adventurous, fun life with me for the remainder of her days. She was very well loved. I lost her in February of this year. Thanks for reminding me of her. 💜

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On 9/11/2021 at 11:24 AM, Cambogan316 said:

Hi, I just wanted to say hello because your name on here is the same name of the dog I rescued from Pitbulls and Parolees. She's was one of the seniors that had been with VillaLobos since CA. 

May the universe bless you forever for adopting a pet in need and especially a senior. 

I'm sorry for your loss. Hopefully we all get to reunite with our pets in a better place and time.

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On 10/7/2021 at 4:44 PM, Percysowner said:

Tia just posted on Facebook, it looks like shooting is starting up again.

I don't get to watch this show on a regular basis so that's why I'm asking: what does "looks like shooting is starting up again" mean? I hope I'm not going to be sorry I asked 😞

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After a long time not only not filming, but not even hearing if/when they would be again (when AT&T bought Discovery, they put filming of pretty much all the Discovery productions on hold while they evaluated what to keep or dump, and then the pandemic dragged on, and things remained in limbo for a long time), they just started filming again - so VRC will get the money they desperately need, and we'll get new episodes (we don't know when yet).

Edited by Bastet
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On 10/8/2021 at 7:00 PM, Bastet said:

After a long time not only not filming, but not even hearing if/when they would be again (when AT&T bought Discovery, they put filming of pretty much all the AT&T productions on hold while they evaluated what to keep or dump, and then the pandemic dragged on, and things remained in limbo for a long time), they just started filming again - so VRC will get the money they desperately need, and we'll get new episodes (we don't know when yet).

Thank you Bastet, for explaining that. I hope all goes well for VRC and all of the beautiful animals they rescue. 

(I had no idea AT&T bought out Discovery) 

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I know this isn't show related, but it's Tia related. I know several here follow her on FB and I do, but sometimes with FB people you follow just disappear for several weeks/months and that's happened with Tia lately for me. I did see a recent post where she said something about someone getting in the way of the cameraman. So from that I gathered they were shooting again, I would have looked it up, but my computer got knocked off the table by one of my pitbulls and was on the fritz, I'm using my old computer until I can get something sorted about the new one. 

But enough of that, on FB, did anyone see the video Tia posted of her listening to a woman caller? It was hilarious. The woman was going on and on about dogs and training and Tia very clearly did not agree with a lot the woman was saying. It was so something I do when I'm listening to my brother rant and rave or talk about cars. 

I am glad they are shooting again and will be back on the air. AT&T doesn't always make the best decisions. 

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On 10/11/2021 at 12:03 PM, friendperidot said:

I am glad they are shooting again and will be back on the air

I think you just answered my question. I was wondering why I haven't seen any new episodes. I just thought it was due to me working a lot and not having TIVO. 

I'm watching an episode right now from 2018. It's Tia and her family reminiscing about beautiful (so far nothing sad) moments and 10 minutes in I'm crying! Lol. 

Maybe it's just me, but Animal Planet doesn't seem to be airing the best animal rescue shows anymore. Like PB&P, Dr. Jeff. All I get is Tanked, North Woods Law. So I'm happy for today, this special episode. 

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29 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

I think you just answered my question. I was wondering why I haven't seen any new episodes. I just thought it was due to me working a lot and not having TIVO. 

I'm watching an episode right now from 2018. It's Tia and her family reminiscing about beautiful (so far nothing sad) moments and 10 minutes in I'm crying! Lol. 

Maybe it's just me, but Animal Planet doesn't seem to be airing the best animal rescue shows anymore. Like PB&P, Dr. Jeff. All I get is Tanked, North Woods Law. So I'm happy for today, this special episode. 

From what I understand there were no shows filmed during the time period while Discovery Network was either being sold or buying channels or something like that (according to Tia).  Now that things are settling down maybe our old favorites (Dr. Jeff, PB&P, etc.) will be back in production.  I'm sure the pandemic was another excuse.  I know for Villalobos it has been a huge loss of income because not only were they not getting paid by the network donations also rise and fall according to the shows airing.

Personally I think we should all bombard the parent company (some day I promise I will look it up) with emails and social media messaging asking for our favorites to resume filming.  For instance I loved Amanda to the Rescue (Panda Paws) and that only has had one or two seasons as far as I know (and I thought I would not like that show but it turned out to be great!).

Enough with the cute kittens and puppies and super bowl shows!  I like seeing real life people who are making a difference in the lives of these animals.

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2 minutes ago, RoxiP said:

Personally I think we should all bombard the parent company (some day I promise I will look it up) with emails and social media messaging asking for our favorites to resume filming.  For instance I loved Amanda to the Rescue (Panda Paws) 

Yes! And what ever happened to Animal Cops? So many shows that NEED the exposure but all we get now is Tanked. Which has nothing to do with animal rescue/welfare.

And please post the name of the "parent company" of Animal Planet. I'm already thinking it's Discovery + or Disney. Or some other corporate conglomerate who doesn't give two phucks about what WE want.

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Yes, Animal Planet is Discovery network of cable channels.     

Animal Cops/Animal Precinct shows wouldn't work today.   The NY group animal cops were disbanded years ago, and I bet the other cities were tired of criticism over their policies, and the laws locally. 

   I stopped watching Miami, and San Francisco, because of their enforcement (actually their lack of enforcement).  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Discovery is still the parent company of Animal Planet, it's just that Discovery was bought by AT&T.  And now, if it clears the regulatory hurdles, Discovery will be combined with a spun off  WarnerMedia into a new stand-alone company, Warner Bros. Discovery.

This show is back in production; they began shooting again in October.

I have not looked up whether any of the other Animal Planet shows that rotate through the Saturday time slot (e.g. The Vet Life, Dr. Jeff) are in production again as well. 

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Thanks for all the updates, @Bastet.  You’ve always been a dependable commenter here.

I haven’t watched this show in a while. It fell off my rotation, maybe because it was too sad sometimes.  So I’m dipping into a few on demand episodes today.  I was sorry to hear about Earl’s relapse. I love these folks and the dogs. I’m going to make a new donation. I saw your comment yesterday in another thread about zoos, and I agree with you there. I went to the Bronx Zoo (one of the supposedly best) about five years ago for the first time in ages, and I was quite disturbed and vowed not to return. 

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Some VRC updates that I'm sure we'll see on the show since they're still filming (they have not heard anything official, but have heard rumors they'll start airing in a couple of months):

- Lizzy wrote a children's book, My Dog is Adopted

- VRC is setting up its first fostering program, so there will be homes other than those of VRC family and employees to put dogs in, and more people to help get dogs ready for home life.  I hope that helps; I know they got a shit ton of dogs dumped on them around the holidays, and Tia had posted: "We have dogs in crates in our offices, our employees' houses, my house, every available space has a dog in it. The intake will just not stop."

Also, Tia is going to be working with someone to put content up on YouTube and Patreon, to give a fuller picture of everything they do, and be a way of tiding people over when the show isn't airing.

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On 1/3/2021 at 10:59 PM, RoxiP said:

I too loved the 200th episode and the Roxy Mama clips.  I hope Roxy's owner stayed sober and went on to have a successful life.

I was nosy so I went and checked and there is nothing saying Perry and Tanya have broken up.  Perhaps he just isn't big on being on television.  I loved seeing Salem, especially since they have kept her off the show for the most part.  They all have such cute children.  I loved how they told the story of how the one twin saw Mariah 2 out the window and fell in love.

She is doing great actually I’ve got her on Facebook. Working on opening a grooming salon herself and Roxy still doing great too

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More VRC news that happened/will happen after filming finished for the next batch of episodes:

- They are reaching out to prisons, trying to get additional prison dog programs set up (which VRC staff will get up and running).  Instead of contacting wardens directly, they're starting with reaching out to inmates and workers to build up interest and then present to the head honchos.

- The Healing Center (on-site training center staffed by parolees who've graduated from one of the prison dog programs) is almost ready.

- The volunteer program is up and running (it had been just the dog walking portion) at the new location, and folks can volunteer to work a Saturday morning shift doing the staff routine of cleaning kennels, feeding, and spending time with the dogs.

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Sad update: Roxy Mama died a few weeks ago.  (But a happy update, in a sense, as that dog lived to age 16.)

In an interview, Tia said they've been told the next batch of episodes will air around October, but they don't know if they'll be filming any more episodes; Animal Planet is still in decision mode with a bunch of its shows.  If this is it, she has no hard feelings; Animal Planet has been very good to them, and, while becoming a public figure brought her some challenges and annoyances, the show has been very good for the rescue and has improved viewers' perception of pit bulls and those who've been incarcerated.

She also talked extensively about the origins of the show.  She agreed to it out of desperation; after the LA Weekly article about the rescue sparked attention, she received several offers, but wanted nothing to do with reality television.  But then the donation well ran dry, a local church was giving her and the kids free box lunches (even though they've never set foot inside a church) so she could devote more personal funds to the rescue, and she couldn't turn down the money -- when one of the students in her dog training class wanted to make a sizzle reel, she agreed.

The production company doing Lock-Up on MSNBC saw it, arranged to meet with Tia, and they came up with the concept for what was going to be called "The Underdawgz" -- about the dogs and the parolee program, not Tia, as she didn't want to be on TV.  Network execs they pitched to were scared of showcasing dogs and people so much of the audience feared or hated, and they didn't want to partner with any network who was going make them water it down.  Animal Planet got it right away, but imposed the new title on them and said Tia and the kids had to be featured.  Mariah was the only one who wasn't dreadfully uncomfortable on camera.

When AP wanted to feature the show at the upfronts promoting season three, they told the executive producer to send Tia for media training (because she'd be on stage taking questions from that huge assembly of entertainment media).  He said that wasn't going to go well, and wasn't even a good idea because part of the show's appeal is how rough and real these folks are, but she agreed.  It lasted ten minutes, before the trainers told her forget it, just go out there and be yourself.

Not shown on the series in explaining the chain of events leading Tia to say adios to California is the fact there was a second fire at the Tehachapi property where she'd wanted to relocate the rescue (until the neighbors all but grabbed pitchforks and torches in their opposition) -- an airplane crashed in the front yard and burnt the whole thing to the ground.

New Orleans became their new home because, of all the numerous locations around the country she called inquiring about properties for the rescue, NOLA was the first place that didn't turn her down once they found out the dogs were pit bulls (that was before she even got to the parolees part).   She's a country gal through and through, and those were the places she was looking (for space, obviously, not just for her own personal preference), but that Ninth Ward warehouse is what worked out.  New Orleans was the first city she'd ever lived in, and city living is not for her, thus her moving out to the swamp after about a year and a half, which made production have to adjust to filming in two different locations an hour and a half away from each other.

The production company has helped them a lot beyond the income and publicity; they've given VRC air conditioners, vehicles, security staff, even property.  They're true partners, and know the recognition conferred by the show is one of the reasons VRC has been brought/asked to take so many more dogs than they used to, so when the rescue needs something due to all that, the production company steps up.

As for present day, sadly, they - like virtually all shelters and rescues - are currently inundated with dogs, have had very few adoptions lately, and the foster home program did not work out as they could not get any long-term commitments.  On average, it costs $10k/day to run all the locations.

She put together a non-profit production company, Early Release Media, with some of the producers who worked on the show, that will produce podcasts and web series (and, in so doing, provide parolees with training in production jobs).  One that's up and running already is called a behind-the-scenes thing called Pit Bulls, Parolees & a Producer -- each episode of that web series will look back at one episode of this TV show and give additional information (it's done by Tia and the show's executive producer, and then most episodes will also have a guest who was involved in the episode being discussed).

They're also going to create a web series that is basically their own version of this show; based on that and the use of past tense by several in speaking about the show, I don't think anyone involved with the production expects Animal Planet to renew the show, so this will be a way to continue to see rescues, adoptions, special projects, and the daily work at VRC.  It's available via subscription to her Patreon page.

Edited by Bastet
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PB&P is one of my favorite Animal Planet shows.  I like the Zoo shows and Dr. Jeff, but the reason I started watching Animal Planet is PB&P.  I would hate to see it go away.

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Yeah, it's by far my favorite on the network - the only other Animal Planet shows I watch are The Vet Life (and it has been so long, I figure that show's done) and Dr. Jeff - so I hope it's renewed.  But when you have that big a shake-up at the parent company level, there tend to be a lot of changes.

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Hey, all:  Everyone with anything, even a little, to spare: Villalobos could really use a donation.  My friend who follows VRC on Facebook keeps me updated (I don't use social media) and just sent me a thoroughly depressing summary of the past couple of months.

Donations are always down when the show isn't airing, but it's worse than ever because of overall financial insecurity, and economic conditions in New Orleans in particular mean adoptions are almost non-existent at this point as well (while new dogs keep getting left on their doorstep literally daily); pretty much the only way animals are moving on to clear space for others is by VRC teaming with other rescues -- all their cats are going to a rescue in New Hampshire, and three Midwest rescues are taking some of their "Cajun Canines", but each can only take a few at a time until they get adopted out.  In all Tia's years in rescue, this is the worst things have ever been; please, let's all who've had our hearts warmed by this show chip in now

If they were filming right now (and, with the new execs at the top of the food chain after the parent company mergers, I doubt they ever will be again, unfortunately), this is a wonderful story that could have been captured for broadcast, one to which VRC employee Emily (I can't remember if we've seen her on the show before) dedicated herself 24/7 for about 10 days:

An out-of-state couple traveling with their four pit bulls in their truck pulled off the interstate to get gas and, not knowing it was a high-crime area, both left the vehicle with it running to keep the AC on for the dogs; they were within eyesight, but not close enough to do anything when someone hopped in the truck and took off.  NOPD would not help, so the couple - knowing, via the show, of VRC's mission - turned up at VRC's warehouse and begged for help.  Tia got the word out on social media, and tips started coming in -- the thief had tossed the dogs out of the truck on his escape route, so followers recognizing among the many stray dogs those in the post called in to VRC.

Two were spotted together fairly quickly, and VRC crew captured one but couldn't get the other; she ran off and they lost sight of her.  (Mind you, in the midst of this, there was a wildfire near their wolf dog sanctuary in Texas and VRC feared they'd have to evacuate it [thankfully, firefighters were able to contain it in time so they didn't have to] and they were getting scam "I know where the missing dogs are; send me cash and I'll tell you" responses about the missing four.)  Then another was spotted, huddled next to the smashed-up crate she'd been in when tossed out of the truck, and VRC rescued her as well.

At this point, local media picked up the story, and the third dog was subsequently spotted and rescued.  A few days later, the fourth was found (it seems that one may have been kept by the thief [the dog has cropped ears, looking like a stereotypical fight dog] and escaped).  And then the suspect was arrested (NOPD had felt the public pressure, and realized this was probably the outstanding suspect in other auto thefts, and assigned a detective).  Quite a story.

In the midst of all this are the "regular" stories like a dog in a flood canal venturing out, risking being swept out to the Mississippi, so Moe and Lizzy launched a kayak, Lizzy lured the dog (a German Shepherd) in, Moe secured the kayak, and Lizzy climbed up a ladder with this big ol' pup hugging her. 

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If this show goes away I will really be sad. Tia has done/sacrificed so much for these dogs. The exposure she has gotten on TV has definitely added to donations. I am not even a dog person, but what she has done for these dogs is truly heartwarming and definitely worth continuing broadcasting. 

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29 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Hey, all:  Everyone with anything, even a little, to spare: Villalobos could really use a donation.  My friend who follows VRC on Facebook keeps me updated (I don't use social media) and just sent me a thoroughly depressing summary of the past couple of months.

Donations are always down when the show isn't airing, but it's worse than ever because of overall financial insecurity, and economic conditions in New Orleans in particular mean adoptions are almost non-existent at this point as well (while new dogs keep getting left on their doorstep literally daily); pretty much the only way animals are moving on to clear space for others is by VRC teaming with other rescues -- all their cats are going to a rescue in New Hampshire, and three Midwest rescues are taking some of their "Cajun Canines", but each can only take a few at a time until they get adopted out.  In all Tia's years in rescue, this is the worst things have ever been; please, let's all who've had our hearts warmed by this show chip in now

If they were filming right now (and, with the new execs at the top of the food chain after the parent company mergers, I doubt they ever will be again, unfortunately), this is a wonderful story that could have been captured for broadcast, one to which VRC employee Emily (I can't remember if we've seen her on the show before) dedicated herself 24/7 for about 10 days:

An out-of-state couple traveling with their four pit bulls in their truck pulled off the interstate to get gas and, not knowing it was a high-crime area, both left the vehicle with it running to keep the AC on for the dogs; they were within eyesight, but not close enough to do anything when someone hopped in the truck and took off.  NOPD would not help, so the couple - knowing, via the show, of VRC's mission - turned up at VRC's warehouse and begged for help.  Tia got the word out on social media, and tips started coming in -- the thief had tossed the dogs out of the truck on his escape route, so followers recognizing among the many stray dogs those in the post called in to VRC.

Two were spotted together fairly quickly, and VRC crew captured one but couldn't get the other; she ran off and they lost sight of her.  (Mind you, in the midst of this, there was a wildfire near their wolf dog sanctuary in Texas and VRC feared they'd have to evacuate it [thankfully, firefighters were able to contain it in time so they didn't have to] and they were getting scam "I know where the missing dogs are; send me cash and I'll tell you" responses about the missing four.)  Then another was spotted, huddled next to the smashed-up crate she'd been in when tossed out of the truck, and VRC rescued her as well.

At this point, local media picked up the story, and the third dog was subsequently spotted and rescued.  A few days later, the fourth was found (it seems that one may have been kept by the thief [the dog has cropped ears, looking like a stereotypical fight dog] and escaped).  And then the suspect was arrested (NOPD had felt the public pressure, and realized this was probably the outstanding suspect in other auto thefts, and assigned a detective).  Quite a story.

In the midst of all this are the "regular" stories like a dog in a flood canal venturing out, risking being swept out to the Mississippi, so Moe and Lizzy launched a kayak, Lizzy lured the dog (a German Shepherd) in, Moe secured the kayak, and Lizzy climbed up a ladder with this big ol' pup hugging her. 

Thanks for the heads up!!  Donation done!!!

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I donate a small amount monthly. And send monthly to the local shelter I got my dogs from. It’s scary out there for rescues. They can get overwhelmed so quickly. And for VCR, I’m sure people go “they’re on tv, no money issues” and dump on them daily. 

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On 8/3/2022 at 11:19 PM, Bastet said:

Hey, all:  Everyone with anything, even a little, to spare: Villalobos could really use a donation.  My friend who follows VRC on Facebook keeps me updated (I don't use social media) and just sent me a thoroughly depressing summary of the past couple of months.

Donations are always down when the show isn't airing, but it's worse than ever because of overall financial insecurity, and economic conditions in New Orleans in particular mean adoptions are almost non-existent at this point as well (while new dogs keep getting left on their doorstep literally daily); pretty much the only way animals are moving on to clear space for others is by VRC teaming with other rescues -- all their cats are going to a rescue in New Hampshire, and three Midwest rescues are taking some of their "Cajun Canines", but each can only take a few at a time until they get adopted out.  In all Tia's years in rescue, this is the worst things have ever been; please, let's all who've had our hearts warmed by this show chip in now

If they were filming right now (and, with the new execs at the top of the food chain after the parent company mergers, I doubt they ever will be again, unfortunately), this is a wonderful story that could have been captured for broadcast, one to which VRC employee Emily (I can't remember if we've seen her on the show before) dedicated herself 24/7 for about 10 days:

An out-of-state couple traveling with their four pit bulls in their truck pulled off the interstate to get gas and, not knowing it was a high-crime area, both left the vehicle with it running to keep the AC on for the dogs; they were within eyesight, but not close enough to do anything when someone hopped in the truck and took off.  NOPD would not help, so the couple - knowing, via the show, of VRC's mission - turned up at VRC's warehouse and begged for help.  Tia got the word out on social media, and tips started coming in -- the thief had tossed the dogs out of the truck on his escape route, so followers recognizing among the many stray dogs those in the post called in to VRC.

Two were spotted together fairly quickly, and VRC crew captured one but couldn't get the other; she ran off and they lost sight of her.  (Mind you, in the midst of this, there was a wildfire near their wolf dog sanctuary in Texas and VRC feared they'd have to evacuate it [thankfully, firefighters were able to contain it in time so they didn't have to] and they were getting scam "I know where the missing dogs are; send me cash and I'll tell you" responses about the missing four.)  Then another was spotted, huddled next to the smashed-up crate she'd been in when tossed out of the truck, and VRC rescued her as well.

At this point, local media picked up the story, and the third dog was subsequently spotted and rescued.  A few days later, the fourth was found (it seems that one may have been kept by the thief [the dog has cropped ears, looking like a stereotypical fight dog] and escaped).  And then the suspect was arrested (NOPD had felt the public pressure, and realized this was probably the outstanding suspect in other auto thefts, and assigned a detective).  Quite a story.

In the midst of all this are the "regular" stories like a dog in a flood canal venturing out, risking being swept out to the Mississippi, so Moe and Lizzy launched a kayak, Lizzy lured the dog (a German Shepherd) in, Moe secured the kayak, and Lizzy climbed up a ladder with this big ol' pup hugging her. 


thanks for the reminder, so many in need these days.

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Thanks for the updates & link to donate. Love this show. I started watching in 2011 when I was in the hospital for a week and it really helped get me through. 

They've gone through so much and do such great work. Pit bulls are so mistreated and misunderstood. 

Tia & her family and parolees are great with the dogs and love the care given to these scared animals. 

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The good news:  New season begins airing 10/22.

The bad news:  As suspected, it's going to be the last one.  I am going to miss this show so much, and I hate that VRC will no longer have this income source when they've never needed it more. 

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I think this is a horrible decision on Discovery's part, but right now they've got a bunch of shiny new toys, so I guess it's to be expected. I'm wondering what the plan is for Animal Planet as a whole when most/all of their dramatic reality program has been cancelled? They can't possibly be planning on running 24 hours of Dogs 101 or Monsters Inside of Me, can they?

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17 minutes ago, Rlb8031 said:

I'm wondering what the plan is for Animal Planet as a whole when most/all of their dramatic reality program has been cancelled?

They could wind up dumping the network altogether.  David Zaslav (CEO of Warner Bros. Discovery) is making a real mess of things.

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One of TPTB in the Discovery upper echelon of executives in So. California has a 23 yo daughter sitting in jail for killing a young couple and injuring their 2 toddlers. Gracie (the perp) was extremely drunk while driving.

Google Gracie Coleman Newport Beach Ca. 

I guess daddy's pockets weren't deep enough. Gracie got minimum 21 years in prison. So deduct the 2 years she's been in jail and cut the remaining 18 years in half. She'll be out before she's 33. 

So back on topic. I will miss PBAP but hopefully, the rescue will get residuals from reruns of the show? Does anyone know if these (any of the cancelled rescue shows) get paid anything from reruns? 

Edited by chenoa333
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1 hour ago, chenoa333 said:

Does anyone know if these (any of the cancelled rescue shows) get paid anything from reruns? 

They're not actors, so not covered by SAG-AFTRA's residuals rules and processes; it will depend on what's in their contracts.

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It was bittersweet to watch tonight's episode -- I'm so glad to finally get more episodes, but so bummed this is the last season.  Stupid Warner Bros. Discovery.

Clank acted like he'd already been their dog his whole life, so I knew that's who the adopters would pick.  I love his hugs!  I hope someone adopts poor Mallory after seeing this, since she's also been there most of her life with no interest.  

Was that Perry playing guitar during the karaoke testing (in which someone really should have been singing Journey songs)?  I was in and out of the room during that segment, so didn't get a good look.

Mariah trying to speak logic to the wolf dog was adorable.  She's so patient.  I appreciated her pointing out someone could very well shoot Dorothy (and I loved the look on Tia's face when she realized that should be her name -- "Your name shall be Dorothy").

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I love the old-school reruns surrounding the new episode, and especially the episode capturing Tia's hiring of Earl upon arriving in New Orleans.  What a game changer!

For him, obviously -- he spent much of his life in prison, had no work history, and has only one fully-functional arm; to have someone accept "All I can offer you is my word, but I promise you that" is not often to be found.  But for Tia and VRC, too.  He found not just a stepping stone job but a career and they found not just a reliable worker but an integral part of the program equally adept with the dogs and the parolees.  They're forever entwined, and how lovely to have the beginning captured for posterity.  And for the dogs, most important of all; it's clear from day one how enamored he is of them, so it's no surprise he wound up as hopelessly attached and ferociously dedicated as the family. 

Earl is aces, is what I'm saying -- a big fat duh to everyone here, but something I want to reiterate as Animal Planet brings its coverage to a close despite the incredible work of everyone featured being needed more now than ever.

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I loved how open they were in this new season. Like when Earl was driving Clank home to Kentucky, admitting the whole crew stays in a hotel! They always made it seem like it was a 1 shot road trip to the home. The new owner asking how he did in the hotel room. Plus,I loved Earl thinking out loud about how in the old days he wasn't allowed out of the state...and it still feels so great to be a free man now! He is the best! So humble and grateful. 

There was no M2 or Tia's other daughter this new show? Only a flash of the twins building cages as well. But I'm not complaining...I could watch the Earl/Lizzy/Mariah show all day long! Man, I really missed this show.

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22 minutes ago, Calibabydolly said:

Like when Earl was driving Clank home to Kentucky, admitting the whole crew stays in a hotel! They always made it seem like it was a 1 shot road trip to the home. The new owner asking how he did in the hotel room.

They've talked about that before. 

23 minutes ago, Calibabydolly said:

Plus,I loved Earl thinking out loud about how in the old days he wasn't allowed out of the state...and it still feels so great to be a free man now! He is the best! So humble and grateful. 

Yes, I loved that!  How sometimes he'll still reflexively think "Wait, do I have to check with someone?" before remembering he's a free man.

It took me back to when they relocated from CA to LA and some of the parolees wanted to make the move, too, to stay with VRC, but some of them were denied by their parole officers.  Come the fuck on; who is benefited by that denial?  Certainly not "the public" they'll claim they're protecting, either in L.A. or New Orleans.

27 minutes ago, Calibabydolly said:

There was no M2 or Tia's other daughter this new show?

Tia said she was picking up M2 to meet Mariah for the wolf dog rescue, but I don't remember if we saw M2 once they arrived.  Definitely no Tania in this episode (but that might have been Perry playing guitar, I'm not sure).

Speaking of Tania, I love how watching the early episodes opened Tia's eyes to how desperate Tania was for her approval.  To Tia, it was "Of course I'm proud of her; she's my daughter, period, plus we've been through some shit and come through it" but she realized it wasn't a given on Tania's end; Tania needed to hear it to feel it.  Tania continued to struggle with a feeling of needing to measure up, but Tania saying to the camera what Tia had failed to hear set them on the right path.

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:

They've talked about that before. 

Yes, I loved that!  How sometimes he'll still reflexively think "Wait, do I have to check with someone?" before remembering he's a free man.

It took me back to when they relocated from CA to LA and some of the parolees wanted to make the move, too, to stay with VRC, but some of them were denied by their parole officers.  Come the fuck on; who is benefited by that denial?  Certainly not "the public" they'll claim they're protecting, either in L.A. or New Orleans.

I've read they parolees not only needed the permission of their current parole officer in California, but the local office in Louisiana would have to agree to supervise their parole if they moved there.  Sometimes it's a matter of lack of parole staff to supervise.     

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4 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I've read they parolees not only needed the permission of their current parole officer in California, but the local office in Louisiana would have to agree to supervise their parole if they moved there. 

Yes, and New Orleans POs agreed to do that for those who were given permission to make the move by their original POs.  But at least one of the parolees was denied that permission by his PO.  POs are supposed to supervise and make sure the conditions of parole are being met, of course, but also to help with the extremely difficult process of reintegration to society after incarceration.  Most of them ignore that part, and thus do things like say, "No, you can't move to New Orleans for your job, instead you need to become an unemployed parolee -- good luck."  Thankfully, there were enough things needing to be wrapped up back at the Agua Dulce facility, under Mondo's supervision, that the guys not making the move (either because they didn't want to or couldn't) were able to stay employed for a while.

I love the episode covering the move to New Orleans, when Tia says imagine making this drive with just one kid and one dog.

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