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Endless Supplies of Gas and Other Nitpicks: It Doesn't Make Sense

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Earthworms are not a good choice to eat raw, because of the high probability of nematode infection. In short, eating raw worms is a good way to get worms.

I also wouldn't try eating those frogs, as many have suggested. If we pretend that the writers know or care anything about biology, then the obvious assumption becomes death by pollution. Otherwise healthy frogs in a pond that's drying up do not just lie there on their backs waiting to die. They either bury themselves in the mud, or they scatter, looking for new water.The upside down positioning makes me think that, back when there was still water, all the frogs were floating belly up. Perhaps Aaron poisoned them. Or Ghost Lizzie.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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My take on the wildlife issue is that zombies do not conform to normal predator rules.

First of all, predators are motivated by more than just hunger. Fear of pain, for example, makes a difference in their behavior. And so do fatigue and in many cases flat out laziness. If a deer wants to avoid being targeted by a puma, it doesn't have to be tougher than the puma. It just has to be tougher than the deer next to it. A zombie doesn't care if a prey item has the ability to harm it. Nor will it stop hunting, because, unlike the prey animal, it does not need to sleep.

Another important difference is that zombies have no interest in getting their "money's worth" out of a kill. Wolves, bears, big cats, etc, will continue to eat the same dead animal for quite some time after killing it. Multiple large predators will even take turns "stealing" each others' kills. A dead elk, for example, in a region full of wolves and bears and Atkins Sasquatches is going to be eaten by all of them, which means the other elk are safe. Mathematically, it would simply make no sense to fight down a 1000 pound elk and only eat 10 pounds of it. Zombies don't care, though. Once it's dead, they get bored after a few hours and go looking for something else to kill.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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  On 2/17/2015 at 8:48 PM, CletusMusashi said:

Mathematically, it would simply make no sense to fight down a 1000 pound elk and only eat 10 pounds of it. Zombies don't care, though. Once it's dead, they get bored after a few hours and go looking for something else to kill.

Unless you're eating Lori. She must've been one tasty morsel. Especially since she was dead before she was eaten.

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  On 2/17/2015 at 4:48 PM, BellaLugosi said:

By the way, all that food that they got at the food bank is gone? They had a pallet full of food! And that was about 3 weeks ago in storyline iirc. Did they just leave that behind in their rush to get to DC/Noah's place?.

Leave what behind? They have 13 adults, and at the church they had 14 (Tyreese was still alive). Noah was part-time there, Carol and Daryl left for a couple days and the short bus crew left part-time etc. Let's say 10 (conservative guesstimate.)


I noticed beans and ramen noodles, but you need enough calories to support life.

If they had a gross of cans, and got minimum calories to live, for 17 days or more, let's be generous and say it wasn't cans of beans or peas or carrots or packages of ramen. Let's say it was all spam; which has protein, fat...one can has a total of 1080 calories. That's less than half what a grown man needs in sedentary life etc etc.

But we'll say they could get by on 1 can a day each.

Even then would be 170 cans gone. Not counting what Noah or Carol or Daryl ate, and no knowing if the short bus crew was given some cans for food on the Race For The Cure Not.

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  On 2/17/2015 at 6:41 PM, CletusMusashi said:

They either bury themselves in the mud, or they scatter, looking for new water.The upside down positioning makes me think that, back when there was still water, all the frogs were floating belly up. Perhaps Aaaron poisoned them. Or Ghost Lizzie.

I love how much thought the people on the boards give to things like this! And I would totally believe what you're saying in the real world.

But my guess for why the frogs were upside-down? Their UP sides would be too dark to stand out on film. Pale froggy bellies stand out against the dirt. I can see some production assistant: "We can't see the frogs - flip 'em over!"

Edited by Disraeli Ears
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Ok, so another "total lack of realism" complaint from me.... why must we watch all these people completely soaked in perspiration  - plus a clear lack of water or fluids - if nobody is really shown to be suffering from severe dehydration problems??


Either make it a plot point or stop making the characters look like sweat hogs.  Rick's sweat and grime-filled hair & beard deserve to be given special attention in the opening credits, at this point.

  • Love 5

Not sure if right place, but was I the only one hoping the storm they encountered in 'Them' would turn into an actual tornado? 


I couldn't help but think, "wow, lets see them deal with a real problem, like a unstoppable destructive force of nature; while still avoiding getting bitten or eaten by the walkers.  oooh!  Maybe we'll get to see a bit of a walker-nado!!"

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  On 2/18/2015 at 7:04 AM, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Ok, so another "total lack of realism" complaint from me.... why must we watch all these people completely soaked in perspiration  - plus a clear lack of water or fluids - if nobody is really shown to be suffering from severe dehydration problems??


Either make it a plot point or stop making the characters look like sweat hogs.  Rick's sweat and grime-filled hair & beard deserve to be given special attention in the opening credits, at this point.

Mentioned the Hitchcock movie Lifeboat the other night; oddly enough that was one of the plot points. They are supposed to be rationing the water...and the German guy is sweating profusely so they all start in on him.

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Brought up in other threads, but pick a hair styling theme and stick with it, Show! 


We get (nearly) perfectly coiffed hair on a good number of people, and the rest look they've never wore a style any different than a "grimy, sweat-soaked mess of a hornet's nest" look.  I know its a personal choice thing for each person (character), but how is it believable to see one half the cast be well groomed and the other half look like they've never met a brush or a pair of hair clippers in their whole lives, or that getting their hair trimmed is a serious breach of strict religious mandates?


Aaron should have said, when looking for Rick, "Or, as he's known in most circles; the 'Grizzly Adams look-a-like wanna-be'."

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  On 2/18/2015 at 1:34 PM, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Brought up in other threads, but pick a hair styling theme and stick with it, Show! 


We get (nearly) perfectly coiffed hair on a good number of people, and the rest look they've never wore a style any different than a "grimy, sweat-soaked mess of a hornet's nest" look.  I know its a personal choice thing for each person (character), but how is it believable to see one half the cast be well groomed and the other half look like they've never met a brush or a pair of hair clippers in their whole lives, or that getting their hair trimmed is a serious breach of strict religious mandates?


Aaron should have said, when looking for Rick, "Or, as he's known in most circles; the 'Grizzly Adams look-a-like wanna-be'."

I'm pretty sure Abraham's hair is from the very belly of Satan so it always looks the same; that is, horrific.   He does an amazing job of keeping his facial hair neatly trimmed and his hair day glo orange and standing straight up with no hair products or grooming devices.  Rick, on the other hand, looks like he rolls in pig grease on a daily basis.  Norman Reedus has said that his sparse beard is about all he can grow.  No matter what, he cannot go full on Rick a-family-of-beavers-has taken-up-residence-in-my-beard Grimes, even if he wanted to.  

  • Love 6
  On 2/19/2015 at 12:54 AM, Muffyn said:

I'm pretty sure Abraham's hair is from the very belly of Satan so it always looks the same; that is, horrific.   He does an amazing job of keeping his facial hair neatly trimmed and his hair day glo orange and standing straight up with no hair products or grooming devices.  Rick, on the other hand, looks like he rolls in pig grease on a daily basis.  Norman Reedus has said that his sparse beard is about all he can grow.  No matter what, he cannot go full on Rick a-family-of-beavers-has taken-up-residence-in-my-beard Grimes, even if he wanted to.  


This is gross, and goes against my sexual preferences to even really think about... but I can't help but humorously wonder if the age old "does the carpet match the drapes?" question is what led to Rosita initially getting it on with Abraham.


From a fashion standpoint, though, what was/is she thinking?  I'm no Martha Stewart, but don't vivid orange and pink clash, even just a little bit??

  • Love 7

I can't help but humorously wonder if the age old "does the carpet match the drapes?" question is what led to Rosita initially getting it on with Abraham.


Oh god! That's putting images in my mind that are even worse than "dolphin smooth."


As to what initially led her to want to get down and dirty with Hellboy - I can only think that choices are few in the ZA. Personally, I'd embrace celibacy if he were the alternative.

  • Love 2

Y'all are just NOT right.  And I love ya for it.  LOL


For people who are...not quite right (uh, like me!) this place is like a cool oasis in the middle of the burning desert.


Seriously, where else could you have the opportunity to discuss Abe's pubic hair, I mean, if he actually has any?

  • Love 6

Dammit, all this pubic hair discussion has my mind going to really dark places.  All of them must be sporting some not only seriously bearded clams and Harry Peters, but all the creepy crawly critters infestations in residence.


*scratches ghost itch near his junk just thinking about it*

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  On 2/20/2015 at 3:33 AM, AngelaHunter said:

You all have put such nasty images in my mind that you deserve this:


Never mind the pubes. I bet there's more cheese down there than in a Kraft factory.


I didn't want to say that. Honest!! *weeps*

What about Eugene?   he looks like he could work up a wheel of fromunda cheese or two. 

  • Love 3
  On 2/21/2015 at 6:47 PM, AngelaHunter said:

Personally, I'm still stuck on the worm. I thought about it this morning and very nearly gagged. THERE'S a diet plan, better than rancid pubes, although that runs a close second.

Both are equally slimy and gag-worthy in my book. Ewww. I just grossed myself out.

  • Love 1

Scanning over this page, all I can think is that I hope none of the cast ever reads any of it. Probably shouldn't worry, since I'm sure they have better things to do than sit on a snark board where people discuss in detail the grossness of other peoples' private parts. Thank goodness!;p

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  On 2/21/2015 at 9:14 PM, diebartdie said:

Is this the thread for discussing other pitfalls of living the zombie apocalypse lifestyle?

It's supposed to be for nitpicking—like where's the kudzu, and who's been mowing?

There's also "My guide to surviving the zombie apocalypse" http://forums.previously.tv/topic/2672-my-guide-to-surviving-the-zombie-apocalypse/

Edited by editorgrrl
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I was reading a website where someone asked if it was possible to get mad cow disease from bone meal.


Since mad cow disease, and CJD, are prion diseases (as the zombie virus must be similar to) I was interested to read that you cannot get bovine spongiform encephalopathy from the blood, bone, or muscle of an infected source. You can only get it from the brain, spinal cord, or the small intestine.


On one hand, that would explain why our gang can get splashed with blood and not "turn". Although it doesn't solve the problem of Big Tiny at the prison getting it from the walker's jagged arm bone cutting into his back. (In fairness though, we did not actually get to see if he would turn as Tomas murdered Big TIny.)

  • Love 3

Well he would have turned as soon as the sepsis set in and he died. Remember, somehow everyone is already infected, you die for any reason, even in peaceful old age after having lived a life of comfort and plenty, still gonna turn to a ghoul.

Edited by diebartdie
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  On 2/22/2015 at 4:21 AM, diebartdie said:

Well he would have turned as soon as the sepsis set in and he died. Remember, somehow everyone is already infected, you die for any reason, even in peaceful old age after having lived a life of comfort and plenty, still gonna turn to a ghoul.

True; he would have had the fever thing, which Jim and Bob didn't feel for hours and hours but Mika and LIzzie's dad felt withing minutes ( it's happening isn't it??!!)


I think I meant more as our conversations here about why no one cares about blood splashing in their mouth or eyes. Big Tiny didn't get bit like the others; he got

CUT in the back with a jagged arm bone. So if they had disinfected and given him antibiotics, the victim would not get septic. Likewise, a cut from a walker-blooded knife should not carry the prion cells  so if you had antibiotics, that would work. (Tetanus shot up to date?)

  • Love 1

Oh and Tyreese had the fever almost instantly so in his case, even if everything else had been perfect, I think cutting his arm off wouldn't have helped. Seems like being bit causes your heart to race and adrenaline and endorphins to be released plus all the secondary infectious agents in a zeds mouth all combine to hasten death and hasten turning...maybe if you had a super chill meditating blissed out person on the one hand, on the other a person who always practiced oral hygene who was JUST turned bites the relaxed one, maybe in that instance the bitten one, as long as they maintained their composure would not experience the advanced infection? Kind of like in the 80's people died from HIV/AIDS really quick and painfully but now folks can have it and it's almost no worse than diabetes (which can and does kill). None of that really speaks to your point about the prions though. My money is on an airborne fungus, not lethal on its own.

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(this is probably not the place, but damned if I know where to find a general show talk thread - there is a general non-show one, but.....)


I just got an idea for a humorous little 'crossover' chance, on the show, at some point.  Someone can mention how they used to play video games a lot before the virus, and then after they kill a walker, they can say "You're re-dead."


[re-dead = Legend of Zelda enemy reference]

Speaking of prion diseases and Mad Cow, I was in the UK at the height of the 2001 mad cow scare.  It was surreal--the plane was nearly empty going over.  Sites like Stonehenge were closed and we cancelled a lot of our planned countryside wanders, but the weirdest thing was having to walk through these trays of stuff to disinfect our shoes on returning to the US.  Oddly, they didn't do anything with the shoes in our suitcases (that I know of).  And of course they were super suspicious over what food we might have brought back.


I wish there was more of a "mythology" around the zombie disease and how it spreads.  I know Kirkman has said he's not interested in showing or caring how it happens, but dammit, some of the viewers are!  Plus, if there was a plan to the whole thing, then the deaths might follow a more logical path.  Because it seems right now it's more like people die in whatever way and whatever speed suits the narrative at the moment.  I suppose if you want to make sense of it, Jim could have lived longer because the disease was younger then, and maybe it's mutated now so it spreads faster.  Herschel's leg was farther away from the heart than Tyrese's arm, so the extra whatever that is transmitted via bite that accelerates death got to the heart more quickly and spread to his...brain? more quickly. 

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