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All In With Chris Hayes - General Discussion

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Yeah, I was just wincing at that one. He really made himself look foolish, trying to claim that only 4 million previously uninsured people have changed status.


Here at work, one of the things I do is track stories about the ACA (aka Obamacare), and there has been a whole mess of surveys released recently, including a few today, that track the uninsured rate for the nonelderly on charts that show the rate dropping like a stone. One survey even puts the rate in the single digits for the first time!

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And, he kept talking about the Republicans' perfect plan.  Which still hasn't been passed by the Republicans.  Except it kind of was.  Obamacare is what the Heritage Foundation proposed. Many Dems wanted single payer.


Did Chris say "screw you" to Donald Trump during his racist rant about Mexicans?  I hope he did. I don't know if there are any Trump buildings in Mexico but I hope after what he said - there never are. 

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Did Chris say "screw you" to Donald Trump during his racist rant about Mexicans?  I hope he did. I don't know if there are any Trump buildings in Mexico but I hope after what he said - there never are. 



Yep, I heard "screw you" as well! That was excellent.

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I was really disappointed with Melissa with her interview.  I think she gave her a pass on all the many many lies  I could only stand watching it for a few seconds at a time and kept switching to the Simpsons.

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After watching MHP over the weekend, I think that Melissa is too wedded to her idea that there is such a thing as what she rather inartfully termed "trans-racial"-ism (and got slammed on Twitter as well as by her trans guests the following day) and that Rachel D. might just be a representative of such a state. She's too sympathetic to Rachel D as a result.

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Melissa is probably just being very careful in the interviews not to get anyone angry.  Or the lying liar's agreement with NBC called for a puff interview. 


But Melissa bringing up the hair issue without seeming angry?  Man, I just can't.  I can't speak for African American women of course but the amount of trouble they go through about their hair from other people and then Melissa seems so easy about the issue with this woman who is just, IMO stealing their issue for her own gain.


Hopefully today we can go back to just mocking Trump. 



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For a professional advocate, RD struck me as surprisingly unable to put together a coherent full sentence. She derailed her own conversational train again and again. Which, if on purpose or not, made it difficult for MHP to pin her down on a bunch of things that needed pinning down. But, yeah, that doesn't entirely let MHP off the pinning down hook.


As an aside, I'm a white lady, and I'm sorry to admit I had no idea that TSA stick their hands in black hair. That's flat out repulsive. What probable cause could there be, after being scanned? ::rage::

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MHP would be the first to say that she's an academic, not a journalist.  I think that her interview was geared toward gaining a better understanding of RD's thoughts, not necessarily grilling or drilling her.  Given MHP's statements on her own show, as well as in the interview with Chris, my read is that she is looking for a more nuanced conversation than just "evil/crazy/whateverinvective white lady claims blackness."  It makes sense that she would view the issue as a complex one, not just on a professional level, but also on a personal one.  Beyond the fact that she's the child of an interracial couple, she is pretty fair-skinned and I would not be at all surprised to learn that she has been told that she's not "black" more than once throughout her life.  IF that's the case, then she (like a lot of light-skinned black women) knows what it's like to have her "blackness" questioned and policed.  One could argue that RD represents what many light-skinned people are suspected--or even accused--of being, someone "other" who has decided to claim and perform a different identity. 


I totally agree with MHP that there is a LOT to unpack here, if people are willing to have the conversation.  I hope she continues to talk about it, despite whatever Twitter complaints arise, even after RD's 15 minutes are up.  (I also hope that other previously.tv members will be up for discussing on an MHP forum.)


I did enjoy having Chris interview MHP after showing the clip.  I have always liked their dynamic, and I think that he did a good job in helping MHP respond to some of the criticisms that have been already made, as well as criticisms that people will make after seeing the RD/MHP interview.  The two points that particularly struck me were (a) the discussion of Melissa's read on RD's sincerity and (b) her assertion that the issue is an important one to discuss, regardless of whether RD is sincere or a con artist.

Edited by netlyon2
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Well put, netlyon2. I'd add that MHP also has a tendency to rebel against people dismissing someone as "crazy," pointing out that runaway slaves were once considered to be suffering from some sort of mental illness if they ran from the protection of their owners. She's defended the tea partiers from that word and I expect she'd have a similar reaction to Rachel D. being dismissed as crazy.

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I was glad Chris pushed back against the SC rep's claim that the stars & bars has been 'misappropriated'. Not that it did any good, as he returned to that talking point a hot second later, but still. It ain't misappropriated. It means what it has always meant, and people just like to pretend otherwise.

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I loved seeing Chris keep shutting down that dbag about that "Sharing Economy" nonsense. Its bullshit. And most of the innovation comes down to finding another way to dodge regulation and risk, putting the onus on customers and local government infrastructure.

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I figure it's worth bringing up this Gawker post noting the double standard in the media-on-the-media, cheering for All In to be cancelled while overlooking Morning Joe's collapsing ratings. (And the same reporter wrote the most recent Daily Beast report on MSNBC also wrote the one Gawker calls out.)

Edited by Wax Lion
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Chris tweeted this the other day so good news on that front re: ratings. 


All In was the second most watched cable news program at 8pm last month. Also, up 13% in viewers from last year. #inners


Also, who would get better ratings anyway.   Keith?  I love Keith and all but even though he's available again, I really don't see him returning to the 8 pm position,

Edited by M. Darcy
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I love Keith and all but even though he's available again, I really don't see him returning to the 8 pm position,


I'd be stunned if he got rehired for any time slot. He knows how to make network execs hate him.

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I'd be stunned if he got rehired for any time slot. He knows how to make network execs hate him.

Heh, yeah, that's our Keith.  Weird timing though - he leaves EPSN just as all this talk of change at MSNBC. Though, there's always talk of revamping MSNBC.

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I like Alex Wagner but interviewing disingenuous jerkwads is not her strength. Chris would have gone after that guy. We need a simple solution. (Like Cap & Trade.) We need an ecomomic-based solution. (Like Cap & Trade.) We need a solution that encourages entrepreneurs to invest in clean energy. (Like Cap & Trade.)


It's Obamacare all over again. A Democrat picks up the Republican proposal and then Republicans suddenly hate their own idea for jiggery pokery reasons.

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Lawrence Lessig's teeny tiny eyeglasses annoy me so much. How can he see anything through apertures that wee?!  I'm not voting for a dude with so little concern for field of vision!

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If the reports are to be believed and Chris might be replaced by Willie Geist, MSNBC has hit a new low.

If they can't draw viewers with Chris, how do they think anyone will watch an hour with Willie?

Maybe they should just push everything up and hour then just show reruns of Morning Joe all night beginning at 9pm.

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I tell you what: I'm about to put Lawrence Wilkerson's responses about Cheney into a neverending gif to play on all my devices non-stop, that's how awesome they were. "He's insane!" Preach it, Colonel Larry! 

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Lawrence Wilkerson was amazing.  I loved what he said.


Imagine though if Walter Mondale said anything about Bush like Cheney has been saying about President Obama.  Republicans would have gone ballistic.  Its even more wrong since the things that Cheney is criticizing the President about....a lot of it is due to the mess Bush/Cheney left him.  Even Chris Wallace is saying it.

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I tuned in tonight to see what Chris had to say about Bernie Sanders overtaking Hillary in Iowa and New Hampshire, but not so much.  Instead it's been a continuous live feed of a Trump speech.  Apparently airing the same "unbelievable", "fantastic" speech for the hundredth time is more newsworthy.

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It was pretty interesting on Twitter during the show--Chris was tweeting about the Trump speech, but retweeting replies who were criticizing the decision to air the speech. Makes me think that Chris probably was trying to signal that he feels the same way that CNN personalities do about the wall-to-wall Trump coverage.

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The last half of tonight's show was pretty good but I was hoping for more discussion of Sanders' Liberty University speech. Still the discussion we did get was pretty interesting, I liked that Chris included that some of Sanders' supporters were in the audience, so the loud cheers head in the speech didn't say anything about the LU audience.

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That was frustrating.  I wanted to watch Chris Hayes not that asshole.  Plus, no Rachel either last night - thankfully there was an Archer marathon on Comedy Central.


Though, since I had MSNBC on very low volume to try to catch when the show would start....I can't believe Trump started talking about the scaffolding on the Capitol.  Its much needed repair work on a very very old building....and seriously.....how is that even an issue to be talking about in a Presidential campaign.

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Though, since I had MSNBC on very low volume to try to catch when the show would start....I can't believe Trump started talking about the scaffolding on the Capitol.  Its much needed repair work on a very very old building....and seriously.....how is that even an issue to be talking about in a Presidential campaign.



That was ridiculous.  "I told them to work faster!"  I'll tell you what, Trumpelstiltskin, I'd much rather have the workers take their time and do the job right than rushing and making mistakes.

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"I told them to work faster!"  I'll tell you what, Trumpelstiltskin, I'd much rather have the workers take their time and do the job right than rushing and making mistakes.


Especially when they are that high up.....speed is more important than safety.  Also....its September 2015.  The next inauguration is January 2017.  There is still plenty of time.


Those stories about Trump supporters getting violent at rallies is scary.  And, sad.  I am no fan of Ronald Reagan but back when he was running for reelection in '84, he had a big rally at the St Louis Arch and I went down there with my protest sign.  And, his supporters were not only not violent...they were nice.  They let me go down front to get a better view.  Granted, a short little high school junior isn't scary and they probably thought I was so cute with my sign since there was no way Reagan would lose but still.....they were nice, polite and respectful to me. 

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