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Robert Dougherty gave 406 a score of 8/10...


Arrow S4: E6 -- 'Lost Souls'
By Robert Dougherty November 12, 2015 09:04AM EST

... But after a fairy tale stretch for Oliver and Felicity in the last five episodes and the last 30 minutes of Season 3, the first actual speed bumps come with the return of an ex -- or rather, the return from the supposed dead of a now tiny ex being held captive.

There are speed bumps for this episode as well, albeit not to the extent of the ones from the last two. Yet once those speed bumps are put into proper context, the emotions, intensity and swoon worthy moments flow from Arrow once again, and bring it closer to actually being Arrow again instead of just a prequel to an upcoming spinoff.
*  *  *
Lost Souls officially brings the Olicity honeymoon phase to a halt, albeit one-sidedly at first. While Felicity does snidely give Oliver a new code name on a field mission that amuses everyone -- especially the ladies -- her single minded obsession, putdowns of both Oliver and her mother, and inability to take a breather is no laughing matter before long. In fact, there's sure to be a few Oliver fans that will get as annoyed with Felicity as Oliver ultimately becomes, especially since they likely weren't fans of Thea, Laurel and Diggle putting him down in weeks past.
*  *  *
Felicity's entire routine of shutting everyone else who is trying to help, of taking the entire burden on by herself when she doesn't have to, of blaming herself even when it clearly isn't her fault, and of breaking down enough to have an entire identity crisis isn't normally her. In fact, it is exactly what Oliver did so many times in the last three years, especially in Season 3. After so many times of being frustrated with Oliver when he acted like this last season, it is stunning that the formula returns for the first time this season through Felicity instead.

It certainly puts things in a proper context, after spending the first 20-25 minutes being amused and frustrated at Felicity's behavior. Having spent entire an entire year calling Oliver out on it last year, it is probably only fair to hold Felicity to the same standard. However, the fact that Felicity acts exactly like Seasons 1-3 Oliver would have in such a crisis only adds to the even larger point Lost Souls makes about Olicity -- and Felicity in general.
*  *  *
In fact, this is a point more than a few fans made during Season 3, as they too complained about Felicity revolving completely around Olicity -- and Raylicity for a while too -- and crying over it all every few episodes. Whether or not this is an intentional bit of meta-commentary, or just a way to prove that Felicity isn't merely 'the girlfriend' on Arrow after all, it is a dose of harsh reality after weeks and a whole summer of Olicity bliss. But unlike the harsh reality checks that bummed us out all throughout Season 3, this is one that Arrow has a better handle on.
*  *  *
Felicity losing herself in Oliver is the worst case scenario for a woman who saw first hand what losing one's self in a man can do -- especially when that man left her and her mother in the end. In an episode that seems to destroy the long held "Damien is Felicity's father" theory once and for all, the scars of all those times Felicity loved a man who left her, and of all the years she saw what such a thing did to her mother as well, are still ringing loudly in her head. But while Oliver took a year to get his identity crisis under wraps, no matter how many inspirational speeches Felicity gave him, it takes one episode and one heartfelt talk with Donna to put Felicity's identity crisis at bay for the moment.
*  *  *
Time will tell if Felicity will keep questioning her identity beyond Oliver, or whether this was just a one-shot crisis to address critics and open old wounds for an episode. It would be a bit unbalanced to give Felicity just one episode to handle this stuff, while Oliver had to drag it all out for a whole year. But on this first test of Olicity facing a real couples fight and facing unfamiliar relationship territory, they get through to the other side and get us through eventually -- with a new gif-worthy make out and a soundtrack callback to their Nanda Parbat sex score as a reward.
*  *  *
Given how long and aggravating the process was in bringing Sara back to life, and in making Laurel pay the character-damaging price for it, it seems like a poor use of time in giving Sara just one episode as herself again before leaving. It would have been fun to see her actually fit into a whole new order on Team Arrow -- and react to stuff like Laurel being the Canary now, Oliver and Felicity being together, Thea being on the team and Thea being the one that killed her....


They even pass up the chance to have Sara and Ray meet for the first time...

  • Love 1

Here's a shocker - 406 even got a positive review from Carissa Pavlica, who's made anti-Olicity comments in the past, but she gave this episode a score of 4.25 / 5.0 (though, did I detect a little snark in some of her comments?)...


Arrow Season 4 Episode 6 Review: Lost Souls
Carissa Pavlica at November 11, 2015 10:04 pm.  Updated at November 12, 2015 5:32 am

What "Lost Souls" did best was remind us how quickly Oliver and Felcity got together and threw caution to the wind. They really had no time to plan who they would be and how they would carry on as themselves once they became a couple.

I mentioned during Arrow Season 3 that the two of them seemed to have nothing in common other than passion. Can a relationship be built on that? They've shown that it can, but moments of doubt are going to crop up like they did here.
*  *  *
So much of this hour was about two people who are finding their way in their new dynamic, and it was beautiful. The best love stories aren't ones that are perfection from start to finish, but are the ones in which couples find themselves in each other. Thanks to Donna Smoak for reminding us of that.

  • Love 1

I'm willing to ignore all of the suckiness because E2 gave me JAY GARRICK.


I might have a little [ginormous] crush.


I like Jay, too, except he's been sacrificed at the altar of can't-do-no-wrong hero Barry Allen *rme* I thought he had more sparkage with Caitlin, actually. More than Caitlin had with Ronnie, or has with Barry.


Back to topic: I'm pleasantly surprised with the positive reviews for Olicity. Not because I didn't think it was great (see my gushing in episode thread). But I got the "yuck, romance, cooties" impression from some of these reviewers before. 

  • Love 6

Yahoo's review of 406 (esp. like his "Quiverful of Thoughts")...


'Arrow' Recap: Damien Darhk Has Ray Palmer Trapped in a Shoebox
Robert Chan  November 12, 2015

Good to see the trunk with the Russian vodka is not forgotten — though a drawer with Tennessee whiskey doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. The main story of the episode is saving Ray Palmer, but really, it’s about saving Oliver and Felicity’s relationship. Ollie’s worried that Felicity is still in love with Ray and — if they don’t save him — that he’ll have to contend with his memory, which is even worse.

*  *  *
Nor does the show skimp with the girl talk. Donna Smoak may be a ditz, but she’s had enough awful life experiences to let her daughter know not to let go of a good thing when she’s found it. Felicity’s worried that she’s lost herself in Oliver, but Donna says, “You’ll find yourself in each other.” The show can get pretty ham-fisted with their big emotional arcs, but they almost always nail these small, emotional moments.
*  *  *
Quiverful of Thoughts

* Ollie’s campaign manager has to be H.I.V.E., right? They already did the “Thea’s BF is an undercover assassin” thing last year, but he seems way too charming and convenient to be real.

* What is it that Damien Darhk plans to minaturize? A circuit? Is that a map of downtown Star City? Superman had the miniature city of Kandor in a bottle; maybe Darhk needs a decoration for his fireplace mantel?

* Mama Smoak finally meets Captain Lance, and it looks like an instant connection. If we make it through the season without Felicity and Laurel walking in on those two in bed, what’s even the point of this show? #smoaknlance

* Someone on Etsy is sewing an Arrow costume to put on a Chatty Cathy doll, right? Right?!

  • Love 2

I like Jay, too, except he's been sacrificed at the altar of can't-do-no-wrong hero Barry Allen *rme* I thought he had more sparkage with Caitlin, actually. More than Caitlin had with Ronnie, or has with Barry.


I hated it when they tried to say Jay was a coward for not rushing into danger just because he is The Flash. Apparently trying to prepare for a fight against unknown enemy is being a coward in Flash's world. Soo glad Zoom showed him what's up. 



Anyways, I am glad the episode is getting positive reviews. I love how few people in the comment section are always jumping on anyone who says positive thing about the episode. LOL

  • Love 2

Talking TV with Ryan and Ryan podcast from yesterday:



The first 20 minutes cover Arrow, but not last night's episode, as it was recorded earlier in the day.


It's actually the least interesting part of the full podcast, because what they had to say about JtV and Scandal was way more interesting [especially the Scandal part], and then Mo talks a lot about her article on the lack of diversity in directors of tv that I posted a couple of days ago.

Laura Hurley's review of 406 for Examiner (only quoted O/F portions)...


'Arrow' S04E06: What worked and what didn't with "Lost Souls"
Laura Hurley  November 13, 2015 6:53 AM MST

Oliver and Felicity in “Lost Souls” were everything that a portrayal of an adult romance on television should be. Their interactions unearthed layers of their characters that have been buried under the happily-ever-after that carried them away from all of their complications to a status quo in which their pasts didn’t haunt them. “Lost Souls” sprung open the metaphorical closets that were positively bulging with baggage and forced Oliver and Felicity to wade through the wreckage to find each other again.

Oliver and Felicity were not wholly enjoyable in “Lost Souls.” She was ugly and awful and unfair to him, and he was far too obliging and upbeat to be anything but irritating to her in her state. They were a recipe for disaster from their first interaction in “Lost Souls,” but the conflict was necessary for progress on their relationship. There was never going to be a happily-ever-after for them that felt at all genuine if there was not an opposite extreme to the sunshine and butterflies and happy kisses broken by glowing smiles. The fight that terrified him and confused her was the best thing that could have happened, because they got over it. They got over it and made peace and then got busy on the bed that they share in the home that they made. The Loft o’ Love earned its name on the emotional and carnal fronts in “Lost Souls,” and it was wonderful.

The MVP for “Lost Souls” is split between two performers. Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards pulled positively phenomenal performances out of one another as Oliver and Felicity faced very real issues with their relationship. While each had impressive scenes with others – Amell with David Ramsey, Rickards with Charlotte Ross – they were exceptional together. They’ve expanded on the chemistry that sparked and sparkled them into the power couple of the series and they successfully portrayed a couple truly, madly, terrifyingly in love. The MVP goes to Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards together for “Lost Souls,” and they absolutely earned it.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 3

Latest Laura Hurley joke tweets...

Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  21h21 hours ago
FS: "Oliver, I read your journal--"
FS:"--ism file."
OQ: "Oh."
Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  20h20 hours ago
FS:"I read your jur--"
FS:"--y duty summons."
OQ:"...as was I."
Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  13h13 hours ago
DD: "My name is Damien Darhk."
OQ: "Please don't endorse my campaign."
DD: "..."
OQ: "Your name sounds super evil."
Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  12h12 hours ago
DD: "My name is Damien Darhk."
OQ: "..."
DD: "Mr. Queen?"
OQ: "Sorry. I thought you were starting a tell-all monologue."
Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  12h12 hours ago
DD: "I have a proposition for you."
OQ: "No thanks, dude. I have a girlfriend."
DD: "Who?"
OQ:"...Your place,or mine?"
  • Love 2

Some negative reviews of 406...


Same Geek Channel: ‘Arrow’ Episode 4.06 “Lost Souls”
Posted on 13 November, 2015 by Joey L. Mills

I’ve gone on record with stating how much I despise transitional episodes. I know they are a necessary evil that has to be handled on occasion, but I don’t have to like them. This week’s episode of Arrow, titled “Lost Souls,” is such an episode. That’s not to say that the episode is without value. It has action. It has levity. It has a big ol’ dose of heart (I knew “Valentine’s Day in November” was going to be a thing) in all the right places. But, the episode still felt like little more than set up for better episodes to come.

Oh, and a set up for Legends of Tomorrow....


Arrow, Ep. 4.06, “Lost Souls”
Remember when this show was about Oliver Queen?

Randy Dankievitch  November 12, 2015

As Arrow‘s increasingly become an exercise in jumping through narrative hoops, each episode has felt overcrowded, only able to have a scene or two stick out and display the same quality of depth we saw back in season two, when it really felt like the show was firing on all cylinders. “Lost Souls” continues this trend in many ways – but most disturbing, perhaps, is how it loses its main character in the midst of bringing Ray Palmer back, and sending Sara off on another adventure. And the more Arrow continues to hijack Oliver Queen to serve other priorities, the less effective its increasingly convoluted narrative is going to be....
Edited by tv echo

Another 406 episode review that complains about Arrow being used to set up LoT...


Fun Episode Of Arrow Reveals Speed Bump In Season Story
Posted November 12, 2015 by by Dan Wickline

Last night’s Arrow was very… odd. I expected a bit of a letdown after last week’s Constantine episode, but they flew right into the save Ray Palmer story and that seemed like a good idea. But at the same time that’s where the wheels seem to be coming off. Damien Darhk is an extremely patient person it seems. His army of soldiers that were so bad that Thea and Laurel had to go convince Oliver to return suddenly slowed down to allow Oliver to run for Mayor, a trip to the spa that is Nanda Parbat for Thea, Laurel and Sara’s corpse, Felicity to track down Ray’s message and put together a rescue mission while Oliver is texting with Donna Smoak. In all that time, Darhk sent one assassin after Oliver, Doubledown… who failed.
*  *  *
That is most likely caused by serving two masters this season, the overall story and setting up DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Looks like next week it’s back to dealing with HIVE and the return of another believed dead person… that’s the third in three weeks… before both shows go into the 8th episode crossover featuring Vandal Savage. Hopefully that will end the speed bumps and the series can move forward on their main stories.

Snarky io9 review of 406 that's pretty funny in parts (recommend reading the entire article)...


Arrow Gives Us Fun, and Finally Gives Parents a Break
Esther Inglis-Arkell  11/12/15 2:00pm

... We’ll start with Curtis, who observes that Felicity is three quarters of the way to developing an unattractive eye tic, and since that would be the first unattractive thing about her since the hair she wore to Dig’s wedding (What was that? It looked like she was trying to recruit people to join her sorority for future dead-eyed political wives.) he tries to stop her. But Felicity is obsessed with finding and helping Ray.
*  *  *
... Fortunately Curtis decides Ollie doesn’t have the jawline. (Thank goodness he wasn’t looking for extravagantly visible moles right next to the mouth, am I right? How does no one get this?)
*  *  *
... Then we pull back to the best visual so far—teeny little Ray is being kept in a small clear box on someone’s desk. This could only get better if we saw him eat a tiny burrito, like that viral hamster video. Or, and no judging, if he had to squat in a corner to take an itty-bitty little poop.
*  *  *
When Ollie finally collapses under the weight of Felicity’s peevishness, Donna picks up on it right away, and all but runs out of the apartment, but not before whispering to Felicity, “The best part about arguing is the make-up sex.” My god. She’s glorious. Watching her is like staring at the sun, but without pain.
*  *  *
... Ollie and Felicity do have that make-up sex, in front of many unshuttered windows. I’m willing to bet that the price of property facing those windows has sky-rocketed. Also the price of telescopes. And tissues.
Edited by tv echo
  • Love 4
The whole Speedy/Canary/Black Canary fight scene was cool except for the fact that the Black Canary just sort of hid behind stuff while The Canary handled business. Why doesn’t Laurel get a gun? Is there are particular comic canon reason she can only carry a nightstick and not a firearm?


I noticed that. Maybe the Stunt team was so happy to have Caity Lotz back that Atlin went to take a nap during that scene. 

  • Love 2

Snarky io9 review of 406 that's pretty funny in parts (recommend reading the entire article)...


Arrow Gives Us Fun, and Finally Gives Parents a Break

Esther Inglis-Arkell  11/12/15 2:00pmhttp://io9.com/arrow-gives-us-fun-and-finally-gives-parents-a-break-1742137513

Seriously the snark is hysterical. This reviewer is moving up the list of must reads. Love headers too... The wigless report. LoL :)

This reviewer describes Ray as a "damsel in distress" and Donna as a "quirky relationship counselor" - and gives 406 a score of 9/10...


Arrow 406 Review: “Lost Souls” Or The One With All the Relationship Feels 
By: Alisha Bjorklund November 12, 2015

Olicity drama! Mama Smoak! Tiny Ray Palmer! Canary Sisters! Chatty Cathy Oliver versus Sassy Damien Darhk! This Arrow episode had a little something for everyone and, for the most part, it was well done.
*  *  *
Felicity played a big role in this episode, and after my previous complaint about the show glossing over Felicity grief for the first five episodes, I’m glad this one further addressed that issue. Felicity lashed out at Oliver, not because she was mad at him for not caring enough about Ray’s problem, but because she was mad at herself. She got lost in Oliver (in the best way possible), but it still made her toss everything else to the side, including Ray’s death. She doesn’t want to be the kind of person that allows herself to shirk all other responsibilities (physical and emotional) due to love. As a result, Felicity was put in a position for personal growth, and I always enjoy when that happens. Because she’s in a relationship with Oliver, her growth also became his growth. They became a stronger couple in the process, and I think that Arrow did it justice.
*  *  *
... Overall it was an entertaining episode that spent time developing it’s character’s relationships while also executing a fancy, multi-pronged rescue mission. But the downside was that these returning characters didn’t get to shine as much as I would have liked, and it seems Sara and Ray will be disappearing until Legends begins. But even with the unmemorable flashbacks, this episode still had me engaged and looking forward to more.
  • Love 3

Jessica Breaux's short but good review of 406...


Arrow “Lost Souls” Review (Season 4, Episode 6)
Jessica Breaux   November 12, 2015

... One of the things Felicity and Oliver have always done right is not ask the other person to be someone they’re not. Felicity has always accepted Oliver for the good yet flawed man that he is, but she’s also always challenged him to be the best version of himself that he can. She’s the one who helped him realize that he was more than just a killer. She’s always believed in him and seen the best in him. That’s a good woman. Oliver, for his part, accepts Felicity in all her quirkiness. He believes her to be one of the best people he has ever known, and he seems to work hard to try and be worthy of her love. They are so much a part of each other now that they kind of get off balance when the other one isn’t there. So when Felicity realized how much of herself she’s allowed to become wrapped up in Oliver, it scared her. But at the same time, Mama Smoak was right. Once you’ve found the person that loves you exactly as you are, you can’t keep them at arm’s length. Is there a possibly of getting hurt? Yes. Is it worth the risk? Absolutely.
*  *  *
... I actually felt kind of bad for Sara. She was resting in peace and then she suddenly gets pulled back to Earth, but without her soul. And now that she’s got her soul back, it’s been tainted by whatever was in the Lazarus Pit, and I don’t think Sara will ever be the same again. It was kind of sad watching her go out on missions and try to be the person that she was before. She knew she wasn’t right, but she also knew she needed to figure out how to control the monster within. Sadly, that just doesn’t seem to be an option. It was interesting that shedding blood didn’t seem to help her the way it helped Thea....
Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2

OK, back to serious - jbuffyangel's lengthy and thoughtful analysis of 406...



NOVEMBER 12, 2015 @ 22:20






I didn't give my full attention to the Laurel and Sara goodbye scene when I watched the episode the first time. Seeing it in gif form makes the 'Always and Forever' even more heavy handed. Oddly so because she is just going to CC for awhile.


I'm disappointed no one gif'd Laurel's action run.

Edited by 10Eleven12

You can see where they cut the 'BOP' like shot. 


I think they edited that. In the episode there was a shot of the girls running into the room from the top of the stairs, that's the one I'm remembering. 


As not impressed as I am with the Laurel's fight choreography, I'm really liking Thea's. I like the bow work. 

A different perspective on 406 by the Los Angeles Times reviewer (much praise for Felicity and EBR, but he thought this episode introduced unnecessary drama to the Olicity relationship)...


'Arrow' 'Lost Souls' Recap: Welcome Back Palmer
By James Queally  November 12, 2015


Judging by the endless swarm of #Ollicity tweets you can find across social media every Wednesday, Ms. Smoak is often considered the crown jewel of this series, and with good reason. Emily Bett-Rickards is marvelous in the role, and Felicity's mix of social awkwardness, kindness and beauty have turned her into the Jennifer Lawrence of comic book ladies. All of my nerd friends want to date her, and if any of you are reading this and disagree, just remember I saved all those Facebook messages.

She is the closest thing to perfect this show has. So... I have to ask ... are the people who wrote this episode new? Have they watched "Arrow" before? Because the Felicity we see here, at least in the soap opera scenes that happen away from the rescue mission, is not the Felicity we know.

Felicity's panic attack about her relationship with Oliver seems out of place, out of character and frankly out of nowhere. The entire argument that she is not the type of person to toss aside everything for a guy made no sense to me. This is not me saying Felicity isn't a strong, independent female character. She absolutely is and she has proven to be something of a superhero in her own right time and time again (she's dropped more than a few episodic villains over the years, her tech savvy and brilliance have saved lives no less than a half-dozen times, and she nearly filleted Double Down with an assault rifle a few weeks ago).

But, from what we've seen between her romances with Ray and Ollie, Felicity Smoak is not about halfway love... I just don't understand why Felicity would panic about going headlong into a love affair when, well, we know that's what she does. And that's perfectly fine! Felicity's loyalty and refusal to compromise what she wants are some of her most endearing traits....

We went through years of #Ollicity "will they/won't they," and the show already addressed her frustrations with their move to the suburbs and Ollie's momentary abandonment of the Arrow guise. There just wasn't any need for this issue to arise, especially if it was going to be a one-episode problem that was easily cured by a conversation with Momma Smoak. This whole b-plot was a misfire, and just seemed to be another instance of "Arrow" mining for unnecessary drama this season.
*  *  *
> I barely even noticed Laurel's existence this week, and that's a good thing. I know it's unlikely that the Black Canary is the character who fell six feet under in the season premiere's flash forward, but a boy can dream right?

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 3

The writers make no v sense when using Black Canarys canary cry. These are the type of situations she should use it in. She could've pulled it out, got the ghosts off their feet long enough to have the 3 of them to get up close for hand 2 hand combat.

Except that they've always showed her in that standing-still-to-yell pose when she uses the cry. Which would be hard to do when people are shooting at you. Edited by lemotomato
  • Love 1

This Year's Flash-Arrow Crossover Is Gonna Be a 'Jaw-Dropper'



Along the way, we’ll also get some of that always-entertaining interplay between The Flash and Arrow players, some of whom are still not used to dealing with things that defy explanation. “It’s really funny watching Digg,” laughs Kreisberg. “He is constantly blown away by the Flash’s abilities." In addition, Kreisberg teases that there will be "great Baricity moments—not that Felicity is going to leave Oliver for Barry, but scenes between Grant and Emily Bett Rickards are always magical. They have such great chemistry.”


Note that the words jaw-dropping, epic, major, insane, magical, crazy full-on are used... Lmao

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 3

They’ve expanded on the chemistry that sparked and sparkled them into the power couple of the series and they successfully portrayed a couple truly, madly, terrifyingly in love.


Laura Hurley has a spectacular way with words at times. 




I noticed that. Maybe the Stunt team was so happy to have Caity Lotz back that Atlin went to take a nap during that scene. 

I kind of wondered if they didn't have enough female stunt doubles to make the shot look right so they sent someone not as  well trained in for Laurel. (Or a guy that wouldn't pass close scrutiny if he wasn't hiding behind a couch)  Didn't we hear that KC and CL shared the same stunt women?  So if they suddenly needed three all at once maybe they just wrote Laurel out of the way for a while so they could send Sara off in style.  Thea has such a different body type, so her stunt person couldn't be poached for Sara.  

All she would need is a decent distraction to let out a good scream.

True but that's why I'm still a bigger fan of tossing in the sonic devices before she enters the room and letting them be the distraction and a weapon. 

Has CL ever mentioned how much fighting she gets to do?


They need to calm down with all the huge team fights, let them do smaller, more one on ones with the living.

Agreed. It would be easy just to split the Team up, probably smarter too. If you are infiltrating a group of bad guys, you flank around them not drop in/run in as a group. That is giving them one target.

Plus at this point they have become very repetitive. I already know how they are going to shoot the scene, whose going to do what, and how the group will walk away extremely victorious without any scratches. Plus Willa and Katie have put in a lot of work to have to let their stunt doubles do majority of it when if it was slowed down they would look way more organic.

That was more dropping than leaping.:D Maybe they are letting her do more since White Canary isn't wearing a mask, and probably not using a stunt double as often.

I hope on LoT that Sara get to use all kinds of different weapons. CL took some weapons training after arrow killed her off.

Edited by Sakura12

Agree with this article 100%...


'Arrow' S04E06: What needs to happen next after 'Lost Souls'
Laura Hurley  November 13, 2015  3:11 PM MST

Oliver and Felicity need to not break up. Arrow passed the point of no return with their love story for Oliver long ago....

“Lost Souls” made Olicity it for Felicity. The woman was freaking out because she loved him too much, and her final line of the episode was “We found ourselves in each other.” That’s a forever kind of love, and the show needs to honor what it has written for their romance.
*  *  *
Oliver needs to play totally dumb, ridiculous, airhead Ollie when talking to Damien Darhk. Darhk might not take him seriously enough to threaten him if he’s only a ditz running because he’s unopposed whereas he might start compiling a list of Oliver’s loved ones if Oliver makes a stand. Oliver trying his hand at manipulation in a game in which his enemy has already proven that arrows aren’t enough would be a compelling change of tack, and deliberately trying to underwhelm Darhk as mayoral candidate Oliver could a step in the right direction.
*  *  *
Felicity needs to wear her hair down more often. There are times when it’s pretty obvious that Emily Bett Rickards is not 25/26 and Stephen Amell is not 30, and wearing her hair down manages to age her up without making her look old...
*  *  *
Felicity needs to have the freedom to be a bit tetchy with Oliver or just in general in the future. Granted, it was never okay when Oliver was dismissive of her and it wasn’t okay that Felicity was dismissive of him in “Lost Souls,” but it’s also very realistic...
*  *  *
The flashbacks need to be more interesting...
*  *  *
Oliver needs to cook a spectacular chicken cordon bleu for John Diggle...

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 4

Posted on November 13, 2015 by Kelly Konda

However, Arrow’s writers somehow managed to make “Lost Souls” feel like an Arrow episode first, Legends of Tomorrow set-up second.... Instead, Ray was more or less a teensy, tiny prop used to advance the notion that Damien Darhk is delightfully evil.  He also helped turn “Lost Souls” into the first real Olicity episode of the season.

*  *  *
I would add that maybe the show was trying to re-address that part of the season 3 finale where Felicity instantly quit her job and ran away with Oliver even though she had no idea where they were going, which seemed entirely out of character for her. As I wrote at that time, “There’s a part of me that flashes back to the moment in season 2 when Felicity yelled at Oliver for making her his personal assistant, practically slamming her fist on a table and emphasizing how hard she had worked to get where she was in IT and how little interest she had to now spend her days getting him coffee.  Looking back at that version of Felicity, I have a kneejerk reaction against the idea of her now just dropping her high-paying corporate gig with a corner office and a boss who granted her more patience than any boss ever logically should.”

What I didn’t anticipate is that the season 4 premiere would argue Felicity had simply kept working for Palmer Tech remotely, but I like the idea that Felicity has reached a point in the relationship where she’s actually scared of how much she loves Oliver. His side of the equation, specifically his insecurities about being an inferior match for her compared to Ray, may not have been nearly as interesting, but it did give us this, which was awesome:
[go to link for video clip of Oliver and Diggle pointing at each other]

Edited by tv echo
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