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The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow

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The only thing I can say, or the only thing I'm willing to say, is that we did not get Oliver and Felicity together because of the 'shippers. That, quite frankly, we did that because of the chemistry between Emily and Stephen, and we kept writing towards that chemistry.


What he doesn't say (and what amuses me greatly) is that, by writing towards Stephen and Emily's chemistry, they wrote away from Stephen and Katie's negative chemistry. That's why I don't have any concerns or worries about an eventual Oliver and Laurel repairing. They have anti-chemistry, and that's never going to change.

Edited by KenyaJ
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Haha. The thing is, like others have said, MG has repeatedly said the same thing about writing for SA's and EBR's chemistry but the O/L and comic book purists still persist with the fan service argument. It's like talking to a brick wall. I'd give up if I was him!

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What he doesn't say (and what amuses me greatly) is that, by writing towards Stephen and Emily's chemistry, they wrote away from Stephen and Katie's negative chemistry. That's why I don't have any concerns or worries about an eventual Oliver and Laurel repairing. They have anti-chemistry, and that's never going to change.


Yup, this is my main takeaway from his answer too. They had THE OPPOSITE of chemistry in their hands, and then the ~magical kind~ of chemistry FELL ON THEIR LAPS.

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That reply is absolutely hilarious.  And good for MG for being glad the question was asked, although he must get really sick of it.


I liked this part about Oliver's past love interest:

Marc Guggenheim: I got a lot of Tweets on my timeline. People tagging me, saying basically to people who were upset, "Read deeper into the article." A lot of people didn't get to the "flashback" part and they lost their minds.

He must get sick of people freaking out. But then, he does encourage it.


Weird that he's also writing Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. comic books.


 He should thank his lucky stars that in a bit of serendipity Emily showed up because from a personal standpoint, I doubt I'd still be watching the show otherwise. It's not even because of Olicity as I didn't even start shipping them until towards the end of S2. Before Felicity showed up there very little levity in the story or hope that Oliver would have a healthy relationship without a huge amount of baggage. I can handle darkness up to certain a point, then I have to disengage.

That's something David Ramsey says at fan events, that it was a good thing for the show that EBR/Felicity joined the lair because before that, it was just Oliver and Diggle growling at each other.

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I feel like MG keeps on saying it. But this most recent article I think was his most articulate answer. It definitely felt like a mic drop moment. Whereas some of the other ones still lingered in not wanting to offend the other side.


I don't think that they will ever go back to L/O willingly, but you never know what is going to happen. Life, contracts, politics, drama etc - any of that & more could mess up the best laid plans. Life is nothing but unpredictable at times. I will say if they suddenly just dropped the O/F pairing & went back to L/O that would be the definition of fanservice. He & the others have basically said countless times that they willingly chose to write O/F in the direction it is now. They wanted it to happen & they made it happen. It had nothing to do with fans and everything to do with chemistry. They saw it, fans saw it, network & advertisers saw it. People respond to it, wrote to it, shipped to it & kept fingers crossed that it would all work out. Like he said they picked a horse and ran away with it. I feel sorry for those that wanted another horse, but they need to let it go at this point and stop crying over spilled milk.

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I am comfortable that EBR's locked in for the planned run of the show, so barring crazy health issues or her becoming a movie star with the money to buy her way out of her contract, it'll be O/F for at least the six total years the show is likely to go.  If the show goes past six years and/or something crazy happens with EBR, I'm really comfortable that they'd bring in a new person before putting Oliver and Laurel together.  Even if they decide viewers will forget all the terrible L/O history, there's just nothing they can do to fix the anti-chemistry. 

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Oh I don't care if people still ship Oliver with Laurel, kismet...to each his/her own. Ship away, I say. I just wish that same courtesy would be extended to those who do ship Oliver and Felicity. It would be nice to go to an article and not get beat over the head with the whole "fanservice" mumbo jumbo used in a very derogatory way just because someone doesn't like O/F together or be lectured on why I'm not a "real fan". That kind of stuff just sucks no matter whom you ship.

Along those same lines, I did also love this quote from Marc's CBR interview:


We also have to make sure that people -- what makes "Flash" and "Arrow" successful is because it appeals to people who don't just read the comics. And "Legends" has to attract that same non-comic book fan audience.

For as much as I certainly have my issues with him, at least he recognizes that TV is a different medium and therefore needs to be treated differently than the source material.

ETA: That Stardust interview is hilarious! That's some first rate grandstanding right there. I haven't watched pro wrestling since I was a kid but I'm NGL--the sheer ridiculousness this battle makes me chuckle.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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I am comfortable that EBR's locked in for the planned run of the show, so barring crazy health issues or her becoming a movie star with the money to buy her way out of her contract, it'll be O/F for at least the six total years the show is likely to go.  If the show goes past six years and/or something crazy happens with EBR, I'm really comfortable that they'd bring in a new person before putting Oliver and Laurel together.  Even if they decide viewers will forget all the terrible L/O history, there's just nothing they can do to fix the anti-chemistry. 

Agree, but I've always learned to never say never. It's just a personal philosophy. Everything has the potential to blow up in your face at any moment. And even the best laid plans with everyone on the same page can still change in the blink of an eye. That being said, I'm really not concerned that they will move from O/F soon or if ever. If this was an actually horse race, the odds for L/O would be so ridiculously bad that the track would probably not even take people's money at this point.

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This wrestling thing feels like I'm watching a telenovela written by cokeheads.

His answers were 90% gibberish.  I think he wants to eat someone's heart, and Stephen Amell is Canadian and can jump?  Other than that I have no idea what he's talking about.


Agree, but I've always learned to never say never. It's just a personal philosophy. Everything has the potential to blow up in your face at any moment. And even the best laid plans with everyone on the same page can still change in the blink of an eye. That being said, I'm really not concerned that they will move from O/F soon or if ever. If this was an actually horse race, the odds for L/O would be so ridiculously bad that the track would probably not even take people's money at this point.

For me, that would just make me stop watching without any conflicted feelings.  I think it was Sam dating that terrible Amelia person who finally got me to stop watching Supernatural without being sad about it.  Putting an anti-chemistry romance into a show as an important storyline makes everything so very dull.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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This wrestling thing feels like I'm watching a telenovela written by cokeheads.


Is this normal?!?! LOL! I've never watched wrestling so this is a head-scratcher for me. Takeaway from that interview, though: WWE sees Stephen Amell as an entertainment commodity on the rise and they know Olicity plays a part in that.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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I am comfortable that EBR's locked in for the planned run of the show, so barring crazy health issues or her becoming a movie star with the money to buy her way out of her contract, it'll be O/F for at least the six total years the show is likely to go. If the show goes past six years and/or something crazy happens with EBR, I'm really comfortable that they'd bring in a new person before putting Oliver and Laurel together. Even if they decide viewers will forget all the terrible L/O history, there's just nothing they can do to fix the anti-chemistry.

You THINK she's locked in, there's nothing published to support that believe. Just want clarify that point because people on the internet tend to run with things.
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His answers were 90% gibberish.  I think he wants to eat someone's heart, and Stephen Amell is Canadian and can jump?  Other than that I have no idea what he's talking about.


I had never had any contact with wrestling before this week. It's been... I wanna say educational, but it's mostly just head-scratching. And SO WEIRD.

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You THINK she's locked in, there's nothing published to support that believe. Just want clarify that point because people on the internet tend to run with things.

Of course I don't know; I've never seen her contract.  However, changing the whole plan of the show to Felicity instead of Laurel means that they would be absolute, utter, total fools not to lock her in.  Plus it'd just be standard practice to lock her in. 

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Oh I don't care if people still ship Oliver with Laurel, kismet...to each his/her own. Ship away, I say. I just wish that same courtesy would be extended to those who do ship Oliver and Felicity. It would be nice to go to an article and not get beat over the head with the whole "fanservice" mumbo jumbo used in a very derogatory way just because someone doesn't like O/F together or be lectured on why I'm not a "real fan". That kind of stuff just sucks no matter whom you ship.

Along those same lines, I did also love this quote from Marc's CBR interview:


For as much as I certainly have my issues with him, at least he recognizes that TV is a different medium and therefore needs to be treated differently than the source material.

Agree you with you that people can ship whomever they want. My hope is eventually by mid-season 4 MG will not get as many of the same fan-service questions & O/F will get the respect they deserve once the writers write them in a quality relationship (unlike s3, which deserved some of the criticism for how the pairing was handled). Once MG & team show the non-believers what the O/F pairing is actually capable of doing, I think that will begin to silence some of the criticism & haters. I think it will garner & convert some new fans.


But right now, I think MG is fielding a lot of fan service questions because the show has bumbled the launch slightly in s3 and also failed to deliver on the villain front. So it becomes easy for people to hate on what they don't know as opposed to recognizing other failures, especially if those failures hit another comic sore spot. I don't read comics, but I've seen enough & heard enough about Ras from superhero movies to know that what Arrow delivered was a big flop. That must have hurt to see this great comic villain portrayed like that and then show also officially departs from romantic canon. I mean the hurt must run deep. And who knows what the biases of the interviewers are? For every Kristin from EOnline who is romantic shipping enthusiast, there is likely a comic enthusiast. Also the fanservice question draws attention & clicks. The story has some steam behind it. Even if you never watched an episode of Arrow or read a GA comic, if you were tasked with interviewing MG or ARROW team, in doing your prep/research you would find that this is a frequent question & perhaps would be good to delve into for your interview and see if you can uncover more information.


I also think MG's balancing a couple different audiences with his interviews. I am a fan of Arrow the TV show, but I have never picked up a Green Arrow comic. So when MG writes to my interests, I naturally am happy. Likewise when he writes to the Comic fans' interests they are happy. The problem here is that the Venn diagram of Fans only has a certain amount of crossover. So of course there is going to be some friction amongst the groups, but it doesn't mean any of us are less Fans. There is fanservice done on each side. And the writers are generally all fans themselves, so they writer stuff to their interests as well. I just think its all a matter of perspective. And I think the ARROW team does a decent job trying to balance all the portions of the fandom & tell an authentic/organic story. The biggest take-home message I get/LOVE from MG is that ARROW is his & his teams vision of OQ & company. If one doesn't like their vision, that is the person's problem. Perhaps as the show continues to move in its own direction, interviewers will stop trying to link it to the source material. But at the end of the day, people have to consider are they a fan of MG's ARROW? Or are they a fan of Green Arrow? Those groups are not always mutually inclusive of each other.

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I have to hand it to Stardust, he gets really into that strange character he made.

I am pretty sure in real life, stardust is just a huge video gaming comic book dork who happens to love Arrow so he used his as a chance to live out his superhero fantasy. I'm kinda jealous.

Eta: found this old interview with him. Fanboy confirmation


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I am pretty sure in real life, stardust is just a huge video gaming comic book dork who happens to love Arrow so he used his as a chance to live out his superhero fantasy. I'm kinda jealous.

I'll buy that. Clearly he's familiar with the show since he knows exactly what buttons to push with Stephen and the fans. After all, how many casual observers would know to pull Diggle (and DR) into the battle?

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Agree you with you that people can ship whomever they want. My hope is eventually by mid-season 4 MG will not get as many of the same fan-service questions & O/F will get the respect they deserve once the writers write them in a quality relationship (unlike s3, which deserved some of the criticism for how the pairing was handled). Once MG & team show the non-believers what the O/F pairing is actually capable of doing, I think that will begin to silence some of the criticism & haters. I think it will garner & convert some new fans.


The majority of fanservice complaints are from the comic book GA/BC enthusiasts. As long as Oliver and Felicity are a thing, regardless of how well written the relationship is or turns out to be, they will always whine about fanservice.

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WWE bringing wish fulfillment to audiences for years. Cheers to both Stardust & SA for being able to live out their fantasies. Gotta admit I'm a little jealous they're both getting paid to live out their dreams.

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The majority of fanservice complaints are from the comic book GA/BC enthusiasts. As long as Oliver and Felicity are a thing, regardless of how well written the relationship is or turns out to be, they will always whine about fanservice.


*and want to correct that "fan service" with fan service of their own, god love 'em. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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The majority of fanservice complaints are from the comic book GA/BC enthusiasts. As long as Oliver and Felicity are a thing, regardless of how well written the relationship is or turns out to be, they will always whine about fanservice.



*and want to correct that "fan service" with fan service of their own, god love 'em. 

To quote Taylor Swift "Haters gonna hate, hate, hate. Baby, I'm just gonna Shake, shake, shake, Shake it off". Because at the end of the day I think it's "gonna be alright" for Olicity. If they have an issue they can either get on board with the story or move along. Its in their corner, I can't be bothered about what they choose to whine about after a certain point.

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Bahaha. Thanks for the Olicity shoutout, Stardust. Who needs CW to do promotion when everyone else is doing it for us?

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Unfortunately, it's not just fans perpetuating that fan-service myth.  I've read articles where media types talk about how Oliver & Felicity's relationship was due to popular fan demand.


I love this part of that Stardust interview:

It’s Stephen Amell, he’s an actor.
SD: Ah, “Stephen Amell”! That’s what he’ll have you believe. Take a look at “Mr. Amell’s” Facebook. Look at the amounts of fandom, the Olicity madness, that goes on his Facebook...his Twitter just now hitting a million followers. This kid, this boy, is on the rise! People love him, and in the process of my WWE exclusive search for a hero, I thought...why, why not look outside? Because as you’ve heard, as I told Michael Cole recently in our hard-hitting sit-down WWE.com exclusive interview, this boy is not named Stephen Amell. That’s a mask! That’s a...a "front", as the kids are saying. His name is Oliver Queen. Son of Moira Queen, second-generation Queen man running Starling City, the Emerald Archer, the Green Arrow.

Edited by tv echo
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15 TV Couples We Wish Were Real

by Tattle Taylor   Updated at August 13, 2015 10:21 am.


Decent list, most of my fav couples are on there! Some shows I don't watch, but even I know they are good couples from friends that watch those show. Good couples & the buzz they generate transcend whether you watch the show or not. Of course, Fitz & Olivia are on the list - which I don't absolutely agree with, but that's because I'm on the loser end of that show's triangle ship, Team Jake 4ever. But hopefully they find him someone else soon.

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Mistakes in Arrow reporting that I've read in recent news articles...


-- Main character's name is "Oliver McQueen".
-- Resurrected Sara will pose love interest threat to Olicity.
-- An "other woman" might test Oliver & Felicity's relationship.
-- The show EPs are GB, MG, AK and "Sarah Schechter".

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Laura Hurley writes about the S2 Laurel/Sara reveal and speculates about S4 storylines...


callistawolf asks:
Hi Laura! I'm curious what your thoughts are about learning from Sara on the island during s2 that she'd had a crush on Oliver before Laurel dated him, which Laurel knew about and when Sara tried to sneak out to a party to see him, Laurel told her dad/got cops involved so Sara got busted. I've heard some say that was good of Laurel because there was booze/drugs involved but aren't there at all parties? Does this shows Laurel's selfish side, considering she moved on him while Sara was grounded?

Laura Hurley  Aug 15, 2015 12:02 pm


claveniall13 asks:
Hi Laura!! What do you think could be the potential drama stories of this season? Talking about Olicity, Thea, Diggle, etc.

Laura Hurley Aug 16, 2015 6:01 am

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This is interesting ...


Reboot This: Stars, Producers Pick the Shows (Buffy! FNL! Golden Girls! Wonder Woman!) They'd Revive
By Vlada Gelman / August 15 2015, 12:01 PM PDT

1 of 32
Andrew Kreisberg (Executive producer, Arrow, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl)

"One of the most amazing series finales of all time was Angel [because] it ended mid-battle. The whole point of that show was that the battle always goes on. There isn't always a happy ending. It's more about the fight than the victory. So I think it would be really interesting to check in and see what happened to Gunn and Angel and Illyria and Spike. I would definitely tune in for that."
3 of 32
Greg Berlanti (Executive producer, Arrow, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Blindspot, The Mysteries of Laura)

"My go-to is Buck Rogers because I just loved it as a kid. Someone should do that. I don't want to do it. I loved [that] a guy wakes up in the 25th century. It would be neat to see someone try to accomplish it today."
7 of 32
Brandon Routh (DC's Legends of Tomorrow)

"I loved Fraggle Rock as a kid and that seems like something that could play any day because it's for kids."
14 of 32
Geoff Johns (Executive producer, Arrow, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl,)

"I loved The Incredible Hulk back in the day."
18 of 32
Grant Gustin (The Flash)

"I loved Lois & Clark back in the day. I want to see Superman on TV in whatever capacity."
20 of 32
Colin Donnell (Chicago Med)

"One of my all-time favorite shows ever was M*A*S*H. I don't know how you would reboot it because it was singular, and Alan Alda is a hero of mine. But if I could go back in time and be a part of a show, it would have to be M*A*S*H."
32 of 32
Wendy Mericle (Executive producer, Arrow)

"The show that I would really love to see cracked in general is Wonder Woman. I think it's really challenging. Ultimately, the week-to-week of it is hard... There's an appetite for superheroes. There's an appetite for female leads. Someone's gonna do it, and I hope they do because if nothing else, I want to watch."
Edited by tv echo
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Brandon Routh (DC's Legends of Tomorrow)

"I loved Fraggle Rock as a kid and that seems like something that could play any day because it's for kids."


I think I would like BR in real life.  This is where his mind goes out of all TV shows?  I think we just explained the crazy eyes.  He IS a muppet. 

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Jon Stewart will be hosting WWE Summerslam 2015...


WWE Summerslam 2015 Fight Card, Guest Host & More PPV Event Information Revealed
By Staff Reporter (staff@latinpost.com)First Posted: Aug 18, 2015 06:34 AM EDT

WWE SummerSlam 2015 is already filled with star power with Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker headlining the event. John Cena and Seth Rollins will also face each other in a title vs. title match.


"Arrow" star Stephen Amell will make his in-ring debut in a tag team match with Neville against social media rival Stardust and King Barrett. If that is not enough, SummerSlam just got more star-studded.


In a report by USA Today, Jon Stewart will be hosting SummerSlam 2015. This is Stewart's first major appearance since leaving "The Daily Show" last August 6.


The former host of "The Daily Show" is a lifelong WWE fan and has guest hosted "Monday Night Raw." He also had a feud with WWE Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins... (more)

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Two more interesting articles from Laura Hurley...


Devil’s Advocate #4: Sara/Oliver as Arrow’s OTP
Aug 18, 2015 6:01 am


lisam100 asks:
What do you think of the relationship between Laurel and Felicity? Personally, their 'bonding' scenes in S3 really irritated me. It felt forced and came out of nowhere. I'm terrified that the writers are going to make them friends in S4. Talk about awkward. Under the circumstances, I think it's a bad idea. What do you think the writers will do/should do with that relationship?

Aug 18, 2015 12:52 am

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This interview with GS also talked about Arrow/Flash crossovers (warning: if you read entire article, it includes Flash spoilers)...


‘The Flash’ Producer Gabrielle Stanton Talks Speed Force and Jay Garrick in Season 2

This world keeps getting bigger, with Arrow, The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow. How do you decide where a character starts and who gets to pick the version of the character that we see?


STANTON: Oh, there are fights! It’s just what works for us, story wise, and what works for what we’re doing with Barry and the team, at the time. Sometimes Arrow will start things, or we’ll start things, and we’ll cross them over. We had Captain Cold and Heat Wave last season, and they were so popular that we have Legends. We juggle, but it’s fun. We have so many different worlds to play in that we can say, “Hey, can we borrow Felicity this week?” It’s neat to be able to do. It’s hard because of the scheduling and production. All the line producers go crazy when we talk about doing it. Fortunately Arrow and The Flash shoot right next door to each other, up in Vancouver. We can be like, “Just go across the hall.”

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I agree with # 1, 4, 5 and 7...


Arrow: 10 Best Moments So Far
James Hunt   18 AUG 2015


ETA: If you want a perfect example of "fan service" (something that pleases fans, but does nothing to advance the plot or develop a character), then the boxing glove arrow (# 9) is it.  Oh, and

changing the city's name from Starling City to Star City

is another perfect example of fan service.

Edited by tv echo
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Asker anonymous asks:
I've been immensely enjoying reading your posts. I noticed you used some version of how Mulder described Scully to his life to describe the relationship between Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak. Do you have any other comparisons of these couples and how they both affect the quality of the narrative of the show? Also, if you want, can you tell us what you look forward to in the upcoming X-Files mini-series, especially in concern to the mythology and/or the Mulder/Scully relationship?

Laura Hurley   Aug 19, 2015 6:33 am

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The new TV Guide for August 24-30, 2015 (with FTWD cover) includes Arrow in its Cheers & Jeers section.  Here's its Cheer from the print issue (not available online)...

for reviving Constantine. Even though NBC's short-lived drama based on DC Comics' demon hunter was canceled after one season, that didn't stop The CW's flagship hit from finding a way to work Matt Ryan's (right) antihero into the action alongside Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Co. for an episode this fall.
Edited by tv echo
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Posting here because of multiple Arrow and EBR mentions...


WIRED Binge-Watching Guide: The Flash
K.M. MCFARLAND  08.19.15  3:41 PM

But superhero world-building on TV hasn’t been as easy....
*  *  *
Which is why it’s so fascinating that Gerg[sic] Berlanti’s DC Comics universe expansion on television has been a burgeoning success. Arrow grew from a promising foray with a less high-profile character to one of the CW’s most engaging programs, garnering a ton of fans online and creating a wholly new and essential character in Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards). But that show can be oppressively dark, especially this past season. In complete contrast to that attitude, there’s The Flash, a spin-off in the same world as Arrow, a total reboot of the 1990 television series, and the only truly funny action comedy show to come out of the current superhero genre boom.
*  *  *
Season 1: Episode 4, “Going Rogue” Felicity Smoak is a strong contender for the best character in any DC-related television series right now, and Rickards had such a good rapport with Gustin on Arrow that it’s a delight to see her whenever she pops up in Central City. Her sort-of romance with Barry that blossoms into true friendship is exactly the kind of crossover interaction that binds multiple shows together to make them stronger. This is also Wentworth Miller’s first appearance as Leonard Snart, aka Captain Cold (Cisco’s delight at coming up with super villain nicknames never stops being funny).


Season 1: Episode 8, “Flash vs Arrow” Superhero crossovers can’t just be about teaming up to defeat a bad guy, sometimes they have to pit one hero against the other to see who comes out on top. That is especially interesting when Barry Allen’s metahuman super-speed goes up against Oliver Queen’s meticulous training and weapons arsenal. In this episode, a metahuman with the ability to incite rage in other people takes control of Barry, and Oliver must help contain his friend long enough to regain his composure and apprehend Roy G. Bivolo. It’s possible that Arrow and The Flash go to the crossover well too often, but that’s because so far it’s worked every time.
*  *  *
If You Liked The Flash You’ll Love: Arrow, S.H.I.E.L.D., Daredevil, the upcoming Legends Of Tomorrow, and Supergirl, and maybe even Gotham.

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Laura Hurley is not a fan of the possibility of Oliver running for Mayor and here's why:


She's been doing blitz postings on tumblr.  I especially like her response to the following...


anonymous asks:
Hello Laura - Thank you for sharing all your thoughtful insights with us fans. Love your blog! At this past SDCC, there appeared to be a lot ignorant questions posed to Emily Bett Rickards about Felicity. I suspect some of it is sexism/misogyny; who knew that you can be hero without a costume/code name/martial arts? As a new generation of reporters/writers advance thru the ranks - one that is diverse & open-minded - I hope we as an audience will witness more intelligent questions. Your thoughts?

Aug 21, 2015 4:18 am

I was also disgusted with some of the lines of questioning directed at Emily Bett Rickards about Felicity. She was treated as though she had been the one to write and direct the episodes in which Felicity was required to behave a certain way, and the perpetuation of the idea that a character cannot be a hero without physical violence spreads an unhealthy message for young women.


It annoyed to see both Emily Bett Rickards and Felicity get so much flak for crying in Season 3. Felicity’s life was pretty awful during stretches of the third season, and Grant Gustin cries over on The Flash as Barry Allen every other episode. I like my criticisms equal opportunity, thank you very much.
*  *  *
I think that a lot of the ignorant questions posed at conventions such as SDCC arise due to the prevalence of online media in which it’s not overly difficult to find a way to participate. Media journalism nowadays doesn’t necessarily take much more than a keyboard and wifi connection. The line between allowable bias inherent in reviews and objectivity in reporting has become blurred in some circles, and that can manifest itself in shallow or even offensive coverage.

Edited by tv echo
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