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Arrow recap: A documentary helps reunite Team Arrow in episode 150


Arrow’s 150th episode, which aired tonight, might be my favorite episode of the season for one reason, and it’s not because it was partially shot like a documentary about the Green Arrow: it featured all of the members of Team Arrow interacting with each other.

While I’ve enjoyed this season for the most part so far, the one thing that’s been nagging me is how there are so many disparate parts that, at least at this point in this season, don’t appear to be converging. For the most part, it feels like every character is off dealing with individual storylines, but it’s been a while since we’ve seen a lot of them in the same room. To be fair, that’s been by design since Team Arrow disbanded in season 6 and Oliver spent the first half of the season in prison. Even though the reasons for Oliver, Felicity, Dinah, Diggle, Rene, and Curtis not sharing scenes makes sense, it’s felt like the show’s been missing something. Sure, it’s named Arrow, but at this point in its run, the show’s strongest asset is Team Arrow and the relationships among its members. Thankfully, “Emerald Archer,” and the in-show documentary that it’s built around, took some major steps towards bringing Team Arrow back.

... While I’m not sure the whole documentary gimmick was necessary — we never find out what the cheekily named filmmaker M. Pedowitz (or the show) is trying to say about vigilantism with her movie or what her perspective is — it does give the show a chance to honor not only everything Oliver has been through over the years, but also everyone he has worked with. ...
*  *  *
Look, I can’t fault the show for not having anything concrete to say about vigilante justice because to do so would risk undermining the central conceit (Also see Detective Comics’s “The Victim Syndicate” or the first arc of Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Black Panther, which tried to grapple with objections to their main heroes before just being like, “Eh…let them be superheroes”)
*  *  *
Why didn’t Oliver point out that Malcolm Merlyn was already planning the Undertaking and running around in a hood with a bow and arrow long before he suited up as the Hood? Oliver didn’t bring this madness to Star City!!

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Actually, we don't know for sure that Mia's last name is Dearden (Connor only called her "Mia"), so the IGN reviewer is making an assumption...



It really doesn't seem very long ago that Arrow was celebrating its 100th episode, yet here we are now at #150. Once again, the series marks a big milestone by looking back at its own legacy. But this time, without the need to also play a part in a larger crossover storyline, this anniversary special is able to better serve its own needs.
*  *  *
Sidebar - that brief Rory scene reminded me of how much I enjoyed that character, even if the show never really seemed to know what to do with the character. Maybe he can find his place on Batwoman?
*  *  *
This big stylistic swerve is something you'd expect to see on Legends of Tomorrow more so than Arrow, but that's why it's so thrilling to see the show playing outside the box for a change. Why not take risks like this more often? Why not spend some time exploring how the rest of the world views characters like Oliver Queen? I'd like to think this episode might pave the way for other weird detours.

Conversely, it was also nice to see director Glen Winter practice a little moderation with the mockumentary format. That approach might have grown tiresome if the entire episode played out in that fashion. Not to mention that it would have limited the story being told here. For all the emphasis on a group of filmmakers trying to document the crazy life of Oliver Queen and his fellow vigilantes, there were also plenty of intimate scenes that simply wouldn't have worked with a nosy camera crew in the background. So what we got was a nice balance of gritty shaky cam footage and more traditional Arrow fare.
*  *  *
I honestly wasn't sure how to feel about the Team Arrow-centric approach of this episode. Some of the show's fundamental problems these past few years have centered around the fact that the supporting cast became too large and unwieldy. Arrow doesn't need so many costumed vigilantes vying for screen time. It's no coincidence that Season 6 finally crawled out of its rut right as the show's focused narrowed to the Ollie/Diaz rivalry and other characters took a back seat. And Season 7 hasn't necessarily been hurt by the official dissolution of Team Arrow.

For now, the jury is still out on whether the series is better off with the restoration of Team Arrow. That will hinge mainly on what form the new team takes and how much their newfound legal status changes the tone of their adventures. But you have to give the writers credit for giving this week's conflict an emotionally rousing finish. As wary as I am of the full return of team Arrow, Diggle said it best - "It feels right." Hopefully this is all a key next step in the show's transformation into something less grim.
*  *  *
... It looks as though the flash-forwards are about to get more complicated. Connor Hawke is back following his debut on Legends of Tomorrow Season 1. We also get the reveal that Blackstar is actually Mia Dearden (who in the comics served as Speedy back when Kevin Smith was writing Green Arrow). We'll see if more characters actually equals better on this front, but hopefully the flash-forwards will regain their urgency in the weeks ahead.
*  *  *
Arrow marked a big anniversary with a memorable celebration this week. "Emerald Archer" proved the series can venture off the beaten path when given the opportunity. This episode used the mockumentary format to good effect, even while balancing out those sequences with more traditional Arrow drama. Whether the rebirth of team Arrow is actually going to be to the show's benefit remains to be seen, but this episode at least hit all the right emotional notes.

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Arrow season 7, episode 12 review: Emerald Archer
by Scott Brown  February 5, 2019


There’s a kind of brilliance to celebrate a milestone episode by doing a style never explored by the show — a documentary. It ties together the first season and the most recent episodes in such a tangible way that would be extremely hard to do in pretty much any other way, other than maybe Slade returning as the big bad. By making everything feel more tangible, it ties together the themes that have been present over the past two episodes. And really, if this was a real documentary, it would be dang good regardless of it being present in the context of the show. There’s a couple of great cameos from past characters and characters featured in other shows with the highlight going to Grant Gustin’s Barry Allen.

Now the entire episode takes place within the context of a documentary, more so the set-up of the episode, but it’s excellent set-up and payoff for the journey that the series has gone through over seven years. It’s also set-up for the rest of the episode when it’s revealed that there’s a new villain hunting vigilantes in Star City. Chimera is a very intriguing villain that really they don’t do enough with.

This documentary style, when used during the second act of the episode, makes for some fantastic action sequences. There’s a shaky cam style very similar to the Bourne films, which works immensely well. A lot of the action in Arrow is based around very clean, un-motivated movement and wide shots, so having a new style presented here, while fitting in with the specific style of the episode, is really fun to see.
*  *  *
This is the first episode of the season that Diggle has felt relevant, which feels like a horrible thing to say for such a great character. Seeing Oliver and him together and their reconnection is so satisfying in the best way possible. These are two people who have been together from the beginning and know each other better than anyone, so finally bringing them back together is just fantastic. So by the end of the episode, when Team Arrow is back in action, everything feels right, even if the past seasons regarding the team have felt off.

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Arrow Episode Guide: Season 7, Episode 12 - Emerald Archer
Starman   February 4, 2019


It's unclear just how the immunity Team Arrow earned works in the face of the anti-vigilante law. Reference is made to the FBI making Rene's immunity from prosecution permanent. Is that just for him or is the FBI ignoring everything Team Arrow does from now on, leaving them to contend with the local laws?
*  *  *
The use of shaky-cam during the action sequences where the camera crew is following Oliver is fantastic.

The five-way fight scene between Chimera and Ollie, Dinah, Curtis, John and Rene is fantastic.
*  *  *
The episode opens with the WB Shield and the music that usually appears before a Warner Bros. film rather than a TV show.
*  *  *
The final scene reveals that Darkstar's first name is Mia. This seems to suggest that her full name is Mia Dearden. In the comics, Mia Dearden was a teen prostitute, first appearing in Green Arrow #2,  after Green Arrow rescued her from being raped by a councilman. This inspired her to fight back against her pimp and led to her accepting Oliver Queen's offer of a job at the Star City Youth Center and a place to stay. She later became the second Speedy and the chief inspiration for the character of Thea Queen on Arrow.

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Reflecting on 150 episodes of ‘Arrow’: What does ‘Arrow’ mean to you?
Lynsey Neill  February 4, 2019


In honor of Arrow‘s 150th episode premiere, the wonderful Arrow writers posed a question to all of the fans: What does Arrow mean to you? And a lot of us took to Twitter to explain just that!
*  *  *
Of course, there were many more fantastic responses to #WhatArrowMeansToMe, so go check out the hashtag on Twitter to get caught up on all the fandom feels!
*  *  *
I would be remiss if I didn’t at least try to articulate what Arrow has meant to me, so here is goes:

Arrow means late nights and coffee breath.

Trying not to theorize while I’m studying.

Dreaming about archers and hackers.

Writing, then erasing, then writing again.

Being cranky I can’t watch live, and being overjoyed when I can.

Rewinding every smile, kiss, laugh, hug, touch, and speech.

Laughing at my Olicity centered YouTube suggestions.

Reading reviews, listening to podcasts, watching interviews.

Feeling badass with every arrow, hack, and punch.

Wishing I was friends with Felicity Smoak.

Having the privilege of a platform to write recaps and reviews.

Emmense gratitude.

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Arrow, ‘Emerald Archer’: Lights! Camera! It’s a Team Arrow Reunion!


In a Very Special Arrow, the 150th episode of the series, we see Oliver and his merry band of vigilantes — how most of the world sees them –- through grainy security cam feeds and shaky documentary footage. A documentary crew is following Oliver, and the episode is an Easter Egg-laden trip down memory lane, ending at a destination that corrects a severe flaw — gets the band back together. Here’s everything you need to know about the latest episode of Arrow:
*  *  *
Sex and the Olicity: Ollie and Felicity don’t get much screen time together, but another longtime show relationship is rekindled when Diggle and Ollie take some time to catch up, in the most tactical manner, of course. ...

What about the action: It’s amazing how a little change of perspective can make a world of difference. About the same amount of plot moved this week as last (i.e. very little). While last week’s episode was as exciting as watching a Super Bowl known for its punting (looking at you SB LIII), the shaky cam and unusual angles added a sense of excitement to what was at its essence, a monster-of-the-week episode. The major set piece was the reunion of Team Arrow, and it did not disappoint. Everybody got a little chance to shine, and Dinah had to reveal her true self to the mayor in order to save the lives of a bunch of people. It’s not easy, but the team eventually shuts down the bad guy. They are all immediately arrested for illegal vigilante activity. Lucky for them, they know somebody in the DA’s office, and a grateful mayor begrudgingly tells Dinah to shove her resignation in her Canary hole, and deputize her friends.

What’s next: The fake documentary worked so well, next week they’ll try their hand at horror. No, really. There are sinister manual typewriters and everything.
*  *  *
Last impressions: Arrow does love a callback episode. It was great to have our memory jogged by the callbacks. We forget how hard it is for Paul Blackthorne to do an American accent. We forgot about Sara’s sidekick from the tactical bustier/clock tower days (her name is Sin, and I totally had to Google it). We totally wonder if Willa Holland made the production do her scene in LA by refusing to set foot in Canada again. Despite all the distractions and camera tricks, the purpose of the episode is to correct a mistake the series has been making for about a season and a half. The show suffers when the members of Team Arrow are in separate orbits. Sure, they would form smaller teams from time to time, but there was something special about the big group even when Ollie was being a moody jerk and everyone was fighting. With some distance made, it’s clear that Big Team Arrow put the “fun” in dysfunctional. The show is better when the heroes work as a team. Hopefully, Dante or whoever the next big bad is will be worthy of the full team’s efforts.

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10 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Hopefully, Dante or whoever the next big bad is will be worthy of the full team’s efforts.

We just finished episode 12 and no one knows where the villain story is going. 

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Trent Moore   Feb. 4, 2019


If it felt like Arrow was spinning its wheels the past few weeks, we finally know why — they were saving the big guns for the milestone 150th episode. We got a big concept approach, some major plot action, and the team-ups we hadn’t realized we were missing so much this year.
*  *  *
That setup serves as a great way to revisit allies and heroes of years past, with everyone from the late Quentin Lance to Thea Queen to Rory Regan popping up giving brief testimonials on camera. It also dabbles into the larger questions of vigilantism at its core, whether it’s morally right to “break” the law to do some good, and whether they’ve done more harm than good in the long run. It made for a clever way to look at the show’s legacy through an outside lens, while also looking at the origin of not just this fictional hero but the entire Arrowverse as a whole he has birthed along the way. It even opened with a Warner Bros. Pictures logo to set the mood.

The villain turns out to be a mental patient who is obsessed with vigilantes after being saved by the Green Arrow several years ago, a tidbit we learn in a throwaway line. He clearly just exists as a foil to rally Team Arrow, but it begs the question how this random guy came up with such a formidable battle suit and tactical abilities that allowed him to capture heroes such as Ragman, Helena, and Emiko along the way. Speaking of which — this is the first we’ve heard of Rory and Helena in quite a while, and their fates are left open-ended when the screen fades to black. It’d be a shame to kill these two off-screen, especially considering Rory was an interesting character with a fascinating power set during his very brief tenure on the team.
*  *  *
Emiko survived her run-in with Chimera, and the fallout seems to have only solidified her partnership with Rene. Could a little more than a professional partnership be brewing there?

So does the re-emergence of Team Arrow mean Diggle is leaving Argus? Or will he just moonlight with the vigilantes and keep his day job?

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Arrow Season 7 Episode 12 Review – ‘Emerald Archer’


So, I presumed this rather innocuous title was going to have something to do with Emiko, and perhaps her next step in her own journey….but it’s even better than that.
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Tonight’s episode showed The CW logo, in all green as normal, then came the Warner Bros. logo, and a picture of it’s old backlot. I started freaking out thinking I was watching the wrong affiliate, and they were replaying an old movie instead. Then I see Quentin Lance, in film quality, from 2012 talking about vigilantes. What???

In a completely innovative approach, a documentary crew (supposedly since 2012- where have they been all this time?) has been filming a movie about Oliver Queen and vigilantes and were ready to complete the film but ran out of money so they invaded Oliver and all his friends and families privacy for a big finish to their movie. I know, the plot holes are galore in this thing but my god was it fun to watch! Oliver uncomfortable around the camera, Felicity trying to look and sound her best, Curtis hamming it up and Diggle’s facials during those scenes, as well as stock footage and interviews from old favorites like Lance, Thea, Sara, Barry and even Rory (Ragman). Remember him?
*  *  *
There wasn’t much bad, unless you didn’t like the format, which I could understand and totally see some people hating this one. Me, I dug it and bought in. Episode concludes with a loophole around the Anti-Vigilante law by deputizing the entire Team Arrow into SCPD. We also got some William personal stuff, which ties in with the flash forwards and him being friends with Zoe and a great ending where it shoots back to the future to show the Arrow Cave being discovered by future heroes.

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ARROW 7.12 Review “Emerald Archer”


Who would have thought seven years ago that a show about The Green Arrow would hit one hundred and fifty episodes and still be going strong? He’s one of my favorite superheroes, and it still surprises me from time to time. While he may be the title character, he didn’t get to seven seasons on his own. “Emerald Archer” acknowledges that fact every step of the way.
*  *  *
Oliver Queen never planned on having a team, but how often do things ever really go according to plan? Original and New Team Arrow have come to blows in the past, and they’ll undoubtedly fight again, but at the end of the day they’re still a team. That team has been scattered through the course of season seven, but you can’t have a milestone episode without getting the band back together!
*  *  *
Arrow’s come a long way. There have been days (seasons) where even the most ardent of fans started questioning their loyalty to the show, but “Emerald Archer” seems to acknowledge that. A lot of its time is spent focusing on Oliver’s mistakes, but there’s a little bit of reality shining through in those moments. Kind of like the call out to fans showing their love in mysterious ways. (This was the writers being gracious. Stop being buttheads to creators because the story’s not what you want at that second. You look like a crazy person.)

“Emerald Archer” is a nice little group hug between several parties. New and Original Team Arrow seem to have finally come together. It’s lovely from a story perspective, but creative teams and fans both past and present were a part of it too. This week was the kind of episode that leaves you with the smallest of smiles on your face after the credits roll. I don’t know where we’re going yet, but damn am I excited to be a part of the ride.

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This Collider review was retweeted by Beth Schwartz (unsurprisingly, she did not retweet A.V. Club's negative review)...

‘Arrow’s Excellent 150th Episode Embraced the Past While Building a New Way Forward


And 150 episodes later, the show feels as vibrant and necessary as it ever has.

“Emerald Archer” not only takes a look back at what has come before on Arrow; it reminds us why we cared about any of this stuff in the first place. It sets up several tantalizing new stories for the future, and reshuffles our existing status quo in a necessary and exciting way.

Plus, it’s just plain fun to watch.
*  *  *
The mockumentary setup isn’t just enjoyable from a fan service perspective, either. (Though that part is pretty great. We miss you, Thea!) It also allows for a bit of important self-reflection from everyone, most especially Oliver. From Episode 1 to Episode 150, the man who is the Green Arrow has come a long way, and “Emerald Archer” manages to deftly highlight Oliver’s growth as a person without beating people over the head with the idea that it’s some sort of “very special” moment. For example, he now shares information instead of keeping secrets! He lets other people’s opinions stand without trying to browbeat them to his way of thinking!

Admittedly, Arrow’s anniversary installment isn’t perfect, and even seven seasons in, the show can still struggle with what it wants to be. “Emerald Archer” doesn’t have nearly enough Laurel in it, there’s a strange lack of any sort of notable Olicity moment, and William’s return is kind of a dud. (Though his anger is understandable, if misplaced. Talk to your dad, kid!) But what the 150th episode does manage, in a way that Arrow hasn’t in some time, is to remind us that while vigilantism is cool and all, what really makes this show special is the characters at the heart of the story, and their relationships with one another.
*  *  *
But one of the things that hasn’t always worked so well is the fact that Arrow has so many proverbial balls in the air that it can sometimes forget to let these people just be friends, in addition to allies fighting crime. When was the last time Oliver and Diggle even had a conversation? We’ve seen more of Felicity’s budding friendship with Earth-2 Laurel than we have of her existing one with Curtis. Rene is spending more time with the so-called NGA than his old Team Arrow compatriots. And does Dinah do anything but hang out at the SCPD?

“Emerald Archer” – finally – brought them all back together again, and it felt like coming home. It’s honestly as though we’ve been waiting for that Diggle speech about friends having each other’s backs and learning from their mistakes for actual years. It seems the show is at last truly reckoning with the breakup of Team Arrow back in Season 6 in a substantial way and if we’re honest, it’s been a bit too long in coming. (This episode could also have used a real Oliver/Felicity/Diggle scene too, but I guess we can’t have everything.)

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TV Review: ‘Arrow: Emerald Archer’


It’s not often that Arrow surprises. After all, the formula it’s been using for the last seven years has worked. But every now and then—whether it’s a character introduction or plot direction—the show diverges from the formulaic to offer a unique throughline for an episode. “Emerald Archer” does this in the most fantastically surprising ways: framing Oliver’s journey as Star City’s masked vigilante (or as Felicity aptly puts it—‘hero’) quite literally through the lens of a documentary crew. Not only does this particular story device give us a unique perspective on Oliver’s journey, it adds a bit of fun that has so far been a hit-and-miss affair this season.
*  *  *
I mentioned earlier that “Emerald Archer” offers some surprises and, aside from the very entertaining documentary approach, the biggest shocker is how Mayor Pollard—who’s wanted nothing more than to rescind Oliver’s deputization—handles Team Arrow breaking vigilante laws. After Team Arrow takes down Chimera at the Town Hall the Mayor had planned to use to discredit Oliver’s partnership with the SCPD, she has the gang right where she wants them. But Mayor Pollard’s decision to deputize the lot of them goes a bit beyond plot convenience but actually offers a secondary political character who may not be the antagonist we thought she’d be. Pollard puts her political goals to the side, recognizing that the vigilantes aren’t a threat to the citizens of Star City, but the stop-gap where the authorities are not able to reach. It’s a welcome change, a sleight of hand that is a reminder that, in the face of danger, even the most stubborn can have their minds changed.
*  *  *
Just as I thought things were staying in present day, we get a quick peek into the future, with the entire documentary being viewed by Connor and Maya. It’s an unexpected attention though, Maya’s opinions that vigilantes “got exactly what they deserved” still seems like a very far-fetched opinion, considering how many times they’ve saved the city. Unless a compelling reason of how they killed Star City comes to light, this becomes a wholly unnecessary plotline.

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On 2/3/2019 at 3:45 AM, Proteus said:

Arrow is Arrow. It shouldn't continue without Oliver & I highly doubt it would. I think it will end with Oliver Queen.


👍 agree

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4 hours ago, tv echo said:

This Collider review was retweeted by Beth Schwartz (unsurprisingly, she did not retweet A.V. Club's negative review)...

‘Arrow’s Excellent 150th Episode Embraced the Past While Building a New Way Forward

Collider gave a very positive review but also mentioned the huge problems and what was so very obviously missing.  I hope before Beth tweeted it out she actually read the whole review even if the the stuff left out was downplayed. 

This was stuff that should have been a no brainer and oops.  the show couldn't find time?  There comes a time when writers SHOULD be playing into expectations and when not doing it just makes them look like hacks.  

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Chris is clarifying his review. I actually think he's right with this; it's one thing to talk about what fans "deserve" in a fan forum, but it's another when it's coming in a professional review.





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I think "fans deserve" talk is fine on a broad level, like when you're talking about another problem that Arrow writers suffer from that affects the show as a whole, like their unfortunate problem with gaslighting because they're too lazy to put in the work to fix what they broke. But yeah, as it pertains to fan service and what you want to see, it's better to leave that out of professional reviews unless - like he wrote - it's an issue where the characterization suffers and an individual/relationship isn't being honored. Because he was right - the characters we've been watching for 150 episodes do deserve more than what they were given in that episode. 

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Current version of his review...

Arrow Season 7 Episode 12 Review: “Emerald Archer” 
Chris King   Feb. 5, 2019


... And although my worst fears aren’t realized in “Emerald Archer,” as it remains a mostly grounded hour featuring Oliver and his allies facing off against a vigilante-hunting nemesis, it does still fail to reach the heights it could have. Ultimately, it’s a surface-level episode that offers many moments viewers want to see, including the return of the “real” John Diggle, but it never does the legwork to actually earn these scenes, which is why so many of them don’t emotionally connect with me in the way I wish they had.

The main victim of this superficial style of storytelling is John Diggle, who finally starts acting like the character we used to know in “Emerald Archer.” However, can we say that the true Diggle is back if he never actually admits his wrongs, if he never apologizes for how he turned his back on Felicity at the start of this season, how he is keeping Diaz’s presence in ARGUS a secret from Oliver while chastising his best friend about not telling him about Emiko sooner? What happens with Diggle in this week’s Arrow can’t really be considered character progression or redemption because we never actually witness any type of deep thought or hard work from him to better himself.

Instead, what we get from Dig is a half-baked (but well-performed by David Ramsey) speech to Oliver about how his going to jail never sat right with him and how the team has had each other’s backs the entire time they have been broken up, two statements that definitely don’t track with what has actually happened this season. If Oliver going to jail truly hadn’t sat right with Diggle, he would have prioritized taking down Diaz and securing Oliver’s release over ARGUS protocols. If the team had truly had each other’s backs, Diggle would have gone to any length to help Felicity instead of conforming to ARGUS standards, and Dinah would not have arrested Rene, and Felicity wouldn’t have felt forced to turn to Black Siren to help get Oliver out of prison. What Diggle’s saying is essentially lip service, words with no actual, substantial backing, but I allowed myself to be content with it simply because it was great seeing John Diggle and Oliver Queen back in the same room again, talking about a mission rather than bickering about who deserves to be the city’s Green Arrow.

... Oliver seems too preoccupied to spend time with his own son, and while it’s wonderful to watch Felicity and William’s relationship blossom, to the point that he’s okay with admitting to her that he got expelled, Oliver’s complete absence in William’s storyline does not fit with the caring, concerned parent we have seen throughout Season 6 and even throughout Season 7, even with Oliver being stuck in prison. Diggle says all the right things to Oliver, about learning from mistakes and growing from them, without ever truly acknowledging his own faults. Curtis, Rene, and Diggle all suit up, despite Oliver telling them not to because of the anti-vigilante law, and the mayor’s sudden change of heart saves them in a plot contrivance that anyone could see coming from a mile away. Sure, it’s great to see familiar faces like Quentin and Thea and Sara (I also loved seeing Rory, aka Ragman, who was and still is my favorite of the Newbies), and sure, it’s awesome to hear Dig tell Oliver all these positive, encouraging words. However, none of this changes the fact that Diggle has been written inconsistently all season long, or that Felicity receives barely any focus during this hour, despite being one of the founding members of Team Arrow, or that the team is still just as damaged and broken as it was last season.

... They want to give us what we want to see without actually giving the characters what they need. That’s why “Emerald Archer” is the fast food of Arrow episodes; it tastes good in the moment but provides no nutritional value. I’m okay with that every once in a while, but the series needs to address these issues with their characters sooner rather than later. Otherwise, what’s the point of investing our minds, hearts, and time? If these characters aren’t going to be treated and valued as real people, even within this fictional setting, then why should we care? We’ve been with these characters through 150 episodes now. I believe they deserve more.

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'Arrow’ 7×12: The 5 best moments from “Emerald Archer”
Lynsey Neill   February 5, 2019


#5 “Now my life has… it’s never been better”
*  *  *
#4 Seeing familiar faces
*  *  *
#3 Mia and Connor
So they tricked us. They didn’t want to say her name was Mia for obvious reasons. And they will do a full on Mia and JJ/Connor romance (I mean I hope, please, it would be so good)!

#2 Felicity calling vigilantes heroes
Felicity was just delightful this episode, but a highlight was when she wanted everyone to be recognized as heroes. We also felt for her when she trying to “mom” the best way she could.

#1 Overwatch
It’s been too long. Seriously. Never deprive me of the joy Felicity gets when she’s being Overwatch. Never again.
*  *  *
Some not so great moments…

  • John saying “we had each others backs [while Oliver was in prison].” Because, no Diggle, you didn’t have Felicity’s back. You didn’t even help. I’ve decided what he meant is “I had Felicity’s back by telling her she’s getting a little dark and twisty.” Even though thats not FULLY having her back.
  • Felicity’s scenes were great… by why did they sequester her to the B storyline? She’s 1/3 of OTA. A little more recognition of how integral she is would have been nice… in the 150th episode. I ask for so little.
  • The John/Oliver scenes were great. But we needed more OTA. Again, where’s Felicity?
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Arrow Review: Emerald Archer (Season 7 Episode 12)
February 5, 2019   Brianna Martinez


I am a little disappointed that we don’t get to see more of William, Oliver, and Felicity, and that Queen-Smoak dynamic throughout “Emerald Archer.” But if William and Felicity’s final moment together is any indication, this is the beginning of a promising Queen-Smoak family arc with William being expelled and finding out more about the cause behind the expulsion.
*  *  *
Elsewhere, though Oliver and Diggle (generally) make amends for everything that’s happened over the last year, something about the sentiments Diggle offers comes off as disingenuous considering the proof to the contrary.

I get the need to essentially gloss over this giant conflict that’s left this distance between them to the point where it feels uncomfortable between the pair for the sake of keeping the story going. But it honestly could have also been accomplished without revising history, including the bit about having each other’s backs.

Because let me tell you, the last 6 episodes of Arrow Season 6 and the first 5 episodes of Arrow Season 7 aren’t really giving off that supportive vibe from Diggle, Dinah, or Curtis. If anything, it feels like they made him out to be some sort of controlling criminal, much like others outside of the “team” did.
*  *  *
Felicity really was and is the only member of the team that has stuck through it all, provided that support through the rough times, from the team deserting him and Felicity to his time in Slabside.
*  *  *
I wish that apologies were sent Oliver’s way and not coming from Oliver when it comes to this specific story. It’s a sticking point because my memory is what it is. But what are we gonna do, really?
*  *  *
Overall, the hour does a good job of (finally) honoring Oliver Queen’s sacrifices and accomplishments as the Green Arrow. I just wish it also honored the other aspects of the show that I’ve loved so much.
*  *  *

  • When will OTA return from the war? For an episode that is meant to honor the core of the series, there is a stunning lack of the core trio that used to be a highlight of the show for me. Give me more Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle working together again, please.
  • Was the documentary a little light on Felicity’s presence considering her part on the original team or is that just me?
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Spoiler alert: I loved the 100th episode. I know this is a controversial opinion because it is universally hated in the fandom (I think), but I truly loved the episode for where Oliver was at in his story. So, I didn’t go into the 150th with a lot of expectations. The 150th didn’t need to fix anything for me. Were there some misfires? Yeah and we’ll get into those, but overall I enjoyed this episode. 
*  *  *
HOWEVER, if I spoke to my mother the way William spoke to Felicity and violently shoved an electronic device she paid for in her face while making demands regarding the wifi security (which she also pays for), I would be taking my life into my hands. My mother would have removed me from this earth, which is her right.  
*  *  *
These scenes between William and Felicity were the best in the episode and it never ceases to amaze me how far their relationship has progressed in such a short amount of time. There is nothing Felicity can’t do and no man she cannot smoak. Life with a teenage William is going to become more complicated and the parenting more challenging. But William will be a better person for having Felicity in his life. No matter where this story goes that’s a solid fact.
*  *  *
He’s constantly referencing these “mistakes” particularly in “Emerald Archer.” This is a failing of Season 6. I truly think the writers believe the NTA versus OTA storyline was evenly handled, but in reality Oliver was completely in the right and the Newbies were acting like spoiled toddlers.
*  *  *
Oliver is King Arthur and Star City is his Camelot – or what he dreams Star City may one day become. He may pay the ultimate price for that dream like Arthur, but ultimately the loss of the hero teaches us the dream isn’t possible without the hero. Oliver may need Team Arrow, but the team and the city will soon discover they need him even more.
*  *  *
This is something Felicity Smoak has always understood. Her belief in Oliver Queen and crystal clear understanding of who he is has never wavered in seven years. Even when they were separated romantically, Felicity saw Oliver as the man who would save Star City. 
*  *  *
This belief became a compass for Oliver- his North Star. Felicity became the voice in Oliver’s head guiding him on his hero’s journey. 
*  *  *
Her belief made Oliver believe and thus became a self fulfilling prophecy.
*  *  *
Should there have been more of Felicity and Olicity in “Emerald Archer”? Yes, absolutely. 
*  *  *
Arrow is going to fix Diggle in an extremely Arrow way. Anyone who has listened to Watchover with Jen & Calli knows this is what we said would happen. The writers are never going to dive deep like I do in these reviews. For one, they aren’t crazy and two it just ain’t the show fam. The Arrow way of fixing a problem is:

1. Pretending it never happened.
2. Slap a bow on it and call it fixed without doing any of the actual character development to earn the moment.
*  *  *
However, he says what has to be the most ridiculous line I have heard on this show in a loooong time.

“Oliver when you were in jail we had each other’s backs.”
*  *  *
I swear to God I screamed. And then I fell off the chair laughing because NONSENSE. 
*  *  *
Diggle abandoned Felicity and was upset when any of her attempts to free her husband interfered with his useless A.R.G.U.S. soldiering. His annoyance, admonishments, refusals of help and threats weren’t limited to Felicity. It also included anyone who helped Felicity like Rene, Bl*ck S*ren and Emiko. He also did bupkis to help free Oliver from prison. But okay, you had their backs John.
*  *  *
The scene felt like Oliver was apologizing to Diggle when really it should be the other way around. When did this become about Oliver’s mistakes and not John’s? Am I watching the right show? Let’s not forget in the midst of all this bromance healing the one who really needs an apology is Felicity.
*  *  *
He’s also annoyed Oliver has gainful employment with the police department while Rene “I Can’t Go Down That Road With You Hoss” Ramirez is left out in the vigilante cold. POOR BABY. Maybe if you hadn’t sold Oliver out to the feds the team could have stayed together.
*  *  *
Dinah cops an attitude as well (pun intended). Oliver is about to share deeply personal information with her and admits he’s had the information for some time. Dinah says it’s par for the course with him. ANY NEW SECRET BOYFRIENDS  DINAH? I do not know where the Newbies got the idea they were on the moral high ground, but this horrific writing keeps perpetuating that myth. For the love of God writers REWATCH SEASON 6.
*  *  *
We want the show to be about Oliver, Felicity and Diggle. They want the show to be about more than Oliver, Felicity and Diggle. And thus an immovable force meets an unstoppable object.
*  *  *
Why does no one ever remember the undertaking on this show? Moira Queen admitted to a long term plan, led by Malcolm Merlyn, to destroy the Glades. This plan was hatched while Oliver Queen was on the island. No wait BEFORE the island. There was a freaking trial! How the hell does this make the Undertaking Oliver’s fault Madame Mayor?

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For the love of God writers REWATCH SEASON 6.

I've been wishing this very thing lately.  I have this feeling if the show runners and writers sat down today and watched the recent seasons instead of relying on how they thought it came off when they wrote it, they'd realize why people like me are so very frustrated.  It seems obvious with this patchwork fix on Diggle they realize they had a problem (I'm not sure they really understand how deep the newbs problems is) but I can't help feel if they actually watched the episodes cumulatively back to back so they could more closely get the viewer's experience they'd get why glossing it over wasn't enough.  Why Diggle claiming a solidarity during Oliver's prison stay that was sorely lacking in past evidence felt like a bad joke.  I mean, they could have included even a small qualifier saying they made mistakes as well as a team and while Oliver was away and I would have been a very happy camper but revisionist statements should be called what they are.  Lies.  At best delusions.  How is that supposed to sit well with viewers?  

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1 minute ago, BkWurm1 said:

I've been wishing this very thing lately.  I have this feeling if the show runners and writers sat down today and watched the recent seasons instead of relying on how they thought it came off when they wrote it, they'd realize why people like me are so very frustrated.  It seems obvious with this patchwork fix on Diggle they realize they had a problem (I'm not sure they really understand how deep the newbs problems is) but I can't help feel if they actually watched the episodes cumulatively back to back so they could more closely get the viewer's experience they'd get why glossing it over wasn't enough.  Why Diggle claiming a solidarity during Oliver's prison stay that was sorely lacking in past evidence felt like a bad joke.  I mean, they could have included even a small qualifier saying they made mistakes as well as a team and while Oliver was away and I would have been a very happy camper but revisionist statements should be called what they are.  Lies.  At best delusions.  How is that supposed to sit well with viewers?  

This is exactly why I feel so disengaged from the show now. It feels like they’re trying gaslight me into thinking every terrible plotline I sat through in S6 was misunderstood or should be forgotten along with the lack of support shown to Felicity in early S7. 

I understand why they’re eager to put the awfulness of S6 behind them, but they could put a little more thought into fixing the characterisation and relationships they broke rather than glossing over it like nothing happened at all.

Not addressing any of the lingering S6 issues is annoying me far more than it probably should and it’s impacting how I view S7.

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The frustrating thing for me is that my bar is low. I don't need some big flashy take a bullet gesture. I just want some acknowledgement on the part of the newbies and Diggle. Just one 'we were awful to you a year ago, we really made some mistakes, thank you for all you've done.' and a little 'I didn't have your back, I'm sorry you were alone in this.' I don't even need some deep soul searching explanations. 

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And I’m sorry to say that the negative reviews hardly did the horrific “love letter” hour justice. It was bad. So bad. The idea of this documentary following Oliver Queen was a good idea. And for the first 15 minutes it felt solid. Until it didn’t. Until Arrow went and Arrowd it up.
*  *  *
It’s clear that even a new showrunner, who promised a focus on the foundation of Arrow, can’t save this series. If they want to do a show with just the newbies in masks, go ahead and make your spinoff. But stop having them masquerading around on a show that’s supposed to be about Oliver Queen and those closest to them.

I don’t want to watch a show where the core is a shell of its former self. I don’t want to watch a show that values newer characters that people hate over OG characters that people love. I don’t want to watch a submissive Oliver Queen being held back in every possible way by this show. I don’t want to watch a show that I dislike. And yet, here I am. And here I will continue to remain until A) Oliver, Felicity, and/or Diggle are gone or B) It ultimately becomes too much.
*  *  *
For the brief amount of time that she was in this episode (what a dick move, you know who you are) Felicity was the shining light in an otherwise horrific hour of television. As she always is. And despite the fact that she herself is a hero (who is never given her due because she doesn’t wear a damn costume), Felicity did what she always does: Reminds us that despite every attempt of this show to make Oliver or others out to be vigilantes, “call them what they are…heroes.” What a freaking hero that woman is!
*  *  *
So apparently this 150th episode of Arrow was supposed to be a “love letter” to the fans. First of all: Are you kidding me? Second of all: Are you f***ing kidding me? Though really this should come as no surprise as Arrow has used this “love letter” line before with the 100th episode. You remember: The episode that had to be shared with a crossover event and excluded important characters like Felicity. Oh and, shocker, Felicity was sidelined again for this 150th episode. For people that get paid money to do this job, they really don’t understand this show or these characters or fans at all, do they? Save your love letter bull. I don’t want it. If this were a love letter, I’d dump your ass so fast.
*  *  *
God, do not even get me started on the Newbies. My hatred for them grows with each passing episode as they appear to be cockroaches that just. Won’t. Die. Arrow ruined any chance of me liking these characters following last year’s storyline where these Newbs felt like they were on the same level as OTA and were acting selfish as hell. There’s no coming back from that. It certainly doesn’t help matters when you’re forcing Dinah, Curtis, and Rene on us constantly but we have to beg for Felicity and Diggle.
*  *  *
Where the hell is Oliver Queen? I mean the real Oliver Queen. The one that fights for what he believes in. The one that doesn’t comply. The one that, as a hero, puts himself on the line despite whatever “orders” come his way? Because ever since this prison storyline Oliver has become quite submissive like a dog following orders as he works for the SCPD. Now, if I trusted Arrow even a fraction I would recognize this as a moment for character growth. That he could rediscover himself by season’s end. But this is Arrow. And I don’t trust it.
*  *  *
I am so over this stupid Anti-Vigilante Law. It’s overstayed its welcome. Arrow has an opportunity to waive this stupid law after our “heroes” united and saved the city proving that “vigilantes” are worth it because they protect our city. Instead, this show held up the stupid law and did something else quite dumb: Gave all of our “heroes” badges. What, now everyone gets a badge and gets to play cop? Just stop. Give us what we really want: Costumed heroes working separate from law enforcement the way superhero shows should be done.

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Does Med Need New Loves, Stat? Did Criminal Minds Dis Prentiss? Big Bang Cereal Captivates? And More TV Qs!
By Vlada Gelman, Matt Webb Mitovich, Michael Ausiello, Kimberly Roots, Andy Swift, Dave Nemetz, Rebecca Iannucci, Ryan Schwartz and Charlie Mason / February 8 2019


3 | Arrow viewers, did you suddenly feel like you were watching a ‘tween Disney show during this week’s William/Zoe scene? Also, documentary interviewee Barry is a surprisingly terrible liar for a secret-keeping superhero, isn’t he?

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One Of Us: Josh Segarra On Bonding With Stephen Amell Over Wrestling, Working With The Miz, All In
By Scott Fishman  | February 08, 2019


We know about Stephen Amell pro wrestling fandom. Did you bond on set knowing you're both big fans?
I got to set, and Steve was sitting in his chair. I'll remember this forever in between scenes. I'm walking through. I think I'm about to start work. And I'm thinking, "Many, that's the Green Arrow! I don't want to bother him." He was sitting there. What do you think I did? I walk up to him and said, "Yo, what's up Stephen. I'm Josh. It's good to meet you. Let me tell you…"

I was in Brooklyn for his match before we even knew each other. I happen to be in town. I get there Sunday morning and tell my wife, "Babe, it's 'SummerSlam.' I got to go." I buy myself a ticket, and I see Steve wrestle that night. He killed it. I have so much respect for him, so that's the first thing I said to him. I said, "Look man. Respect brother." He killed it. We got to rapping and have been buddies ever since. Getting to come out with him at All In was a huge night for me, for us. I was really proud of him, and he let me be a part of it. That was incredible.

The energy in that arena for "All In." You could feel it even watching at home, but I can't imagine walking down the aisle in a packed arena like that.
Man. Honestly, that whole night I might have said 25 words because I would just want to take as much of that night in as I could. To get to hang with Christopher Daniels. I was just taking it all in and get to see these guys prepare on their night. That was an honor. Cody was incredible that night. Just really welcoming with open arms. We were all fans that night. It was awesome.
*  *  *
What's the next show you're going to? Are you going to WrestleMania?
Anything that comes my way. Right now, I'm in Los Angeles for work. I'm here for the Spring, then we get to go to New York for a little bit. So whatever show gets to line up and I'm popping over. I'll be going to Barclays or the Garden. Anywhere. When I was in Chicago for work, I went to a couple of shows around the city. I love going. I love a good televised show, but there is nothing like a house show. The energy is crazy. You feel like a kid. The guys are out there having fun. It's awesome.

Where can people see you next?
I'm doing a show called "The Other Two" on Comedy Central. It has been so much fun to work on. I think it's really fun. You have really smart people writing it. It's really fun and will make you feel good. Then I'm working on a show called "AJ and the Queen" that comes out in the fall on Netflix. I hope people check that out when it gets here, I think that will be really cool. It has been an incredible experience. It stars RuPaul, who has been awesome. It's going to be a real fun ride for everybody. 

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Let's Talk # 56 - Juliana Harkavy, canary's voice
Maria Lima   Feb. 9, 2019


In the summer of 2018 I was present at the Heroes & Villains convention where there were huge guests from several TV series that we love to see on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I had the pleasure of sitting down with actress Juliana Harkavy to talk about her role in the Arrow series where she plays Dinah Drake, the new Black Canary. Although I was suffering with headaches the actress did not want to delay our interview and when she entered the room she asked me a lot of apologies for the delay but I was prepared for the questions!
*  *  *
In this new season, how do you see the dynamics between the group?
I believe the team is, above all, a family. And just as in a family they will have ups and downs, there will be separation but they always come back together. In the end they have each other. There are not so many vigilantes and they like and respect each other. Together they will find a way.

We love seeing you as the Black Canary but also as a detective. Would you like to explore this side more?
Yes, I would! It's a very cool side of Dinah because it shows her duality and how she portrays herself as boss in the police force as well as watchful, and I like that duality in her personality. Something tells me that this season we'll see more of her cop side (laughs)

Other actresses took on this role when it came to your hands how was your reaction? You thought, "Okay, this has been done before. What can I bring back to this character? "
This is interesting because I wanted to do justice to what had already been done but also justice to the comics and find, in a way, a balance where it also does not belong to any of these categories, a kind of dance around it all. I saw Katie (Cassidy) and her version of the Black Canary, I read the comic book and thought it best to leave all this and make my own version but with awareness of what had already been done without imitating. Am I making sense? (laughs)

How do you feel about Dinah's progress toward being the Black Canary?
I think she is growing more and more into becoming the Black Canary and every season she is closer to becoming that heroine. It was not easy for her but it is something she can always return to, the fight for justice. When she goes on missions alone this is her bonus, the best version of herself. She is going to be stronger as Black Canary. One of the things that happened naturally with this character is that she does not let anyone rule her. That's why there is a confrontation between her and Oliver, to see who the boss is! (laughs)
*  *  *
This series has fantastic action scenes and this requires some physical preparation. How does this cast train and deal with these physical demands?
(laughs) Actually we motivate each other. We trained together because we only have one coach in the series and we all work with him. Sometimes there are even small competitions between us. When I started, I thought, "Oh my, this is a lot of training!" But they all helped. There are those who are more intense in training. Emily (Rickards) is undoubtedly the most dedicated person in physical training, she is incredible and inspiring!
*  *  *
After you've made so many episodes already, is there one that has marked you the most?
The episode when Dinah wins the powers for the first time, this episode is very special. But there is also the episode where it appears with the fact for the first time! I think these two are undoubtedly the most remarkable memories, perhaps because I felt it to be something real.

One of the things that intrigues me is the difference between someone who chooses to be a vigilante, trains or builds technology, and someone who simply has powers without any choice. When you took this role, did you think of this situation and how could it affect Dinah?
Wow this ... I never thought of this situation. But it would have changed my way of seeing this character. If you choose to have skills then you made that choice but if having skills was not a choice then I think you have an obligation to use those skills to do something good and I think that's how Dinah sees things. She feels obliged to use her powers because they are part of it and will not disappear. That was a very interesting question!

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DC TV Watch: 'Arrow' Hits 150 Episodes With Clever Twist
FEBRUARY 09, 2019 8:15am PT by Sydney Bucksbaum


What it means: Despite the Legends saving Star City's future in that early season one episode, Diggle's (David Ramsey) son still found his way to the Team Arrow bunker in a different kind of dystopian future. While it's not known yet if Connor has taken up the Green Arrow mantle in this timeline, it's clear that he and Mia are working together to do ... something. Mia's thoughts on vigilantes "getting what they deserved" is clear, but does Connor agree with her? What happened to his father? This is the only glimpse of the future fans got in this week's episode, but the implications are huge. Mia and Connor wanted to find the bunker for a reason, and the documentary gave them all the clues they needed to locate it. But now that they're inside, are they going to use it to help reunite Team Arrow in the future, or get revenge on all the remaining vigilantes for "destroying" Star City? No matter the outcome, using the documentary to further the future storyline intrigue was a clever call, as it gives real creative weight to the structural twist. Plus, aligning Mia and Connor, two characters with rich comic book histories, is a nice payoff for long-running stories woven throughout the entire series. 
*  *  *
And behind the scenes while the documentary cameras weren't rolling, William (Jack Moore) came home from boarding school with a chip on his shoulder and a secret. He resented his family for "abandoning" him at school over the holidays whereas Oliver and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) simply thought they were protecting him from Diaz (Kirk Acevedo). His trouble at school on the surface appears to be from his anger, but could this perhaps be from his struggle with his sexual identity? Fans know that the adult William is an out gay man, but this younger version has not come out yet (or may not even know/understand his own feelings yet). This is the perfect opportunity for Arrow to further LGBTQ representation in the comic book genre by telling his coming out story in a responsible way, if that is the reason behind his issues with his boarding school performance.

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Arrow - Emerald Archer - Review
Posted by Lisa Macklem at February 10, 2019


William (Jack Moore) seems to show up unexpectedly from school – funny how I was just wondering why the poor kid was still in limbo. Not only has he grown out of Oliver (Stephen Amell) calling him kiddo, he’s also grown into a total dick. He’s sulky teen – and I’m done with him already.

Back to the documentary – I loved Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) objecting to the term “vigilante” and suggesting that everyone just call them heroes. Even better is the interview with Diggle (David Ramsey) from 2012 in which he denies Oliver having anything to do with Adam Hunt – and then in the present we end up at Adam Hunt’s building.

I did not like Oliver talking about not being leader material. Oliver and the SCPD go after a vigilante and find Rene (Rick Gonzalez) shot and Emiko (Sea Shimooka) taken. I loved Oliver objecting to Rene calling her NGA. Rene definitely wasn’t wrong to call Dinah on not giving badges to anyone else – and of course they all get them by the end of the episode. The Mayor (Laara Sadiq) is not happy about the turn of events and calls a townhall about vigilantes, initially to try to get Oliver to quit.

William has a tantrum about the virus on his tablet – and is unforgivably rude to Felicity. Emily Bett Rickards is excellent in both her scenes with William.
*  *  *
Oliver takes the documentary team back to the ruined Lair. He tells them that they are going to rebuild and make it better. And it’s this footage that acts as a transition to the future where Maya (Katherine McNamara) is watching it. She calls it pro-vigilante garbage but says it will be useful. She’s figured out where the lair is and takes Connor Hawke (Joseph David-Jones) – yet another Green Arrow – with her. Maya tells us that vigilantes were the death of Star City and got exactly what they deserved. This last scene felt desperately tacked on to the rest of the episode – likely written by Schwartz to try to give more relevance to the floundering future storyline. Unfortunately, this little taste of the past seasons of Arrow really just helped to underscore what’s lacking in it currently.

I wish the episode had ended on a better note. Yes, Team Arrow may have been at least somewhat saved and we may finally be getting back to the lair but it’s taken too long to get here. Harkavy will never take Blackthorne’s place. And neither Shimooka nor McNamara will take Willa Holland or Caity Lotz’s. As a 150th episode, there was a lot to love in this episode, but even though we also learned that the show’s been renewed for an 8th season, I’m not sure that I’m going to be sticking around to see it. What did you think of the episode? Are you happy about season 8? Would you like to see a return to previous seasons or a continuation to this incredibly bleak future where Oliver and Felicity are clearly dead? ...

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This is pure speculation (and wishful thinking) - for example, KM said in an interview that she was the one who chose Scotch as Blackstar's drink and that her drink was originally supposed to be vodka or beer...

‘Arrow’: Here’s all the evidence that Blackstar is Olicity’s kid in the future
 Lynsey Neill    February 9, 2019


When Blackstar is first introduced, they, as coyly as possible, made a point of saying that scotch was Oliver’s drink. As well as Blackstar’s. Listen, we all know Arrow‘s love language is a good old fashioned parallel. Coincidence? I think not!
*  *  *
Guys, it’s a Queen Bee tattoo. Need I say more? Okay, I got more. The bee is in a constellation, and it’s called the Musca Constellation. And a star in that constellation is called “Myia” as in Mia/Maya.
*  *  *
Fighting style
Her fighting style is much like Oliver Queen, is it not? Like I said before, parallels are Arrow‘s love language. William inherits Felicity’s skills while Mia inherits Oliver’s.
*  *  *
This is a minor detail, but the transition of Blackstar looking at Oliver in the documentary seemed intentional. Like a daughter looking at her father… disapprovingly.
*  *  *
Ms. Mia Queen could not like vigilantes because they took her parents from her. Just a thought.
*  *  *
Arrow Next Generation
They are bringing in all kids but all grown up now. Grown up William, grown up Zoe, and grown up JJ. All we need is an Olicity bundle of joy and all will be complete.
*  *  *
What a beautiful family
I want William to have a half-sister just like Oliver so the lovely family parallels would continue. Just give it to me, okay?

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

This is pure speculation (and wishful thinking) - for example, KM said in an interview that she was the one who chose Scotch as Blackstar's drink and that her drink was originally supposed to be vodka or beer...

‘Arrow’: Here’s all the evidence that Blackstar is Olicity’s kid in the future
 Lynsey Neill    February 9, 2019

Man I do not want a Slade/Kane Parallel with Olicity/Mia at all. But this shows recent shitting on Olicity has me worried 

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15 hours ago, tv echo said:

This is pure speculation (and wishful thinking) - for example, KM said in an interview that she was the one who chose Scotch as Blackstar's drink and that her drink was originally supposed to be vodka or beer...

‘Arrow’: Here’s all the evidence that Blackstar is Olicity’s kid in the future
 Lynsey Neill    February 9, 2019

Hey do you recall which interview KM had mentioned she’d been the one to change the drink to scotch?  I mentioned it to BuffyAngel and she hadn’t seen it.  I wanted to share the link.  She’s still under the mindset such a line could be part of Beth’ trying to keep secrets and she could possibly be right.  So hard to know. 

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4 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Hey do you recall which interview KM had mentioned she’d been the one to change the drink to scotch?  I mentioned it to BuffyAngel and she hadn’t seen it.  I wanted to share the link.  She’s still under the mindset such a line could be part of Beth’ trying to keep secrets and she could possibly be right.  So hard to know. 

Go back through the spoiler thread. I remember it was posted there. 

I know Jbuffy is hinging a lot on the scotch as being the smoking gun so I too wondered if she'd read the interview where KM said she chose scotch. 

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8 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Hey do you recall which interview KM had mentioned she’d been the one to change the drink to scotch?  I mentioned it to BuffyAngel and she hadn’t seen it.  I wanted to share the link.  She’s still under the mindset such a line could be part of Beth’ trying to keep secrets and she could possibly be right.  So hard to know. 

Exclusive Interview: Talking Zombies, Boxing, and Shadowhunters with Kat McNamara
Jan 4, 2019 | Posted by Brie B. 


What would be your drink order at the Hunter’s Moon?
I think werewolves would have really good taste in scotch, and I’m a scotch girl myself, so I would take the most hair-raising scotch that they have on their shelf.

That sounds like a drink that Maya, your character on Arrow, would drink.
Yes, and that’s actually a choice I made. In [Maya’s] first episode you see her finishing a drink and they initially wanted it to be vodka or beer or something like that. And I said, ‘No, no, no…my drink is scotch neat; that’s gotta be it.’ She’s a fighter, she’s a survivor, she’s not one to shy away from anything.

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Arrow, a show about vigilante justice, used its 150th episode to argue that vigilantes are bad
By Alex Abad-Santosalex@vox.com  Feb 10, 2019, 1:00pm EST


The gimmick is a little silly and half-hearted at times, since it turns the documentarians into a joke (there’s a twist later in the episode that sort of explains the existence of the tape, but it doesn’t logically explain why the documentary was made other than to set up that twist). Coupled with the villain, Chimera, being a convenient vigilante hunter it becomes somewhat heavy-handed. But it does try to, in its own way, present several philosophies of vigilantes, heroes, and authoritarianism, and to offer an overarching view of how superhero comic books, movies, and television shows reckon with those ideas.
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Iron Man, Batman, Captain America, Wonder Woman — they’re stronger, smarter, faster, and better than the rest of us, and that’s a huge part of why people trust them. They’re also, for the most part, good people. Superheroes show how easy it can be to trust an authoritarian who you like and whose morals you agree with.

An essential part of why authoritarianism works in superhero stories (and why it’s less appealing in real life) is what Arrow wrestles with in “Emerald Archer”: the idea that law enforcement can’t always protect the people it’s supposed to protect. So Oliver Queen’s vigilantism works in a superhero fantasy setting like Star City, because of the heightened chaos and violence that exists there.
*  *  *
Throughout the episode, various characters pop up and talk about the pros and cons of vigilantism and vigilantes. (An aside: watching this episode and hearing its over-reliance on the word “vigilante” prompted me to research synonyms for the term, and I found there’s no great synonym for it — so I can’t blame the writers too much for its overuse.)

Those aligned with law enforcement say that Queen and his cohort are breaking the law, while people who Queen and his gang have have praise to spare.

The documentary seems to suggest that vigilantes shouldn’t be trusted blindly. And perhaps reflexively, it also hints that Arrow’s writers’ room is thinking about big picture philosophical ideas surrounding heroism.

But the “documentary” is shot in a way that’s purposely bad (there are fourth-wall-breaking jokes about editing, jokes about cutting certain parts, camera operators who are always late to shots, and so on), so it also feels like Arrow is purposely encouraging you to take whatever it has to say about vigilantism facetiously.
*  *  *
“Vigilantes were the death of Star City,” says Mia. “And they got exactly what they deserved.”

That sounds like another vote against vigilantism. But as Arrow moves forward from this milestone, it seems like there may still be some time for Mia to have a change of heart.

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In anticipation of Valentine's Day...

What to read based on your favorite TV ‘ships
February 11, 2019


Felicity and Oliver (aka: Olicity): Arrow
About the ‘ship
From the moment Felicity and Oliver were first on screen together, I shipped them. Because honestly, who DOESN’T want to see a super-smart, glasses-wearing, somewhat nerdy girl end up with the super-hot, abs-flashing hero? If you don’t, then you probably don’t want to read anymore of this post, because I REALLY don’t understand you, and you most likely won’t want to hear what I have to say. 

What to read
10 plain-Jane-gets-her-sexy-stud romances that give normal women hope
The top 12 opposites attract romances you’ll EVER find
Top 12 STEM romance heroines who prove that smart is sexy

Edited by tv echo
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Oof, this isn't good. A big reason the CW keeps shows around that don't have great ratings is because they do so well with their Netflix deal. Of course, they might still grant Netflix international rights -- but this might shake things up a lot.

Friends, CW Shows Likely to Exit Netflix for Warner's New Streaming Service


Along with those hit sitcoms, the WarnerMedia streaming service — which still doesn’t have a name or a price point, but is set to launch in beta form by the end of the year — has its eye on CW shows like The Flash, Arrow and Riverdale that currently make Netflix their streaming home. The CW’s output deal with Netflix expires this spring, Reilly points out, and “we’re very interested in putting that on our platform.”

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I get wanting to cut out the middle man to deliver your own content to consumers, but everyone and their mother starting up individual streaming sites is a long-term terrible idea IMO. At this point you have to have a cable subscription to watch online for most channels, then if you want to get content you used to get on Netflix you'll have to pay $10 a month for however many channels that content is on now, and if anyone's interested in Netflix's original stuff they'll have to keep paying for that too. Making it easy and affordable for people to access made them less likely to pirate it.

Anyway, good luck WB.

Edited by apinknightmare
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1 hour ago, Trisha said:

Oof, this isn't good. A big reason the CW keeps shows around that don't have great ratings is because they do so well with their Netflix deal. Of course, they might still grant Netflix international rights -- but this might shake things up a lot.

Friends, CW Shows Likely to Exit Netflix for Warner's New Streaming Service

Didn't they just get the rights to all the CW shows less than 2 years ago? I thought they would have signed a longer deal than that.

And ughhhh, Netflix just raised prices to keep Friends (dumb, IMO) - and now they're losing that too?

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At this point I'm waiting for some internet service to negotiate a streaming bundle and basically replicate the Cable/Sat experience on line.  Already we have Hulu, Amazon, Netflix, CBS, WB, Disney.  I'm probably missing some and that's on top of the networks and cable stations.  It's too much.   

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5 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Ugh I worry Mia is their kid and doesnt know she is cause these Writers are gonna make Olicity look like shitty Parents or cause they thought she was dead or something. What if Oliver  and Felicity was told Mia was dead but she was taken by some POS

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