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50 minutes ago, arjumand said:

I think the author had added some note (or maybe it was another fic) that they started it before Donna had appeared on the show, so they apologised for her being OOC. Yeah, still don't like it.

I went down a strange AO3 rabbit hole the other day - I was on Macha's tumblr and she was chastising someone for giving an author a hard time for having written Dinah / Oliver (AND SO IT BEGINS). Even though I post on tumblr, I still just can't with the confusing structure, so I went to look for it on AO3, more in the sense of slowing down to look at the trainwreck sort of way.

I remember seeing an AO3 fic that "explored" Oliver/Dinah and how that would lead back to Olicity. I skipped it because I'm not the least bit interested plus for me there's no way back after Oliver/Dinah or Oliver/Laurel at this point.  I went looking for it to get you a link but now I can't find it.

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ITA, there's no way back to Oliver/Felicity after Oliver/Dinah.  Oliver sleeping with Dinah at this point, especially in front of Felicity, would just show he doesn't really care about Felicity.

3 hours ago, arjumand said:

her main character development is kickstarted by being gang-raped by Fyers' mercenaries (I'm not spoiling anything - that happens before the fic starts, and is mentioned in the tags. I'm only spoiling for SPaG errors in the later chapters).

See what you're making me do, show? See? I can barely read Olicity anymore, because if it's bad, it's awful, and if it's good, I compare it to the show and get pissed off! And writing? I'm writing Criminal Minds fanfic now! Criminal Minds.

I'm pretty sure that your Criminal Minds fanfic is better than how the show itself is written.  Their psychobabble is more than Neptunian, it's Plutonian.

IMO anyone thinks that being gang-raped is a kickstarter for character development has no concept of what it really means to be gang-raped.

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7 hours ago, arjumand said:

I think the author had added some note (or maybe it was another fic) that they started it before Donna had appeared on the show, so they apologised for her being OOC. Yeah, still don't like it.

This is purely and solely on me. I have a hard time with it even in fics written during and set in S2 when all the fic writers had to work on from the show was, 'my mother... is my mother'. I don't put that part on them. There's not much logical explanation for it from my end, it's just a gut reaction. It's not even that I'm so married to Donna's characterisation, I guess it's more how I perceive Felicity's character was shaped through their interactions.

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7 hours ago, theOAfc said:

I dont know if anyone suggested it before  but i love an olicity fanfic called Body Check .

"A former child model turned global pop sensation Felicity Smoak has done well in keeping her humble beginnings - and herself, a mystery to the public. However, a melancholy look at the past's inescapability and its weight on the present brings the almost hopeless artist to find an unlikely ally in her exceptionally stoical bodyguard, Oliver Queen."


I've been reading this one. I like it. It's actually one of the only fanfics I keep up with at the moment. I can't with the other Olicity fanfics, they are just too painful... even if they are completely AU, it gets too reminiscent of what Arrow destroyed. I could take O/F not being together this season, but how distant they are writing them is painful to me.

But back to the fic, the consensus from this board about this fic I think was that the characters were too far AU & OOC. As someone who has read all 12 chapters, I will agree that there is very little resemblance between OQ and FS in the show and in the fic. I do think the main thing they share is the names only. That being said, I really do like the fic and think the character development is good. I think the writing is decent. However, it exists almost completely out of the Arrow and Olicity fan fic realm for me.

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8 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I remember seeing an AO3 fic that "explored" Oliver/Dinah and how that would lead back to Olicity. I skipped it because I'm not the least bit interested plus for me there's no way back after Oliver/Dinah or Oliver/Laurel at this point.  I went looking for it to get you a link but now I can't find it.

That's what it was about? Oh dear. I agree with you totally. Especially the way Dinah is being characterized on the show, as stereotypical STRONG WOMAN WITH DAMAGE. They'd better not be going there, is all I can say.

Thanks for looking! I lost interest too, as much as I'm losing interest in the show. Haven't even watched 513. Don't know if I'll bother.

6 hours ago, statsgirl said:

ITA, there's no way back to Oliver/Felicity after Oliver/Dinah.  Oliver sleeping with Dinah at this point, especially in front of Felicity, would just show he doesn't really care about Felicity.

I'm pretty sure that your Criminal Minds fanfic is better than how the show itself is written.  Their psychobabble is more than Neptunian, it's Plutonian.

IMO anyone thinks that being gang-raped is a kickstarter for character development has no concept of what it really means to be gang-raped.

Re. Oliver and Dinah - it's bad enough that he's stubbornly sleeping with a reporter, while he's the Mayor (facepalm) and has a massive secret which could, as Lance put it, get him 25 to life (double facepalm). That's even if we ignore the way they behaved at the Christmas (emphasis theirs) party, which I still haven't forgiven: Susan looking at Felicity like the latter just crawled out from under a rock, and Oliver treating her like an old acquaintance he can barely remember. Oliver / Dinah would be the last straw - I'm still curious about it in fic, but not enough to look for it anymore.

Lol Criminal Minds. Oh, that show. The fandom is even better - 90% stories of how Spencer Reid is the awesomest awesome who ever awesomed. A large percentage of those are Spencer Reid / Reader. Oh yes. So when I came along with my Garcia/Alvez, I was met with a resounding silence. Though it's getting a bit of traction now.

Re. rape as character development: I know. It's well written, but how I wish they hadn't gone there with the character.

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34 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

I also like the Locksley verse but the chapter on Robbie is the best including the use of the GIFs!

Yeah that was way too cute. I'm torn on which introduction is my favorite.  I'm leaning towards Roy. I kind of want her to do a Locksley meets Susan chapter similar to the Billy chapter. ?

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^^^Well I might be prejudiced because I read it right after looking at my brand new nephew and my SIL is scared spitless her dog will hurt him. She even sent him to a 2 week doggie camp to learn to behave around a baby! I have no words for that!

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On 2/18/2017 at 5:57 PM, arjumand said:

I didn't find it, but I did find a strange Slade Wilson never loses his mind and gets together with Lillian Worth (a character from the comics) fic, in which Oliver is more of a minor character. It was pretty good, I guess?

There's a Felicity/Slade fic from ages ago that's just flat-out funny. Basically Slade's not all that bad, he starts hallucinating Felicity talking to him instead of Shado and kind of goes sane. Felicity and Slade end up together, which I totally get is not everyone's bag, but it's pretty darn funny.

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16 hours ago, LeighAn said:

I really liked this one shot, even though I would hate the show with a fire of a thousand suns if they tried to do a similar storyline haha,


I've just finished reading this. Loved it (especially because Oliver still in love with Felicity feels like the real Oliver to me). I actually wouldn't mind if they did something similar on the show. But I wouldn't want Felicity


to be missing for three years! No way. That was far too long. 

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5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Spoiler for tonight's ep under the cut:

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Am I nutbars here or was there not a fic that was posted recently where Felicity plants plagiarized stories on Susan's computer and gets her fired?

You're not crazy. I think I read that on Ao3. Or maybe Tumblr. 

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I know, it's a trifecta! A February miracle. :)

The Darkest Hour is really pedal to the metal. I got a little sad when I saw the note that it's nearing the end, even though it's only logical.

And Deceive is swoony mixed with come on, man up, and ending on gasp.

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I didn't know that about Deceive. Sad, but also right much like with The Darkest Hour. When did Macha say it's only two more chapters? I don't mind, because then it will be finished fics which I can go back and re-read from start to finish. It's not like I haven't already read the last chapter twice or anything like that. :) However, I'm not betting against a Deceive sequel of some sort, because Macha did start wondering a while back how the change in Oliver and Felicity's relationship would affect other S2 plot points.

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I did not even pay attention to the chapter count. I mean, she did just introduce a pretty big twist at the end of chapter 12, so I was expecting at least an epilogue on top of the two chapters.


Maybe they manage to discredit Isabel relatively quickly and then Slade comes after the fic concludes.

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Anyone got some Felicity centric, non Olicity fic recs? I haven't really ventured out of reading anything that's not Olicity, but I am so repulsed by canon Olicer atm that I might dip my toes in Felicity with someone else.

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I kind of hated what they did at the end there... 


What with Felicity going to the other earth to be with the other Oliver instead of staying in her own earth and fixing what she has with HER Oliver. I really hated that last chapter *sigh*

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12 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I kind of hated what they did at the end there... 

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What with Felicity going to the other earth to be with the other Oliver instead of staying in her own earth and fixing what she has with HER Oliver. I really hated that last chapter *sigh*


I thought her Oliver is a douche though and I think there is too much unpleasant history there. I think they are both better off with a fresh start. 

Interesting to get your take on it though! I'm very pro other direction (if that's indeed what they intend to do)

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I guess that's the issue I had. It was just so easy.


Oliver is just full of self loathing and she fell in love with her Oliver. I simply can't believe she'd abandon him like that. Idk I guess I ddin't like that the writers would take the easy way out. I was hoping Felicity would fight for her Oliver and Oliver from E2 would fight for Felicity from his earth... 

I feel like that ending would've been way more satisfying for me. But yeah...


But because the Oliver I fell for in the show is so much like the E1 Oliver, I just couldn't stand that he's likely going to be miserable and incomplete for the rest of his life after everything he's been through. And I feel like it'd be even more unbelievable if he got together with E2 Felicity...

YMMV though

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Hey I'm looking for a fic I read a while back about how Oliver is a ghost/angel/something and he sees Felicity every Halloween(I think its Halloween) every year on the same day as she growing up.   Then when she is an adult they fall in love....I don't remember it all, but I remember he becomes human in the end.

Anyone remember this?

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7 hours ago, LeighAn said:

In the homeless Oliver fic who called the twist in the last chapter? Cause I did. 

Did I miss a chapter? Last I remember Dig knew who Oliver was, but I don't remember any twists. 

I love that fic. 

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13 hours ago, wonderwall said:

I guess that's the issue I had. It was just so easy.

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Oliver is just full of self loathing and she fell in love with her Oliver. I simply can't believe she'd abandon him like that. Idk I guess I ddin't like that the writers would take the easy way out. I was hoping Felicity would fight for her Oliver and Oliver from E2 would fight for Felicity from his earth... 

I feel like that ending would've been way more satisfying for me. But yeah...

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But because the Oliver I fell for in the show is so much like the E1 Oliver, I just couldn't stand that he's likely going to be miserable and incomplete for the rest of his life after everything he's been through. And I feel like it'd be even more unbelievable if he got together with E2 Felicity...

YMMV though

It's not easy yet though.


Arrow Oliver never loved his Felicity or noticed her enough, much like TV Oliver this season.  For that reason, it feels like her feelings for him are still more of  crush than real love.  She deserves someone who loves her because she's worth loving, not who only notices her when he feels territorial.  Felicity Kuttler seems much more like Sara or Laurel who Arrow Oliver does love in this fic.  She's got the toughness and sass that the first Felicity doesn't have and she may be the one to light a fire under him.

That's why I really liked the twist, it felt right.

Edited by statsgirl
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7 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

Did I miss a chapter? Last I remember Dig knew who Oliver was, but I don't remember any twists. 

I love that fic. 

I meant the twist about:



That Oliver or his family are still wealthy or at least Diggle implied they were still wealthy. It was a niggling feeling I had in the back of my mind that it would turn out Oliver was still rich but had been forced into this position somehow, either that or it would turn out Ray was responsible for Oliver and his family losing their fortune if he wasn't rich. 

I love that fic too. It's the only Olicity fic where I genuinely well up sometimes on chapters the writing and the characterisation is just that good.

I choose to believe that on earth 2 this is Oliver and Felucitys storyline and that earth Star City only think Oliver died in the gambit.

Edited by LeighAn
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