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Clock Tower Theater: Fanfic, Fan Music Videos and Art

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Star City has to have a morning talk show of some sort, doesn't it? Alex would be smart to book Oliver a guest spot and have him cook on TV.

Ha!  Good Wife has Peter Florick running for President and his campaign manager scheduled his wife and her mother on a cooking show. Neither really could cook and don't get along well.  I want the Smoak version of that now.  :)

This story is a really quick read and such a fun concept: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5224238/chapters/12046493

Yeah, I read that one.  I liked it but be warned, there's some tense problem in the wording (worse in the first chapter) but it's cute enough to power through. 

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Yeah, I read that one.  I liked it but be warned, there's some tense problem in the wording (worse in the first chapter) but it's cute enough to power through.

Loved your phrasing of "power[ing] through"! (Chuckle) There were definitely some language issues, but I mostly ignored those and enjoyed the lists. I normally abandon a story when I encounter language issues within the first paragraph, especially if they're indicative of a pattern and not a typo.

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I know it wasn't that old but a lot of people were wanting Donna and Lance since Paul was very vocal last year. There are a lot if post in this thread and I only see if it's directly posted. So I wasn't sure if it was old to the thread.

Can't be that old, it has season 3 characters, and Speedy in custom. plus Lance is standing next to Mama Smoak.

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The Canary is supposed to be SL's version I assume with the 3/4 sleeves and proper gloves with covered fingers... so maybe Fyers or Ivo if we're going throwback? Although not sure why you would have him now. Or perhaps he is supposed to be a beardless Conklin. An eyepatch would have made him Slade-esque. Perhaps they were just going generic bad guy.

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KylieCole ‏@kyliecolephoto  33m33 minutes ago

@tarotx @ARROWwriters hey! He is the little brother of the two girls and wanted in, he wanted to be Cptn Lance but looks more like Darhk!

Well that makes sense! Thanks for asking :) Although I think if they had put a tie on him it would have sold it. That shirt looks like something from the Island.

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KylieCole ‏@kyliecolephoto  33m33 minutes ago

@tarotx @ARROWwriters hey! He is the little brother of the two girls and wanted in, he wanted to be Cptn Lance but looks more like Darhk!

I was thinking he might be Captain Lance.  Maybe a badge would have made it more clear.  Such a great shot though.  I loved the intense expression on everyone's face.  They all look equally happy and proud to be there. 

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In an effort towards world-class procrastination, I am re-reading my bookmarked fic at AO3.  One road trip of love fic I really liked was "Driving" by Anzoona.  It had a great Felicity voice, some beautiful details, a fun Donna Smoak, and an explanation of why, exactly, Felicity made a "Wizard of Oz" reference to Roy in his exit.  What I really satisfying when I read it during the hiatus was it gave resolution to a lot of the emotional issues that were left open in the season and which I assumed, after tone-deaf season three, were going to be swept under the rug.  There are so many great character and setting details in this piece--I particularly like Oliver's description of how he learned to fly, Felicity's friend Akbar, and her spreadsheet. 



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Thanks for the rec, thegirlsleuth. It's really good and I appreciate the balance. There's both issues and happiness, but it never veers into either dreary or schmoopy. The Roy chapter is the best chapter. I'm convinced that Roy and Felicity used to have movie nights as is (maybe they still do it long distance and they comment via phone), but it's the Queens that got me there, their baseball geek out and the Queen Munchie Mix. Those things sound so believable and compliant with the characters. Plus, there's Thea so happy for Oliver being happy.

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Drama and angst are not the enemy of any show or story but stupid, manufactured, OOC, "could be solved with one calm conversation", contrived drama is the worst because not only does it kill affection for the characters - which is where viewer loyalty springs, but makes it impossible to continue to suspend disbelief.  The strings are too obvious and it makes me feel like they think I'm stupid and wouldn't notice.       

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This piece by jbuffyangel is hilarious! If you can't change the stupid baby mama plot, it really helps to laugh about it!


"Inside The Writers’ Room: A little ficlet (if you can call it that)"



"[...] many are saying there’s a thousand different ways they could have written this. Less crappy ways. Really? What are they? No seriously. I’m asking. I’m not being a smart ass. Because I thunked my thoughts pretty hard before I wrote that meta and I couldn’t come up with any storylines that were less crappy or less bullshit than the one we saw in 4x08.

Here are the parameters:

The wedding CAN’T happen until the 100th episode, which means Oliver and Felicity CAN’T get married at the end of Season 4. Which means STALL.

Stall options

1. Throw drama at them that they weather, but ultimately stalls the engagement

2. Break them up

Option 1 - I couldn’t come up with anything that would stall the wedding for another TWENTY TWO episodes that wasn’t as stupid as Oliver lying. Also, I kept running into “Well they weathered that challenge. How come they aren’t getting married?” I could only come up with “because” and Stephen and Emily can act a lot of things but they can’t act “because.”

Option 2 - Break up. This would effectively stall things long enough to give the time needed to get Berlanti and company to the 100th episode. Now the question is… WHAT BREAKS THEM UP?

Listen, Felicity is seriously the most forgiving person in the world. And Oliver screws up A LOT. What hasn’t he done? So I imagined the conversation in the writers’ room and I came up with… a thing. Honestly, this is how my brain works. Hopefully you find it humorous, but it’s more likely you’ll realize how weird I am. Which I’m okay with. Enjoy! [...]"


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The love scene without background music just broke 10 million views. I'm curious now how it went from getting 6.8 million plays over 6 months to suddenly getting 3+ million in ONE month.

Edited by lemotomato
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The love scene without background music just broke 10 million views. I'm curious now how it went from getting 6.8 million plays over 6 months to suddenly getting 3+ million in ONE month.


It's getting cold outside. People with dirty minds are staying indoors and need something to occupy their time! ;)

Edited by apinknightmare
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The love scene without background music just broke 10 million views. I'm curious now how it went from getting 6.8 million plays over 6 months to suddenly getting 3+ million in ONE month.


LMAO. But...but no one likes Olicity?!


I know the one without background music was circling twitter a couple of weeks ago. I wonder if some people didn't know it existed, hence more views?

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The love scene without background music just broke 10 million views. I'm curious now how it went from getting 6.8 million plays over 6 months to suddenly getting 3+ million in ONE month.


Maybe it's due to peple expecting more of this with Oliver and Felicity being together?

Or this:


Um, that was all me.

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I haven't been reading much fic, as I'm trying to finish a story and I don't want to be influenced, but last week's episode broke me (in the not-good way), and so I needed to escape into fanfic.


This is a very good (and sad) post 308 fic, called Some Love was made for the Lights.


On a lighter note, here's a complete AU, with intern Felicity gettin' busy with non-island Ollie: The Strings We Attach.


At least I hope it's going to stay light: if it turns into angst or babyfic, I'm outta there - I get enough of that from the show.


They are both very well written, which is a must, for me.

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