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Clock Tower Theater: Fanfic, Fan Music Videos and Art

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Thanks for the rec on "Somewhere Out There" - end of ch 4 was a complete sucker punch in the feels even with the heads up. Story is good. Bad side effect though is every time I see/say the title it makes me think of An American Tail from my childhood and then I wanna sing the very sad theme song. But I guess since both make me tear up, it's not an appropriate headspace to be in.

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Anyone reading the Old Days, New Hope series? It involves time travel and AU, Felicity goes back in time and stops Oliver/Robert from getting in the Gambit.


Is it worth the read?


It depends on what's important to your reading experience - if it's just the story, then yes, I guess.


I need something to be well written and in character to be able to enjoy it, as I'm nit-picky like that! I read a couple of chapters and I didn't really recognize any of the characters I love from the show, so I didn't keep reading.


The one which is referenced above (Somewhere out there) and the one I recced, Once more from the top, are much better written. And, even though the characters were more drama queens (heh) than they usually are on the show, they were at least recognizable.

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Anyone reading the Old Days, New Hope series? It involves time travel and AU, Felicity goes back in time and stops Oliver/Robert from getting in the Gambit.


Is it worth the read?

I read them. They weren't bad, but they weren't great. I think the story was manipulated in an interesting way, but the characters were off. I also think the chapters went on for too long and lost some of their steam. It would have been better I think with fewer chapters. Some chapters were great, but it was not an even story.

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So I may not be able to continue making arrow videos with new clips because the mozilla add on I was using (1-click youtube video download) was screwing with my computer and had to be removed.  I wanted to warn the rest of you in case you were using are going to use mozilla add ons.

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I'm ok with AUs but I need to be able to recognize the characters and, it has to be well written. Guess I'll give this a pass. Thanks!

There's a different one in which Felicity is the one sent back in time (there are currently two in which Oliver goes back, but one is on hiatus). I think called Eternity? It's pretty good, especially more recent chapters.



Edited by AyChihuahua
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First, a time travel fic Dream A Little, Dream Of Me by seetheskyaboveus but it will make a lot of sense of Felicity in s1.


That's the one. Quite a few fanfic authors seem to be working out personal and mental health issues through their stories. One wonders what kind of issues led to this.

I think there are some who have said they're working out issues.  But I think a lot of them are in the 'kitchen sink drama' love mode -- the authors don't have all that much experience of life and they're pretty young so they think all that stuff is great and dramatic and a really good story.  Usually people grow out of their kitchen sink drama phase in their twenties when all that stuff stops looking good and instead becomes the stuff you want to get away from and escape to something better.


I also have a lot of trouble with a number of the Bratva fics that make Oliver a captain but he's just a fluffy teddy bear.  The real mob is no light-hearted fun trip, and it's clear the writers have no idea what they're writing about.


I refuse to read any fic where Oliver or Felicity dies because I've had too many people I care about die and I have no interest in someone writing about how they imagine a character would feel if a person they loved died.  Because that's not how it really is.


Somewhere Out There doesn't count because it's so obvious that

Felicity who lost Oliver and Oliver who lost Felicity

are going to end up together.   At least I think so.


I tried to read Fool Me Twice but I couldn't get beyond the first chapter because there were too many factual errors in it.  People in hospitals don't really call each other "Dr Wilson" and "Dr. Smoak" when they're talking to each other, a PhD in physical therapy doesn't work in a hospital much less move in with a patient and it just went on, and that's not even touching the medicine.  So anyone in the health field, take it with a warning.


I will take an AU that's well researched even if it's set 200 years ago such as The Dark Prodigal. But it has to be character consistent.


I've actually read an Arrow fic like that, in which Oliver is an escort (hem hem), and Felicity is given his card, and bla bla - I can't remember if they actually have sex, or if she just meets him to check him out before actually paying him for sex. The thing is, even here I felt as bad for Oliver as I felt for Felicity in the other fic.



I just don't like the power imbalance. If you love her, don't pay her for sex. Or him. If they need the money, and you're richer than Bill Gates, how about you give it to them, and don't expect anything in return?

The one where Oliver is trying to pay for Thea's education?  I liked that one, but I did feel sorry for him.


The thing for me is, there are people who are sex workers and some of them do it because they want to, it's a life choice for them and while I wouldn't make it for myself, I respect that others have.  I wouldn't go on Tinder either, but if you're going to have meaningless sex with someone you don't know, why not get paid for it?


There is also a need for them because some people (e.g. some of the handicapped or people not in relationships) have to pay for sex or not get any.  And it's true that just like some people fall in love with their therapists, some fall in love with the person they see for sex. It's a false relationship because in both you pay for the attention so it's not a real relationship, and in the hands of a good writer, that's something that can be explored, that you can't take the paid-for relationship and transfer it to the real world.


What appalls me are the rainbow parties for kids 15 or younger where guys see how many different coloured lipstick bands they can get on their penises.  I'm glad I don't know too much about pre-island Ollie.


 Recently I read an oldish review of a Martin Amis book (and the review is so funny, everyone should read it), and thematically it seemed to have so much in common with this characterization. Here's a quote:

That's a great essay.

I couldn't stand Martin Amis' first book The Rachel Papers because he came across as such an arrogant little shit.  I guess he hasn't changed.

Edited by statsgirl
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Somewhere Out There doesn't count because it's so obvious that

Felicity who lost Oliver and Oliver who lost Felicity

are going to end up together.   At least I think so.



I tried to read Fool Me Twice but I couldn't get beyond the first chapter because there were too many factual errors in it.  People in hospitals don't really call each other "Dr Wilson" and "Dr. Smoak" when they're talking to each other, a PhD in physical therapy doesn't work in a hospital much less move in with a patient and it just went on, and that's not even touching the medicine.  So anyone in the health field, take it with a warning.

Somewhere out There is tagged happy ending, and the writer doesn't seem like an ass, so I'm expecting that.

Fool Me Twice didn't work for me bc Felicity was such a doormat. She gets bullied into taking Oliver on as a client, which I can live with ONLY because it was objectively a good opportunity. However, she also gets bullied into LIVING WITH HIM. There is just no way, that would never ever happen. In fact I think a physical therapist would get into trouble if she DID live with her patient, not if she refused to do so. And later she lets herself be bullied into going to a lunch she doesn't want to and letting Tommy, who is a real turd in the story and who had been a turd to her specifically, hug her. Doormat.

The Dark Prodigal is great and amazingly well-researched. However, anytime the story moves to Laurel and/or Tommy, I absolutely 100% do not care. It's the same problem the show has, in that her story is pretty much totally disconnected from Oliver's. The backstory is much better, obviously acting is not an issue, but Laurel's whole story is so totally boring I just skip it at this point.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I like this song...


An Olicity Vid - Shut Up and Dance
by Sarah Cotten


Deep in her eyes,
I think I see the future.
I realize this is my last chance.

She took my arm,
I don't know how it happened.
We took the floor and she said,


"Oh don't you dare look back.
Just keep your eyes on me."
I said, "You're holding back, "
She said, "Shut up and dance with me!"
This woman is my destiny
She said, "Ooh-ooh-hoo,
Shut up and dance with me."

Edited by tv echo
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I like this song...

An Olicity Vid - Shut Up and Dance

by Sarah Cotten


Deep in her eyes,

I think I see the future.

I realize this is my last chance.

She took my arm,

I don't know how it happened.

We took the floor and she said,

"Oh don't you dare look back.

Just keep your eyes on me."

I said, "You're holding back, "

She said, "Shut up and dance with me!"

This woman is my destiny

She said, "Ooh-ooh-hoo,

Shut up and dance with me."

Love that song. Always thought of O/F when I heard it esp the keep your eyes on me & destiny parts. It didn't translate as well with the clips this vidder chose. I think a lot more pensive stares and random touches would have worked better. But I applaud the effort. It still feels like an O/F song, especially with the running joke on OQ not dancing. It getting so overplayed over the summer was not good for my mental Arrow obsession.

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but also not stop


and post the next chapter right away


i'll be in the corner





I KNOW. I actually teared up reading the latest chapter. This does not happen to me very often. So so good. 

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Hee! I recommended it here, so just let me pat my back for a moment.

I don't think she's written a single wrong word in that story yet. None of the angst is at all manufactured. It's really a great fic. The Tatsu flashback was heartbreaking.

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It's interesting the different ways we connect to stories.  I like Somewhere Out There and I think it's well written but while I appreciate the writing I don't feel any angst when I read it because I know that the characters will find their way to each other and everything will end happily.


On the other hand, Jules Ink has just finished What happened in Vegas, a really well written story through 10 months and 44 chapters but at the end she killed off a character, an original character so it shouldn't really matter, but I am gutted.  There's a happy ending in the epilogue for Oliver and Felicity but I can't enjoy it because I'm so upset and disappointed.

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It's interesting the different ways we connect to stories.  I like Somewhere Out There and I think it's well written but while I appreciate the writing I don't feel any angst when I read it because I know that the characters will find their way to each other and everything will end happily.


On the other hand, Jules Ink has just finished What happened in Vegas, a really well written story through 10 months and 44 chapters but at the end she killed off a character, an original character so it shouldn't really matter, but I am gutted.  There's a happy ending in the epilogue for Oliver and Felicity but I can't enjoy it because I'm so upset and disappointed.


While for me, I barely read the last chapter and can't be bothered to read the epilogue because Jules Ink gave such prominence to Original Characters which I have no interest in what so ever, in a S1 rewrite.


Each to their own.


I think So Caffeinated and ChronicOlicity are the current authors I'm really excited to see updated from lately.

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I read fic for the ships. I want as much as my ship as possible in said fic. Unless a plotty, action-type event is central to the fic's premise, then I don't really care about whatever actiony thing is going on. I don't really care about relationships that aren't the ship, unless they move the ship along. I don't care about OCs pretty much ever. I like 'em short and sweet, so anything that goes over 50-75k is difficult for me to invest in. 


I'm basically super picky, but at the same time will give pretty much anything a chance. So despite it breaking my normal rules, I love So Caffeinated_so caffeinated, and am of course hooked on NWoBT, but I'm also anxiously awaiting the next chap of her Firefly crossover fic. And I liked the O/F parts of What Happened in Vegas - I lost interest in anything involving Tina or Tak. 


Somewhere Out There just hits almost all of my fic spots: it's short, it's about O/F, no OCs, no actiony plotty plots (yet), and I find it to be well-written and touching. It's low-key angst in an incredibly bittersweet and longing way. I love that. 

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While for me, I barely read the last chapter and can't be bothered to read the epilogue because Jules Ink gave such prominence to Original Characters which I have no interest in what so ever, in a S1 rewrite.


Each to their own.


I think So Caffeinated and ChronicOlicity are the current authors I'm really excited to see updated from lately.

You mean Mary-Sue and Marty-Stu..  LOL


I'm kind of against S1 re-writes so late in the game.  I just don't see the point of rewriting S1 when we're at the start of S4. However, if they're good I'll continue to read. I think what actually worked for me in this story was how different it was from the show. Not just the Olicity relationship but the other characters and relationships as well.  The one thing I hated was the way the story portrayed Tommy, I loved Tommy and this didn't feel authentic to me.  

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I couldn't get to grips with What Happened in Vegas because, like @apinknightmare, I don't really like OC's in fics, especially when there's too much focus on the OC. I just can't connect to them at all and it draws me out of the story. That fic was well written though. 


Somewhere Out There just seems to cut all the crap and get to the heart of things somehow. I can't explain it. But I don't need pages and chapters of action (even though I do enjoy that sometimes). That story works because it plays on the raw emotion we know Oliver and Felicity would feel at losing each other. I like it a lot. 

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At this point, I've read so many Arrow fic and rewrites of season 1 that when there is a good AU or well-written OC that doesn't interfere with the main ships, I actually welcome it for something new and different to show another side to the story.  A chance to show a different side to the show's main characters as long as the characterization is consistent.  There have been less than 70 episodes of Arrow and so many good fic (not to mention not-so-good fic), that a lot of the material is mined out for me and it often feels like going over the same old feels again and again.  That's one reason why I appreciate MachaSWicket's On the Outside Looking In which shows the summer road trip through the eyes of various people they meet along the way rather than Oliver and Felicity themselves


As I said, it's interesting how we all react differently.

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Somewhere out There is also going to be tragic regardless.  They're not getting their Oliver/Felicity back.  Not a pale substitute, either.  But they'll always have lost each other, for good, but found each other.  It'd be a major trip psychologically...you're not MY Felicity, but you are really Felicity.  Not a clone or a copy, but not the same person, because that person is in a grave/scattered on the wind.  It's totally different than if, say, each of them were resurrected.

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Since Oliver died in Nanda Parbat (before the sexing I believe), Felicity never really had him, or at least she had as much of him as she would have  had of this Oliver since most things are the same in the universes.  It's as if she lost him to Lian Yu for those years and then got him back a changed man.  Sad, but not as sad as if one of them had really died with no chance of happiness in the future.  Those are the fic I refuse to read because too often they use death as a plot contrivance for angst.


I was thinking about the OCs as secondary characters in Arrow fic and it occurred to me that many of them are Felicity's friends.  I suspect that that's influenced by the fact that on the show we never got to see any friends of Felicity, never got to see her life outside of QC and the Arrow cave. We've complained on the board that we never get a chance to see how Felicity feels or reacts to things.   I can see the temptation to write an OC friend for Felicity just to give her a life away from Oliver.

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Somewhere out There is also going to be tragic regardless.  They're not getting their Oliver/Felicity back.  Not a pale substitute, either.  But they'll always have lost each other, for good, but found each other.  It'd be a major trip psychologically...you're not MY Felicity, but you are really Felicity.  Not a clone or a copy, but not the same person, because that person is in a grave/scattered on the wind.  It's totally different than if, say, each of them were resurrected.

Its such a good fic... it hits all the right emotional chords.


My current theory is somehow the deaths between Original OQ & AU FS are somehow connected by fate. They have both been dead for about the same amount of years. I wonder if the whole thesis of the story is going to be that regardless of the universe you are in, tragedy & love can somehow transcend into the other universes. I hate to use the term soulmates, but the concept of two people being inextricably linked through time & space is what is going on. Similar to fantasy or sci-fi genre, when couples can feel the other one being hurt, or sense something is wrong. FS & OQ were linked in ways through time & space, that there would be a cause & effect for FS/OQ in the original & AU universes. Now that Original FS has fallen through to the AU, it is going to be the universes' or fate's  way of fixing the hurt that was caused when fate chose to kill one of them in each of the other universes. Why fate waited like 5 years to fix the mistake, I guess we'll find out.

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This is very good! So good that Emily responded to it? That never happens tbh


This is so awesome. I hope Emily responded cause we get this scene as well. Just checked on Twitter Emily simply said "unreal" about this Edited by jay741982
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I just wanted to express my undying gratitude for the fanfic recs around here.  It's really hard to wade through everything out here and I've found all my favorite stories from recs from this group.  You all rock!

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I was on AO3, scrolling through summaries I might find interesting, and noticed a numer of alpha/beta/omega tags. Having no idea what that means but being around long enogh to know to proceed with caution, I googled it. Wow. The world is a strange place.

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Somewhat belated but worth waiting for - 3x22 photo recap posted by atom1cflea (a few edited pics from recap below)...


September 22, 2015










FYI, here are all of her Arrow photo recaps:

Edited by tv echo
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LMAO. Those atom1cflea recaps are hilarious. She needs to be writing those for a major online publication. They would get so many hits. 

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